The last chapter was hard for me to write, and I hope you enjoy this final one...



"I have to go now."

"Don't go!"

"I have to go…but I want you to listen to me."


"I'm going to make you a promise. I promise, on this bracelet, that I will return to you someday soon."

"You promise?"

"Yes Ciel, I promise."

I heard the curtains open, but I kept my eyes closed for a moment longer. I didn't want the dream to end, it was the only place I could still see Elena the way she had been.

The moment I had unlocked my old memories, those of my revenge, others had followed. Days that didn't make sense, people I wasn't sure about but it was her eyes. It was those nervous chocolate brown eyes that I had seen that first day. Mother had been holding her, singing to her as she looked at the family dog. Lizzy had followed me and the pair of us had gotten her to play.

Her bright brown eyes, her black hair like raven feathers…her bright smile. But there were other reasons she had stood out to us. When either of us had upset her, she was not one to lock it up. No, she let you know how she felt. She was honest when her uncle and father had begged for her silence. But how else would she stand out to me? If she had been another lamb, I would have overlooked her in Houndsworth…

When the curtains were tied off, the light painted my eyelids a bright red. No doubt Sebastian was waking me up for the day. However, if he was here…one thing was nagging at me…

"Good morning, young master," I heard Sebastian say.

"Is it?" I asked him, "and why are you here?"

"The Undertaker is watching her," he said but kept his back to me, "I took a moment's reprieve."

I sighed heavily before sitting up, not bothering to stretch as I would normally. Today was not a normal day, nor would it ever be. The last four days had been my denial, blocking out what I had seen on the demon sanctuary. Elena's soft brown eyes looking up at me, telling me she couldn't hate Alois for what he had done. She didn't want to die angry, and considered it as a very long sleep.

"Can you trust him?" I asked the butler and he nodded, "how?"

"Greil and Will were poking," Sebastian answered, "Undertaker stood at my side to stop them taking her records."

"They want to balance the books," I muttered.

"Her book is still writing…nothing in particular. Undertaker managed to 'borrow' it to show me. The writing is her own. Undertaker has a theory."

"A theory?" I asked as Sebastian turned to look at me.

"She had some unfinished messages," he replied, "and one of them was to you."

Sebastian moved away from the window and towards a small trolley with my tea on it. He put tea leaves into the pot as I reached over to my bedside table to pick up my eye-patch. I watched for a moment as the butler turned over the timer before I tied off the patch and adjusted it. Everyone in the estate was making themselves busy, trying to get through their grief.

I looked to my right and saw the mirror I had personally covered with material. It was an old custom for funerals and how the bodies should be treated. It was a strange belief, but the mirrors were covered to stop the deceased's spirit from being trapped in the looking glass. Only my room's curtains were open and that was to tell me when to wake up. However, while Sebastian was making the tea, he closed the curtains again when he saw me sitting up.

"What time is it?" I asked him but he didn't look to his pocket watch. Another custom I hadn't known was that all clocks were stopped at the time of death. But as the demon sanctuary existed outside our reality, the clocks had been stopped when we had returned to the manor that evening. None of the servants had understood…that was until she had been brought into the house.

"I believe it is half eight, master," Sebastian replied.

The first person to cry was MeyRin, who had adored Elena. The second was Finny who had loved her, believed her to be the missing part of our family. Bard had stayed quiet until Sebastian had put a covered Elena in her old room, and then he had started cooking…or rather burning food. I had gone down to the kitchen to investigate; only to find MeyRin holding him as Finny took his flamethrower. Tanaka had been sitting down on the bench, the cup forgotten about as he used enough energy to stop his watch. He had been the one to inform me about the custom and I had gotten the servants, Sebastian and myself to stop all the clocks. But one had been stubborn, a grandfather clock my grandmother had owned. I couldn't stop the mechanism, which made me frustrated.

Bard had shown some emotion at that point. He looked annoyed when he faced the clock and punched the face, breaking the arms and stopping the ticking sound. I hadn't scolded him for breaking a family heirloom; I would have done the same had I thought about it.

Next came the covering of the mirrors, and for hours after, I regretted having that many in the mansion. I had sent Tanaka to make sure they were all covered and he had returned to report the only one not covered was in my room. I had covered that mirror myself, and wondered what had made Elena care about me to begin with…

"I believe the proper attire for today would be for a funeral," I said as Sebastian moved to me and undid my nightshirt. He nodded before going one of the drawers and pulling out a dark grey shirt to put on me.

"Master," I heard Finny say from the door, "Lady Elizabeth is here. She wants to know about the wreath."

Sebastian had told me about the wreath of laurel tied by black ribbons. It was supposed to be placed on the door of a house to alert anyone walking by that a death had occurred. It didn't need to have happened in this reality, the custom was the same.

The butler got me standing so he could put on my trousers, before buttoning them and putting me back on the bed and doing up my socks. Sebastian had told me the funeral suit from my aunt's funeral wouldn't suit this occasion. He had bought me a new suit, and told me it was a design Elena had drawn herself. She had picked out the material but life had gotten in the way, so the suit plans had gone forgotten. That was until Bard and MeyRin had gone through her things.

They had wanted to find something nice for her to wear, but there had been nothing that would suit her now. I had sent Lady Elizabeth a message to find something for Elena, and if possible in blue. It had been her favourite colour. I assumed if she was here, then she had found a dress. I had offered to cover the cost but Elizabeth had said she would buy it, and maybe she and Elena could go shopping afterward. I hadn't wanted to tell her over a phone or in a letter, that her friend was never going to come back.

Sebastian tied my waist coat and I noticed the faintest silver chain around his neck. I hadn't seen him take it off, and wondered briefly what it was. Was it a necklace?

It had been the first time in a very long time that I had spoken with Sebastian. He had offered to stay with Elena as demons didn't need to sleep. I had gone down twice over the last four days to see him, and he had been reading a book to her. Alice In Wonderland had been one of the most read books in my library, and as I hadn't read it that much, Sebastian must have believed it was one of her favourites.

But that only showed me how each of us was dealing with our grief. Sebastian read to her, as you would a child who was sleeping. MeyRin had been humming to herself a song she had heard Elena singing. Bard had nearly burnt the kitchen down while Finny had collected flowers to put around her. I had gone a different route, one Elena would never have approved. I took on a hatred against Alois for having her murdered. There was nothing I could do to avenge her as Alois was already gone, so my anger came out at odd moments. Usually in the form of sarcastic remarks.

"Would you prefer to make it even tighter?" I asked Sebastian sarcastically, as he tied a bow around my neck.

"No," Sebastian answered as he moved away from my neck.

He reached for my black coat before throwing it over my shoulders. I stuck my arms in, feeling that the material was softer than my other clothing. I left the coat open, not sure what else I could do. Anger and sarcasm turned to upset, so I kept it to myself.

"I've prepared your tea, master," Sebastian said with his back to me, "this morning we have New Moon Drop."

He walked back to me and held out a cup. All I saw was golden liquid which I sipped. I looked to my left and saw a shadow of Elena, holding another cup and giggling. The shadow faded once I had finished my tea. This was how I wanted to remember her, not as some body in the Undertaker's parlour. I wanted to see her smile again.

"What is my schedule today?" I asked him, "other than the arrangements we made prior to this?"

"It's open," he replied, "the Undertaker wishes to speak with you when you are next available."

Sebastian returned to dressing me and put me into my black boots. Had this been Elena's vision?

"Elena had thought this suit would look nice in blue," Sebastian stated as he did up the buttons, "and was planning on making two of the same outfit."

I looked down at my clothes and remembered when she had made the blue suit. She had gotten Sebastian to measure me as her wrist had been sprained. A knock at the door pulled me from my thoughts however, so I handed Sebastian the empty cup for him to put on the trolley.

"Come in," I said and I heard a light sigh.

MeyRin opened the door slowly, dressed in a dark grey dress. She and the others were wearing dark clothes with a black armband around their arms. I wondered how they had explained that to Elizabeth.

"Oh pardon master, it's Lady Elizabeth, she's here sir," MeyRin said softly.

"All right," I answered, knowing the servants kept to themselves so none of them would know Finny had already mentioned it, "does she have a dress?"

"Yes master," MeyRin replied, "a blue one as you requested. Though…she's asking."

"Asking?" I repeated and MeyRin nodded.

"She's asking for…for…" and she stopped to wipe her eyes.

"Elena," I finished and MeyRin nodded, "I will inform her in a few moments."

I moved off the bed and walked out of the room. How would I tell Elizabeth? That was on me, as Sebastian said he would send messages to our other acquaintances. I hadn't asked how he planned to do that but I didn't doubt he would complete the task. I moved to the stairs to see Elizabeth was twirling herself, the dress in her arms. Her smile was too bright for today.

"Ciel!" she called out when she spotted me. She took my hands, dropped the dress which was wrapped in a bag, and twirled me. She stopped a few moments later, her eyes twinkling as she picked up the dress again.

"I found this in Birmingham," she said as she showed me the dress, "I knew it would look lovely on Elena. Call her."

"Call her?" I asked and Elizabeth nodded, "why?"

"I want to see her in it. She'll look lovely," she said as she opened the bag a little.

"Elizabeth," I whispered and the girl looked to me, "I want to tell you something."

"Okay," she said softly and I brought her over to the stairs. Sebastian came down then with a coat in his arms and nodded to me. I nodded back and he went towards the servants' rooms. I took Elizabeth's hand and squeezed it tight.

"Elena can't go out today," I said, not sure where to start telling her.

"Oh," Elizabeth said softly, "is she ill? I can go talk to her."

"Elizabeth…you know what Elena's job was?" I asked her, finding inspiration…

"She is your bodyguard," Elizabeth answered, "have you changed her job title?"


"Spit it out," Elizabeth whispered playfully.

"Elena died," I whispered, and I looked away from Elizabeth, "protecting me."

I took a deep breath before I lifted my head to look up at her. Her eyes were pouring tears, her sobs coming out in the form of hiccups.

"No…no, she can't be…I want to see her…" Elizabeth whispered as she wiped her eyes.

"You don't want to see her like that," I said as she stood, "You shouldn't remember her like that."

"How?" Elizabeth asked as she walked away from me, "how did she die?"

"Alois Trancy…ordered it. He ordered his bodyguard to kill me and…Elena took the hit," I said, knowing I couldn't possibly explain that Alois Trancy had wished for it. That he didn't want me to have her if he couldn't.

"Did she suffer?" Elizabeth asked as she returned to my side.

"No," I answered in a lie, "it was quick."

Elizabeth seemed to want to think Elena hadn't suffered. I would have wanted that idea in my head, but I had seen her gasping for air, her eyes losing their glow. She had squeezed my hand as if I needed the comfort. She had looked us both in the eyes and smiled.

"Was she alone?" Elizabeth asked.

"No, Sebastian and I were with her until the very end," I whispered and Elizabeth smiled.

"She told me once, she wasn't afraid to die for you," Elizabeth sighed, "she couldn't explain why she felt that way."

"I hope she's with her family and her friends now," Elizabeth continued, "she missed them a lot. I'm glad she wasn't alone…"

I nodded and listened to her tell me stories about Elena, about being Chloe and then Lucy Michaelis. All of those acts had been there to appease Elizabeth. I could still see her, her feet in the water when I had fallen asleep on the boat. She had turned to smile at me as if nothing was wrong. It had confused me then when she had moved to sit beside Elizabeth, so informed me I was in the presence of Lucy Michaelis, Sebastian's young wife. Her smile had suited the moment, but now I knew the truth.

She had been scared, worried about Alois Trancy. Sebastian had suggested the idea that she was scared he would harm me if she didn't return. But she stood against him; I had seen it in the maze. When she noticed it was me, she had waved like she had as a child. It had taken quite a bit of energy to take control of an arm to wave to her. But even from that height, I had seen her tears. She was glad I had been there…

"I think this will suit her," Lady Elizabeth whispered as she held out the dress to me, "make sure she wears her locket."

I nodded and watched her leave. She touched the wreath on her way out, blessing herself before she got into her carriage. She would tell Paula and her family about Elena.

"She really touched a lot of people's lives," I whispered as I stood, spotting Tanaka, "prepare a carriage."

"Yes my lord," he answered as he went to the kitchen.

I put the dress on the stairs beside me and wondered what designs were on, was it pale blue. Pale blue would suit her fair skin but something made me shake my head. She would look better in a dark blue, her hair pulled up and her skin looking alive. Tanaka returned and opened the front door for me, telling me the carriage was ready. I stepped out into sunlight and walked towards the carriage waiting. I put the dress inside to keep it safe. I stood beside it before I turned to look at the manor, seeing her laughing.

"Elena!" I called out as the door opened on her uncle's carriage.

"Ciel," she said calmly as she got down and opened her arms to me, "I missed you."

She hugged me tight, her red dress had short sleeves that day. She pulled me away from her to look into my eyes, a smile on her lips as Mother joined us.

"Thank you for the birthday card, Lady Phantomhive," Elena said softly as she stood and left a hand out for me to hold. I grasped it tight as she squeezed my fingers.

"You're very welcome," Mother said as Father joined us, "where is your uncle today?"

"He had to talk to Mr Lau and told his driver to bring me here. He said he sent a message," she said simply and Father nodded.

"It arrived a few moments before you did," he said and she laughed.

"That is very like my uncle," she said as she squeezed my hand tight again, "so what do you want to do today, Ciel?"

We had spent hours playing with Noah's Ark, and she had voiced the animals for me. That evening she had stayed with me, and I had fallen asleep in her arms. When I had woken up, she had still been there, her eyes closed in sleep. I had wondered why when I spotted Mother watching me. Elena had fallen asleep humming to me.

I turned away from the mansion to see Sebastian walking towards me, his coat gone. He looked tired as I heard the front door open and the other servants joined me by the carriage. They would no doubt wonder where they stood.

"What took you so long, Sebastian?" I asked.

"I apologise, we can leave now," Sebastian replied simply as he covered his heart and bowed.

"Young master? It's true then? You're really leaving us then?" Finny asked, sounding distraught.

"Do whatever you like with the mansion," I said as Sebastian helped me into the carriage, "you're free to stay here if you want. Or just burn it, I really don't care."

"What?" Bard asked, "we could never do that."

"Why ever not?" I asked him, his answer confusing me.

"Because…this place is filled with memories," Finny answered.

"Memories don't mean anything in the end, or have I not proved that much already?" I asked them.

"That's not true, master," MeyRin sobbed, "what about Elena?"

I shook my head as Sebastian got into the carriage with me. The servants all stood together, tears in their eyes as memories of Elena came to the fore of their thoughts. Her lullaby came to mind, as I had heard her singing it to me. She had asked Hannah if she could as she was singing to Alois. Alois had hated that I had gotten that attention, but she had merely made it fair.

I had also heard Claude's confession about her father, her calling him a bastard before water splashed. It had been then she had sung to me, a song she had sung when I was eight years old.

"She wouldn't want this house to burn," Bard whispered, breaking my trance.

"We found this, master," Tanaka said and moved forward with a small book in his hands, clearly ignoring the servants sobs.

"Oh?" I asked as I took it from him.

"I believe it might help you understand your bodyguard," he said as Sebastian started the carriage moving, "pleasant trip, young master."

They waved goodbye to us and when we were off the grounds, I looked down at the cover of the book. It was a blue covered thing I had never seen in my library, so I opened up the front page. Inscribed near the top was Elena Hamilton, written in her beautiful cursive.

"Primrose Garden," I whispered as I looked down at the title, "why was I given this?"

I opened the first page and flipped through each page until I found what Tanaka had wanted me to have. It was a picture, two people smiling out. One was a young boy, his eyes bright blue and glowing. His hair was navy in colour and his face was lit up by a smile. He was wearing a white top and a pair of navy trousers. The other person was a young girl. Her hair was raven black and her face was glowing. Her arms were wrapped around the boy as he smiled. She was wearing a lilac dress with a white bow in her hair. It was her eyes that captivated me. The chocolate brown glowed with a separate light and I could see the faintest shimmer of red in their depths.

I remembered this picture. It was before my contract, before my parents were murdered. Elena had arrived with her uncle. She had helped me say a word, and this picture had been taken that evening before she had left. She had tickled me, telling me she wanted the picture to have one of my famous smiles. It had been so very long ago.

"There is writing on the other side," Sebastian whispered to me so I turned it over to read.

"Ciel and Elena," I whispered, in my mother's handwriting.

In the corner, near the edge was a lighter cursive. The writing style was different, not my mother's. The words curled in, but they were easy to understand. They had been written recently, the ink a little darker than the names.

"Don't give in, I didn't," I said simply, "what does that mean?"

"Do you need me to explain?" Sebastian asked but a moment later I shook my head. I had heard her say these words long ago, and she had been in Claude's arms. She had looked tired and sore, but her smile had suggested everything was alright.

Claude reached behind the tree to pull Elena up to her feet. Her shoes were missing, and her hair was askew. Her eyes were opening slowly and her lipstick was smudged. Her hands were tied up with bandages to hold them together as Claude put her against his chest. What had they done to her?

"She was running around the manor looking for you," Alois said as he touched her cheek, "and she was close to finding you. Claude told me you missed her by a hare's breath."

A golden knife was put to her throat as she woke up slowly, a groan escaping her lips as she looked around for a moment before her eyes looked to me. The brown had always seemed like chocolate and now…now they looked worried.

"I'm glad you're safe," Elena whispered as Claude put the knife closer to her throat, "I was worried about you."

"Worried about me?" I asked, wondering if she had lost her mind. She was going to be killed, and she was worried about me.

"Young master," Sebastian said from my right, "she made a vow. She will protect you until her final breath. It is her job to worry about you."

"Anyway," Alois said, clearly trying to bring us back onto the topic, "I've arranged for a small performance. If that performance begins, then they will die. Every last one of them…and when that performance ends, Claude will kill your bodyguard. So what will it be?"

I looked at Alois, knowing the response he wanted me to give. Sebastian was watching me, and I didn't need to look at him to know that. But I focused on Elena, who was watching me. She looked tired, but not hurt.

"Don't give in," she said softly, "I didn't."

"She had wanted me to stand my ground against Alois, to not give in," I said, "but I don't understand the final bit."

"Claude threatened your life if she didn't return to Alois Trancy. She refused," Sebastian informed me simply.

"Why?" I asked.

"She didn't trust him," Sebastian replied, "and didn't want to leave you unprotected."

The carriage continued in silence as the mansion became a distant memory. Elena had been worried, thinking she hadn't protected me. Sebastian had told me how upset she had been in Low Row with her uncle; her sketches of the scenery had turned to memories of me. Sketches of my eyes, my face…that was why her uncle had gotten her the job with Alois, he had wanted to help her get over me.

"I am curious," I said before we reached London, "why did you come after me?"

"And leave Elena?" he asked and I nodded, "she told me to."

"Told you to?" I asked as I touched the dress bag.

"She told me to save the young master and that she would stay there waiting for us to return," he said as the carriage came to a stop.

He stepped out and opened the door for me to follow. I got out and walked straight into the Undertaker's parlour. Sebastian closed the door behind me to hear Undertaker laughing.

"A little rose blush," he laughed as he brushed something over a body, "and we're finished."

"Undertaker?" I asked as Sebastian walked in, "please tell me you're not messing with Elena."

"Master," Sebastian called from further back, "she's over here."

I walked towards her, and sighed with disappointment. She looked dead, her skin too pale. Her blonde hair looked limp and her eyes were closed. Her lips looked powder blue and her veins were showing.

"Thank you," I said as I touched her clasped hands over a white dress like that of Madam Red's.

"Do you want to see her message?" Undertaker asked.

He picked up a small red book and held it out to me. It had EH inscribed in the cover. This was Elena's cinematic records, her life…

The book opened to the very last page to show me the death bookmark had stopped her writing. But beside it, in soft black cursive was a note in her own hand. It was a word before she died.

"No," I said simply, "it would only be disrespectful to her now."

"She wished you a happy existence, my lord," Undertaker said simply as he covered her coffin with an ebony lid, "make sure her wish was not in vain."

Undertaker closed the book and put it down, the final record of her life. I nodded as the demon and the grim reaper got her coffin attached to the back of the carriage. Sebastian opened the door and helped me in again. Undertaker waved to us as we left. I wasn't sure where we would go from here…

I stood on the grassy cliff face and looked out on the ocean. Was it an ocean? I couldn't tell from here if it ended or where was the exact point it began. White and blue roses shimmered around me, their petals fluttered around my ankles as I heard Sebastian digging. When he stopped, I turned to see him jumping out of a hole.

His clothes were unmarked as he went to the coffin. He opened it for me to see into. She looked dead, which seemed wrong to me somehow. I then understood why I didn't want her to look like this.

I didn't want her to look dead, that took away from the girl I had known for such a long time. I could see her running with me, her smile bright as she played in the Phantomhive gardens. The day I had trouble saying a word and she had sat with me and helped.

I didn't want to remember her like this; a grey body, blue lips…dead. I wanted to see her ivory skin, her bright brown eyes, the light blush that she sometimes had.

"Sebastian, can you alter her?" I asked the demon and he looked to me.

"How?" Sebastian asked as he touched her limp blonde hair.

"Make her look like she used to," I replied and he nodded.

Sebastian ran his hands along her face, down her arms and over her heart. Her skin looked ivory, her lips pale pink and when Sebastian opened her eyes; they were the chocolate brown I remembered. He closed them gently as he put her hands over her heart like before. She didn't look dead, and this was how I wanted to remember her for the rest of forever. She had protected me with her life, and Sebastian had told me her death had been part of Alois's contract, if I hadn't already been aware. I had heard him ask Hannah about Elena.

"Alois wanted me to know about Elena's death and that I could do nothing to stop it," I said with a sigh, Sebastian dropped down to his hunches again and ran his fingers through her hair to make it black again.

"Everything should be as it was," Sebastian said simply.

Sebastian had put her into the blue dress that Elizabeth had bought her. A royal blue affair that looked delicate on her. Her hair was pulled up as she lay on a bed of forget-me-nots and dog roses. A white rose was in her hands and she looked perfect. Sebastian took my old family ring from his pocket and held it out to me. I looked at the black stone before I put it on her thumb.

For a moment, it was dark grey…and then I saw a soft glow. It turned to a soft shade of purple, mixing with the blue colour of the stone. What was that?

"I was uncertain at first," Sebastian said softly, "but now I'm sure."

"Of what?" I asked him and he pointed to the ring.

"She still has her soul," he said, "now what do you want to do with it?"

I looked down at the purple glow and knew what to do. I would leave her with it; keep her together in all forms. Her memories intact, her soul forever her own. I only hoped she understood why.

Soft lights sparkled around her grave as Sebastian put the coffin lid on and buried her. The kind thoughts people had for her…

"Did you inform her uncle?" I asked Sebastian and he nodded.

"He said he only wanted to leave her with one thing," he said as he pulled out a small card.

It was a forget-me-not covered by a thin sheet of plastic. Wax held it closed so it would never wither.

"Her uncle said she collected this in Houndsworth when she was four," Sebastian said simply, "and the symbol was her biological father's."

The symbol had long since lost its shape so it could not be determined who he had been. Sebastian put it down near the small cross I had put up to mark her grave. I put the book down and looked at the picture again.

"I think she would want you to keep it," Sebastian said simply.

"To remind me of my humanity?" I asked him and he nodded.

"To remind you of the good days," he put his hand on the cross, "may you have many pleasant dreams, Elena."

He stood and looked down at the grave. I put my hand on the cross and looked over the marker. Elena wouldn't have wanted something ostentatious, she would have preferred understated.

"Thank you for protecting me, and keeping your vow. May you have a happy afterlife," I whispered as I stepped away from her grave.

Flowers bloomed immediately around the ground, giving it a soft shimmer. The lights sparkled around her body as I turned away. Those flowers would suggest her soul had gone to Heaven…but it was in that box with her.

"Goodbye Ciel…" I heard a whisper on the wind.

"Where shall we go now?" Sebastian asked as he lifted me up into his arms.

"Do you know, I don't much care. After all, you and I know where we are ultimately going to end up. I was always going there. As a dead human or a live demon," I said softly.

"I feel good somehow, as if released from a spell I was under for a long time," I concluded.

"Yes, and in return for that," Sebastian said calmly, "I've been put under an eternal spell."

"You are my butler, Sebastian," I stated.

"I'm simply one hell of a butler… for eternity," Sebastian muttered.

"As before, there is only one answer you will give me. You know it, don't you?" I asked him.

"Yes, my lord," Sebastian replied.

All across England, small boxes had been hand-delivered by a demon butler. These boxes were wrapped in black paper with a ribbon tied off with a bow. Once the black ribbon was untied and they were opened, you would find a small piece of a Funtom treat lying on a bed of satin. Underneath this, there was a small card. It was decorated by a black border of roses, almost the perfect image of the young master's favourites. Added with the décor, each card was marked with only a few words and each card was the same...

In memory of

[Ciel Phantomhive & Elena Hamilton]

Who both died at August 26th 1889

Aged 13 YEARS & 17 YEARS


So there's the end of 'That's What Makes A Trancy Maid'. It is also the end of Elena Hamilton's character. When Book Of Circus is dubbed, I'll write another story. But what I kept coming back to was, I can't change Elena's story. I couldn't change her character so she could follow Ciel into the please remember to review or PM with your thoughts. I hope it was a good story... :)