Hi guys, here is the first chapter to the sequel of 'The Phantomhive's New Maid'. Warning, if you haven't read the first book, you might not understand my character Elena...anyway, hope you enjoy :)
…I watched for a moment longer before the latter figure let go and fell. I knew who it was, but I still shouted out, "CIEL!" at the top of my voice. He was dead…and I knew it when I saw thin strips of white leave his chest. His cinematic records, I thought bitterly as I watched the taller figure jump after Ciel. I fell to my knees, weaker than before as I watched the bridge glow like a beckon. Was that Heaven beyond? No, I thought, Heaven will elude Ciel, even in death. I dropped to my hands before my chest hit the ground. I coughed on dust before I closed my eyes, the image of Ciel dying, playing on repeat behind my eyes…
It had been a long night, one plagued with nightmares. I had woken up earlier than the head butler of my new house and that had only served to bore me. There was nothing for me to do unless the new master was awake, and even then, I avoided him when I could. He wasn't like Ciel had been…Ciel had been sweet and friendly. This boy was nearly my age but stepped on me when he could. That was in the literal sense as well as mentally. He hadn't liked my smiling attitude when I had first arrived…
I was in the kitchen when the butler walked in and looked me over. No one here liked me, well, the triplets liked looking at me but that might be for a different reason than affection. Not even that could bring a smile to my lips when I knew I should be happy that I had a job…but this was not what I wanted. I felt more alone in this house of six people than if I had been outside on my own. That was saying something…considering all I wanted was what Finny had described so very long ago. I wanted my family back…
"Elena," Claude Faustus said in an unemotional monotone, "you will be attending the young master this morning with me."
"Yes Mr Faustus," I said as I bowed.
Claude Faustus hadn't asked what I had done before this, but his rule was I couldn't refer to him as Claude. He was Mr Faustus for my employment as Hannah was Ms Anfeloz. I fixed my lavender skirt and white apron before I followed him out of the room. I kept my head down and clasped my hands, hiding the Phantomhive bracelet Ciel had bought me so very long ago. It still served to bring a tear to my eye when I remembered his death.
I sighed as Claude led the way up the stairs and knocked lightly on Alois Trancy's room. He opened the door slowly before he pointed to the still closed curtains.
"Elena, open the curtains," Claude ordered and I bowed before I walked off to open them as I had been instructed my first day. You had to pull them slowly or Lord Trancy would hurt you because the 'light blinded' him. You then had to tie them off twice with the velvet braid or Claude would yell that 'you are unprofessional'. I had learnt my lesson many times, and most of them had been by accident. In my four months here…I had changed. And none of it had been good. There were days when I hoped my uncle would come to collect me…but Alois denied me paper or phone calls. Did he try to contact me? Ask if I was alright? I wasn't sure if he cared…that's what Alois said to me.
"Here we are master, this morning's tea is her Majesty's blend from Ridgway's, most excellent," Claude said as he poured a cup of tea. I took a step away from the curtains so I could hide in the darkness. Mr Trancy didn't like me blocking the sunlight with my 'horrid self." I was a lowly maid to him, nothing more. Alois sat up and stretched before he looked to Claude and then me. He stuck his tongue out at me as I dropped my head, feeling the ends tickle my chin. Alois had cut it short when he saw me braiding it. Like Berrymore, he had taken something I had cherished. That was why I couldn't let him find the bracelet. If he took it from me, it would make my time with the Phantomhives seem like a dream…a figment of my imagination.
Alois looked back to Claude with what could be described as admiration while the butler looked on with indifference. The boy, I had been told, sought out affection and when it wasn't given, he got annoyed. So that was one reason kept my distance. I didn't like being on that end of his hatred. I had a horrible tremor from working here…I didn't think I'd last to my thirties at this rate…
'Ciel would never treat you like this,' I thought to myself.
"What's she doing here?" Alois asked before he turned to glare at me again.
"I asked her to attend to you this morning, your highness," Claude replied as he glared at me as well.
It was going to be one of those days then, I thought to myself. Today would be a day Alois and Claude would make my life a misery…not that it wasn't already…
"Humph, she's not doing a good job," Alois muttered as Claude turned him to dress.
"I'll make sure she is correctly reprimanded," Claude said as he undid Alois's night top and handed it to me to fold. I went to the bottom of the bed and picked it up carefully before folding it. My hands were shaking but the bracelet was attached at my elbow, it wouldn't come down.
Claude put on Alois's shirt and started doing the buttons as I put the top down. He was at the bottom when Alois undid the top two, a form of rebellion in my opinion.
"All annoyed now?" Alois asked in a faux innocent voice.
"No," Claude replied as he fixed his glasses.
Claude fixed the buttons, and the dark look that crossed Alois's face…the action hadn't resulted in the right reaction. Alois wanted Claude to be frustrated, but the butler had a sense of infinite patience when it came to Alois Trancy. Sometimes the others had that patience as well…
Claude got him dressed after that with only the buttons of the waistcoat coming undone before Alois gave up. He then turned to glare at me, but all I saw was his lips as my eyes were down. I wasn't supposed to look my master in the eyes. That was considered rude and viewed us as equals. Though if I had accepted my uncle's help when he had offered it; I would be equal to Alois Trancy. But that was one of those things that began with a 'what if'.'
"Please excuse me," Claude said as he stood, "Elena will be here in case you require anything."
Claude left the room and I was left alone, with my head facing the door. I didn't want to respond to him, to anyone other than my true master, Ciel Phantomhive, but he was dead. I couldn't live on dust for the rest of my life…and I needed money for food…though the money was so small, I had to learn to live on dust…
"Elena!" Alois snapped and I turned with my head down, "my buttons have come undone. Fix them!"
"Yes master," I said as I dropped to kneel before him.
I lifted my shaking hands to tie the buttons but my hands let go. They were too weak and sore to complete the task, which Alois took to be defiance. My stupid tremor was going to get me in severe trouble…
"Are you some stupid tart?!" Alois snapped as he clasped my chin to make me look at him, the pain radiated through my face and hurt my teeth, "fix the buttons!"
He let go of my chin and I went forward again when he screamed. It was on instinct to look up and find out what I had done wrong. Had I caught his skin when I had grabbed the waistcoat? Had I hurt him in any way? That was the worst mistake though, because he started laughing.
"I have to teach you a lesson, Elena, or Claude would be very disappointed," he said as he grabbed my wrist tight so he could break it, "now go get Claude!"
"Yes master," I said as I walked out of the room.
When I closed the door, I heard him laughing like a maniac. I quickly walked down the hall and saw Claude walking up the stairs. He stopped when he looked at me, obviously wondering why I was leaving the master. I held my wrist to my stomach, protecting myself from further injury.
"His buttons came undone, and he demanded you fix them, Mr Faustus," I croaked as I walked by him.
I went down to the kitchen where the triplets were standing around whispering. Their conversations were always too low for me to hear so I tended to ignore them. I walked to the sink and poured cold water on my now swollen wrist before I found bandages to wrap it. I sat down to wrap it, cursing my shaking hands as Hannah walked in.
"Elena," Hannah said by way of greeting, "do you need assistance?"
"Can you please help me?" I asked her as she nodded and put the bandages on me.
"The master is in the dining room, we are all to go there," Hannah instructed and I nodded.
We all walked in to stand behind Alois's chair, with Hannah closest to him, then the triplets and then me. I was by a window so I could look out on the gardens, remembering a day when Finny would laugh with Pluto. I wondered where they were all now. Had they found new jobs? Where was the demon Sebastian Michaelis? Had he formed a new contract? They were all the things I wanted to know when I saw the reflection of Lord Trancy as he walked into the room. They were questions I would never get answered…not in this lifetime.
Claude pulled back his chair before setting a dish in front of him. He looked down at it with disdain before he started to stab one of the fried eggs. My stomach growled and reminded me I hadn't eaten in a few days as punishment for leaving a fingerprint on Alois's purple coat. It had been an accident that one of the triplets had found and told Claude about.
"Hannah, don't you find fried eggs rather pathetic?" Alois asked as he looked down at the egg like he would…me, "nakedly exposed for all eyes to see. Indeed they almost look like eyes themselves. But they'll never become eyes of course, or anything but my breakfast. All their possibility wiped out by me."
Once the egg was dripping, Alois looked to Hannah with the same look he had given Claude. It asked, "how can I get the reaction I crave?" and that meant bad things were going to happen. I felt tremors run up my body, making the dress shake a little before I clasped my hands tight and dropped my head again. I shouldn't be this scared, but there was no escaping. Alois Trancy had five demons in his employ and I didn't doubt one of them could find me if I ran. He would send one of the triplets, knowing they were worse than Claude or Hannah. He cherished Claude and tolerated Hannah…but he hated the triplets. He would turn one or all of them on me if I left without permission. How long had it been since I had left? Had I left at all?
'No, you've been in this house for four months straight,' my mind kindly reminded.
Alois waved his knife as if to dismiss us when he put it on the lip of his glass. I wasn't sure what was in it and didn't dare venture a guess when his knife pulled the glass down. The plum liquid inside flowed freely, staining the tablecloth, Alois himself before dripping to the floor. All of its possibility wiped out by Alois Trancy…very much the same as me. Uncle had said one day when I had been minding my baby cousin Harry that Lord Trancy was looking another maid. Uncle had said I looked bored so he had recommended me. Unlike Ciel, Alois didn't want anything but a maid. So my skills as a bodyguard and a thief were shelved for this.
"Hannah," Alois called and the maid dropped to wipe away the liquid, only for Alois to scream.
Like me, Hannah looked up to see what had caused his injury when he smirked at her. The laugh of a maniac returned before he looked at her with interest now…similar to me this morning. It made shivers run down my spine and I wanted to turn my head away. I didn't want to look at what he was going to do next.
"Yes, truly pathetic indeed," Alois said as he moved his hands, stabbing Hannah in the eye with his fingers, "hasn't Claude taught you any better? A maid mustn't look directly at her master, it's rude. I'm sure the gossiping Elena told you about her sob story this morning. Do forgive me though; Claude will be most upset if I don't punish you. So…"
Hannah fell to the floor, blood dripped down her face as Claude re-entered the room. The way the demons were reacting, even Hannah, made this seem like it was all normal. This boy was a monster, and no one else seemed to notice that. Was I the only one? Maybe it was old Elena screaming at me to fight, to defend Hannah but the old Elena had died a few days after she arrived here. It had been the day she had done the laundry and started to sing to herself; when Claude had brought her into the house and up to Alois who had hurt her…for disrupting his dreams. That had been the start…
"Clean this up at once!" Claude ordered as the triplets moved to pick Hannah up, "Elena stay there!"
"Yes Mr Faustus," I said with a small bow as Timber handed me a cloth to wipe the table. I moved forward to do that as Claude cleaned the blood from Alois's fingers. This was normal in their eyes, the master who hurts the servants.
''I'd give anything to be working with Berrymore again, at least he wasn't this bad, not even on his worst day,' I thought to myself as I picked up the glass to dry before I poured in more of the plum liquid. I then stepped away before Claude grabbed my arm to push me behind the master's chair. I kept my head down as he took the jug from me.
"Stay with the young master," Claude ordered again and I nodded.
I heard the clatter of a fork and knife hitting the plate, the sound of Lord Trancy swallowing the food I craved and then it repeated. It repeated because Alois could hear my stomach growling and was taking it upon himself to torture me, much like Claude liked to at the start of my unemployment. I wasn't wanted here, and I didn't want to be there. The money I was given as a wage was pitons that meant I couldn't spend it. I didn't have enough to cover a carriage ride to my uncle; that was how poor I was. I couldn't afford even the safest meal…
"Elena," Alois said as he put his knife and fork down on the plate, "your uncle recommended you for this job. Do you think he was wrong?"
"No sir," I whispered as I bowed my head again.
"Why did you come here at all? Frank Hamilton didn't say," Alois muttered as he drank down the plum drink.
"My old job was terminated," I replied as I wrung my hands.
"Terminated?" Alois asked as he turned to look at me, "you were fired?"
"No sir," I whispered as I stretched my fingers and gulped, "my old master died."
I wasn't lying; both my old masters had died. Lord Henry Berrymore had been murdered by the Demon Hound in Houndsworth. Lord Earl Ciel Phantomhive had died because his contract with Sebastian had finished.
"Died? He must have been an old fart!" Alois said as he stood and left me to follow after him.
I wanted to scream, to tell him Ciel was better than him, that he had been through worse and still managed to be a brilliant employer. Even when Agni had hurt me, Ciel had been nice to me. I only wished he hadn't concluded the contract. I wanted nothing more than to be in the Phantomhive Manor right now, reading a book that Ciel had bought me. He had kept the library stocked for me, asking what I was interested in before he went out with Sebastian and he returned with a new book for me. When the library had been burnt down, I missed the memories of reading those books, and seeing Ciel arrive with another for me.
Alois was the exact opposite. There was no kind thought in his head, and that could go back to his childhood. But Ciel had a rough childhood, and he had come out better than Alois. Alois avoided all the servants' rooms before making his way to the dining room. I had cleaned it yesterday, fixing the cutlery so it was shock to see it was a different colour. Instead of the bright cream it had been, it was now a suffocating red that made the air seem thin to me. There was too much gold, too much red and I had to clutch my head against the dizzy spell I was under. It was the lack of food that caused me to feel this way. There could be no other explanation.
I watched as Alois put a rose in the mouth of Claude before doing some estranged dance around him.
"Ole!" the master called as he clapped his hands.
But he turned before stomping away from us. Claude went to me and motioned for me to follow him. I wondered what was going on, when Alois ran out into the sunlight to greet three men. He seemed friendly with one in particular.
"Arnold Trancy, a priest and Aleister Chambers, the Viscount Lord Druitt," Claude said as way of introduction before he walked out.
Alois turned to smile at Claude before the group moved back into the house. Arnold Trancy handed Claude his hat. Lord Druitt looked around before his eyes stopped on me. He moved closer and lifted my chin, which resulted in a slight whimper.
"Little Blackbird?" he asked as he looked into my eyes, "why are you the maid?"
"I hired her," Alois explained, "but she is hopeless idiot."
"Is that so?" Druitt asked as he looked me over again, "what is your name again?"
"Elena Hamilton," I replied as he touched my hair.
"I saw you at the Frost Fair last December," he said as he turned back to the others, "you were with Ciel Phantomhive. You were also mute…how did that change?"
"I had lost my voice, my lord," I said as I took my chin away, "I recovered."
Alois looked me over with a glance that suggested I was like a river of informaton and filth at the same time. I wasn't sure why Lord Druitt saying he had seen me with Ciel meant anything. He was dead, five months as far as I remembered. Alois muttered something under his breath before he walked into the hall across from the entrance with Claude and me following behind. He turned when Lord Druitt looked over everything, a smile on his lips as I closed my eyes.
"Oh my!" Lord Druitt exclaimed after a moment, "everything still remains the way it was as when Uncle Trancy still lived amongst us. The mansion's glittering gold, bringing the legend of cheap mongoose springs to life again."
"Yes, I haven't changed a thing, I've preserved it all since Father's time," Alois said softly, "I had to. I couldn't lose the warm essence of him the mansion contains."
"I can tell you loved him very much," the priest said as Arnold Trancy sighed.
Alois nodded as he wiped tears away roughly. He then turned to walk into the dining room with his servants following behind like loyal lapdogs. Claude pulled out his master's chair as I set the priest and Lord Druitt at the table. Claude motioned for me to follow him as he went for the lunch. It was some sort of soup as I grabbed one bowl as Claude grabbed another. I put it in front of Alois and then went back for another. Claude hadn't returned so I brought it out to put in front of Lord Druitt and then grabbed the last one to put in front of the priest. I then bowed gently and moved to stand to Alois's right while Claude took his left. We were at his beck and call.
"…they worked me like a slave," Alois said, a story had begun while I had been getting the dishes, "they didn't even let me go outside."
"You poor boy," the priest said gently.
"There was one other child who was treated in the same way I was. It sounds silly but I thought of him as a younger brother. And then one night, one dark night, inside the rippling flames, the horror of dying screams. There could only be one thing…darkness."
"What happened to the village that night?" the priest asked.
"That's something I may never know," Alois continued, "but at least my father came to take me home finally. I thought, at last I'm not alone; I have a family to love me. Then he, he left too."
"How terrible for you," the priest said as a way of condolence.
"Oh Lord, I take it back! I can't forgive you after all!" Lord Druitt muttered as he grabbed the priest's throat to strangle him. The priest broke free to stand and bless himself.
"Come now Lord Druitt, to despair is a sin. Young man, I pray you find solace in this world," the priest said calmly.
"Thank you very much father," Alois said as he stood, "but I know I'll manage. Because I still have Uncle Arnold, don't I?"
"Yes of course you do," Arnold said as Alois wrapped his arms around his shoulders. Alois then whispered something in the man's ear that caused him to stiffen in shock.
"Father," I said softly to the priest as Alois watched me, "would you like some ice for your neck?"
"Yes please," the priest said as I bowed.
"Elena?" Lord Druitt said as I walked over to him, "will you get me a glass of water?"
"Yes sir," I said as I bowed.
I walked into the kitchen and retrieved a clean cloth to put ice in. I then got Lord Druitt the glass of water carefully before setting it down. I ran my hands through my hair before closing my eyes.
"To despair is a sin," I whispered to myself, "then I'm going straight to hell."
I picked up the glass carefully and the cloth with ice. I returned as Alois started sipping the soup. I put the glass down and tied off the cloth so the ice wouldn't fall out.
"Here you are, Father," I said softly as I held out the ice to him.
"Thank you dear," he said as he used his left hand to put the ice to his neck.
"Elena," Alois snapped, "go clean up breakfast!"
"Yes sir," I said softly before I turned and left the group. Alois didn't like me helping others when I should have focused on him. But Sebastian had taught me to take care of guests and anticipate their desires before they were asked for.
"That's what makes a Phantomhive maid," I breathed as I gathered the dishes to clean.
I heard Alois yell my name so I ran out to see what he needed. He saw me and pointed to the priest who I walked over to, not sure why he wanted me.
"Child, I wish to speak to you, about something your master told me," the priest said as he stood.
"Yes Father," I replied with a bow and motioned for me to follow him out to the hall.
"You appear upset," he said simply, "and Lord Trancy said your last employer died."
"Five months ago," I replied with my hands folded, "Father, I have a question."
"You mentioned to Lord Druitt that to despair is a sin. I adored my old master; he was very nice to me. I thought it was right to grieve his loss. The question I ask you, will I go to hell?"
"Hell?" the priest asked as he looked me over, "I believe that if you truly care for someone, the feelings of loss will never truly go. They will remain with you. You must be able to raise yourself from your despair and pray that the one you lost, your old master, finds peace."
"Thank you Father," I said as we turned to see Alois standing close to us. He had heard our conversation and that meant he knew I was…weaker. He would torment me with this information. He turned and left us before going back to his other guests. When we returned, I pulled the chair out for the priest and then left. I would find something else to occupy myself with. There was always the laundry to do…
Night came and Canterbury came in to tell me Lord Druitt wished to speak with me. I dried my hands from washing Alois's clothes and walked out. Claude was with the master as Lord Druitt looked me over. Did he wear anything other than a white suit?
"Little Blackbird," he said as he took my hand to kiss, "until we meet…your wing!"
"Excuse me?" Alois asked as he looked down at my bandaged hand.
"How will you fly with your wing damaged, little Blackbird?!" Lord Druitt sighed as he kissed the bandages and left with the priest.
"Were you looking for sympathy from our guests?!" Alois snapped before he slapped me.
"No sir," I said as I left them, holding my cheek.
Tears dripped down my face but I wiped them away roughly, hurting my cheek as I did. This was my place now, a hopeless maid. It reminded me of MeyRin when she dropped the plates. That served to remind me of Bard when he burnt half my kitchen down in Houndsworth with dynamite. Sebastian had fixed it all of course…and I stopped when I was in the kitchen. I missed them…I missed my family. The Phantomhives had become my family and with them, they had given me hope. Since Ciel's death, that hope had been taken from me and now with Alois Trancy, it was never coming back.
"I shouldn't have hoped to begin with," I said in a whispered as I looked out the window, just as it started to rain.
"The master wants to speak with you," Claude said from behind me.
"Yes Mr Faustus," I replied as I hurried off.
Why did this all seem so familiar? Running around for a master who didn't care? Berrymore had run me ragged looking for things, or talking to the villagers of Houndsworth about their dogs. Alois had me running around to make sure I didn't cause him hardship…but hardship always found me. Alois was in the drawing room, looking down at a piece of paper in his hands. I knocked on the door gently, to wait for his attention as Sebastian had done with Ciel.
"A storm is coming," Alois whispered before he looked up at me, "what is this about you being at the Frost Fair with Ciel Phantomhive?"
"I was his maid," I replied with my head bowed, "he requested that I accompany him."
"Did he have another person with him?" Alois asked as he stood.
"He had a Mr Lau, a Ms RanMao, a Mr Undertaker and a Mr Abberline with him," I replied as he came to a stop in front of me.
"No butler?" Alois asked, "your punishment will be less severe if you tell me the truth."
Somehow I knew Sebastian was important in this, and I knew I would be raked across the coals for lying, but a part of me still felt loyal to the pair. And that part of me said, "tell him no."
"No butler," I whispered as he grabbed my chin to glare at me.
"I will have Claude check your story, and you had better be telling me the truth!" Alois snapped before he pushed me away. My skirt was caught under my feet when I fell so I landed on the floor painfully. This day would only get worse.
The door was knocked as I got up on my knees. Alois looked outside before he went out into the hall. I got up and followed, as Claude had instructed me to do most of the morning. Was this what my life had come to? To follow some brat around while he hurt me? Was I no better than a punching bag? I rounded the corner as the door was opened by Claude, revealing a man completely covered. A top hat covered his head from the light and the rain while his coat distorted his figure. He held a suitcase in his hands carefully, as if it might break if he let go.
"A storm had blown in," the unknown man said at the doorway of the Trancy Estate.
"What brings you to our door at this late hour?" Claude asked, trying to use the candles in his hands to light the man's face.
"I've been caught outside in this wicked storm, I was hoping I could trouble you for lodgings tonight," the man replied. His voice sounded familiar and then the tremor started again.
"Look at you!" Alois said as he got closer, "you're so filthy. You look just liked a drowned rat. But still," Alois said as he leaned against the man seductively, "you do smell rather nice so…what's your name? This man will be staying with us. Understood Claude….Elena?"
"Yes, your highness," Claude replied after a moment.
"Yes sir," I replied as I stepped forward, "if you will follow me, we should have something in the kitchen to feed you."
The man motioned for me to lead the way and I ducked my head, gripped my hands and walked past Claude. Alois followed behind with Claude as I brought the stranger into the dining room. I walked to the middle of the table and pulled out a chair, and waited for the man to put the suitcase down near the chair before he sat down.
"Would you like a glass of water?" I asked and he nodded, "I will be right back."
I walked into the kitchen to see Claude assembling a meal. I poured the water into a clean glass before walking out. Claude followed behind me with the plate of food before we set them before the stranger. The stranger continued to look forward, as if the dinner didn't interest him as he reached for the water to take a sip. Whatever way he had done it, his face stayed covered so I couldn't even make out the arch of his nose.
"Try this one," Alois said as he lifted a plate to the man's attention after he had put down the glass, "Claude's cooking is simply delicious."
"Yes I'm sure it tastes quite nice. However, please observe the speck of sauce on the rim of the plate. I assume it would have been too great an inconvenience to dab it with a cloth."
"My apologies sir," Claude replied as he picked up the plate, "I'll clear this. I didn't realise that a man who doesn't remove his coat at the dining table would have such delicate sensibilities."
"You flatter me," the man replied.
Claude left Alois alone to put down the dish that held bread. The stranger looked towards me for a moment, a smirk on his lips before Alois sighed.
"Elena will show you to your room. It's all she's good for," Alois muttered and I bowed.
"Would you like help with your suitcase?" I asked softly but the man shook his head, "very well sir. If you will follow me…"
"Give him the plum room, two doors from my room," Alois ordered.
"Yes sir," I replied as I waited for the man to pick up the case and follow me. When I reached the hall, I realised the hall was dark. If the stranger got hurt because I hadn't lit a candle, Alois would be very annoyed. I picked up a candle stick and pulled matches from my pocket to light it.
"If you will give me a moment," I said softly as I caught the flame and lit the wicks carefully before blowing out the match. I walked forward, hearing his footsteps behind me as I brought him up the main flight of stairs and then to the plum room. I walked towards the small table and put the candlestick down as the man sat on the bed, looking like he didn't know what to do next. I lit more matches to light the smaller candles around the room. It didn't illuminate his face, but I hadn't expected that it would.
"How long have you worked here?" the man asked after a moment.
"Four months," I replied as I fixed my skirt, and pulled down my sleeves so he couldn't see my wrist.
"Do you like it here?"
"It is a job," I answered, which meant I didn't answer the question. Was there something wrong with me because I hated it here? Had I not given it a fair chance?
"Is there anything else I can get you?" I asked as Hannah came in with fresh hot water.
"No thank you," he said as Hannah took the cold water in her hands.
"Some hot water for you sir," Hannah explained.
"May I ask why you wear a bandage over your eye?" the man asked Hannah.
"It's nothing," Hannah replied as she held the cold jug tighter.
"I'm impressed you can still work."
"Hannah?" Alois called from the door and we all turned to look at him, "what are you doing in here? Tell me."
"I came to change the water," Hannah replied.
"Oh? Or perhaps you were seeking pity by wearing that silly bandage and acting pathetic for our guest. You've done it now, you stupid tart!" Alois snapped as he grabbed Hannah's neck to push her to the ground. She dropped the jug and water dripped along my skirt. Hannah was then kicked before she stood and bowed. Alois then turned to look at me, anger in his eyes as he caught my wrist to throw me forward.
"You've brought the guest up, Elena!" Alois snapped as he pushed me to the ground as well, "Your job is done or did you want pity as well?"
He kicked me before I stood rather shakily and bowed to him and then the guest. I walked quickly out of the room, my heart racing as I then jogged away. The man had asked if I liked working here…
"I hate it!" I muttered as I walked past the triplets. They looked me over before whispering, and I knew it was about me. They would tell Claude about my comment and…I'd be punished for being truthful. I couldn't stay here for much longer; I'd lose my sense of self. I looked to the front door with hope that one day, Sebastian would come and collect me or my uncle, considering the fore was very unlikely. But at least, I was able to take comments better nowadays.
'You didn't need a thick skin with Ciel Phantomhive,' my mind reminded me.
That was something Alois had given me while working here. He had given me a thicker skin against Claude and the others. But when it came to him…it was like that armour fell away and I was as exposed as that fried egg had been this morning. Had it only been this morning? Had my life turned upside down only today? I wanted my uncle, I thought weakly but Alois had cut off the phones in the servants' rooms except the office where Claude stayed. That was to stop me phoning home and getting help, finding support in this pit of hell. I was watched, and that meant I couldn't breathe without someone knowing.
"This is my life now," I muttered as I wiped the tears away, "I had better get used to it. No prince in shining armour is going to save me…"
I went to the kitchen to pick up the clothes I had washed before opening the back door. Hannah was out there already with another basket, but this was to take in the dry clothes. I started hanging up the master's clothes quickly, feeling the water drip down my sleeve and stop when it hit the bracelet. I looked to Hannah who seemed rather shaky but she had been treated horribly today.
"Why do you work here?" I asked her and she lifted the basket before she looked at me.
"I love it here," she said softly, "I love the master."
She left after that with a smile on her face. When the back door was closed, I went back to hanging the clothes.
"She's crazy," I muttered, "who would love the treatment they receive here? Berrymore and Phantomhive never did this to me."
I finished with the basket of clothes before I re-entered the house from hell. Claude was soaking dishes before he left, turning out the light. I turned it back on so I could wash up. I saw the guest walk down into the cellar and decided it wasn't my place to ask questions. I was nothing in this house other than a maid. It didn't matter who my uncle was, or what he did. I was a nobody in this life…forever and always. Why did Ciel Phantomhive have to leave?
"I miss him," I whispered as I dried my hands, "I'd leave if I could…"
"Catch him Claude!" I heard Alois order and I turned to see someone rushing towards me. The man pushed me away as he turned to put his back against a trunk…
"Sebastian?" I asked as he held out a box to me. Knives pierced his shoulders.
"Hide that!" he ordered and I hide it in my skirts before Claude came up with Alois following.
"Elena!" Alois snapped, "Get out of here!"
"Yes sir," I replied as I stood and moved away.
I heard someone throwing knives so I knew this was my chance. I moved away from their fight and into the hall. No one would notice me leaving; the triplets were gone as was Hannah. I went to the front door, felt the cold rain on my skin before I ran out in nothing but my lavender dress and apron. I undid the ribbon around my neck and the apron before throwing them away. I would die out here, with pneumonia or if a wolf found me…but it was better than spending my life with Alois Trancy. I would give anything to be in Low Row with my uncle and my cousin.
'Even your soul?' my mind asked me.
I knew in that moment that yes, I would form a contract with a demon for my freedom. I would give anything for that wish. So I kept running, hearing my shoes hit mud and puddles. Behind me I heard the crash of glass but I kept running. I touched my pocket to feel the box Sebastian had given me. It gave me hope; hope that I could get that freedom. Thanks to Sebastian's distraction…I was free to leave that house. I would find help for myself and become the old me…but there was one thing still…
"I quit!" I said softly as I picked up speed.
This was the freest I had been in a very long time, my heart raced with adrenaline, my lungs took in the air that they had been denied. As a maid for Lord Trancy, I had never been able to run; there had been no reason to train. I could feel my muscles protest but this was what it would take to escape. I would find a convent and ask the nuns to help me reach my uncle. As Alois had said, I need never be alone again. My uncle loved me, and he was no doubt worried. Had he written letters that Claude or Alois had intercepted? Had he tried calling me but Hannah had answered instead?
"I'll see him soon," I said with a smile, feeling only genuine happiness at the idea.
I should have been focused on the path I was taking, that there was a mud slide in front of me and when my foot connected, I skidded to my right and down a hill. I rolled most of the way, putting my hands down to protect the box, knowing Sebastian wouldn't risk his life for any box. The mud ended in a stream that I splashed into. I got up on my knees in time to see Sebastian run across the trees away from the mud slide, and the triplets stopped to watch him. I hid behind a tree, knowing they couldn't smell me before they left. They would think I was dead…and that made me happier. They would tell Claude and Alois they couldn't find me, that since I wasn't in the house, I must have escaped. A wolf had caught me or I had gotten too hurt to call for help.
I stayed there while the water chilled me, feeling the old me rise up. It told me to keep moving as it told the new beaten Elena to shut her mouth. The new Elena wanted to go back and stay warm, to grovel and hope the beatings weren't too bad. I knew then that it would take time before I was normal again, but it was time I now had. I wouldn't be verbally abused or hurt again by Alois Trancy or Claude Faustus. I was free.
The old me told me to follow the stream as water splashed the surface so I got out, took off my shoes and dropped them in. I walked quickly before I decided to look at the box. I took it from my now heavy skirts to view it, seeing it was tea leaves. Why would Sebastian give me tea? Had he hoped I'd make a cup before he ran out?
"Was this a tea scam?" I muttered as my chilled trembling hands pried open the lid. The packaging was moist from water getting in so I had to rip away the paper to see more tea leaves. Something told me to feel the middle of the package so I dropped two fingers to see if there was something hidden at the bottom. My fingers grazed across something metal and I took it out. Even in this light, I knew I would recognise that ring anywhere. The ring I had seen on Ciel's thumb glowed a soft cerulean blue. I took off my bracelet before putting it on that. It made no sense to have the box weighing me down as well as I dropped it into the stream to be covered by mud.
"New Moon Drop, huh?" I muttered, the smell had been very sweet but too sweet for my liking. I ran off, my dress clinging to my skin. I had to find cover though, knowing I would find the convent better in sunlight…I might even find the priest from earlier in the evening.
"No," I snapped at myself, "he'll bring you back. You need to find a convent with nuns only!"
I ran until I tripped and found myself under the cover of an overgrown willow tree. The branches hung to the floor and I knew no one, not even a demon, would spot me inside. I pulled the branches back and saw a few of the top branches had broken to expose moonlight. I lay down slowly, being careful not to hit a bruise when I closed my eyes.
Red light stained my eyelids and I opened them, finding my clothes were stiff. I cursed softly before I sat up. I checked my bracelet and saw the ring was still there. It was my hope…that Ciel could still live on. But one question had been nagging me.
"Why did Claude have this?" I asked as I lifted it to catch the sunlight, "why didn't Sebastian have it to start off with?"
I crawled out of my cover to go to the stream I had been following. The water was a beautiful crystal blue today. I stood and undid the purple dress. It made no sense to get sick before I found Sebastian. I was wearing a thin white shift underneath anyway, that didn't cover the bruises. Would Sebastian ask about them? Would he want to know? I dropped the dress into the water before I started forward, hoping I found him soon.
I walked slowly, pulling my stockings off to discard them. My feet were wrapped gently by grass as a light breeze circled around my hair. I ran my hands through it to smooth out the edges before I pulled on them a little. I missed my long hair, but it would grow back. It had grown back with Ciel; it would grow back with my uncle. I smiled at the thought of my uncle, but then the pain in my feet started to distract me. They felt too damp and that made the movement cause a slight pain.
I guess I was lucky to find a small grove that seemed untouched by yesterday's storm. It was filled with delicate blue flowers and a small hill. I dropped down to lie in the sunlight, something I had also been denied. It was also my only chance to give my feet a break before I went to the convent. Had the sun always felt this warm? My hair circled to my head as I smiled properly; something I hadn't done in five months.
"I don't care what that priest said," I said softly, "I'll go to hell. Let him work there for four months and come out undamaged. I'll be with Ciel and Sebastian…I'll have family."
"I wondered how long I'd have to wait," a voice called out and I sat quickly, seeing only a shadow.
"Claude…I mean Mr Faustus, I'm sorry," I cried, "I must have caught a cold…I was so confused. Please don't hurt me. I won't run away again, please believe me. I didn't help Sebastian Michaelis, please!"
I begged the shadow, my head turned down and the smile I had felt was gone. I wasn't sure I could return without some repercussions for helping Sebastian. Had they caught him already? Was he dead? Could a demon be killed? My hair touched my chin as tears dripped down to graze the blue flowers below me. I could never be free; it was a fool's dream
"Claude?" the voice asked, stepping closer to lift my chin which I pushed away from. The contact I had received had been only negative. But I knew if Claude wanted to hurt me, he would bring me back to Alois.
I pulled my hands up to guard my heart as I looked up, not sure what to expect. I could have sobbed with relief when I saw it was Sebastian kneeling down with his hand outstretched to me. I wanted to reach out as well but the new Elena said it was a bad idea. That contact could only be a bad thing. Hoping for a future was also a bad idea.
"Elena, what happened?" he asked as he sat down a metre from me, "I last saw you at the hospital. You were supposed to make a full recovery."
"I did," I whispered as I shivered, "I left a week later to meet my uncle. He met me at the manor and then brought me to Low Row."
"What happened then?" Sebastian asked.
"I was minding Harry, my cousin, a lot. But Uncle said I was grieving over Ciel. I built a memorial so I could visit him every day. I didn't care if he was in hell; I wanted to have something that held a part of him. Uncle said I needed a distraction…and the Trancy household was looking for a maid."
"You took up the job?" Sebastian asked and I shrugged.
"Uncle recommended me to Claude but Lord Trancy hired me. I was there four months two days ago."
"So those bruises….?"
"There's nothing," I whispered as I used my hand to cover them, "just reminders."
"Reminders?" Sebastian asked as he inched closer, making me move back.
"Reminding me of my place," I said as I wrapped close again.
"Do you not trust me?" Sebastian asked, "is that why you shy away? I won't hurt you."
"You have hurt me! I thought you were gone!" I screamed as tears dripped down my face, "I thought you had found another soul! I thought you had forgotten me and the others. Why would you care? We were just associated to the soul you ate…"
"You thought wrong," Sebastian replied, "and Ciel isn't dead."
"Ciel isn't…dead?" I asked as he nodded. He undid his tailcoat and put it on the grass between us.
"You're shaking, wrap up. Do you still have the box?" Sebastian asked as he pulled out the suitcase to open.
"Thank you and no, I don't still have the box," I replied and Sebastian gave me a shocked look. I picked up the tailcoat and put my arms through the holes.
"Where did it go?" he asked as he moved closer and I pulled back, "Elena you have to tell me!"
"I put it down, it was weighing my clothes down," I said as I dropped my head, "but I poked through it and found this."
I lifted my wrist to show him the bracelet with the ring on it. He blew out a sigh of relief as I took it off and held it out to him. He took it carefully and went back to the trunk. He undid the clips and showed me a wrapped up Ciel Phantomhive. He was dressed as if for a funeral…
"Doesn't that hurt him?" I asked as I leaned closer to look.
"He's not…there to worry about pain," Sebastian replied as he lifted the boy up, "Young Master."
Sebastian looked to the boy as he brushed his hair away. I spotted one of his favourite roses in his breast pocket, and it brought back fond memories. Memories of a home I had thought was a dream, a world that couldn't possibly exist.
"I was a fool," I said as I ducked my head on Ciel's shoulder.
"A fool?" Sebastian asked as he looked at the ring.
"To think the life I had with you and the others was a dream. My imagination isn't that good," I said with a slight laugh.
Sebastian smirked as he lifted up Ciel's hand to put on the ring, and I watched as the gem glowed. It hadn't glowed as brightly when I had held it. Sebastian reached for me but I pulled back, and he sighed.
"Elena," he said softly, "I will help you. When you're ready, and only then, feel free to come to me and talk to me."
"Thank you Sebastian," I said as I reached forward to hold his hand, "that means a lot to me."
I let go so he could look to Ciel. He smiled gently and I wasn't sure it was for me or for Ciel.
"Now Young Master, it is time to wake up," Sebastian said as the ring glowed.
Ciel blinked a little and I smiled, feeling the relief roll off me in waves. Ciel was back…
So the first chapter is done! What do you think? Please remember to review or PM with your ideas :) TTYL (Talk To You Later)