Title: Secrets and Surprises
Summary: It's been years since they've seen each other and years since their loved ones died for each other. So, when Jesse comes to New Domino, what surprises will he find? And just what is up with Aster and Jaden?
Pairings: Jesse x Jaden, Aster x Jaden, Seto x Joey, Zane x Atticus, Jim x Hassleberry x Syrus, Chazz x Alexis
Disclaimer: I own nothing. The only character I own is Suki, by the way. Sorry, I forgot she was in this.
Contents / Extra / Warnings and whatever:
* Luna and Leo appear in this story, so it is based around Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's
* There is drama, yaoi, ect in this. If you are easily offended, you might want to read something else.
* There IS mpreg
Sea: I seriously need to copy out of a notebook where my hand writing is easier to read…
Oh well, on with the fic!
Chapter three
"We're here to help with the babies…" Jesse said with a smile.
Well, Jesse was right. Jaden literally went into shock… Along with the rest of the group, aside from Suki, that is.
Her usually soft, honey warm brown eyes turned dark. Jesse gulped as the twin sister of Jaden advanced towards him, and with Jaden still in his lap from the shock, he couldn't move as the usually awesome, innocent sister punched him.
"Stupid Andersen's!" Suki yelled as she literally helped her pregnant brother up from the blunette before tackling Jesse before he could think about crawling off. "Why the Hell did you say that in front of my brothers' other friends? Why do you think he's in shock? God damn it, Jesse! What is wrong with you!" Yelled Suki as she repeatedly slapped Jesse.
As she balled her fist up for a punch, she felt someone hold her fist up in place. "Suki, it's okay… They were boud to figure out I was pregnant anyways… Let Jesse go…"
"But…" Suki tried to argue, but she knew arguing about the topic at hand was useless. Suki sighed though and gave a nod, saying a small 'okay' before standing. "Sorry… I was out of hand." Se bowed to Jesse before leaving the area.
"Sorry, Jess!" Jaden helped his friend up with a sad smile.
"Mm, it's okay, honest." Jesse said. "I probably deserved it. Plus, I shouldn't say stuff that will shock you, especially in front of Suki." He added jokingly.
"So is it true, Aniki?" Syrus asked as he took a hesitant step towards Jaden. And no, it wasn't in fear. It was more in surprise.
Jaden couldn't help but smile and nod. He lifted his shirt to reveal a six month stomach. How he hid it was a bit beyond him, really. "Feel for yourself. The twins love to kick." Jaden said with a soft laugh.
Syrus hesitantly felt Jaden's stomach and gasped as he felt two small bumps against his hand. Syrus couldn't help but giggle as he took his hand from the constantly kicking little feet. "They're so cute, Aniki! Do you have any names picked out yet? Are they both boys or girls?"
"Can I feel too?" Alexis asked and instantly Jaden felt a little claustrophobic with the attention.
"Wow… Now I get why sis beat you up…" Jaden muttered to Jesse. Jaden winced as all the attention was drawn to his stomach, which he felt slightly uncomfortable with. And it wasn't the fact that everyone was gushing over the twins. It was more he felt naked in a circus, where he was the freak.
Jesse noticed his friend was uncomfortable with the attention, and whistled for the groups' attention. "Hey guys, I think Jay's a bit uncomfortable with this attention so early. Let's give him some room, okay?" Jesse explained as he had their attention.
The group all awed, but nodded as Jaden smiled. "Thanks, Jess." Jaden said with a smile. "Sis!" Jaden suddenly called.
Suki appeared in the doorway of the stadium they were all still in. Jaden explained that it was time to go home. He was getting tired, anyways.
Suki nodded and called their dad, uncle ad the chancellor. "Daddy, Jay and I are ready to go. Can the boys and Alexis have a ride back to their hotel now?"
Seto nodded. "So long as you don't bother me, you can all come stay at my place, actually."
Jaden's eyes widened. "D-does that mean Suki and I can see Mom?" Jaden stuttered and when Seto nodded, he was surprised as the twins hugged him.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" The twins said in unison.
The eight friends (including Zane and Atticus) looked in shock at the Yuki twins. It was like they hadn't seen their mother in quite some time.
End chapter three
Sea: And that's it for this chapter.
Who is the mom of the twins? You can find out next chapter! ;p
Also, because I never explained this in the story (I think I forgot or something): Jaden and Suki don't share their Dad's (or their mom's) last name for their own protection! Seto and their mom do have enemies who could put the twins in harm, after all. Basically, just before they were born, Seto brought this up to their mom, and their mom agreed. We'll just pretend Yuki is Seto's real last name or something… Before he was adopted by Gozoboro.