I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist or any of it's characters.

Falling Away With You

By: DudeGetATree

Chapter 1: Golden Eyes


Pushing in one last time, I opened my eyes to peek down at the woman under me. Instead of marveling in her beauty and wishing I could stare at her blissful face forever, I found myself wishing I was staring into a pair of lighter, golden-colored eyes.

"Roy," she whispered after a few minutes of silence. I glanced over at her, hoping that she wasn't staring at me. She was. "Are you okay?"

"You seem to ask me that a lot lately, Riza." I told her, my tone maybe being a bit more colder than I intended. I felt her gaze narrow and sighed. "Sorry. Yes, I'm fine. Nothing to worry about, my love." I turned my head towards her and smiled softly.

She continued her narrow gaze for a few moments after that, but decided against pushing the issue. "Whatever you say." She turned her body so that her back was towards me. I sighed again, tiring of this same routine every night after sex.

However, truth be told, I wasn't anywhere near okay. Not with Riza anyways. My thoughts kept wandering back to a time where a pair of golden eyes would look up at me with that same blissful face. A pair of golden eyes narrowed as I said the things they didn't want to hear.

"Don't forget, Edward will be back in Central tomorrow. You promised you'd meet him at the train station," the blonde murmured as sleep began to take her.

A pair of pair of golden eyes that I would see for the first time in three years was what my mind kept wandering too.


"Edward, please tell me it's not true," Winry begged. "Please tell me that what you're joking."

Ed choked up. As much as what he had said was true, it didn't mean that he didn't still care for Winry. It didn't mean that he still didn't love her.

"Winry, I-" She sobbed harshly, cutting Ed off.

"Ed, you can't leave me! You can't!"

"Winry, please, you're making thi-"

"I'm pregnant!" She cried out.

Ed's eyes snapped open at the memory. Ed sighed, he tried his best not to think about that night. The night that changed his life. The blonde man looked out the train window, staring at the scenery. He would be in Central soon. A half an hour to be exact. His heart raced at the thought of seeing Roy for the first time again in three years. Yet, his head ached from even thinking about Roy in such a way. It amazed him that after three years, he could still get butterflies from thinking of the onyx eyed man.

Yet it shouldn't be that way. Winry was at home with their son, expecting Edward to come to Central, get the job done, and go back home to them. That was it. No ands, ifs, or buts. Edward hadn't told Winry that Roy would be the one picking him up. Hell, Edward didn't even tell his fiancé that Roy was the one who had given him this case. Winry had no idea that Edward was going to see Roy, had no idea that the only reason he even accepted this case was because of the fact that Roy had asked him to.

"Elric residence. Edward speaking." Ed answered.

"You sound all grown up now, Fullmetal." Ed froze. Was it? No,no. It couldn't be...could it? "Are you that shocked to hear from me?"

Ed looked around, making sure Winry wasn't around before whispering, "Roy?"

"It hasn't been that long, has it, shorty? Or has your brain become as small as you are?" Roy chuckled at his own joke.

Ed hissed over the phone, "What the hell do you want, bastard?" It had been three years since he had seen Roy, three years since he had heard his voice.

"Ed, is that any way to talk to a friend that you haven't spoken with in years?"

"And who's fault is that," Ed hissed without thinking.

Roy paused for a moment, a tense silence falling over the phone conversation. "Listen, Edward. I didn't call to argue. I called...to ask you a favor."

"Ha!" Ed laughed, sarcastically. "What could you possibly need for me? Didn't you find someone else to wait on you hand and foot?"

"Edward!" Roy snapped, "This is a military matter. I need your expertise here in Central. If you chose to except, I will explain everything once you come out here to Central, and if you want to talk about personal matters, we can!"

Edward rolled his eyes. "I'm not your dog anymore, Mustang! You can't just talk to me any way you damn well please."

"Is that a no?"

Ed thought it over for a moment. He hated working for the military even while he was in it. Why the hell would he want to work for them, while he was free? 'So you can find out the truth,' he thought. Ed sighed. 'Three years and the bastard still has some sort of hold on me.'

"If I come, there's no funny business, got it? I come, I get whatever it is you need me to get done, done, and then I leave." Ed stated, knowing damn well that wasn't going to be the case.

Ed could hear Roy smile over the phone as he whispered, "As your wish."

"I have work to do around the house first. I won't be able to come for another two weeks."

"I'll send you a train ticket." And with that, Roy hung up.

Ed felt like shit for leaving Winry to do this. What was seeing Roy going to accomplish? More heartache? He shouldn't have agreed to come. Ed closed his eyes and shook his head. 'What the hell am I doing here?'

The train stopped and Ed looked out the window again. This wasn't a dream. He was in Central and was about to see Roy for the first time in years. Ed grabbed his suitcase and slowly stalked off the train. He looked around. 'There's still time,' he thought. 'I can hide out until the next train to Risembool leaves and I can go back home. I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be here.'

"Edward!" Ed instinctively turned to the familiar, seductive voice that called out his name and once he saw Roy, all feelings he tried so hard to suppress for three years came boiling over.


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