Author's Note: Given that there are five follows to this story (not sure why people follow one-shots . . .), Faye and I would like to post a short author's note. We've collaborated for the HTTYD fandom again and come up with a five-part story called Thor Never Aims in the Same Place Twice. It's basically a light-hearted, silly tale for those of us who got way too big of a kick out of listening to post-lightning Snotlout in View to a Skrill in Defenders of Berk.

Each of the story sections is short – 1,000 words or less – but we really did like how the entire story turned out. I do hope you'll give it a look. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows, and favorites on Metal Death Accelerators. To know that so many people enjoyed this crazy little one-short really warms my heart! (And that's a lot to say. It's supposed to feel like -2 in my part of the world tonight.)
