Author's Note:

This is a sequel, so if you haven't read "LOZ Ocarina of Time BLUE" you may wanna turn around and read that first, if you are just gonna wing it, alright. Gutsy, but I respect that.

Like the original, this is an alternate universe, so there are changes to the original storyline that affect this story.

If you're revisiting the story, please come back and re-read! I've gutted it out and added some things and took others out. As the series is ever growing I have to come back and make alterations to this to keep it all kosher.



Link has built a life in his corrected timeline, he's built up his reputation from the ground up and is highly regarded in the kingdom. However, he's got some holes in his life that he's having issues filling. His relationships with everyone are perfect, but he still has dreams of the one he never got to meet again. When he gets a scroll from Zelda that shows him techniques of the Sheikah kind, he sets off to the last hidden village. However, there is no guarantee it will go over well.


It didn't take long for Sheik to show up, yeah that was expected. Link is surprised when the queen and her new attendant show up and sink his boat. Malon gets to meet the illustrious Sheik, and even she thinks he's pretty handsome. Much to the aggravation of Link who's only concern is his boat and fishing ability.

A Bit of Motivation

The moon hung high over the lake's surface, it was close to midnight over Hylia Lake. The lakeside observatory where Link resided had the windows open letting the cool midsummer wind in. The days were getting hotter and the nights were especially nice.

A silver shrouded form slipped over the grass leading up to the laboratory. The front door was attempted but the locks were down. So the figure moved along the side of the house and began to scale up the side with expert ease.

On the inside Link had passed out in his bed, the now dry shirt clutched into his arms as he smiled into it. Happy that the item didn't smell too much like Lake water.

The figure slipped through the bedroom window, thankful it was still open from earlier. He slipped one foot in and curled his body through the window. Making sure to not step on anything (which was pretty hard) he moved his center of balance and was finally in.

The figure crossed the floor, stepping over random clothing and items Link collected. When his toe pushed against a cup it tipped over and hit the floor, he froze and waited for Link to stir.

Link didn't stir from his spot on the bed, no change in breathing. Still asleep.

The figure reached down when he got to the bed, his fingers running over the fabric of the old blanket and touched Link's shoulder.

Like a flash Link grabbed the hand that touched him with his left. While the other, closest to him grabbed the other by the chest and in one fail swoop, he had the intruder under him, in his bed.

The figured smiled and with his free hand he lightly hit Link in the face. "You lose, had I a dagger I could have killed you." His bright, dangerous red eyes gazed up at him.

"Sheik.. I knew it was you, so I didn't care enough to completely disarm you." Link replied and let go, but didn't move. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to get my shirt.."

"Did you bring mine?" Link asked.

"No, but I think one for one is fair, I don't have many clothes with me here so I have to hold on what I have." Sheik grabbed the shirt Link had curled up to.

"Is that all you came for?" Link asked, still unmoving from his spot.

"Well if you don't mind moving, we could chat a while."

"Nah, I quite like it here.." Link grinned.

"Are you going to take Zelda up?" he asked.

Link's face dropped. "Ohh that's why you're here.." he said and moved off Sheik. "As much as I'd love to, it's not my thing."

Sheik sat up finally and leaned his chin on his hand. "You're going to be there anyways, at least this way you'd have steady pay and better meals." he said looking at the abundance of dirty plates in one corner. "And people to clean after you."

"Yeah.. but what's great about that?" he asked. "No freedom, I have to wash more than once a week, I have to report and make decisions, and blah blah blah." he waved his hands about.

"You'd get to see me more often, and I don't have to waste three hours of my time coming to see you on my off hours." Sheik glared. "I could have sworn you had affections for me. I did see that red head." he said making a pointed face and cocking his head to the side a bit as if in consideration. "She's quite popular."

Link rolled his eyes. "Yeah, she's after that stable boy you guys hired." he said. "Besides, do you want me constantly around?"

"You wouldn't constantly be around though would you?" Sheik asked. "You'll be gone time to time, and absence makes the heart grow fonder." he said and finally stood up. "I cant change your mind, but I do hope you figure out where you want yourself, because I have no choice in what you do."

Link looked away. "Fiiinnne." he groaned and laid down in exasperation. "You don't have to get so serious about it." he said and chuckled. "I was waiting for you to start begging me."

Sheik flushed and furrowed his brows. "I'm not below begging so you'd have to beg for me to come back, or to be let in.. I do have some say in the formation of the guards now."

Link chuckled. "Threats do also work… but I could say the best convincing argument I can think of is a bit more physical." he closed the distance between him and Sheik and leaned towards him.

Sheik gave him a look, "Really?" He asked, in disbelief.

"Well, I can at the least make your hour trek here worth it.." Link said, and finally burst out laughing and put his head on Sheik's shoulders. "You're so stoic I find it hard to seduce you with that look on your face."

Sheik blinked a few times and sighed. "I'll remind myself never to wake you again.."

"Will you stay for a bit though?" Link asked and moved to sit down on his bed. "I saw you remembered.."

"I've remembered a lot, Zelda explained her side of the story to me." he said. "Hense why I told her what happened after she left."

Link nodded. "You still sore about me leaving you to die?" he asked.

"I thought we adjourned that I miraculously lived and lost my memory?" he sat back down.

"Yeah.." Link laughed.

"Thank you, I feel bad for putting a lot of weight on your shoulders…"

"Huh?" Link asked. "I don't know what you mean, but I don't think you did.."

Sheik just smiled. "Good.."

They were quiet for some time, before Sheik finally got up. "Well I need to take my leave."

Link looked up and felt his heart quicken. "Sheik.. do you.. have an answer for me?" he asked.

Sheik looked at him with confusion and then it dawned on him.

Link was first to speak, ready to retreat. "Its fine though if you forgot, a lot has been going on."

Sheik smiled and put his hand on Link's head and caressed down his face. "I do have an answer, and I want to give it to you…" he said. "I like you so much, my memory is still coming back and soon I will be able to say that I love you, but lets play things slowly alright?" he asked.

Link grinned and pulled Sheik to him by his waist, his face pressing into the other's lower stomach. "Good enough,"

Sheik smiled. "I should get going though.." His fingers tracing through the gold hair.

"Nope, not yet." Link nuzzled more.

"Link.." Sheik drew out the sound.

"Its your first night back.. and we don't have anyone around for a few miles." Link whispered, his smile growing some.

"What is it you're implying?"

Link looked up at Sheik and pulled him to his lap, "Nothing you'd not want.." Link kissed him once more on the jaw, wrapping his arms around the other.

Sheik's dark skin flushed and he looked outside. "Ok… but, one stipulation." Sheik whispered. He bit his lips some.

"Anything." Link whispered against his neck.

"I get to be on top… you owe me that much." Sheik grinned, waiting for the other's reaction.

Link fumbled a bit and laughed nervously. "Oh.. umm."

"What?" Sheik's hands pushed his back to the bed. "Are you nervous?" Sheik rose his brow. "What happened to that spunk you had at 17?"

Link gulped and smiled. "I did say anything."

"If you don't want to.. Its ok." Sheik rested his chin on his hands. His elbows on each side of Link's head. "I'd hate for you not to be ready."

"Is this revenge?" Link asked.

Sheik laughed. "I just remember it hurt a lot that one time." He bent down and kissed Link's lips. "Besides, I have to do something in return for all the frustration you caused before finally telling me."

Link shrugged. "You could… but do you want our first real time to be about that?"

Sheik smiled and rolled over onto Link's bed beside him. "True… but I do feel like I'm bribing you."

"With the captain thing?" Link asked.

Sheik nodded. "Soon as you left I missed your frustrating face." He wrapped his arms around his body.

Link smiled and moved against the other, pulling his arms apart and wrapping them around him. He found the other's lips and kissed him.

Sheik's hands moved up over Link's shoulders and the back down his back. His right leg moving between Link's, attempting to get closer.

Link pulled his Sheikah on top of him, tugging at the casual clothes he chose to wear that night. He tugged at whatever was loose until the other removed it. It wasn't hard to keep this flow going. Link kept his lips at the other's face and neck. Focusing on the places he knew motivated the other. Behind his ear, under his jaw and along his throat.

Sheik had been so unprepared for this onslaught on his person. He had a feeling it may happen, but Link's memory was so much better than he'd expected. There was little need to get accustomed and comfortable. He was already melded against the other in a puddle of metaphoric goo. His fingers shaking lightly from the anticipation and anxiety of it happening. He didn't realize he froze a bit until he felt Link's fingers poking his bare sides.

"Hey, are you ok?" Link whispered, laughter in his voice as he waited for the other's response.

"Huh?" Sheik uttered before realization hit him and he nodded. "Yeah…" He took a deep breath.

Link sat up, pushing the other with him and continued, pulling the other into his lap. He moaned at the fingers that tugged at his long hair as he continued his work against the others neck. Curious if he could leave a few love marks on the other and get away with it.

When he tried, he felt a sharper tug and a couple fingernails dig into the back of his neck.

"Dont even try.." Sheik tried to warn in an attempted serious tone.

Link laughed under his breath. "Darn." he joked and tried to think of something that would calm the other down a bit more.

Sheik was too out of it, his mind blurred some as he felt the bed at his back. Link was likely to top him, not like he cared about who was on top. Sheik lifted his hips, letting the other's sneaky hands pull at his slacks. He was glad that Hyrule was warm at night, or the shock of cold would have killed his mojo.

Link's hand tossed the slacks to the side. He side-eyed the window, seeing the moon's already decent downwards he grinned and shrugged. They had wasted enough time talking. He moved his body down some and bent over enough to take the other in his mouth.

"L-Link!" Sheik pulled away, his consciousness snapped right back into reality.

"Shush, just enjoy it." Link tugged him back down and wrapped his mouth around the other's cock.

Sheik's hand shot down to Link's head to pull at his hair, his hand went stiff when he heard Link moan. His face growing darker at the realization Link enjoyed that. Biting the inside of his lip some he glanced away so not to watch Link.

Link's head moved up, his hands running up and down the other's thighs. It was the first time he'd ever thought of doing this. Well not the first time thinking it, he'd had his share of fantasies. Just doing it was different, unsure where to put his hands.

Sheik had closed his eyes, after a couple moments he'd already started breathing heavily. Shifting some under Link's torso, tightening up the muscles in his legs and feet to hold back some. "S-stop.."

Link lifted his head, at first the look of anxiety and worry painted over his features. It was when he felt something warm on his chin he touched it and tried to stifle a laugh.

Sheik grabbed Link's pillow, throwing it at his face. "Hush! You're not joining the guard, that's it.. Never come to the castle." He grabbed Link's blanket to cover up his flushed head.

Link laughed, knowing it was a joke. "Its ok.. though you get to do my laundry." He glanced at the hidden Sheikah under his sheets and secretly licked the bit on his fingers and made a face and shrugged.

"If you tell anyone that, I'll kill you." Sheik moaned.

"It's almost adorable how much your demeanor cripples when you release on my face." Link whispered.

Sheik pulled the sheets down and hit Link with the pillow again, doing this a couple times he finally relaxed.

Link shook his head. "You should get going."

"Yes.. its late." He looked at Link with a bit of guilt. "Sorry we couldn't do more."

"We have the rest of our lives right?" Link asked.

Sheik started to get dressed. "Yes we do."

Thanks for reading! (Sorry for the super corny final chapter!)


ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! STORY OVER! Thank you for reading!

Actually that's kind of a lie, i have like 5-7 shorts that happen after this... because I kept getting ideas.. but if your interested let me know!