
"Which one do you choose? The person you love unconditionally, but they may never feel the same? Or the person who unconditionally loves you, but you may never feel the same?" — ndf

"What's up with you and Aria?"

Ezra's chest was heaving and he took a chug of water. He was out of shape and this basketball game with Wes had proved it.

"What do you mean?" He asked, deciding that playing dumb would be the easiest route. Summer had quickly collapsed into fall and he and Aria were still on rocky ground. They only spoke when necessary and get togethers between the three (and Spencer) had become less and less frequent.

Wesley shook his head, shooting the basketball and watching it swoosh into the hoop, "You know what I'm talking about. You guys used to be closer than you and me."

"That's not true," Ezra defended, even though he knew it was. Wesley gave him a pointed stare and he shrugged, "Maybe it is. We've just drifted, Wes. I've been focused on work and my relationship with Spencer. We've grown up."

"Friends like you two don't just 'grow up.' That's bullshit and you know it. So, what happened?" Wesley asked again, this time looking Ezra straight in the eye.

Ezra shrugged, his stomach churning as he thought of a proper response. He couldn't tell Wes about how he felt, it just wasn't an option. "She–she just doesn't like Spencer. And I had to make a choice."

"So you chose Spencer over Aria?" Wesley asked in shock. Ezra always put Aria above everyone else, sometimes even above his own brother. He always took Aria's side.

Ezra only nodded, suddenly very interested in the basketball in his hands, "I um– Spencer and I, we have a future." Aria and I don't, he added silently.

"This is ridiculous!"

"Wesley Fitzgerald! Stop trying to solve our problems!" She yelled back, frustrated by having this conversation for the hundredth time.

Wes ran his hands frustratedly through his hair. When would Aria and Ezra get over themselves and makeup? He was sick of being stuck in the middle of their pointless feud, "I am not trying to solve your problems, I'm trying to get my best friends back! You've been in a bitchy mood ever since whatever went down with you and Ezra. Meanwhile, he sulks and pretends to be happy with Spencer."

"He is happy with Spencer," Aria stated, before turning back and pushing his shoulder, "And don't you dare call me bitchy!"

He huffed and pulled out a glass from the cabinet, pouring himself a much needed drink, "Stop acting like it."

"You are a jerk and a pain in the ass!" She yelled, rushing around the room to gather her stuff. She wasn't even sure how this fight had started but it had turned into one of their worst. She needed to clear her head of everything Ezra.

"I've been called worse," he muttered.

She looked around the living room for her keys before grabbing them off of the coffee table, "Just drink this away, Wes. Get drunk and forget that we even had a fight, just like you do every time. I'm going out."

"Wait, Ar—" he sighed as the door slammed, cutting off his sentence. How was it that he always made things worse with her? It had been that way since they began their relationship. He would try to bring up a delicate topic, she would get angry and leave and then they would make up a day later. Before, she would go to Ezra or she would call him during their college years. He wondered who she would go to now...

The smell of freshly ground coffee and blueberry crumble muffins filled Aria's nose. She has decided that quiet time with a vanilla soy latte and a good book was just what she needed.

"Aria? Is that you?"

Shit. Aria recognized the voice immediately and internally groaned. Now of all times, really?

"Aria, hey," the brunette smiled.

Aria turned and did her best to smile back, "Hey! How's it going?"

"It's good. We haven't gotten together in awhile," she said, letting her sentence fade off into the tense silence. To say that things were awkward would be an understatement.

"Spencer!" The young kid behind the register called out and she gladly accepted the hot cup of black coffee before turning back to Aria.

"Aria, I don't know how we got off on the wrong foot, but we did. I feel like I've distanced you from Ezra and that was never my intention. I'm sorry," she said genuinely.

Part of Aria wanted to be upset with Spencer, but she couldn't be after that. She realized that maybe if she hadn't been so cold, if she had given Spencer and Ezra a chance, maybe everyone would be happy. But they weren't. She was miserable. Wes was miserable. According to Wes, Ezra was miserable. And Spencer just seemed content. She didn't look like a girl who was swept off of her feet and madly in love.

"No, no. I'm sorry. I haven't been myself, lately. Everything in my life, it's just been off. I'm really sorry for the way I've treated you. It hasn't been fair to any of us. I guess I'm not one for change," Aria replied with an apologetic smile. She worried that she may have missed out on the opportunity for a great friendship.

"Are you busy? Would you like to sit and have coffee?" She asked after a moment, looking at Spencer hopefully. "I'll even give you some of my muffin."

Spencer laughed, "Sure."

As the girls sat and talked they found out how well they got along. There was no doubt that they were different, very different. Maybe that's why Ezra had been drawn to Spencer, he was looking for the exact opposite of Aria and he got it. Still, they got along regardless of any differences. It was much more relaxed when it was just the two of them. They were able to blabber on about mindless girl talk and the latest celebrity gossip.

Both were holding their stomachs as they laughed at a story that Aria had told Spencer about Ezra's freshman year of high school.

"He did not do that!" Spencer yelped, trying to control he giggles as people began staring.

"He did. His mom didn't let him leave the house without an extra pair of pants in his backpack for a year!" Aria said, her breathing finally evening out. She couldn't even remember how the story had come up, but she was sure that Ezra would be mortified if he found out that she told Spencer. He'd probably think that she'd done it out of spite.

Spencer shook her head, still smiling at the thought of a geekish, 14 year old Ezra.

"Wow," she sighed, "Thank you for sharing. You guys have quite the past."

Aria cleared her throat and nodded, "Yeah, yeah we do."

"Hastings love to win. Everything is a competition. My older sister kept track of how many times my mom took her for pedicures, just so that she could brag about it to me. But, you and Ezra. I can't compete with that. I don't even come close," she said with a small sigh.

Aria had never thought of Spencer being jealous of her. She and Ezra had a rich past, but it was nothing more. They were friends, but she wasn't competition.

Aria shook her head, "There's nothing to compete with. Me and Ezra, we're just friends. Hardly even that, right now."

Spencer laughed at Aria's naivety, before smiling at her, "You have always been competition. Ezra adores you. I've—I've seen the way he looks at you. I'm not upset with him or you, it just is what it is. Ezra and I don't have a future. Not really. And this whole fight or whatever you two are in is only because you're so close to each other and you're both so freaking stubborn."

Aria creased her eyebrow. Ezra loved her as a friend, but it couldn't be anything more. It didn't make sense but it did at the same time. But it didn't. Her head was spinning and she didn't know why she hadn't realized this before.

"I—I don't know what to say," she said as he her jaw hung.

Spencer have her a right smile, "You don't need to say anything. I didn't mean to drop this kind of bomb on you. I kind of figured you knew. I'll leave you."

Spencer stood up and pulled on her dark green raincoat, "It's supposed to pour tonight. Be safe."

Aria watched as she started to walk away, a lump in her throat, "Hey, Spencer!"

"Yeah?" She asked as she turned.

"Thank you," Aria muttered out. Spencer nodded and smiled before leaving. Aria was amazed by her grace and calm behavior throughout the whole thing. She realized that Spencer just genuinely wanted Ezra to be happy. It was then that Aria realized how perfect Spencer had been for Ezra, all along. She didn't understand how he could ever want her when he had Spencer Hastings.

Spencer shook off her umbrella in the hallway and made the familiar trek to Apartment 3B. It had become a safe haven, of sorts. She always felt comfortable and relaxed when she saw the gold plate on the dark brown door leading into the cozy space. But now, all she could feel were the nerves bundled up at the pit of her stomach. She hesitantly brought her hand up to the door and knocked before listening to Ezra shuffle around inside.

"Hey," he greeted with a warm smile, pulling her into a kiss. She responded and placed her hand on his cheek.

"I guess they weren't lying when they said a storm was rolling in," Ezra said as he pointed towards her umbrella and damp coat.

"No, they weren't," Spencer replied awkwardly. She didn't know how to do this. Should she wait until after dinner or just come out and say it? She was never the type to beat around the bush, so she spoke up.

"I can't do this anymore," she choked out with a shake of her head and pained eyes.

Ezra's mouth hung open, "Where is this coming from?"

"You like me but you love her."

Ezra looked at her, confused by what she meant. This seemed completely out of the blue, everything was fine just yesterday.

"And that's okay," she continued, "but I think it's important that we're both happy with each other and we're not."

"It's not great, but it can still be good," he said, holding onto her hand. Thoughts were whooshing through his head at 80 mph. Spencer breaking up with him. Love her. Like Spencer. Aria. He still loves Aria. Spencer knows. How does Spencer know? They can still make it work. He does really like Spencer. He can fix this, can't he? Fix it Ezra, dammit.

Spencer gave a sad chuckle and sniffled back a few tears, "I don't want good and you don't either. That's okay, we had fun. Look, I know that everyone says this, but I really do want to be friends."

Ezra nodded and let it sink in. He slowed his thoughts and took the time to think about Spencer. She was right. Spencer was always right, she had a knack for it. They made each other happy, but not happy enough.

"Yeah, me too," he agreed, "Stay for dinner?"

She was relieved that things went well. The tension in her shoulders finally relaxed and she cracked a smile, "Ya know, most couples don't break up and then have a nice meal afterwards."

"Then we're not most couples," Ezra said and smiled in kind.

So they sat together and ate one of the three dishes that Ezra could cook. They laughed at each other's jokes and shared their hopes for the future. They discussed how ironic phobophobia was and what a terrible fear that would be to have. Ezra even learned that Spencer had met a guy when she went to check on the family who had lost their home. He was a carpenter and she was hopeful. Ezra was really happy for her, as weird as this whole situation was. He supposed that he and Spencer would always be friends, there was just something about them that clicked.

It was around 9 o'clock when Spencer called it a night.

"Goodbye, Ezra," she said as she gave him a sad smile. She leaned up a placed a chaste kiss on his cheek, playing with the curls that fell into his eyes one more time.

He watched as she walked down the hallway and gave her a small wave.

"Oh, and Ezra," She turned around quickly, "Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid."

"What?" Ezra asked, squinting at the much too smart woman in front of him.

She laughed and rolled her eyes, "Aria, you dumb ass. Don't give up, be daring."

Ezra nodded and she turned again, disappearing down the stairwell, leaving only the sound of her footsteps and the scent of her perfume.

Ezra was on the edge of falling asleep when a knock at the door woke him that night. It was late, past midnight, and he had no idea who could be at his door. He hadn't been expecting anyone but Spencer that night. Maybe she had forgotten something? If he knew one thing about her, it was that she wouldn't be able to sleep if she had left something behind.

Fully expecting to see an apologetic, sleep deprived Spencer behind the door, he swung it open. His eyes opened wide when he saw who stood on the other side of the door, trembling with a broken look in their eyes.

"Ezra," she croaked.


So sorry for the wait! I was severely lacking in inspiration and I've been beyond busy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

So, Spezra split amicably and Aria is making a late night visit to Ezra's. What do you think will happen next? And why is Aria so upset? Sound off your ideas in the reviews. :)

The response to this story has amazed me. I love love love you guys. THANK YOU.

Have a wonderful day, week, life or whatever!
