Chapter 90: The End
January 27, 0008
Tifa sat on the sofa, still wearing her pajamas. Her laptop was open in front of her. She glanced at her engagement ring every few moments; she could still not believe it had happened. Just a week ago, the fate of their relationship was grossly ambiguous. She then thought about the original timeline, where she had married Bo, leaving Cloud, and, although she would not admit it, herself with many regrets. This time, there would be no regrets. She would be marrying the man she truly loved.
She was searching for honeymoon destinations. She was personally hoping for somewhere adventurous, and found herself at a loss. All she could find were cave explorations and deep sea fishing trips; both of those were adventures that she had already been on with him. It was a strange irony that their successful quest to save the planet was practically the honeymoon she had desired. She then realized that the destination mattered little; they simply needed to get away for a few days.
Tifa then began to search for honeymoon clothes; at least that would remind them, and everyone who saw them, that they had just been married. She had already decided that she would wear plain athletic shorts the whole time, so she went straight to the crop tops. She found one that read "Wifey." Another read "Honeymoon Vibes." Still another read "I Said Yes!" with a big ring on it.
"I didn't say yes," Tifa chuckled. "He did."
Tifa began to look at the other categories. One of them read "Bridal Panties." She quickly blew a raspberry; they did not need to be sexy for each other; they simply needed to be themselves. She would either be wearing crop tops and athletic shorts, for the vast majority of the time, or no clothes at all, exclusively for when they were making love.
She began to tingle inside; she was again reminded that they were becoming sexual partners, and would be seeing each other in all of their naked glory. She was excited and nervous about it at the same time. Once again, she began to wonder what Cloud looked like naked. The thought of him seeing her naked also made her tingle.
"Hey!" greeted a voice.
Tifa nearly jumped in surprise as she noticed that Cloud had entered the room.
"Hey, love!" she greeted back as she signaled him to join her.
He did so, and she kissed him as he sat down.
"What are you up to?" he asked.
"Looking at wedding stuff," Tifa happily replied.
Cloud took the tips of his fingers and ran them up and down Tifa's back.
"What did you find?" he asked.
"Not a lot yet," she replied. "I'm looking at honeymoon destinations, but it's kind of hard to top what we've just been through."
"Tell me about it," he agreed.
"I also have to find a wedding dress," she continued. "Which, of course, you can't help me find." She then turned to face him, and smiled. "I'm still traditional in that sense," she clarified before kissing him.
"Is there anything you did find?" Cloud asked.
"I think I've found a song for our first dance," Tifa said. "It's from the old world, but I really think it suits us. I mean, we did fall in love as children."
"Let's hear it," he requested. Tifa found the file played the song. They began to hold hands as it played; it touched them both inside. When the song was finished, tears were coming from both of their eyes.
"Sorry, that's kind of emotional," Tifa giggled. "I mean, we've danced once, and...the next time we dance, you'll be my husband."
Still facing him, Tifa pretzel-folded her legs.
Cloud turned to face her and did the same. He took both of her hands in his. He then leaned in and kissed her.
"I love you, Tifa," he said.
"I love you, Cloud," she replied. "And I can't wait to call you my husband."
Cloud smiled at her, and gazed at the ring on her finger.
"We're really doing this!" she said happily before kissing him again. She then nestled her head against his chest, and began crying tears of joy and bliss.
Cloud gently rubbed her back and kissed her on her head. It was a wonderful feeling to have her back in his arms. Twenty-four hours earlier, he thought he would never hold her that way ever again.
"Cloud," she began as she looked up at him, making eye-contact, "I may or may not have said this before, but even after we're married, you'll always be my best friend first."
"So will you," he replied.
The two best friends kissed again as more tears escaped Tifa's eyes.
"Okay," she said as she stood up and dried her tears. "I'm going to have a shower."
Tifa sat in her room, watching the television.
"Coming this Saturday," the voice announced over dramatic music. "The TV event of the year. Putty the Little Dog is Putty the Little Dog in: Putty the Little Dog Gets Lost."
At that moment, Cloud entered the room.
"What are you up to?" he asked.
"Just watching TV," Tifa giggled. "We need to stream Putty the Little Dog Gets Lost for sure!"
Cloud chuckled back.
"Well," he announced, "I got it."
"You got it?!" Tifa echoed, in an excited tone of voice.
He smiled as he presented a sledgehammer. He then grasped it with both of his hands, and made his was over to the west wall of the room.
"Listen," he began, "once I do this, there's no going back."
Tifa smiled at her fiancé.
"I don't ever want to go back," she said happily. "Do it, Cloud!"
"Suit yourself," Cloud said with a smile.
A moment later, he swung the sledgehammer into the wall, causing pieces to fall from it. After repeating the feat several times, Cloud's childhood room became visible. He kept smashing, and, within minutes, the wall that had separated their childhood rooms was gone.
"It's official," Cloud announced. "Our houses are one."
He then went downstairs and repeated the feat, combining both of the kitchens. Everything was coming together, in the most literal sense.
Tifa made a loud splash as she jumped into the pool. As she surfaced, she heard another loud splash. Cloud surfaced a couple of moments later. She immediately swam over to her love and kissed him.
It had been a busy day; after knocking down the bedroom and kitchen walls, there was the obvious cleanup. Once that was taken care of, Cloud and Tifa went out, bought a queen bed, and placed it in the now-combined bedroom where the wall had been. Now it was time to strip down to their swimwear and go for a night swim.
Tifa was wearing her trademark blue bikini; "Lockheart" was still on the back of her bottoms.
"You'll need to get those replaced," Cloud pointed out.
"I will, won't it?" Tifa slyly replied.
It meant that he was checking out her backside, but she no longer cared. They would be seeing each other naked on their wedding night anyway.
Tifa already had plans for that. She did not want them simply ripping each other's clothes off lustfully and hurriedly; she wanted him to have what could only be referred to as a "first look." She would make sure they had a hotel room with a jacuzzi. She would then tell him to wait outside while she got changed before she would call him in. There he would find her, wearing only her bikini top. He would not notice at first; he would only see her from the midriff up, and then realize it as he approached her and saw her hips. She would then have him come around and enter the jacuzzi from behind her. He would see her rear first; she would then turn around and reveal what her mother once called "the good stuff." The bikini top would come off sometime during the lovemaking; she would save her best feature for last.
As she was thinking this, Cloud picked her up by the legs and pressed his lips against hers. Tifa, already smitten by imagining her wedding night plans, gripped his shoulders and kissed him back hard. Passion soon began to ignite as their tongues met, and Tifa's hands began to caress Cloud's bare back. She still felt his hands on her thighs, and she was slightly hoping that he would move them higher to her butt, and possibly squeeze.
Cloud, meanwhile, was struggling to resist the temptation to remove her bikini top and bury himself in those perfect breasts of hers.
And that was when they simultaneously stopped, and decided to control their physical affections, before it would turn into something Tifa might regret later. They had waited twenty years; they could wait just a little longer.
The continued to swim for two more hours. Eventually, the two of them decided to get out of the pool. Cloud went first, followed by Tifa, who wrung out her long hair. The two dried themselves off quickly.
"Cloud," she began, "mind if I ask you something?"
"Go ahead," he permitted.
"After we get married," Tifa continued, "what do you want to do?"
Unknown to Cloud, whose back was turned to her, Tifa's right hand was resting on her bare midriff. Children were something she had always wanted. She had never voiced it, but she had sorely wanted to be a mother someday. The fertility issues in the original timeline had left her heartbroken, though she knew it had been Bo's fault.
"We'll stay here," Cloud replied, unaware of what his fiancée was thinking. "They'll leave us alone."
Tifa was silent; that was something she had not considered. The defeat of Sephiroth and their engagement did not decide their ultimate fate in the legal spectrum.
They'll leave us along if we don't interfere with anything, she thought. They'll leave us alone if we become drones and confine ourselves to our house. They'll leave us alone if I don't search for my father.
"You okay?" asked Cloud.
"Just fine," she replied as she took his hand and led him back to their house.
Once inside, Tifa threw a tee shirt on, and the two of them played Mousetrap for a couple of hours. They then finally crashed.
January 28, 0008
Cloud and Tifa had awoken early that day. After each of them showered, they both decided to have breakfast at the diner.
The atmosphere there had returned to normal; nobody was mentioning the end of the world anymore. The television in the corner of the ceiling was announcing that the power once held by the Shinra was no being transferred to each of the three continents, and that the Shinra Headquarters was to be sold.
"I wonder what's going to happen to Midgar," Tifa said as they were finishing breakfast, "now that Meteor didn't destroy it."
"I wonder if it will break into eight towns again," Cloud suggested. "I heard that's how it used to be."
"I heard that, too," she said. "But nobody remembers their name anymore. They say never say never, don't they? It would seem unlikely."
"I wonder how the city will be powered," Cloud said. "Will it still be with mako reactors?"
"I sure hope not," Tifa replied. "I did see some houses putting solar panels up on their roofs."
"I suppose we should do the same?" he suggested.
"You suppose right," she confirmed. "Just the thought of getting out power from the Nibel Reactor makes my stomach cringe."
They soon finished eating and paid the bill.
"So what now?" Cloud asked.
"I could use a walk," Tifa replied.
After leaving the diner, Tifa surprisingly led Cloud into an alleyway between two neighboring houses. Beyond the alley were endless fields of grass as far as the eye could see. A path remained, suggesting that these fields had been walked through before. Birds were singing and flying overhead.
"Sorry," Tifa said. "I'd always been curious about that alley ever since I was little. I was always wondering where it led to."
"No worries," Cloud assured her. "It looks like this goes somewhere."
The two lovers started down the path. It was only ten in the morning, and the sun had not yet reached its full capacity; the temperature was cool and pleasant. There was also a gentle breeze; it was the perfect atmosphere for them.
Gradually, the birds began to grow few and far between, and the singing slowly subsided.
"So Cloud," Tifa began, "when do you want to get married?"
He was somewhat stumped by the question; he had never considered a date or even a time frame. Of course, neither of them simply wanted to remain engaged for the rest of their lives. A date would certainly have to be set.
"Well," he replied. "when do you want to get married?"
"Sooner, rather than later," she replied as a butterfly flew past her. "It's a new timeline, Cloud. Anything can happen. I want to make the most of our time together."
"So do I," he agreed.
It was indeed a new timeline. In the old timeline, they had lived another nine years. In the new one, Cloud realized that that could live anywhere from one to seventy more years. There was no way to tell.
Suddenly, the path began to look familiar. Cloud began to consider the possibility, and dismissed it at first.
This can't be where I think it is, he thought. That place isn't even real.
But then, he looked around. There were bees, butterflies, and reeds. The path descended, and disappeared behind a brush. There was no doubt now that this was where he thought it was.
This was my dream, he thought. So this place is real.
Once again, Cloud recalled the sad dream he had had when he and Tifa were apart. But there was no sadness this time. There was no shadow, either. There did not have to be; Tifa was right by his side. All he felt instead was joy and happiness.
"What is it, Cloud?" Tifa asked, noticing his silence.
"I recognize this place," he replied. "When we were apart I dreamt about it five times. I would wake up at the top of the path, and I'd be feeling really sad for reasons I couldn't explain at first. I'd come down the path towards where we're standing now, and, as I did, I would feel sadder and sadder. The first three times, I'd wake up before getting to this spot. But on the fourth dream, you were standing here crying, asking what you did wrong before disappearing. The fifth time, I remembered so many things that were said to me and all of the circumstances. Then I realized that it wasn't a dream at all. It was my conscience. And I realized that it was when I wanted to be with you."
Tifa stood silently for a moment.
Great, Cloud thought. Now she's going to think I'm weird.
"I had the same dream," she surprisingly said. "Or whatever you want to call it."
"Really?" he asked. He had not seen that coming from a mile away.
"Right here," she replied. "It was slightly different. You were standing there for me to see, and I'd always approach you, but, whenever I got too close, you'd float up into the sky and vanish."
Cloud was silent for a moment. He had certainly not expected them to have had similar dreams. He realized that there had to be a reason for this.
"Tifa," he began, "do you believe in soulmates?"
The would be a reasonable explanation, he thought. Even though I don't know if I believe in it myself. But I have seen a lot of things I never expected.
"I don't know," Tifa replied as she placed her hands on his arms. "But I know we belong together. Our consciences are telling us the same thing."
This all started with a miserable birthday, Cloud thought. I had lost Tifa, and we were all killed. If I had been told that we'd still all get a happy ending, I would have laughed my ass off.
"Is all changed history this good?" he asked.
She smiled at him.
Cloud could tell that she was awaiting a kiss, but there was something that he needed to say. If they belonged together, there was no reason that they should be apart any longer. Two lifetimes was enough of a wait.
He thus decided to say it. He was unsure of what she would say, but he decided to say it.
"Why don't we get married this Saturday?" he said.
Tifa looked him in the eyes.
This soon? she thought. True, we don't know what the new future will bring...
"This Saturday?!" she replied in surprise.
"This Saturday," Cloud repeated.
"Can we?" she asked. "That's less than a week."
"We can," he assured her. "Legal arrangements are easily made. We have a small group of friends. We don't need the most lavish of venues. We don't need all the luxuries."
"We only need each other," she finished for him. She then leaned in, and pressed her lips against his.
"So you're okay with it?" Cloud asked hopefully.
Tifa smiled and nodded the affirmative as tears began to stream from her eyes. More reality was setting in; they now had a wedding date. This Saturday, she would become his wife. It was such a wonderful feeling.
Cloud smiled back and kissed her again.
"I don't believe it," she sobbed happily. "We're getting married this Saturday!"
"Believe it," he said. "And then, we'll never be apart again."
"I'll text everyone," Tifa announced.
"They'll be happy to hear it," he added. "But not as happy as I am."
Cloud then took a long look at the woman who had loved him all his life. He gently stroked her hair; she looked more beautiful than ever. He was already imagining her in a wedding dress, walking slowly down the aisle towards him.
"Cloud," Tifa began, "I love you so much. And that will never change."
She never tired of saying it. He was the love of her life.
"I love you to the moon and back," Cloud replied. "Now, and forever."
And, as he placed his hand on the small of his fiancée's back, he leaned in and kissed her once more. It was a wonderful second chance they had been given. They would use it to the fullest.
The End
Coming Soon: Premonitions II: Crisis Core