Clover and Jericho were waiting outside of Vault 112 waiting for Lyvia. Little did they know about what strange place she has got herself into, just to save her father. It was quite and boring out there. Jericho just finished his cigarette and was started to get bored. He never talked to slaves, well not in a conversation way, but since there were nobody there just Clover, plus she wasn't his slave it was his bosses property he didn't mind it that much. Come to think of it Clover and he was much alike at the moment, besides the explosive slave collar and the massive brainwashing she had received during her time as one of Eulogy's slave.

Well we maybe ain't that same after all He thought as he started to get a conversation with Clover.

"She is in there for a time now, don't you think?" He asked her, sounding professional.

"She ordered us to stay here, and wait and that is what we are going to do!" Was her only answer.

"So...what do you think of your new master?"

"She is cute...Master is beautiful, I hope she too want to use me as Eulogy did, i want to make her feel good. I want to serve her with everything I have." She stopped for a moment, and took a deep breath and looked at Jericho right in the eye.

"I want to see Master naked! I want to feel her skin, I want to die for her! That is what I think about her..." She than looked down at the ground.

"What... about... you? You could have left a long time ago, but still wandering with Master, why?"

"Are you jealous girlie?" Was his only reply to what Clover just said.

"But in truth... Hanging around with here brings back a lot of old memories, wandering the wastes is like being young again, not being an old fuck like now...I guess."

"Master is good to you." Was Clovers response.

"Why, did you leave me there all alone with that psycho?" Lyvia was furious at her Dad after she finally found him.

"Look, I understand, if you are angry with me, I wasn't thinking rational, but I had to do it, do you understand it sweetie?" James tried to calm his daughter down.

"So the great scientist, had to fuck up our life, because he had to...and not just that... After I left the Vault, I learnt that my own father lied to me for 19 fucking years..." She was crying at this moment.

"How did you?... Moriarty and well, the only one to blame is me... listen I wanted to protect you from the world. This is not a place for a child to grow up, not with the raiders and slavers around."

"I know that, but the raiders are just a bunch of fucking losers, whom are not better than livestock." She said.

"Honey, I need to go to speak with Madison, would you go with me?" He asked nicely, while trying to reach for his child to embrace her.

"Okay I will, but first I need to change back to my gear, so wait a little, and I will inform the others that we are heading towards Rivet City."

"So you made friends already, I guess they are some nice folk." He said.

"You will meet them just in sec"

So they left the Vault together. Lyvia was happy, that she has finally fined her father, and at that very moment, her anger towards him, had disappeared. Jericho and Clover were still waiting for them outside. When they noticed them coming out of the Vault, Clover run towards her master. At first James was smiling. Seeing that her daughter had made such loyal friends out there in the wastes, but that smile was short lived. He noticed the collar on her neck, and he realised that the person is a slave. Down in his heart he was hoping that his sweet little daughter bought the girl, to have her live a normal life, and was only wearing the collar, because they didn't knew how to remove it. But as she started to speak, his deepest fears came to be true.

"Master, are you alright?" Clover asked Lyvia.

"Yes, I fine, go out see if there is any danger out there!" She ordered her.

And as soon as she finished giving the order Clover was gone. Jericho was finishing his last smoke, and approached them.

"Finally found you Dad girlie?" Good let's get the hell out of here, I am almost out of smokes!" He said ignoring James completely.

"Yes I found him, and yes we will leave as soon as I say so, and yes you are a big fucking asshole for not introducing yourself to my father." She said all this in a strong voice.

"Ohh... Names Jericho nice to meet you and blablabla...I hope her majesty is happy now...So when will we go and where?"

"We are going know and to Rivet City!"


During their trip James was uncomfortable about the situation and mostly by the company, he really wanted to talk about it with Lyvia, but this wasn't the time so he was silent.

"Did you lie about Mom too?" Lyvia asked it.

James was caught off guard at first with this question.

"About that, never..." He said.

Lyvia looked at him deep in the eyes.

"Good...If I find out that you are still not honest with me, after all this, I will sell you to Eulogy at Paradise Falls!"

James was shocked about what she just said, but after that Lyvia started to laugh.

"Just kidding with you."

"How do you know about them anyway, and why do you have a slave honey?" He finally asked.

"You said that you wanted to protect me from the wasteland, well I have learned how to protect myself out here, and they are the best solution."

"But, they are evil, the Brotherhood, could have helped you too you know."

"Dad, the Brotherhood is good for nothing, take away their toys and they are nothing..."

"Well at least I hope you treat her well..."

Lyvia looked at Clover who was ahead of them.

"Clover, come here!" She ordered.

"Yes Master, what do you want me to do for you?" She asked.

"Tell my father how I am treating you!"

She turned towards James and started to speak.

"Master bought me new clothes and let me have a weapon, she is my love, and I would kill and die for her without a second thought. I would do everything and let her do anything to me." She said.

"Good one, Clover you can go back!"

Lyvia looked at her father. He was a little bit worried, but didn't say a word as they went to Rivet City.

After a while Lyvia, James and a lot of scientists from Rivet City were at the project. Everything went according to plans. Lyvia was asked to help repair some elements of the project. Project Purity. Making the wastelands water safe for everybody.

Lyvia was helping repairing while Jericho and Clover were in guarding the entrance, since the Brotherhood didn't send them any help at all, not even Rivet City. There was only one little thing for her to do, but before that she went to talk to her father.

"Uhh Dad, do you have a moment?" She asked her father.

"Sure honey I always have some moment for you!" He replied.

"I wanted to say sorry, for what I said when I found you...I was kindda angry..."

"I understand that sweetie, and you have all right to be angry with me, since I did some bad things to you..."

"I understand, and uhh...Dad I would never sell you into slavery, hat was a lame joke from me..." She said jokingly.

"Yes, it was, and if this is a topic... Lyvia, my dear... Why do you have that poor girl as your slave? What made you even think about that..."

"Well after I left the Vault I was alone and didn't know shit so I went to the first group of people to ask help...they were raiders, and well...they...did...they did..." She almost started to cry, but James grabbed her and hugged her tight.

"I killed them all, after that a beggar wanted to rob me, and I killed him too, that was where Jericho found me, and as he said he saw something in me at first... so he helped me and taught me how to survive..."

"And he taught you to own slaves, too?" James said sarcastically.

"No, we were heading to Vault 112 when we were attacked by some raiders who had some would be slaves with them, so we went to Paradise Falls, and made some cash, 'survivor of the fittest, the strong preys on the weak' as Jericho used to say."

"Honey, please after all this is over you won't go there again! The only good people here are the Brotherhood, they will help us..."

"Like the way they are helping us right now?" She said sarcastically

"Okay, I will head down to the tunnels, for the final repair, I hope..." she said and left her father in the main are of the complex.

After she finished her work in the tunnel, a Vertibird has just landed outside the building. Lyvia clearly see that this its passangers were not friendly, and she might have to fight them. As fast as she could she run back to the building, which was occupied by the time she arrived back. The new enemy had some sort of armour like the one the Brotherhood uses, but these ones were more advance than those one. After some though fight she managed to reached the main hall of the building, there she heard a few noises coming out of the toilets. Lyvia with weapon in hand, finger on the trigger went slowly to the room. She could hear the ones there.

"Fuck this shit; I don't get paid for to die in here..." The voice was clearly coming from Jericho.

"I hope Master is okay, I have to go to find her!" Clover was in rage.

"Shout the fuck up! She can handle herself, and do you really want them to find us here?"

After that Lyvia opened the door.

"Clover? Jericho? Are you in here?" She asked it, despite the fact that she already knew the answer.

The two of them opened one of the doors and Clover out of her mind hugged Lyvia.

"See I told you she will be fine..." Jericho said it to her.

Lyvia looked at them, none of them were injured.

"Were is my father?" She asked.

"We don't know, maybe in the control room, those fuckers were heading towards that direction." He said

"Then, don't waste time, let's go and save him!" She said, and the three off them were heading to the control room.

"They were too late, James with a few scientist and enemy soldiers with an officer, were behind a bulletproof gall door in the main control area. The rest off the team was held captive by two armed soldier, Lyvia and her team killed the two man, and freed the others. As she was ruining to the door, she heard a big bang, the reactor exploded, and according to her Pip-Boy radiation levels were skyrocketing, but she had to go there, and had to save her father. She reached the door, just to saw her father crawling on the floor in pain, and in a low voice saying.

"I'm sorry... I love you...RUN! RUN!..."

And that was it. James died in front of her eyes. Everything was gone, nothing mattered no more. She was a nobody, and she had nothing. Under her helmet tears were pouring from her eyes as Madison and the others dragged her out of there.