Mega Chaotic AU
By: FunahoMisaki
(A/N: I own nothing and read last chapter)
Tom had just been a normal five year old boy with a negligent mother and an abusive father when he first found a strange ring that, being the curious and nearly unconscious from blood loss child he is, he grabbed. Before he knew what happened he was appearing in what he now knew as the Forest of Life a little ways away from where Takinom and Intress were fighting again. When they saw him lying there bloodied and on the verge of passing out they stopped fighting instantly and ran to make sure he was okay. Intress had reached him first.
"Young one. What happened to you? How did you get here?" Intress had asked while preparing to cast her Song of Resurgence on Tom.
"P-Pretty furry lady…I made daddy mad…I find ring…then I be here." Tom had told her what had happened as best as he could, causing the two women to look at him and then each other shocked. Children were rare in Perim, whether they were human or creature, small children were always rare, toddlers and babies even more so, and therefore treasured. How could someone, let alone the childs 'daddy', hurt such a small boy that looked no older than three summers at the most?!
"Do you have any healing mugic? The youngling has lost a lot of blood." Intress asked looking up at Takinom who shook her head.
"Most of my mugic is offensive not healing." Takinom said causing Intress to nod in understanding as she gently lifted the now unconscious child into her arms.
"C-Can you fly me back to Kiru City? Najarin is there and I know that he has healing mugic for sure." Intress asked looking at Takinom curiously and slightly cautiously.
"Of course. I'm willing to set aside our rivalry for the sake of the youngling." Takinom said lifting Intress into her arms before taking off, earning a startled yelp from the tiger woman.
When Tom next opened his eyes he was lying in a bed in a large room with the two women he saw before he passed out sitting on either side of the bed, two identical but different looking girls standing beside the women.
"You're awake! Aivenna go get Najarin and your dad." Intress said sending the red skinned blue haired teenager beside her off to get the two requested people.
"Nivenna go grab some water for the youngling and check on your little sister while you're at it. Make sure she isn't getting into any more trouble." Takinom said sending off the blue skinned red haired teen who was snickering.
"Okay mom, and you know that prank was hilarious." Nivenna said causing Intress to snicker slightly while Tom perked up, he liked pranks. It was part of the reason why his daddy would hurt him a lot, cause he was always playing pranks.
"Yes but I don't think Van Bloot liked being turned bright pink for a week." Takinom retorted rolling her eyes even as she and Intress fussed over Tom. Intress and Nivenna broke out snickering at that.
"Wish I could have seen that." Intress said snickering while Nivenna left the room to do as she was asked, just in time for Aivenna to come back into the room with Najarin and Maxxor right behind her.
"Eep!" Tom squeaked slightly as he hid behind Intress at the sight of the two males. He preferred the girls company, girls never hurt him like boys did.
"It's alright youngling. They will not harm you…and if they even try it I will kill Najarin and make Maxxor sleep in the guest room for the next solan." Intress said glaring at the two males to make her point clear, causing Maxxor to pale and look like a kicked puppy while Najarin chuckled in amusement at the threat. Tom still remained hiding behind Intress though, and when she moved so that the two males could see him. Tom squeaked again in fear and hid behind Takinom who stared at him sadly.
"He is acting around males very much like Krystella did when I first found her in Fear Valley." Takinom said causing Intress and the two males to pause for a minute as they recalled how Krystella had been, and sometimes still was, scared of all males when Takinom first found her a year ago.
"Perhaps a female healer would be best. I can lend you or Intress some of my healing supplies if nothing else." Najarin said after the moment of pause as he eyed the small head of messy black hair and scared blue eyes that were peeking out at him and Maxxor. Before Intress or Takinom could answer the door to the room was thrown open as Nivenna returned out of breath and holding a basin of water with a small human girl of about six or seven with brown hair and pink eyes giggling as she closed the door and leaned against it. Tom looked curious at the sight of another human around his age.
"What did you do this time Krystella?" Takinom asked with a small sigh as she looked at the giggling girl.
"…I may have accidentally turned Bodal and Zorv bright orange and Tang tooth may have gotten turned pink…" The apparently named Krystella said grinning widely up at Takinom, causing Maxxor and Aivenna to bust out laughing while Intress and Najarin looked amused.
"You prank?" Tom asked peeking his head out from behind Takinom to look at the young human girl in the room. Krystella looked at him and grinned widely.
"Sure do! I'm Kr-Krystella! Who you?" Krystella asked stuttering slightly over her name before managing to get it out.
"T-Tom. I like pranks." Tom said shyly and causing Takinom to groan while Krystella grinned widely, as did Aivenna.
"Cool! New friend! Come pranking!" Krystella chattered out rapid fire while the older occupants of the room were amazed at how quickly she had seemed to take to the younger human, who was a boy no less!
"Okay." Tom agreed easily as he smiled happily, glad to have a new friend who liked pranking. Krystella jumped up onto the bed and grabbed Toms' hand and dragged him out of the room behind her as the others merely stared surprised. Krystella was not one for physical contact, especially with boys of any age or species, and yet she seemed so at ease with the young Tom. Only Nivenna noticed Aivenna slip out of the room after the two young humans, likely to join them on their pranking spree.
This was the start of Tom's new life with his crazy family and future wife.