Hello, my beloved readers, I am so sorry for being away for so long. I hope this chapter makes up for my absence. Being a university student is tough. I missed all of you so much and I hope your Christmas holiday was good. I don't go back to school until the 6th of January so I hope to complete this story before then. This chapter was edited by the best betta editor Naruisawesome who has put up with my crazy schedule. I will not abandon any story that I create here on . oh before I forget I have my own website now with some original ideas. I would be most appreciative if everyone looked at my website. my website information will be on my profile

please enjoy and review

The Buckingham palace part 6

Naru swallows the bile rising in his throat. When his heart slows down from its erratic pace and his breathing begins to calm, he moves forward purposely to the queen's chambers. He knocks on the door once, twice, three times.

"Your majesty, it's Kazuya," he announces.

"What's the password?" Queen Elizabeth questions.

"The sun brings me warm while the moon brings me comfort," Naru said.

"You may come in, Mr. Kazuya," the queen allows. Naru opens the door and steps inside, shutting the door behind him.

"Do you have any injuries, your majesty?" he asks.


"What about the young highnesses? Do they have any injuries?"

The queen turns her head to the corner of the room where the two young boys were sitting

"They are fine, Mr. Kazuya," Queen Elizabeth said. Naru nods, something gleaning in the corner of his eye. The queen turns her head away from the young boys. "You may borrow it."

Naru walks over to the glass case and peers inside. Many of the jewels look familiar to him because he has seen the queen wear them at special events. He pulls the largest side of the door open and takes a deep breath before taking a sword, shutting the door quickly. A cold chill goes down Naru's back. He decides to take the sword from its sheath, vowing to protect the family behind him from the threat that was coming.