He was only ten

Disclaimer: I don't own Lord of the Rings Tolkien does and New Line Cinema owns the movies.

He stood on the walls of helms deep

wearing equipment that was too big,

and holding a sword that he could barely lift.

He stood very bravely though he wanted to cry

and to run to the comfort of his mother's arms.

All around him men and other boys (mostly older)

also stood bravely though fear was seen in their eyes.

He knew that they were frightened too

of what was about to happen.

The sky was darkened and the mood was tense

moments before the attack began.

The clouds burst and rain began to pour

as the first arrow was shot.

Another tense moment passed

before the fighting really broke forth.

The little boy watched as the arrows flew everywhere

striking men and boys around him.

One arrow narrowly missed him

as he quickly dodged to the left.

The soldier next to him said, "you, have good reflexes;

this will help you in the battle."

The little boy nodded his head at the soldier

with unshed tears that formed in his eyes,

for he had many years ahead of him,

and did not want to die.

He wanted to play with his friends,

and have a future filled with hopes and dreams

instead of being a child soldier ready to give his life

at so young an age.

Uraks and Orcs climbed to the outer walls of Helms Deep

like spiders and ants

and aimed their cruel weapons at the people of Gondor.

The boy picked up his sword though it was heavy

ready to defend himself and everyone around him too

from the monsters that were bent on destroying

every man woman and child.

Screams were heard all around him

as many were wounded or killed

by the swords and scimitars that cut and slice

and arrows that find their marks so true.

Fear in his heart increased as the orcs came closer.

He swung his sword Hoping that none of their

cruel weapons would pierce him.

He swung as best as he could cutting an orc or two.

Then an urak that Towered over him

aimed a scimitar at him.

He tried to block it with his sword

but it was to no avail,

for the scimitar sliced his chest.

He felt searing pain as he fell to the floor

Then he saw complete blackness

and knew no more.

In the after math of the battle,

he was held in the arms of a woman who

Was weeping and lamenting, saying

that, "he was only ten years old."