Well here it is the sequal of the Sebastian Ciel Mpreg story I did. Light swearing. Please R&R.

You walked down the street with Mey-Rin in a hurry to get back to the carriage. You had to beat your mom and dad back, or they would make you walk back to the Manor. Yes Ceil Phantomhive and Sebastian Michaelis were very strict parents. Of course you knew that even if they did make it back before you, they would wait. They wouldn't actually make you walk all the way back home. And besides Ceil was pregnant again and would have to stay in the Manor for the next few months after today so you were determined to get all the shopping done you could.

You saw your parents duck into the Undertaker's. What did they need there? You sent Mey-Rin with your stuff back to the carriage, then peeked in through a window of the Undertakers. The man they talked with -who seemed to be the Undertaker- Wore a long black coat and really weird shaped boots. His hair was long almost to the floor and white as white could be. On top of all that gorgeous hair was a black hat that covered most of his face. From what little of his face you could see he had a long scar. He looked up straight at you as though he could see you. You pulled away from the window in shock then hurried quickly back to the carriage.

Seriously!? Why? Why couldn't Bard or Finny go run errands? No! It was all up to you and Mey-Rin. Not that the klutzy maid was much help, but she tried. Dad thought it would be a good idea for you to get out of the house for a bit. Well that may have been fun if it hadn't been to run ERRANDS!

You mumbled to yourself as you walked down the streets. Cursing your parents for making you run errands. You looked down at the last place on the list your father and given you. Undertaker's was all it said. Not that creepy guy with the wonderful white hair, that you couldn't seem to get out of your mind. It had been almost two months since the day you first saw him. And you couldn't stop thinking about him.

"Umm… Miss Angela?"
"What Mey-Rin?"

"Are you OK, Miss?"

"What do you mean? Of course I am."
"Well… your eyes started to turn red and then after you looked at the errand list they turned almost purple, yes they did. Like you went from angry to… happy in the blink of an eye."

"It is nothing Mey-Rin. We have to go to the Undertaker's then we can go home."

You stood outside the door of the little shop that read "UNDERTAKER". Actually it was a cool looking shop. Though dark. But thats OK. You liked dark. I mean seriously look at your parents. One was a demon and the other… well he wasn't far off the demon mark himself. So that made you half demon… Though how it was possible for two men to have a child was still beyond you.

You sighed once more before walking into the shop. You heard a small bell tinkle over your head. The man in all black with the long white hair slowly turned to look at you with a creepy smile.

"How may I help you, Lovely Lady?"

"I'm here on behalf of my par-eerr Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian Michaelis."

"Ah yes. Sebastian said you would be running his and Master Ciels errands for a while."

"UH… They didn't tell me what I was suppose to pick up."

He didn't say anything but handed you a stack of papers. Then went back to working with the caskets. He opened one and it had a body in it. He had long red hair and red glasses.

"This one isn't even pretty." He said to himself. Then paused and looked you. You stepped forward and looked closer at the body.

"Nope not pretty."

"What did you say!" The redhead woke up and wrapped his gloved hands around Undertakers neck. That made you angry for some unknown reason. Your vision turned red and you lunged the other man ripping his hands from Undertaker. He looked at you funny for a minute.

"You look like my Sebast-Chan. It is you Sebast-Chan isn't it. If you think that putting yourself in a womans body is going to stop me you're wrong."

"Sebastian is my Father you sick fuck. And keep you your hand of my Undertaker!" With that you opened the door and threw him out. "And don't come back!"

"Your Undertaker huh?"


"You know, Sebastian told me to stay away from his daughter. But I don't know if can control myself after that." He said slowly, as his face got closer and closer to yours. He hovered his lips just centimeters from your own looking into your eyes almost like asking permission. Instead of nodding you leaned forward so your lips touched his.

His arms wrapped around your waist pulling you close as his tongue delved into your mouth. After a minute he pulled away and looked into your eyes.

"I don't care what my Father said… besides he's likes you over any other candidates."

"Well then, Angela Michel Phantomhive, I guess I need to go introduce myself to your father as a suitor."

Well? What did you think? Should I add more? Please R&R let me know! XD