Chapter 1

Mnemosyne was rubbing her hands rather evilly. She knew she has 24 hours or a day to toy with an Immortal or Demigod's mind. Other than that, Kronos had asked of her to shift Jackson's mind. Mnemosyne knew what wanted Kronos wanted, being one of his sisters who practically raised him. He wanted Jackson to join the Titans. But. Kronos apparently forgot his fatal flaw. Personally Loyalty.

Creating a plan, she knew what to do. Make Jackson feel betrayed, forgotten and abandoned. As Titaness of Memories, Mnemosyne is able to do that, make Jackson's loved ones ignore and forget about him. But as usual, she wanted it to be dramatic.

Another ability as the Titaness of Memories is to see several Alternate Universes. She somehow find it amusing, such as:

1. Raised by Hades and Persephone after running away from a mortal who killed his mother.

2. During the last Titan War, Annabeth betrayed him, and apparently became Hera's son and Hestia's Champion.

3. Betrayed and joined Chaos's evil brother instead of Chaos.

4. Apparently born on the Ancient Greek, son of Lupa but raised by Chaos

(Yes, 2 of this is from Anaklusmos14's and 2 of them is my story from Wattpad. Check it out! Clarisse_Olivia)

There is more, for sure billion more but that's pretty much the main idea. As much as Mnemosyne wanted the same thing. The usual Betrayed, Accusation, Death Torture and stuff like that. She hates cliche stuff, she hates using others idea than herself.

Being a proud goddess she is, she created her own plan. A perfect one plan, ready to be use. Now all she needed is to tell Kronos, she's ready.

Kronos walked aimlessly around his throne in Tartarus. Noticing a pair of worried warm brown eyes from the shadows of the room, directed to him. He stopped and turn to see his Queen and Wife. Rhea. Gently he walked towards her, pulling her in for a hug, which Rhea immediately obliged as she cried to his shoulders, sobbing and weeping uncontrollably.

"Darling, dear... I'm so sorry, it's all my fault, I can't help myself dear. As Titaness of Motherhood, I just can't"

"Dear, Look at me" Kronos said softly, as he cupped her cheeks and made her eyes face him. "It wasn't your fault. It's your domain. Understand dear?"

"Yes" Rhea replied curly, with a tinge of love, which was cutted by a smoke of green from the middle, with intense laughter.

"Oh my Titans, that is hilarious, I don't know my brother can understand words like love or soft" Mnemosyne choked from laughter. "Titans! I should have recorded it"

Kronos, for a moment put a perfect poker face, whilst Rhea looked at Mnemosyne with happiness, as fast as lightning, Mnemosyne was suddenly on the ground.

"Oh my Titans! Nyee! I can't believe it! My favourite sister is hereeee!" Rhea laughed in her 'childish' form, who is currently above Mnemosyne.

"Rhea, gosh. Stop calling me 'Nye' Urghh it sound to...Horsey. It's been I don't know more then a few centuries ago, so let it go!" Mnemosnye grumbled, standing up, brushing her dark dress. Suddenly Rhea started laughing, tears were streaming of her face.

"Let it Go?" She choked "What have you been doing? Watch Frozen? That mortal movie is really good you know" Rhea gushed, still laughing.

Kronos who still has a poker face, looked at Rhea with confusion as she gracefully walk towards her chambers. Mnemosnye was shaking her head mumbling something about insanity and weird big-little sister.

"I'm ready, I'll show you my plan... Kroniee" Mnemosyne said, with a serious tone which quickly turns to mirth. Kronos was looking like a wild cherry by then. "Heyy! Kroniee you look like a wild cherry!". After the statement Kronos looked like a wild-er cherry.

"Oh yea? You look like a... Memory!" Kronos retorted, with his arms flailing like a duck. Mnemosyne then gave him an 'Are you serious' look.

"Technically, bro. I am a Memory" Mnemosyne said mysteriously, as she ordered Mist to surround her.

"Oh yea... So the plan. Show me now!" Kronos realized, and then... Titan King moment again.

Mnemosyne took her scroll from thin air and rolled it open showing Kronos...

Somewhere above. In a space of void, He was looking at the image of the three titans, Kronos, Rhea and Mnemosnye joking with another. It was always like this. Before Gaea asked Kronos to kill Ouranus...

Thinking of how Kronos desperatly wanted Mnemosnye to show the truth. Is it because of revenge or love? But could it be, this one supposed child of Poseidon, create peace within the Olympians and Titans?

He sign, and sit back, he just had to wait and see...

Thanks for reading! This is the next chapter, as said before above. This story is also available in wattpad and I'll probably update there first before here for the next chapter.