This two chapter story was originally published in my "Moments" story...which was supposed to be a collection of one-shots. But Moments turned into something else, so I'm moving these two chapters to their own story. Since I'll lose my reviews, I'm going to include them at the bottom of each chapter. Thanks for reading!

It was bound to happen. All of the time she spent working, day and night, was just less time she spent with her friends. Or, former friends. Not that she had many friends to begin with. Felicity had always been a bit of a loner. She supposed it was because of her upbringing. Or lack of upbringing. Felicity's father left when she was young and her mother was a drunk cocktail waitress in Vegas, who failed to return home most nights. Felicity basically raised herself.

The two people she had managed to strike up friendships with worked in the IT department at Queen Consolidated. They weren't close friendships...just coffee, lunch, maybe a movie now and then.

They didn't bother calling or inviting Felicity anywhere anymore. It made sense. There were only so many times you could decline an offer or fail to show before the other party gave up. It was probably for the best. Her life now only put them in danger.

Besides, Felicity was never as close to them as she was to Oliver Queen and John Diggle. They were her family. The first family she had ever really had. Even though they spent their time fighting crime and cheating death, she still felt eternally safe and loved with them.

But, having no friends outside of "Team Arrow" meant that Felicity spent more than a few days off alone. She didn't mind, usually. During off time, She, Digg and Oliver would sometimes spend time together. Meals or drinks. Or drooped over a chair in the foundry, staring at the ceiling, trying to recharge their minds and bodies from a particularly difficult mission.

Felicity was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of metal clanking on metal. She listened to Oliver working on his arrows and Digg restocking the supply drawers.

"We need more oxycodone," Digg said absentmindedly, "and gauze pads. Getting low." He closed one supply drawer and opened another.

"I'll get it ordered," Felicity said, never turning from her computers.

"Laundry soap is low too," Oliver interjected. Felicity smiled to herself. She and Digg might have been the only humans on the planet that knew Oliver did his own laundry. At least his "evening wear".

"I'll order that too," she replied.

"No scented stuff," he said and she turned to look at him. He was particularly engrossed in the sharpening of an arrowhead, "hard to be stealthy when I smell like I fell in a vat of lemons."

He directed his eyes toward Felicity without turning his head and smirked ever so slightly.

"I'm sure that's what the criminals are thinking about when you have an arrow pointed at them," Digg chuckled.

Felicity laughed, "I'll make a note."

Oliver's smile widened, but he didn't say anything more. Felicity turned back to her computers, still smiling. Who said brooding vigilantes couldn't make jokes?

After a few moments of silent work, Digg spoke up, "Unless you have anything else, I think I'll head out."

Though John was the oldest of the three, and the team worked as equals, he still respected that Oliver was the leader. Oliver turned to his friend,

"Goodnight Digg," he smiled.

"Have a good night John!" Felicity added.

"Not ready to head out yet, Felicity?"

"No, I want to finish a few things up. You go ahead," she smiled warmly, leaning back in her chair as she faced him.

Diggle nodded and said a final goodnight and headed out of the foundry. Felicity quietly considered Oliver before she twisted her chair back to face her monitors. As happened often, she found him staring off into the distance with an almost sad look on his face. She knew he went somewhere else in those moments. Some dark memory that he wasn't ready to share yet. She wondered what triggered them. Was it the goodbyes they had just shared? Did he fear it would be the last time he saw them? She looked down at her bare feet and curled her toes before she swung the chair back to face her desk.

Someday, he would tell her. She knew that in her heart. She could wait.

As she began to click away on her keyboards, she heard Oliver return to sharpening arrowheads.

"Good," she thought to herself. She worried when he went still for too long.

As Felicity finished up her tasks, her thoughts wandered back to her lack of fun nights out. She normally didn't mind. She wasn't much for going out, anyway. She much preferred comfort food, cozy couches, and marathoning through sci-fi TV shows. But every now and then, she desired a special night out. And this was one of those times. It wasn't just that she needed a night off, but that she wanted to attend a very specific event.

The ballet. She'd guess that Oliver and Digg wouldn't peg her for a ballet fan. It really wasn't part of her life anymore. She had taken lessons when she was small, but after her father left and her mother spiraled, Felicity's lessons were forgotten. She smiled sadly at the memory of her little feet trying to perfect the point.

She sighed quietly and pulled up the website for the ballet company. It was the next evening. The Starling City Ballet Company was presenting the Cinderella Ballet, which had always been one of her favorites. She had talked herself out of going months before, telling herself that she would probably be busy on a Saturday evening. Criminals and evil masterminds and all.

But she wasn't busy. Starling City was surprisingly quiet. Nothing big on the radar. But, she was sure they wouldn't have tickets left and besides - it wasn't as much fun to get dressed up and go to the ballet without a friend. She gazed quietly at the elaborate photos on the website and conceded to her fate.

"Are there evil plans afoot at the ballet?" Oliver said. Felicity nearly jumped out of her chair. She hadn't heard Oliver approach. She considered his tone and couldn't decide if he was serious or joking.

"Evil stepmothers and stepsisters abound," she settled on humor, hoping that even if Oliver had been serious, he would understand that there was no danger.

She looked up at him and saw him smiling down at her.

"I didn't know you were into the ballet, Felicity."

She shrugged her shoulders, "it's know..." she trailed off. He tilted his head and implored her to continue with his piercing stare, "I...used to take lessons," she looked up at him with a sheepish smile.

He was silent for a moment and then a wide smile spread across his face, "prove it."

"Uh, that won't be happening," her eyes wide, but her arms securely crossed in front of her.

Oliver reached for her elbows and pulled her out of the chair, grinning. Was he chuckling? She looked at him with a confused expression.

"C'mon. One thing," he gently pulled her to the middle of the foundry and backed up, "Twirl!" he commanded lightheartedly.

"You're crazy," she stood still, still crossing her arms over her chest.

"Twirl," he said again, quieter. His head tilted a little.


"Twirl," he whispered, almost desperately. And then he did it. That damn sad face.

"Oh my god, Oliver Queen," she rolled her eyes, "why on Earth do you want me to twirl?" she dropped her arms to her side in a display of annoyance.

"Please," he said flatly, but with a smile in his eyes.

She closed her eyes and shook her head 'no'. He was quiet. She kept her eyes closed and waited, hoping he had admitted defeat and given up.

No such luck.

He was next to her, whispering into her ear, "I'll take you to the ballet if you twirl for me."

Her eyes shot open and she stared at him. Was he serious? Did he understand that it would break her heart to be promised the ballet and then not be able to go?

"There won't be any tickets now. It's tomorrow," she said slowly, watching him.

"My mother has box seats. Always available," he said, smugly.

"Damn," Felicity thought to herself. "It's Saturday night. That's the criminals' favorite night."

"I'm sure it will be fine for a few hours, Felicity. Diggle can keep watch."

"Damn, damn, damn," she cursed to herself. Was she really going to consider going to the ballet with Oliver?

He was staring at her. It was weird.

"You're serious? You'll take me to the ballet? Because if you bail on me, I won't talk to you for a month! I'll schedule CEO meetings for every moment of the day! I'll...I'll..." she peered at him with keen eyes, "I'll eat your secret stash of chocolate!"

He looked dumbfounded, "I don't have a secret stash of chocolate."

"You won't have one anymore because I'll eat it."

He smiled, conceding and choosing to save the battle for later, "I'm not going to bail on you, Felicity," he said softly, as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

She breathed deeply and looked straight at him, "Okay. Ballet. Tomorrow. You have to wear a tux, you know."

"I know."

"And no sleeping through the show!"

"I wasn't planning on it," he laughed.

"Okay then. I guess we have a date," she said and quickly corrected herself, "I mean, not a date date. I just mean, it's a planned social outing between friends that has a specific date attached."

"Right," his grin was just annoying at this point. She sighed loudly.

"So...thanks," she said and smiled softly. It took all of her self control to mask her excitement and stop herself from squealing and jumping up and down.

"You're welcome," he replied, still grinning.

"Why are you still grinning like that, Oliver?" she asked, finally annoyed with his antics.

"I'm waiting."

"Waiting? For what?"

"Twirling," he said and before she knew what was happening, he was on the other side of her and sitting in her chair. He waved his hand toward the middle of the foundry. "No twirling, no ballet."

"You promised!"

"I recall saying I would take you to the ballet IF you twirled for me."

"Damn," she said to herself again and looked up at the ceiling.

Walking to the middle of the room, "If you tell Digg I twirled, I'll hide your bow and arrows," she said sternly and before he could respond, she spun around in place.

She couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips. And she didn't miss the chuckle that escaped his.

Previous reviews:

Brokenangelsely chapter 1 . May 26
I just about fell over. The cuteness. It's.

Belle97 chapter 1 . May 11
Aaaaawwww this is sooo cute! Eeeeee x) XD LOVE THIS :)

Guest chapter 1 . May 11
nice piece. I hope she was wearing one of her gowns. Another part please ?

Kiely Gyrl chapter 1 . May 10
That was waaay cute... So do we get a day at the ballet chapter?

sakura-blossom62 chapter 1 . May 11
Lol this was jsut too cute and sweet and I really needed some Olicity fluff so it was jsut perfect Loved it!

lateVMlover chapter 1 . May 11

staceyyyy chapter 1 . May 11
too cute :)

Confidential Brunette chapter 1 . May 11
I LOVED this! Are you going to continue this or is this just a one-shot?