Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

It was a cool and peaceful Halloween night with a brisk breeze whistling through the dark streets. When the man in the black flowing robes approached, the crickets singing their song in the background stopped. His handsome face was marred by a sneer and a permanent look of disgust as he strode purposefully in the center of the road. Licking his lips in anticipation of what he was about to do, he turned into the driveway of a house. It appeared run down, but when he spoke, barely above a whisper, his words lifted the veil over his eyes.

There it stood, the safe house for the Potters. A light shone brightly from within.

Quiet and deadly as a snake, he moved forward. Slowly, a grin sliced across his face.

It was time.

He pulled out his wand and waved it wordlessly. The door splintered open under the assault of his spell. Gathering his robes, he stepped through the shattered mess. A woman's scream pierced the air as a man's low tones ordered her to go protect their child.

James Potter held his ground in the little hallway.

"Voldemort!" Without further delay, Potter sent a shower of spells against the dark wizard.

Voldemort lazily flicked his wand at each until he saw his opening.

He shouted; he always did. It added more emphasis, he felt. "Avada Kedavra!" The eerie green light exploded from the tip of his wand straight into the heart of James Potter.

Predictably, it killed him instantly. The man sunk to his knees as the life left his limbs. After waiting patiently for him to fall to the floor, Voldemort stepped over the corpse and wound his way to the second floor. At the top of the staircase He listened for shuddering breaths and comforting noises. His smile grew when his keen ears picked up on something else.

"We love you, Harry. Mommy and Daddy love you. You are loved, Harry. We will always be with you." A gentle voice whispered.

Discarding the idea of approaching quietly, he strode towards the locked door standing between him and his prey. With a wave of his wand, Voldemort caused the door to disintegrate.

Lily Potter held up her hand in a pointless gesture.

"Please, take my life instead! Don't kill Harry, he's only a boy!"

Noting that she hadn't pulled out her wand yet, Voldemort took the opportunity to attempt to placate one of his followers. The love deluded man wished this woman to live.

"Move aside," he ordered roughly.

She moved, but it was an attempt to grab her wand sticking out of her back pocket.

Snapping up his arm in defense, he sent the deadly green light of avada kedavra in her direction. As she fell, he made a note to explain to Snape that she had been a Mud blood, and unworthy of his affections.

Voldemort crossed the room, placing himself in front of the baby boy. The child stared up at him with green eyes. Black hair had sprouted and already predicted an un-tamable quality. Voldemort was sure that beneath the baby fat was the makings of a lean, strong face.

Reassuring himself that the boy would never reach that point, he readied to relieve himself of this burdensome prophesy. Voldemort could feel the relief easing the muscles in his neck. After he finished here, he would be safe and nothing could stop him. This was his choice. This was the boy of the prophesy, he was sure of it.

He raised his wand for the final time and whispered to both the boy and himself the spell that would secure Lord Voldemort as invincible.

"Avada Kedavra."

It didn't turn out like he planned. The curse flashed towards Harry, but when it reached him, it slashed at his forehead and then bounced back. Voldemort looked on in horror as the Killing Curse raced back to him. Before he could dodge, before he could even move, it struck his heart and then there was nothing.

Harry sat helplessly in his bed, tears trickling down his face. Only a year old, he stared at his mother lying dead on the floor. He was still and silent after what he had witnessed. Incapable of coherent speech, he sat as his tears dampened the sheets in his crib.

Severus Snape, dressed entirely in black as usual, apparated in front of the house. Racing toward the broken door, he didn't even pause to check on James Potter who lay on his back in the hallway, glasses askew.

Black hair streamed behind him as he took the stairs two at a time. When he made it to the hallway, he stopped when he saw the broken door.

No. He thought. No, no, no, no. He staggered, collapsing against the wall and leaning on it for support. When he got to the empty door frame, he clutched at it. He didn't want to look, he didn't want to see what he knew would be there. Desperately clinging to the hope that she would still be alive, he could barely bring himself to round the corner. All it took was a twist of his body, and he could see her. She lay face down on the ground; impossibly still. He slid to the ground even as his heart plummeted.

She was gone.


His mouth opened, but no sound came out. He crawled toward her and scooped her into his arms. This, her close to him, had been what he had dreamed of, but she was supposed to be full of life. Laughing, joyful, watching him. Not dead. Never dead.

When his first tear fell, there was no stopping the torrent that came with it. His mouth opened again and this time a howl tore from his throat. His fingers dug into her arm as he pressed his forehead to hers.


Choking sobs came after his sorrow had been vocalized so clearly. It was then, that he heard the wailing from within the crib. His head snapped to where the baby Potter sat crying. Loathe as he was to let go of Lily, Severus lowered her gently, lovingly, to the ground. After briefly taking a moment to dash tears from his eyes, he bent toward Harry.

He has his mother's eyes. Was his first thought. Severus' own black eyes traveled to the lightning shaped cut marring the smooth surface of Harry's brow. Standing there - looming over the child like a storm cloud, full of anger at the world, and sorrow at his loss - he began thinking of what to do next. It was a habit derived from what made him a Slytherin, he supposed.

Dumbledore was supposed to have stopped this. He could go to him and the old wizard would know what to do. But as he turned, he heard a whimper from Harry. Green eyes met black and Severus Snape made a decision.

He scooped Harry up into his arms and ran out of the house with the boy. Wrapping him in his cloak to keep him warm, Severus pulled out his wand. He had no idea if apparating would hurt the boy, so he decided it would be best not to try. Knowing James Potter, the man probably had a broomstick lying around in the house.

"Accio broom." Severus muttered.

He didn't have to wait long for the broom to come flying towards him. Mounting it, Severus checked to make sure the child was secure in the crook of his arm before he kicked off. Nudging the broom to his right, he flew high into the clouds clutching the boy to his chest for warmth. Hogwarts was his first choice for a destination, but he realized that it would be too far. He decided against it for the time being, and opted for home. Dumbledore could wait. Harry could not. The boy needed to be someplace safe and warm. Severus' home would be perfect until he could deliver the child to Dumbledore. He turned in that direction. When the child choked out a sob, Severus surprised himself by hushing him and whispering, "You are safe, now. I promise."

The unlikely pair arrived at Severus' home in the early morning before the sun had risen. Dismounting stiffly from the broom stick, Severus stretched long legs before he hurried inside. Once the door was safely locked behind him, he bundled Harry into an excess amount of blankets. The boy's lips were turning blue and Severus knew that wasn't normal. After tucking him into the only bed, Severus rushed to his medicine cabinet and selected a potion to bring up body heat. As he rummaged around for a dropper, he calculated how much to give a one year old boy.

Deciding that three drops was the maximum amount, he snatched the dropper and opened Harry's mouth. When the potion had been administered, Severus found another blanket and piled it on along with the rest.

It was time to call on Dumbledore. After a brief check to make sure his wards were active and protections spells were working, he apparated with a loud pop into the school grounds. Purposefully, he strode towards Dumbledore's office, his longs legs eating up the distance and assisting him in his ascent up the long flights of stairs.

"You promised she would be safe!" He growled as he flung open the heavy oak doors.

"You promised that the wards would protect her and keep her hidden!"

The familiar half moon glasses turned in his direction.


"They're dead! That rat exposed them. She's dead, Albus. Dead!"

"Severus, what-"

"He was there. That prophesy of yours got her killed!"

Dumbledore sank into his chair with an open mouth.

"Voldemort killed them. All of them?"

Severus shook his head. "No, not all. The boy still lives, though don't know how. Perhaps his survival has something to do with the Dark Lord's death." Snape hurried to explain further. I felt it. The Dark Lord is gone."

Springing form his chair, purpose lining his face, Dumbledore cried, "If what you say is true, Severus, Then we have reason to celebrate." He sobered. "We must attend to the Potters. If Harry is still in Godric's Hollow, then we must go to him at once. We cannot leave him there."

Severus held up a hand to stall him. "I took him with me. Currently, he is sleeping in my bed in my home. We should go there now, as it would be unwise to leave him alone for long, considering his circumstances.

Dumbledore disapperated and Severus followed suit, reappearing in his home. Harry, hearing the loud popping noise, began to cry. Quickly, in an attempt to soothe the child, Severus picked the child up. He rested him on his shoulder, making soothing noises until Harry quieted down.

"He has a cut on his forehead." Snape pointed out.

Dumbledore moved closer, examining the boy. "I see. I'm afraid I do not fully understand, but I begin to see it now. If you will wait here with Harry, I can send Hagrid to pick him up later. Harry can go and live with his surviving family, the Dursley's. There is no stopping the news of this night from spreading, no reason why it shouldn't, will be famous, Severus. If you give me a few hours, I can leave Harry with the Durselys, where he can grow up leading a normal life away from the limelight."

Severus listened and nodded agreeing with Dumbledore's assessment of the news regaurding the Dark Lord's death. As a former Death Eater, he had been able to feel the Dark Lord's demise.The other Death Eaters wouldn't have missed the feeling either. The news of the Dark Lord's defeat would be cause for celebration and would not be contained. Harry was safe and he could live a life with family.

But Snape had met that family, however briefly, with Lily. Regardless of the fact that Harry was James' child, he was Lily's as well. Severus would not allow the child to live with those...idiots.

"The boy will not go to the Dursleys." He said this in a condescending tone that only he could achieve. "He will be safer with me."

Dumbledore peered at him overtop his glasses. Piercing blue eyes studied Severus.

"Are you sure? Do-"

"Do not argue with me on this matter."

"Perhaps Sirius-" Dumbledore tried again.

Severus sneered coldly. "That man is barely mature enough to care for himself, let alone a child. No, however good his intentions are, Harry is better off with me."

The wise old wizard stroked his beard, taking note of Harry sleeping soundly on Snape's shoulder.

"I see. I will ask again later in case you change your mind, but rest assured I will take care of everything else. Focus on Harry, Severus. I will be in touch shortly."

The man courteously walked out the door before apparating away. There were deaths to mourn and joyful news to report.

Severus sat on his couch, holding Harry quietly in his arms. The boy snored quietly, unaware of the conflicted man rocking him gently.

"I will take care of you, Harry. Never doubt that. I can be what you will need, I promise.

A/N: Don't forget to review!