The day was a cold one and night , a colder one. The stars in the night sky looked like sprinkled silver glitter on a black background. But they were nothing infront of two jade eyes filled with intelligence . Those two eyes were staring in the night sky as a try to look beyond the stars in search of another world.

It was a foolish try,no doubt.She smiled at her on thoughts.

How long had she been sitting here in the cafe with now cold coffee , staring at the sky?Three hours or four?She was never the one lost in thoughts. Then what happened? What changed you so much Ada Wong? What keeps you thinking about the past?

Yeah I know the answer,dont I?September 29,1998.That rookie cop whom you met in Raccoon City? she thought to herself.Leon Scott Kennedy

She sighed dropping her eyes to the floor. It had been three days since she last saw him. "See you down the road,Leon" had been her last words to him.'He must have reached home by now . And you? Still here in China thinking about him.'She shook her head slightly and said,"What's wrong with you Ada?" her voice almost a whisper. You are a spy. You must not be thinking about him,she thought while looking at her coffee cup next to her on the table."And as matter of fact , he hates you."

"No , he doesn't." Her eyes widened with shock as she realized whom this voice belonged to.

...end of chapter 1...