First want to say sorry for the hold up, life got in the way for me, so I apologize to you all. I will try and get better at this, and no I will not let my stories die. I intend to finish them all.

Second...Yes I am aware Patrica Briggs authored a few books on Omega's wolf. (I own the books, I am aware of them, and rather fond of them.) Yes I am aware my omega's are nothing like hers. That is because I designed it that way. I didn't want to be like hers, mine is VERY similar but there are difference. That was on purpose. Creative licence if you will.

Thirdly, yes I am aware there are a few spelling errors here and there. I write the story, spell check it, skim the chapter really quick before i put it up. I have lots of respect for you grammar nazi's =)

No I will not get a beta, sorry. Just how it is.

Lastly, this chapter is a bit intense. I actually had a TOTALLY different ending, but while I was writing, this ending just appeared, and I was pretty happy with it.

So I hope you enjoy!

Bella shuffled to gym class slowly. Tired, flustered, and most of all hungry, the wolf whimpered silently at her displeasure with the situation. It took her twenty minutes to calm down after Rosalie left her in that empty classroom, and by that time lunch was already done. Stomach growling softly, and a soft sigh leaving her parted lips, the wolf kept her head down as she scurried into the locker room. Not seeing any pissed off vampires, Bella quickly changed into her gym clothing, trying to ignore the gnawing feeling in her gut. Last to exit the girls locker room, she went to the back of the class and started to stretch out. Keeping her eyes firmly on the polished wood, Bella didn't want to chance meeting the enraged onyx eyes right now. At least Mike wasn't bothering her today, he probably was too scared of what happened last time with Rose.

"Listen up you unplanned pregnancies," The old gym teacher spoke up with a sneer, eyeing all the students with disgust. How was this old lady allowed to be around kids? Half of Bella's peers flinched at the coaches taunt, and the wolf just kept her head down. "We are going to have a student assistant coach, or whatever. He is in college and wants to be a teacher, so don't hold that against him. Mr Morrison will be here with us for the rest of the semester. He is going to be teaching this period so I can evaluate his nonexistent skills. So I expect you all to do what he says." Giving everyone a glare, the old woman walked away giving the floor to a young, twenty something, very muscular guy. Bella thought she heard every girl in the gym swoon.

"Name is Jack Morrison, and this is my first time really taking over a class so I hope you will take it easy on me. For today we are going to warm up with a light jog around the outer edge of the gymnasium, then a nice game of...dodgeball." All the boys cheered at that, while the girls were still too busy fanning their ovaries. Bella did have to admit he was very handsome, like a young Adonis, but he didn't spark any excitement in her. "I also hope you don't mind if I get to…..know you all better," Thats when Bella noticed that his eyes lingered on someone. Licking his lips he gave a wink. What did he wink at? Bella followed his eyesight and spotted his quarry, and instantly paled. He was looking at Rosalie.

"He dreamy, isn't he?" Bella overheard some of the girls whispering as they started to jog around the gym. Her blue eyes couldn't leave the sight before her. This guy jogging beside Rosalie, talking, laughing, and flirting. How dare he! Bella let out a low growl as she glared at this new man. He was so presumptuous to think that he could just walk in there and have any girl he wanted, including Rosalie. Feeling her chest rumble, as the low growl kept emerging to show her displeasure, Bella could feel her canine teeth grow slightly. She never felt so angry before, Bella was always docile and non confrontational, but right now she wanted nothing then to kill that man. Clenching her jaw together, as he rested a hand on the small of her back, Bella couldn't help but let out a loud snarl, ignoring the looks the other students gave her.

"Who does he think he is?" Bella hissed to herself, blue eyes burning holes in that back of his perfect short chestnut hair. "He thinks he is so fricken perfect," muttering as she finished the warm up jog, focusing on nothing else but this new prey.

"Ok, who is ready for dodgeball!" Mr Morrison smiled to everyone, giving Rosalie another wink. Bella felt her blood on fire, vision turning red. Of course Bella was not on Rosalie's team, and this new assistant teacher decided to join the blonde goddess's team. Well that meant he was fair game, and she sure as hell wasn't going to hold back. Bella didn't even look at Rosalie at all since this new guy showed up, she was completely obsessed with her hatred for this man and his flirting. The game started and Bella quickly caught a ball without any effort, her eyes zeroing in on the disgusting teacher. Winding her arm back, she threw the ball square at his chest. Mr. Morrison never saw it coming, stumbling back, the class laughed at him. He chuckled lightly and went to sit out, causing Bella to let out another growl. If he thought that was funny, the rest of the game was going to be hilarious.

The rest of the gym period was filled with Bella holding onto a ball until the Jack Morrison was put into play. Then the wolf would promptly and viciously get him back out again. Bella's team won, but she didn't care. Her stomach twisted in pain at the thought Rosalie might want this man instead of her. Was this punishment for the stuff with Lauren? Maybe it was something else, Bella was after all an omega wolf. She didn't have a lot of strength when needed. He probably would be better, stronger for her. Thoughts swirled in her head, making her fingers twitch as the rest of the class went to the locker rooms to clean up.

"Ms Swan a word?" The voice of this man was enough to knock off the wolf's insecure thoughts, and bring her right back to rage.

"What?" trying not to rip his head off right at that moment.

"Well I wanted to say great game, you have one hell of an arm. Do you play any sports?" He had a charming smile that probably got all the girls to fall into his hands, but it wasn't working on Bella.

"No," She kept her answers short, there was less chance to say something she might regret later.

"Well you should think about softball, hockey, or basketball. I bet any team would be lucky to have you." He ran his fingers over his jaw bones, stroking his clean shaven skin like he was preening. Bella felt herself bristle up at this, the pretty boy trying to get what he wants.

"Sure," trying to keep the venom from her words, she couldn't help but give him a dark look, he was too busy to see while he was admiring himself.

"Also Ms Swan, be a bit careful with that arm next time. I would hate for anyone to have an accident. I barely got to play and show off my worth there," chuckling he gave her a wink, and Bella felt her arms shaking. So he was going to try and show off to Rosalie. Like she would need that. Feeling her canine teeth grow sharp again, cutting her tongue and feeling the coppery liquid flood into her mouth, Bella couldn't help but let out a low growl. This man would never come near her Rosalie ever again.

"Bella! There you are." A voice no one was expecting echoed through the gym, Bella immediately felt her body stiffen, and her growl instantly was cut off.. Alice skipped through the gym, huge smile on her face, as she approached Bella. "Come on silly we have to go remember?" The pixie hooked her arm around Bella's gently pulling her to the outside door.

"Go?" Bella spoke as if she was in a daze, her gaze never leaving the man who did her wrong.

"Yes! Remember we have to go home? Don't worry Carlisle wrote us a note and everything. Come on!" The tiny vampire was practically dragging her from the gymnasium while Mr Morrison just let out a laugh waving at them. The man didn't seem to notice or care about Bella's extreme disdain for him.

"What are we doing?" Bella sighed now following the pixie more compliantly.

"We are going to see Esme," Alice's voice lost almost all of its cheerfulness, and was a much darker tone.

"Ok," Bella kept her eyes low, following the vampire to the bright yellow car, getting into the passenger seat without a fight. "I am still in my gym clothes." moaning out, Bella bonked herself on the head for forgetting something so obvious. Alice quickly pulled out of the parking lot, quickly picking up speed.

"Its fine, I can bring back these clothes, and grab your stuff later." the pixie replied, keeping her eyes on the road. Bella didn't really notice the unsafe speeds they were traveling, as her mind was on Rosalie and this new gym teacher.

"Won't we be coming back though?"

"Nope, not today. You won't be going to school until we fix this puppy," Alice spoke in almost a scolding voice.

"Fix what? What did I do?" Bella quickly looked at the vampire, now a bit curious and nervous. Did she do something to displease her new pack?

"You know what you did puppy," the pixie gave her a pointed look. Bella couldn't help but feel guilty looking down. Alice must mean the thing with that man. "I had a vision of you, actually...ripping off his head. I thought it wise to intervene before you were thrown in jail for murder." The wolf really did want to rip his head off, so she really couldn't say anything to the contrary.

"Sorry," was all Bella could whisper out.

"What happened? What made you almost go on a murderous rampage?" Alice sighed, voice softening up, golden eyes full of concern.

"He was touching her! Flirting with her!" Bella blurted out, she shouldn't be the only one at fault here. That man was trying to get close to Rosalie. Rose was hers, she worked hard just to get to this point, and didn't want that man ruining it.

"Who touching who?"

"That...teacher man, flirting and touching Rosalie! He touched her on the back! Like on the lower back!" Bella pointed wildly to her own back, and Alice couldn't help but smirk at the display..

"Oh I see. So the puppy was jealous?" the pixie giggled, cocking her eyebrow at Bella.

"He can't touch her there if I can't!"

"Why not?" Bella blinked and gave the vampire a confused look. "Why can't you touch Rosalie on her back? Her….lower back?" Alice then wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"I...I never asked yet, ok?" Bella was getting flustered at these questions, feeling her cheeks burning up, and Alice kept smirking at her like she heard some funny joke.

"Puppy, I don't think you need to ask Rosalie permission to touch her. Just do it, and if you feel so uncomfy about it, ask her. I highly doubt she could deny her wolf. And we are home!" Bella didn't even notice there were pulled up in front of the house until the car engine switched off and Alice jumped out of the car. Esme was standing at the front door, wearing a purple silk long sleeve blouse, and black slacks, and a soft smile across her face.

"Welcome home you two," she said warmly, golden eyes sparkling.

"Sorry you had to leave work early," Alice frowned as the all walked into the house at normal speeds.

"You left work because of me?" Bella whispered mortified at herself.

"Its nothing to be worried about, come lets sit in the living room." Esme ushered Bella to the couch, and the wolf sat down, pulling her knees to her chest. Esme sat next to her, body twisted to face Bella better, elbow propped up on the back, head resting on her hand. "Want to tell me what happened today dear?"

"Nothing happened I just, got frustrated," Bella murmured, biting her lip nervously.

"Now that is a lie puppy," Alice perched herself on the armrest of the chair across from them.

"He touched her and flirted with her! And she probably liked it, which isn't fair, Rosalie should only be mine. But she might like him better then me, and I got mad, ok!" the wolf rambled out, springing up from the couch and started to pace across the hardwood floor. The other vampire made no move, just watched, and listened to her silently. "And I wanted to, keep him from ever touching or flirting with Rosalie again. Cause...she should only be doing that with me, and stuff." Rubbing her hands together, Bella mumbled to herself continuing to pace.

"I see, and to keep him from doing that you would have to…." Esme glanced to Alice.

"Rip his head off, it was not a pretty picture." the pixie shrugged like decapitation was a normal conversation topic.

"He touched her! On the lower back! And was smiling his stupid smile, trying to act all charming." Bella cried out. She wanted them to see the problem. Yes she shouldn't of lost her temper, but this man should not be doing this.

"Dear I think Rosalie can handle herself if it was a problem. She was most likely being polite. We cannot let anything raise suspicion about us, so losing your temper does not benefit that." Esme spoke calmly golden eyes following the pacing wolf.

"But its still not right! He shouldn't be touching and flirting!" Bella felt her canine teeth grow yet again. No one was understanding her frustration. She should of ended the problem back at the gym, this man should not being doing these things.

"Bella come sit down." Esme spoke softly, but with some hint of authority.

"I'm sorry I lost my temper, I didn't hurt him! He shouldn't be flirting with her!" Clenching her fists together, she felt her body shiver with anger, her wolf so close to the surface. Esme rose from the couch, eyes obsidium now.

"I said….sit Bella," Esme's voice was low and icy now. The command was obvious to even Alice now. Bella froze and immediately sat on hardwood floor where she was standing, eyes lowered to the ground.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I sat, I'm sorry." Bella whispered, her body now trembling in fear from her alpha.

"When I say you do something you do it, ok Bella?" Esme's voice was still the same tone as she walked slowly up to the wolf standing in front of her.

"Yesyes, I will. I swear." nodding quickly, Bella kept her eyes trained to the ground. Esme crouched graceful down, resting on the balls of her feet, arms places on her knees.

"Bella, look at me." Scared blue eyes quickly complied and watched the swirling oil slicks of eyes. "I need you to understand we can never lose our tempers. Not just you, but everyone. I have had this conversation with everyone, Edward, Alice, even Rosalie. Yes, that man should not of been flirting or touching Rosalie. But you should've talked to someone when you started to feel this way." Bella nodded her head in agreement. "I have been reading some things and it seems the only time omega's get aggressive is in defence of mates. Lucky for us it seems. Does that sound right to you?"

"I...I guess. Its the first time I ever felt angry, like...really angry." Bella rasped out.

"Thats ok. You are able to feel any emotion you want, its how we express that emotion is when we need to be careful. If you ever feel this way again. I don't care where you are, when it is, who is with you. You MUST call me immediately. Do you understand Bella?"

"I d...d...don't have a phone," Bella whimpered softly, hoping that fact wouldn't get her into anymore trouble.

"I bought you a phone. But I need you to understand what I am telling you to do first." Esme replied evenly, her voice calmer but her authority still pressing against her words.

"Yes...Yes I understand Esme. I promise to call you no matter what if I feel that way again." Bella answered obediently.

"Good, thank you Bella." Esme stood up elegantly, spun around and went to her room. Bella stayed glue to the spot on the floor, as she hasn't been given permission to move yet. She could feel the pixie was watching her, but kept her eyes trained forward. Esme returned to the living room a moment later, returning to crouching down in front of Bella again. In her smooth pale hands was a brand new smart phone. "All our phone numbers are programed into it already." This time, Esme's voice was warm and gently. Bella looked to see her eyes were back to their calm honey golden selves, and a small smile on her lips.

"Th...thank you Esme," Bella mumbled slowly taking the phone from the extended hand.

"Remember Bella, I am not forbidding you from feeling these new emotions. Anger, and jealousy are just emotions, but how we express them, how we deal with them is what we need to be careful of. I also might suggest talking to Rosalie about this, but I will not force you." Esme watched her carefully, expression of concern, but affectionate was across her features.

"I..I think Rose is mad at me right now anyways." Sighing softly, Bella remembered the livid look in the blonde vampire's eyes when they were in that empty classroom. Yes Rosalie did some extremely pleasurable things to her, and her body still shivered at the thought, but Bella could feel the hurt. Esme stayed silent waiting for Bella to continue. "I think...she thinks I am going on a date with Lauren."

"And are you?"

"What?! of course not. We are doing a project for art, and Lauren called it a date, but its just a school project." Bella felt her hands quiver with nervousness, as she tried to rush an explanation.

"I see. Well remember Bella, this is all new for Rosalie too. She is trying to control new emotions too, so I think you two need to sit down and talk about this. Though I suggest for this project you meet on neutral ground, say the library?" Bella perked up at that idea.

"That a really good idea!" the wolf eyes started to brighten up at the thought, hoping that would please Rosalie.

"Indeed it is. Now dear, I think you should take a nap, and relax. Alice and I need to excuse ourselves and go hunting. We will be back soon." Esme rested a comforting hand on Bella's shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Ok, have fun!" giving them both a warm smile, Bella watched as the two vampires exit the house at normal speeds, probably for her benefit. Looking around, blue eyes falling upon the couch next to her. Bella didn't want to go into Rosalie's room without permission, so the wolf slid onto the cushiony piece of furniture, stretching out and closing her eyes. Trying to push swirl dark thoughts from her mind, and hoping that sleep would take the wolf soon. Nose twitching suddenly as if something was tickling it, she opened her eyes slowly, glancing around. Bella's heart jumped in her chest as she saw she was no longer alone, and Edward Cullen was sitting in the chair directly across from her.

"Took you long enough to notice my presence." the tall thin vampire sneered at her. His eyes black as coals, fangs extending past his lips glittering in the light. Sitting up slowly, Bella watched him warily, body tense.

"W...why are you here?" Bella tried not to stutter, but the vampire truly did unnerve her.

"What am I doing here? This is MY home you wretched mutt. I have every right to be here when I want. And when I heard about the little...incident I couldn't help but excuse myself from class to see for myself." His tone was nothing but malice, and animosity. Bella had no idea what she did to antagonize this vampire so badly, but he sure knew how to hold a grudge.

"N..n..nothing happened. I..I didn't hurt anymore," Bella could only let out a soft whisper, trying to stop her body from trembling.

"But don't you see. That should've never of happened. It just means you are mistake, and don't belong here. How long before you mess up again? Fleabags like you have a short temper." Edward glared at her, his ire flowing throughout the room.

"It won't happen again. I didn't mean to feel jealous or mad." the wolf squeaked out, her blue eyes fixated on the vampire.

"Jealous huh? New flash you pampered little bitch….If Rosalie didn't want some guy to flirt with her, she would of stopped it. If she didn't, means she...liked it," He put great emphasis on certain words, causing Bella to flinch.

" No thats n..n..not true." shaking her head quickly, Bella looked tried to push back the tears she felt in the corner of her eyes.

"Oh it is. No one wants you. Rosalie already found a new shiny toy. Its a shame you are into such unclean and unsavory things because you are easy on the eyes. If you were not such an abomination, I bet we could of had fun." Smirking evilly at that, Edward stood up, slowly walking towards Bella now.

"I...I would never want such a mean, brooding, childish boy such as you!" Bella dug down deep to pull up any courage she could. Feeling uncomfortable and unnatural saying those things, she just kept thinking this was not a dominance issue, it was him being mean to her. Edward's smirk slowly fell from his lips, and instantly curled into a snarl.

"How dare you speak to me that way. I think I will show you what you are...missing with a real man," and with that last word leaving his mouth in the blink of an eye he was in front of Bella grabbing her by the throat and throwing her through the front door. Feeling the glass shatter across her back, as she felt her body fly backwards and hit a tree several yards away from the house. Breathing now burning her lungs, and her vision was swirling, Bella tried to scramble to her feet, but Edward quickly pinned her to the gravel beneath her. Tiny rocks dug into her back, and blood pooled in her mouth as she frantically tried to struggle, arms and legs flailing. In a blur of movement, Edward was straddling Bella, both of her wrists in his grip holding them tightly. His fingers started to tighten around her thin limbs, and the sound of cracking bones filled the silent air. Bella let out a cry, tears flooding down her cheeks now, trying desperately to wiggle away from him. For some reason she couldn't change, her wolf wasn't there, she could bring her power up. The throbbing of her wrists sent shooting bolts of pain throughout her body, as Edward just laughed on top of her.

"Nononono, please no! Please no, I am sorry, please nooo!" Bella was wailing, her fear at an all time high, as she could even smell the bitter scent in the air. Chest heaving as she was crying hysterically, and lips quivering.

"Whats the matter dear Isabella, I am going to show you a good time. You should be thanking me." His free hand raked down her chest, causing the fabric to rip and fall off her body. Feeling the bile pool in her throat, Bella kept struggling under his grip, but a wolf was no match for a vampire. Bare skin of her chest now exposed and the blue lace bra was now the fixation of the vampire on top of her. Bella kept begging, pleading, whimpering no, but Edward wouldn't stop. Pale hands clutched the blue under garment, and ripped it off her body with vampire strength, causing the fabric to lacerate, and the underwire to cut through her skin. Bella let out another scream in pain and panic, her breasts now naked. "I said thank me Isabella," the vampire spoke up, swiftly slapping her across the cheek. Bella saw spots after that, vision a blurry mess, as she yelped in pain, sobbing uncontrollably.

"T.t..t..thank," she sniveled, her body in agony as her wrists and face ached in pain.

"You know, I am helping you get into heaven by this. I am saving your soul Bella. You cannot be the abomination Rosalie wants you to be. You should be grateful I care so much." His hands roughly grabbing her breasts. playing with her how he chooses, causing the wolf to whimper in pain.

"T..t...thank for c...c..caring," weeping softly, she didn't want to get struck again. She felt sick, her skin was crawling where he touched her, this was not suppose to happen. Edward moved his hands down her body, he applied pressure when his fingers passed her ribs, and Bella let out a yelp as she felt a rib crack.

"Yes Bella, I am going to make you all better,and you will LOVE me for it," the vampire growled out, and Bella started to shake when he felt his fingers at the hem of her shorts.

" please, please no," Bella let out one last plea, intimidated, and petrified. She just wanted this all to stop. Tear stained cheeks, wrists hanging limply, and blood dripping from her lips. His fingers started to tighten around the fabric, but stiffened when what seemed to be a mountain lion roar echoed through the forest.

"Fuck!" and with that Edward disappeared off Bella, and was nothing but a blur into the forest. Bella gasped for air, body shaking, and unable to stop the tears.

"Bella?" a southern twang soft spoken voice caused her to look up and see Jasper staring at her with wide eyes. Bella immediately tried to crawl backwards away from him, her wrists unable to bare any of her weight to push herself back on the ground. Her mind still terrified, what if Jasper was like Edward. Sure he was nice, but fear took over everything.

" please," she could feel the blood pour from her mouth, eyes red with tears. Sobbing, she tried to get as far away as she could.

"I won't..I won't hurt you Bella please." the curly blonde haired man held his hands up in surrender, in hopes to calm her down, his eyes full of sorrow and pain. Her whole body hurt, she felt dirty, felt worthless, and most of all she was scared.

"Nono, please.." was all Bella could repeat, cowering in front of the vampire.

"Oh gods Bella what did he do to you, the pain…" the southerner choked out, face contorted in pain. A flash of moment, and it was no longer the two of them. Alice and Esme stood next to Jasper, eyes in shock, hands covering their mouths. Where they all going to hurt her too?

"Nono, please...don't...don't," Bella whimpered as she kept struggling backwards until she was leaning back against what was left of the tree she came crashing through the house into.

"We..we won't hurt you sweetie Bella. No one will hurt you anymore I promise," Esme whispered out, as if she was about to cry. Feeling herself shrink, until their gazes, drawing back as far as she could.

"B..Bella?" A soft voice carried through the front yard, as watery blue eyes slowly lift to see Rosalie standing near the tree line, looking at her horrified. Bella sobbed uncontrollably into her limp hands, and she felt the blood start to run down her sides as well. She wasn't strong enough for Rosalie, she couldn't defend herself, she couldn't even call her wolf. Rosalie wouldn't want her anymore. "Bella, sweetheart its ok," Rosalie cooed softly, walking slowly towards her.

"Nono," was all Bella could say, as her body felt like it was on fire with ache and dispare.

"Sweetheart, angel, I am so sorry. God I am so sorry….He is gone I promise." the vampire's voice was quivering slightly. Bella slowly lowered arms across her chest, trying to cover up, head hanging low. She never wanted Rosalie to see her like this.

"I..I..I sorry...its fault." Bella choked out, thinking if she did not piss off Edward he wouldn't of done this. A soft sensation appeared under her chin, as a cool hand raised her head up, to meet Rosalie's eyes who was now crouching in front of her.

"No, no Sweetheart this was not your fault. This was that...pricks fault. I am so sorry I wasn't here. That no one was here. Oh Bella, this should of never of happened to you. I never wanted you to experience such a thing." Her voice was soft, but cracking like it was ready to break. Eyes black as night gazing at the wolf.

"I..I...I'm so scared," Bella started to cry again, her body shaking, as the sobs wracked through her broken form.

"I know love, I know. I will fix this. I will make it better," Rosalie let out a soft whisper falling to her knees in front of Bella, wrapping her arms around her, and just holding her. Bella bawled into her blonde vampire's shoulder, and Rosalie just held her. The only sound in the forest was the sobs from Bella as Rosalie gently rocked her back and forth.