Mega Chaotic AU
By: FunahoMisaki
(A/N: I own nothing and what if Tom grew up in the world of Perim? He was raised by the Overworld tribe as it's prince that is engaged to the human princess of the Underworld, and he's taught all that a prince should know, and some he probably shouldn't, but he went to the human world for normal school to make friends of his own age and species…now he's back in Chaotic and his secrets are coming out one by one Starts at Flux Bauble. AU OOC)
"One of your kind, a female, lured me here and trapped me in this magic circle." Zorv said looking up at Tom and Kazz from within a bright red circle that was drawn around him on the ground.
"Just step out of the circle Zorv, it's lipstick." Tom said in amusement as he looked down at the blue man like creature.
"But my prince! The human female is a traitor! She is your-"
"I know who did it Zorv, and I know why. All will be explained at a meeting later today that you have to be present for. Just know that she is on an undercover mission of upmost importance. The circle is harmless I assure you. Just step out of it." Tom said calmly while Kazz was looking at him confused as hell. Why did Zorv call him a prince…let alone Zorv's prince?
"O-Okay my prince." Zorv said before hesitantly stepping out of the circle, cheering when his magic wasn't stolen.
"I'll explain things later Kazz. I'm going on a solo scan quest real quick. Bye!" Tom said grinning cheekily at Kazz, sticking around just long enough for the Mepedian creature and his human accomplice to spot him and Zorv before they both vanished. Zorv using his magic and Tom porting away.
When Tom reappeared he was instantly engulfed in a hug by two people, both women, while a large male lifted the three of them up and hugged them all at once.
"Come on. Can't breath." Tom wheezed out from in the massive hug, causing the three to release him while the younger of the two females that tried to hug the life out of him giggled.
"Come on brother. Surely a little hug isn't too much for you." The red skinned light blue haired Overworlder said giggling at her adoptive brother.
"A little hug no, but all three of you trying to hug me at the same time…you gotta remember that I'm a human and not as strong or durable as you three even if I'm stronger and more durable than any other human...well except for one other human but she's a special case." Tom said to his adoptive sister, mother, and father.
"I'm sorry kitten. It's just been so long since I've last seen you…How are you? Are you eating enough? Doing well in human school? What about your training?" The older female said fretting over her human child while the only other male besides Tom let out a bellowing laugh at Toms words and his wife's response.
"Intress stop fretting over the boy long enough for him to answer your questions at least." The older male said causing Tom to give his father a thankful look while the mother, Intress, shot her husband a scowl and returned to fretting and fussing over Tom, Tom's sister just standing there giggling at her brothers fate.
"Come on mom. Tom's fine, a little scrawny looking but fine." Aivenna said giggling as she caught her brothers pleading look and tried to deter her mother a bit…which worked…to an extent.
"Oh gee thanks sis." Tom said sarcastically when Intress started fretting over Tom's weight and dragging, nearly carrying really, him to the dining hall so that he could get something to eat.
"You're welcome little brother." Aivenna said sweetly while there was familiar laughter nearby as three more women arrived.
"Sister are you fretting over Tom again?" Takinom asked grinning as she walked closer to the family of four, two younger UnderWorlders following behind her. One was a human teenage girl, the other was a humanoid girl with light bluish skin and blood red hair.
"Aww poor Tommy. Is your mom trying to force feed you again?" The humanoid girl who looked like Aivenna but had complete opposite coloring said grinning at Tom.
"Shut up Nivenna. Tell me again what your mom did when you had gone missing for a month." Tom said scowling at the UnderWorlder while Aivenna hugged her UnderWorld twin.
"Hey I was reacting perfectly reasonably after my oldest daughter went missing for a month!" Takinom protested causing Intress to snort slightly, which caused Takinom to glare at her.
"Something to add little sister?" Takinom asked causing Intress to grin.
"Yeah. I don't think a reasonable reaction would cause Nivenna to rush to The Forest of Life in the middle of the day begging me to talk some sense into you or hide her, whichever was easier, while you were trying to wrap her up in bubble wrap and feed her fifth helpings at every meal." Intress said causing the younger four of the two groups to crack up laughing while Takinom blushed slightly in embarrassment.
"At least I'm not the one who thought it was a good idea to take two babies, one human at that!, on a joyride through Fear Valley on a Bi-Mowercycle!" Takinom retorted causing Intress to scowl at her and open her mouth to retort, growling slightly at her sister.
"Oh boy. Mom and Aunty are about to trade blows instead of insults…again." The only human in the UnderWorld 'family' said rolling her eyes.
"Yep. They take the term cat-fight to a whole new level." Tom said nodding sagely, and earning a snicker from the three females around him.
"Our family is so weird." Aivenna added earning nods from the other three.
"Yeah, you're my sister whereas your twin is our cousin technically and her sister is my fiancée. Not to mention mom and Aunty Taki almost always end up fighting whenever near each other for two minutes." Tom said causing the three females to nod, yeah that was weird and very confusing for anyone outside of their family…for them though…they were used to it.
"You two can fight later. I believe some of our subjects wish to know why the youngest princess of the UnderWorld has been behaving strangely recently." Maxxor said after a moment of watching his wife and her sister bicker and the claws almost come out.
Tom sighed slightly as he thought about how he ended up with this weird family, with a fiancée, and as the prince of an entire Perim tribe.