Ayano Sugiura sat at her desk, not listening to the lesson, but instead glaring at the raven-haired girl interacting with her girlfriend. She sat in the back of the classroom near the window where they could hardly notice her staring daggers at them.

It was their first year of high school, and the girls were now attending the same school, though leaving their underclassmen behind. No matter, they still met at the tea house most of the time. Ayano maintained her relationship with Kyouko, though she has noticed that ever since a few months ago, around the time when she had her first time with Kyouko, the blonde had been acting more than a little flirtatious with her best friend, more so than she usually is, anyway. It made Ayano burn with jealousy, but Kyouko assured her that they were just friends.

Ayano watched as Kyouko whispered something into Yui's ear. Ayano strained herself trying to hear what they were saying, but couldn't get anything. Yui whispered something back, seemingly arguing with her, but then Kyouko said something that made Yui freeze.

'Just what are they saying?' Ayano wondered. Yui then raised her hand.

"Yes?" the teacher asked.

"I'm not feeling very well. May I go the nurse?"

"I'll take her!" Kyouko announced. The teacher excused them and several people gave them looks. Ayano's heart started beating rapidly, paranoia and anxiety taking a hold of her. Kyouko waved to Ayano with a smile, then left behind Yui.

'What is she doing?! Those two are leaving the classroom together?!' She decided she would excuse herself to the bathroom, but maybe a bit later, so as not to seem suspicious. After about two minutes, Ayano couldn't take it any longer and asked if she could use the bathroom. She walked out of the class a little faster than she intended to, a few people thought she may have had a huge shit coming or something.

'Now where are they? Maybe they went into an empty classroom?' She headed down the hallway until she found a classroom with no noise coming from it. She slid open the door and found no one. 'Hm... but what if they're behind the teacher's desk?!' Ayano quickly made her way to the unused wooden desk, and thankfully there was nobody there, either. However, she suddenly heard voices coming from outside coming closer. Panicking, she hid in the closest available space. Underneath the teacher's desk.

"This room is empty!" Kyouko said cheerfully.

"And it only took us like five minutes to find one," Yui replied sarcastically. "I still can't believe you convinced me to do this. We're at school, what if we get caught?"

"We won't, I promise." Kyouko walked up to Yui and kissed her, surprising the girl. Yui, in her aroused state, could hardly argue against her friend. Before anyone could possibly see them, she slid closed the door behind her, put her hands around Kyouko's waist and kissed along her neck. Kyouko gasped before gently pushing Yui back and grabbed her wrist, walking her behind the teacher's desk. They did not notice the purple-haired girl hidden underneath.

Ayano nearly gasped when she saw their legs come toward her. She wanted to leave right now and not have to witness this, but she was left with no choice but to stay here until they were done. She did her best to stay quiet and steady her breathing as her body shook with anger and despair. Ayano listened as Yui lifted Kyouko onto the desk, the sound of a zipper going down, and saw Yui's skirt pool around her feet. All too soon, the desk started to tremble as Yui began pounding into Kyouko.

"Mm, Yui!" Kyouko circled her arms around Yui's neck and locked her legs around her hips, whimpering each time she hit her deep. She loved it when Yui was rough, unlike Ayano, who was far more gentle, considering she lacked a penis. Yui placed her hands onto the desk, steadying herself, and fucked Kyouko even harder.

Meanwhile, Ayano's eyes welled up with tears, spilling down as she hugged her knees. Not able to take Kyouko's moaning any longer, she covered her ears with her hands and shut her eyes tight, trying to block out all the noise. Much to her dismay, the desk still creaked with every one of Yui's powerful thrusts. Well, at least she had the decency to not disturb the two. That would just be rude.

"Better than your girlfriend, huh?"


She pulled back her cock and found that it was glistening with Kyouko's juices. "Ayano doesn't get you this wet, does she?"

Kyouko shook her head fervently, her eyes begging for her to keep going. Yui plunged back inside and hugged Kyouko close to her body. She knew she had to finish quickly, otherwise they might end up getting caught. Yui groaned loudly as Kyouko's walls tightened around her. She buried her face into Kyouko's neck, moving her hips faster and faster until she released her sperm into her womb. She pulled out as soon as her breathing returned to normal.

Ayano jumped slightly when she saw sperm drip down in front of her, onto the floor.

When her semen seeped out her eyes widened in alarm. "Looks like... I forgot to use a condom." Yui put her hand behind her head nervously.

"It's okay," Kyouko reassured. "Today's a safe day."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course!" she smiled affectionately.

"Okay. Stay here, I'll go get some tissues to clean you up." Yui pulled up her boxers and pants, still not noticing the crouched, distraught Ayano underneath the desk. She then found a box of tissues at the cupboard near the chalkboard, then wiped away all traces of her seed. Afterwards, Yui helped Kyouko off the desk and fixed their clothing and hair before heading back to the classroom.

Ayano, with her tear-soaked face, continued to sob as jealousy consumed her. It felt as though she were suffocating.

'How could she do this to me?! After all we've been through?' It wasn't until next class that Ayano returned. Her face was still red from rage, her eyes slightly puffy.

"Ayano? Where were you last period?" Kyouko asked behind her. Ayano spun around and faced her, her eyes burning with the very fires of hell. "Eh?"

"T-Toshinou Kyouko," she snarled. "You..." she clenched her fists, wanting to strangle her cheating girlfriend.

"My, my, Ayano-chan, I wonder what could have possibly made you so angry at Toshinou-san? Perhaps you should... punish her?" Chitose said from her desk, smiling blissfully as she removed her glasses and her nose bled.

"Shut it Chitose!" Ayano snapped unexpectedly. She then slapped Kyouko across the face, not particularly hard, but enough to get the message across. Everyone fell silent, staring at Ayano. Kyouko had her hand on the cheek where she had hit her, wondering what she had done to provoke her.


No! No way would she know that! 'But then again, Yui and I are kinda obvious. Hmm'

Yui stepped forward and gripped the front of Ayano's shirt. "What was that for?" She glared at her and raised her fist threateningly. "Answer me." She didn't care if she was Kyouko's girlfriend or not; she swore to always protect Kyouko, no matter what.

"Because she's a cheating whore!" she yelled. Yui loosened her grip in realization and Ayano stormed out of the classroom, her eyes filled once more with tears. Chitose snapped out of trance, put her glasses back on, and ran after her friend.

Around this time, in another classroom, Chizuru came in her pants.

A/N: Sequel! It's a rainy day today, so why the hell not. Yeah, this is gonna be kinda NTR-ish. Well actually, VERY NTR-ish. I know a lot of people hate the genre but I like it, especially when there's some yuri involved. That doesn't mean writing this didn't hurt, though. It was actually pretty painful. But for some reason, I just love NTRing Ayano.