Okay guys. I had this idea :) & I know it's crazy ... I never did this before ...

An idea of wich i don't know if it's cool or not ... I saw, that other authors are doing this too and I wanted to give it a try with an UNRELATED!WINCHEST-VERSION. :)


YOU are telling me, what I am supposed to write.

YOU are the ones who tell me what you want to read & I'M going to do it.

Lets see how many are in for this kind of Idea.

I'm sorry if I'm not using all the prompts (if it even gets that far & if there are that many entries), depends on if they fit or if they don't ... after all it should be ... you know ... not bullshit. With a start, middle-part, and an ending.

Besides: there's going to pass more time in between the updates, since i have to go along the prompts, and it very much depends on my shift-plan too.


1st: I GIVE YOU A HEADSTART with the first chapter.

2nd: YOU are going to review with your prompt (you can also review with prompts for this story in the later chapters of course, but for planning this story I need to work ahead a bit, so it wouldn't be bad if you'd give me something to work with at the beginning).

3rd: I'm going to work the plot out by the basis of your prompts.

4th: I'll post :)

THIS IS UNRELATED!WINCEST, NOT UNDERAGE (The characters have to be 20+), no age-reversal, Sam's the bottom (and will always be for me), Dean's the top (because there's no other way I want to write him), it's supposed to be a love!story and not just porn. Of course there will be porn too (if you prompt it) – also with kinks (if they fit into the storyline), but not in the first couple of chapters (probably), since the story should be (at least) a bit believable ... if you know what I mean?


Obsidian – Raise A Little Hell

Chapter 1 ~ Let's Get Started

Just a couple of miles and he'd be there ... he'd get help. Help he needed more than anything else right now. Hell, the blood was already seeping into the driver's seat in between his legs. The wound was too severe to take care of it in a motel-room all by himself. If he tried he'd bleed out before he even get his surgical kit out of the duffel. - Besides ... it wouldn't work anyway.

The damn bastard had got him good. A sucking chest wound, something that wouldn't be done with burning out the wound and three or four stitches. Besides ... the knife was still stuck in between his ribs, high likely puncturing his lung ...

No ... it was just a matter of minutes until he'd be there. Surely, no hunter loved to go into a hospital. Neither did Sam. Actually he HATED hospitals worse than cholera or pestilence in person. He have had his fair share of injuries, but this one was by far the worst.

So yes. If he wanted to live, he had to hold onto consciousness as long as possible – until he would get the help he needed.

Sam could already see the red and white indexing that showed him the way to the hospital. He actually couldn't recall how he finally got to a hold at the front-entrance of the building.

A couple of inches further and he would have crashed straight into the glass-front of the closed doors with his pickup.

Though he got there. - Now it was about to get the people's attention. - Okay, he might had the attention of everyone inside and around the front-entrance. Nearly bumping into the doors had obviously risen enough.

A hand full of people were gathering around his car, there were flustered voices and nervous yells. Though he couldn't make out a single word of them anyway. The buzzing in his head was too loud.

Sam gripped the handle of the door and wrenched it open, nearly falling out in the process, though he caught himself on the wheel.

Suddenly someone was beside him, an angrily screwed up face of a man who was yelling something at him.

Sam could just grin at the guy. He didn't understand him anyway. Not in the condition he was in. Probably some broken bones, a concussion and the damn stab wound. - Nah ...

The very next moment the man went rigid and stared at him flabbergasted. Obviously the guy had finally managed to check that there was no reason to yell at him since he didn't even understand a word, leaving alone getting out a damn syllable.

The crowd around Sam's car erupted into a hype of activity the very next moment. He felt a hand on his chest, pressing something on the wound around the knife. The pressure stilled the searing pain for a couple of moments and he gasped at the sudden relief.

"Hey, boy!", the man yelled, his brown eyes narrowing. "Stay with me, kid." His voice trembled as he saw the wounded man's eyes flutter close. "HELP! Damn it! Get a damn doctor out here!" Crimson soaked through the shirt he had pulled off to press it onto the wound. His dark skin shining in the pale light of the lamps and the light of the full moon above their heads. The man's gaze followed the trail of scarlet in wich the young man's shirt and jeans were soaked.

He got shoved to the side by two men in blue gowns, white coats and stethoscopes dangled from their necks.

"What do we have?", one of them called out.

With every moment those damn fools wasted he was loosing blood. Damn it, it's a sucking chest wound, folks. Though Sam's words stayed in his mind instead of leaving his mouth as he had intended to let them.

"Stab wound!", the other one called back. "Bruises and lacerations on his face. Looks like he got pretty banged up!"


Sam heard the passenger's door open and the car shift. Someone was crawling inside beside him. Now there were more hands on him. One was checking his neck, another one was clipping something on his pointing-finger.

What the hell is taking them so long?

"BP ninety to fifty and falling. SATs are down to sixty-five – dropping. Pulse not measurable!"

"Get him on the stretcher. - Careful. We can't afford to dislocate the knife."

"Hey, boy! Can you hear me? What's your name?"

Sure he was hearing him ... but hell, the question got lost somewhere between his ears and brain in a foggy cloud of nothingness.

"Okay ... lets get him inside. - Get the OP ready. We've an emergency here. - And page Doctor Brennan. We're gonna need her!"

Then the voices started to grow silent and muffled. Something was covering his mouth and nose now. There was still the pressure on his chest and the feeling of water filling his lungs slowly. The voices and sounds disappeared after a couple of moments and he found himself flooding somewhere between here and there. He felt his body jolting up from where he was lying now and all he wanted to do was sleep.

The pretty blonde nurse blinked up through long dark lashes, her blue eyes glistening in the light. She smiled sweetly at the man who was leaning against the counter of the nurse's station on the ICU.

He didn't look as nervous as other relatives whose people were here. Maybe they hadn't been close or something. Maybe the handsome guy in his thirties with emerald-green eyes and pouty lips was just a step-brother and not a real one. Because – to be honest – there weren't a lot of similarities between him and the guy in room three.

Then again ... Katy didn't look a lot like her sister too ...

What counted was, that the man was right up her alley and that he sure as hell would need some comfort when his so-called brother would finally kick the bucket. Sure she knew that it wasn't very nice to think that way ... And somehow she cursed herself for it. But then again ... not a lot of people were making it out of the ICU alive and it was just her way to deal with it.

"Can I see my brother now?" The man started to grow impatient with every passing minute doctor Brennan didn't appear.

She had called her already three times and though ... the handsome guy was waiting now for thirty minutes streight.

"I'm sorry. The doctor's going to be here in no-time. I promise." She tried to not put too much sweetness into her voice, since the man was about to lose his sibling.

"Just tell me in which room he is in. - Or do I have to find him myself?" His look was more feral, even dangerous now. Kind of threatening.

"I'm sorry, sir. I can't let you to him before you haven't talked to the doctor and proved that you're his brother." Katy wasn't stupid. Of course she would've let the man to his brother. It wasn't like anyone had ever gotten killed on an ICU by some stranger ... though she had strict orders to not let anyone into that room. Leaving alone, leaving Samuel Hudson alone with someone else in the room on his own.

So nope. She wouldn't risk her job because of a handsome stranger with cute dimples and millions of freckles on his model-like face.

"He's my damn brother!", the man yelled now at her. "Either the doc's gettin' his ass over here, or I'm going to punch that idiot's face to mush!" Okay ... the last words were more of a growl than actually english language, but clear enough to be understood.

"No need to turn aggressive against the staff ... Mister Hudson?" A voice from behind him was heard and a tall woman in blue scrubs and white coat came towards him. "Hello. - I'm doctor Brennan."

"Dean Hudson." The green-eyed man gave her a short nod. "Can I see my brother now?"

Doctor Brennan eyed the man curiously. "First I need an ID or your driver's license, sir." She tried to stay firmly, despite the fact that she was late and the man had all rights to be pissed. Though she didn't want to get her face punched to mash ...

Dean rummaged around in his pockets like crazy. He knew he'd find nothing, though he tried to look miserable and beaten ... "I ... I think I must've left it in the hotel-room." He blinked up through long thick lashes, giving her his most pitiful look.

Doctor Brennan pinched the bridge of her nose and rubbed over her face. She was too tired, too frustrated. The man could give up his fight against death every minute now. - And his brother had forgotten his damn ID.

No wonder ... his brother was dying ... the last thing you'd think about is taking an ID with you to the hospital, would you?

"Okay ..." Doctor Brennan sighed deeply and looked back up at the man.

He still wore this miserable expression on his face – he seemed even a bit pleading too.

"Fine. - Room number three ...", She said and took a step forward, so that she stood directly in front of the man. ",, I'll bring you to him. But before I ... Look ... Your brother's in a bad shape." Yeah, get it out. Tell him that he's gonna die, that he won't make it. Another one on your list tonight. "He got stabbed. - His ... his lung got punctured and collapsed. We did all we could but ..." She sighed, trying to get the damn words over her lips. "He won't survive the night, Mister Hudson. - Your brother is going to die."

She could see the man's face fall, the color drain from his face. One hell of an act anyway. Dean hadn't known that he was capable of acting as good as right now. Okay, he have had his moments before ... but this? This was beyond awesome.

He even managed to let a tear roll down his left cheek and sniffed. "What?"

"I am sorry, Mister Hudson. - I suggest you take your time with Samuel.", She said quietly.

Dean gave her a nod. "Can I see him now?", his lips were quivering, his voice trembling.

The doctor led Dean to room number three and gave him another talk about Sam's condition and what he was going to see inside.

Dean couldn't care less.

Finally the doctor backed off and left him alone. He acted like he braced himself to grip the handle and push in down (Just in case he was watched). But in fact Dean couldn't wait to get inside and have some quality-time on his own with the hunter.

The room was dim and silent, except for the noises the machines were making. Ever so slowly, Dean narrowed and rounded the bed, so that he had a look at Sam and the door at once. It wouldn't last long until the others would be here.

The hunter had left a trail of burned out vessels and dead demons. There was no way they wouldn't find him here. - He was just glad he had found him before his own kind had.

"So ... that's Samuel Campbell ... Sam ... Sammy ...", he spoke silently, eying the beaten up face of the pale man on the bed, a tube sticking out of his mouth. "I'm Dean. Dean Winchester. - Nice to meet you, kiddo." He smiled, his lips curling up a bit more as his eyes flashed black for the matter of a second. "You created quite of a mess out there ... you know that?"

Dean sucked in his lower lip and bit down on it. This wouldn't be the first time he'd use his demonic powers for something good. But it was the first time he'd try to heal someone far enough to let him survive. He'd at least try.

After all they were fighting on the same side, weren't they? - At least somehow ...

Dean Winchester wasn't as bad as his obsidian eyes may let on. There was no doubt that he was a demon, that he had his way with humans in not a very gentle way. Those who were blessed to learn about the bad side of him had deserved it – somehow. Maybe not always. Maybe, sometimes he was just the mean bastard from hell he was supposed to be. But most of the time he tried to do the right thing.

He just wasn't quite sure if this was one of the good things he should even be thinking about doing. He could let the hunter die, let him rest in peace.

But he didn't want to – and that may was a spark of his dark side coming out into daylight.

Yeah, sometimes he was doing selfish things like that.

Besides ... he WAS a demon – in his flesh and blood. No possessing-vessels-shit. He didn't need it. On the other hand ... it quite sucked at times. Walking around like that?! It was all kinds of not so amazingly awesome.

That was what his father had thought too when his eyes flashed black for the first time. The funny thing? No devil's trap, no binding-spell, none of that worked. Hell, not even an exorcism.

Dean didn't know what hell was like, because he had never been there. Or he was and couldn't remember. Hell, he didn't even know how to behave as a demon was supposed to. Okay, he knew the basic rules ... but none of them seemed to work for him.

Wouldn't it have been for YED, he wouldn't have even known what the basic rules for demons were ... A pity on both sides actually. Because YED was pissed that Dean wasn't as teachable as he had wanted to and Dean was utterly annoyed that the guy even had the patience to try.

None of the demon's works had made him better or worse. He was still the stubborn Winchester he used to be. Just with some extra juice.

He eyed the human being for quite a long time, before he laid his hand on the cool sweaty forehead and closed his eyes, just to welcome the darkness in them when he opened them again.

Dean started to mumble absently, barely hearable for anyone but Sam (if he'd be conscious).

Two more lines and he would've finished ... but no such luck.

The door to Sam Campbell's room burst open and there were four nurses – even the blonde, cute one he had thought he'd get laid with later – and Doc Brennan. All of them wearing obsidian eyes – reveiling who they really were.

"Winchester.", the not-doctor hissed.

With an annoyed sigh, Dean straightened up and glared at the five of them. "Little too late, ladies." His lips twitched.

That was going to be fun ...

... to be continued


let me know how I should continue, what you want to read, or/and how these characters are supposed to develop.

... and I'm nosy how many of you are in for this one ...