Hello people! Ok, well... This is awkward... I haven't updated this story since like last year, I'm really, really sorry... Well, I mean, I was going to delete this story, but it just kept getting follows, favorites and reviews, which all mean so very much to me, and I decided that it wouldn't be fair of me to just delete it. So, here I am, updating it. :) enjoy!


Ahsoka had been on many...exciting drives with her master, and a few with Obi-wan, but only now could she see what Obi-wan was always complaining about. During criminal chases throughout the streets of Couroscant, there were certain things you had to keep in mind while in pursuit : Pedestrians, buildings, speed, etcetera, but Anakin managed to take it to the extreme.

They had confronted Ahsoka's fear of bugs, though she wasn't too happy about it, and now it was time to repay her by facing Obi-wan's fear. Flying with Anakin. Any rational person would be scared, but then again what rational person would ride with him in the first place? The three had "borrowed" a speeder from the Jedi Temple, and started their drive through the twisting and turning streets of Couroscant. Anakin was in the driver's seat, of course, with Obi-wan riding in the front and Ahsoka in the back, grinning at the situation. She would enjoy them exploiting their fears in return for making her hold that wretched creature. They were a few thousand feet above "ground level", just above the cover of clouds and lines of traffic. The only ships up her were either leaving the atmosphere or entering it, seeing as how only the tops of buildings breached the constant cloud shield. Parking in mid air, Anakin turned to look at each of his passengers.

"Well then, are you ready to have some fun?" While she nodded eagerly, Obi-wan already looked sort of pale.

"As I'll ever be, I suppose." With a final smirk, Anakin took the speeder out of park, and put the speeder in a vertical nosedive toward the surface. As they burst through the clouds, they dove into the middle of an interplanetary speederway. With quick reflexes and some very sharp maneuvering, he managed to twist and spin through the stream of traffic, going over some, under some, and weaving through the speeders almost effortlessly. A couple of times, he even went upside down, spinning over the tops of speeders.

Ahsoka snuck a glance at the two older men. She was having a blast, with the constant momentum and the hint of danger looking at the head-on traffic headed right at them, but the same could not be said about poor Obi-wan Kenobi. He looked green, with his face frozen in a scream. Anakin only looked at the man and laughed.

"Careful, Master, you might want to close your mouth. The bugs," he said with a smirk as a flying bug of some sort smacked against the windshield, "don't taste too good." Obi-wan closed his mouth, but only for a second to let out another terrified yell as he went into another nosedive, heading toward an old construction site. As he weaved through the construction droids, suspended beams, and towering machinery, he took a look at his padawan.

"How you doing back there, Snips?"

"Fine," she yelled, trying to be heard over the rush of air, "but could you please watch the sky? Master Kenobi might not last too much longer." As he snapped his gaze back to the sky in front of him, he swerved just in time to avoid a large beam, earning a yell out of Obi-wan.

"For goodness sakes, Anakin, you're going to get us all killed!" Ahsoka couldn't help but chuckle. She had never seen him so scared before, not even during battle. He was always so calm, and yet now he looked absolutely terrified. Anakin ignored his former master's complaints, and went into a vertical ascend, plunging yet again into the stream of traffic, only without going into it headfirst. Anakin looked at his master, and was overcome with laughter.

"Master, how did you enjoy the drive?" Through his pale complexion and terrified look, he shot Anakin a glare.

"Save the sarcasm for another time and just put me on the ground."


"Well, do you feel any better about flying, master Kenobi?" They walked through the halls of the temple, after explaining to the Jedi council (and local authorities) the reason behind all of the traffic stunts. They had just made something up, against master Kenobi's wishes, about a criminal chase. Luckily, they had bought it, but Ahsoka had a feeling that they weren't quite off the hook yet.

"Certainly not," he replied, shooting Anakin yet another glare. "I don't fully understand how this was supposed to relieve me of my fear, rather than just exploit it. I still hate flying with Anakin, but I suppose...from a very certain perspective, that it was...tolerable. But oh, how I do look forward to see what Anakin's fear is."

"You guys are crazy, I'm not scared of anything, and I'll prove it tomorrow." As they stepped into the turbo lift, Ahsoka couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Master, I'm afraid you and your massive ego will have to take the freight lift."

Hello people! I hope you liked this! Well, its like 1 am, so goodnight, but I hope you guys read/review!