All of the reviews you guys have left have been super encouraging! They've all made me want to write this story even more, so thank you again. I can't wait for you guys to see what I have planned. There's lots of romantic stuff that's going to happen. This will focus a lot more on relationships than the mystery. The mystery won't be too big of a plot... it's not as crazy as it is in the actual TV show.

Lost: Chapter 3

"You know, I've never met a girl who read Shakespeare when she was in elementary school, and watched Cyrano de Bergerac... as well as the original Les Misérables when she was in middle school."

Aria laughed quietly and told him, "Yeah, well, a lot of people thought I was quite the weirdo for it. They were more interested in seeing the modern Les Misérables, and watching Katniss Everdeen on screen."

"So, you're a poet, too?" Ezra joked.

"Total coincidence that what I said rhymed!" Aria exclaimed, laughing. "I actually didn't even notice that until you pointed it out."

"Well, you know what I think about you watching black & white films, and reading classic literature?" Ezra said, smiling at her. She looked at him with an intrigued face. "I think it is amazing. Most people don't know how to appreciate the works from older times, but you do, and that does not make you a weirdo."

"Yeah, why don't you tell that to Jake?" Aria sarcastically said, sighing.

"He doesn't like old movies and old literature?" Ezra asked.

"Doesn't like it is an understatement," Aria told him. "He thinks all that stuff is boring, but I don't mind."

"So, what do you guys have in common? Nothing?" Ezra asked.

"You better not be serious," she said, laughing quietly. "He may not appreciate classic works the way I do, but that doesn't make him a bad guy. He's such a great guy, and we connect so well. We always find something to talk about."

"Right, I'm sorry for judging him," Ezra told her. "It's just that it sort of irks me when Maggie doesn't appreciate the things I like."

"So, your sweetheart Maggie isn't a fan, huh?" Aria joked, smirking.

"Guess not," Ezra said, sighing. "But unlike Jake, she isn't even decent about it. I set up a whole noir-themed dinner date for our second anniversary, and she was pissed about it. I was pretty bummed that she didn't at least want to try. I had a lot planned for the evening, but she made me redo it. We celebrated the next day with a stereotypical dinner date."

"A noir-themed dinner date!" Aria exclaimed, her eyes widening. "Ezra, that would have been so cool."

"Well, Maggie doesn't feel the same way. Maybe you should have been my girlfriend instead," Ezra joked, but it seemed that Aria didn't think he was kidding.

"Ezra..." she mumbled.

"I was just kidding, Aria," he said, furrowing his eyebrows. "No need to take it literally. I may be trash talking Maggie, but I love her. I don't care about the childish thing she did, where she ruined our anniversary. That was years ago, and I love her now."

"Sorry, I was just confused," Aria told him, biting her lip. "Where is Maggie, anyways? Everybody's back from the hike already. I saw Jason hours ago."

"If she's hurt, I'll be devastated!" Ezra cried, his eyes widening.

"Calm down, everything is going to be fine," Aria coaxed, putting her arm around him.


"Toby, why are you upset with me?"

He turned around and furrowed his eyebrows. She glanced into his deep blue eyes, and she could easily tell that he was really mad about whatever she did. She had a feeling why she was mad. It was the only thing he could be mad for, since she hadn't done anything else. She just hoped it wasn't.

"Don't tell me you don't know why," he told her, crossing his arms. "We made plans last night, and you bailed on me to go eat with that stupid fancy doctor Wren!"

"I know, and I'm sorry!" Spencer cried, sighing. "Wren asked me to eat with him, and I couldn't say no."

"Okay, well it's fantastic that you wanted to eat with him, but why didn't you at least give me a heads up that you weren't coming? You left me hanging!"

"Oh my god," Spencer mumbled, staring at the floor. "Toby... I'm so sorry."

"If you like this Wren guy, that's fine, but keep me out of it," he snapped. "I don't want to be your second choice friend that you'll bail on without telling."

"No, I do want to be friends!" Spencer cried, grabbing his arm. "You saved my life."

"Yeah, that's great," Toby sarcastically said, shaking his head. "I don't need you to owe it to me. You don't have to be my friend just because I saved you one time."

"Toby, that's not what I said."

But it was too late—he already walked away from her.


Ezra had left Aria a while ago so he could search for Maggie, but he still couldn't find her. However, he changed his plans when he found Jason starting another kind of adventure into the island's jungle. He wanted to be a part of it so he could understand everything.

"This isn't like the last time, man," Jason told him. "The last time was to get the transmitter's signal, but we're going into the jungle because we're low on our water supply."

"Already?" Ezra asked, shocked. "It's only been two nights, Jason."

"Yeah, I know, but we all expected to be found after getting the transmitter working, but things didn't go as planned," Jason explained. "Everyone took as much food and water as they wanted because we all thought we'd be out of here by today, except we're not. So, we've got to survive until we find a way to get help."

"Well, I'm still coming," Ezra told him.

"Alright, so then it's you, me, and Princess Cece," Jason said with a smirk.

"Stop calling me that, you moron!" Cece cried, rolling her eyes.

"You know you like it, Princess," Jason teased. "But anyways, so all three of us are going, right?"

Just then, someone else stepped up.

"And me."

"Who are you?" Jason asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"My name's Richard... Richard Gottesman," he said, smiling. "I want to make sure my kids get all the water they need, so I'm coming with you guys."

Ezra smiled at him and said, "That's really great of you. I can't even imagine how hard it is to be on this island with children."

"Yeah, and with no wife and three kids, too..." Richard told him.

"Brutal," Ezra said, laughing. "I'm Ezra Fitz, by the way. Lucky me, all I have is my fiancé on the island, and she's pretty independent. I've barely seen her."

"Can't see why," Richard said, furrowing his eyebrows as they starter walking through the jungle. "There's not much to do on this island. You sure she's okay?"

Ezra shrugged and said, "I've been looking for her, but I guess she found some way to occupy herself."


Emily didn't know how, but she found herself in the middle of a cave with her lips attacking some girl's—and she didn't even know the girl's name. She knew they'd spent most of the night taking. Emily left Hanna alone to cope with her problems, and Caleb Rivers seemed to be her comforter. So, Emily didn't want to get in the way of that. She ended up bumping into a girl, and they ran off into a cave to talk, and ended up making out.

And now that it was morning, they were kissing again.

All of a sudden, the brown haired girl pulled back from Emily, and stared at the floor.

"Emily..." she mumbled, "I have a boyfriend, remember?"

"I know, I forgot," Emily whispered. "You said you would break up with him."

"I will," she promised. "I can't do this until I break up with him. Nate is a great guy, but I don't think he's my type. But we shouldn't be doing this. I'm not gay, I'm straight!"

"If you're straight, then how could you have kissed me like that?" Emily challenged, folding her arms.

"You're right, but I'm not ready. I've liked girls before, but I never wanted to admit it to myself. That's why I've never broken up with Nate," she confessed. "Meet me here later tonight, and we can figure this out. I'll break up with him by then."

Emily smiled and said, "I can't wait to see you then."

"Me neither, but... you never bothered to ask, so I'll just tell you," she began, "my name's Paige McCullers."

Emily didn't know why she made out with Paige, but she did. As she watched the girl walk away, all she could think about was Alison. She knew she was still in love with Alison, but she was starting to feel like they'd be on the island for a really long time. Besides, she wasn't dating Alison. They were pretty much together, but Alison always toyed with her emotions, so they weren't official or anything.

She knew she had every right to be with Paige, and it felt right to get out of that first love trap with Alison. But part of her knew that she would always be in love with Alison, and part of her would always want to work things out.

Alison promised that when she got back home, they could work out all their problems and see if they could be a real couple for the very first time. And of course she wanted to be with Alison, but she also didn't want to. Yes, she was in love with the gorgeous blonde girl, but she knew that Alison could easily hurt her. She always ended up doing it the past few times.


"Hey Mags, I finally found you!" Ezra exclaimed, running up to her. "Where have you been? Actually, never mind that. I want you to meet my new buddy... C'mere, Richard!"

"Hi... Richard Gottesman—" he began, but then looked up at her and widened his eyes.

"This is my fiancé Maggie," Ezra introduced him. "We've been together for quite a while, and we'll be officially tying the knot when we leave this damn island. Anyways, Maggie, this is my new friend Richard. I met him on the hike for water."

Maggie faked a smile and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"So Maggie, can I have a word with you?" Richard asked. "It'll only be a short moment, Ezra."

He nodded his head and allowed Richard and Maggie to have a moment alone.

"What the hell is going on?" Richard demanded, folding his arms.

"Ezra's my fiancé," she said.

"I know that!" Richard yelled. "You told me you were single yesterday, and we freaking slept together. You lied to me."

"I'm sorry," she mumbled. "The marriage is just so stressful, and I really wanted you. Please, don't tell Ezra."

"I don't have any reason to not tell him," he snapped. "He needs to know what you've done. He deserves a much better girl than you."

"Richard!" she cried, grabbing his arm. "Okay, I'll tell him myself. Let me do this on my own. I just need some time to figure out how I'm going to tell him. I need to figure out a way that gives off the least collateral damage."

"Well, you better tell him fast," Richard said, folding his arms. "I want to keep him as an ally, but I can't do that if I feel like I'm lying to him all the time."


"Where could the call even be coming from?" Jason asked, scratching his head.

"Use your brain and figure it out," Cece said, rolling her eyes. "I think someone else got in some kind of crazy crash that put them on this island, and now they're trying to find a way off... well, they were ten years ago. Now, they're probably dead."

"You're right, I couldn't see somebody surviving on this island for ten years," Jason said, nodding his head. "But if we want to get our own transmitter signal, we need to find the point where this person went. They clearly had such a strong signal that it's still able to go on."

"Jesus, my head hurts from all of this!" Cece cried. "I just want to be able to live my life again instead of going on psychotic jungle hunts."

"You didn't have to come, you know," Jason told her.

"I know, but I still want to help," Cece said. "There's nothing to do on this island, anyways. I want to go home."

"Trust me, we all want to leave, too," Jason said. "You're not the only one. But, we've got to work hard if we're gonna figure out how to get out of here."

"Yeah, yeah... If I'm going to be working hard, I need to eat something," Cece said, smiling. "You hungry, Leader Boy?"

Jason smirked at her and teased, "Oh, are you asking me out, Princess?"

Cece rolled her eyes and said, "There's not much room for a date when we're stranded on an island, so no, I'm not. I meant what I said. We can eat."

"Sounds like a date to me, but I'm in, even if you don't think it is," Jason said, laughing. "It'll be a bonus if we end the night making out in a cave, too. I'm all for it."

Cece raised her eyebrows and looked at him for a moment, but just shook her head and kept walking.


"Toby!" Caleb called out to his friend. "Where are you going? Come over here!"

The blue-eyed male sighed and turned around to face his best friend. He walked over and sat down next to the cripple, frowning.

"I don't know," he said. "I'm pissed."

"Why?" Caleb asked.

"This girl stood me up for the stupid Brit," Toby angrily said, crossing his arms. "I should have known. He's all sophisticated and he's probably rich, too! No wonder she's into him."

"You like a girl here?" Caleb asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "After Jenna, I didn't think—"

"Don't talk about her," Toby stopped him, turning away. "She's a part of the past, and I'm moving on. But no! I don't like her, man. I thought we were friends, though. We made plans to talk and stuff, but then she ditched me without a word to hang out with Wren."

"Sounds like you like her," Caleb said, chuckling.

"Shut it, I don't," Toby denied.

"Who is she, anyways?" Caleb asked curiously.

"That pretty brunette," Toby answered. "Her name's Spencer, and she's a really nice girl. I guess I do sort of like her, but it's nothing serious. We're just killing time until somebody gets us off of this island—" he turned around and saw Spencer.

His heart sank when he saw her. Her arm was linked with Wren's. It killed him to see her talking and giggling with that stupid guy.

"This is freaking stupid!" Toby yelled, getting up. "I'll talk to you later, Caleb."

"Hey, where are you going?" Caleb demanded as Toby angrily walked away. "Toby, don't do anything stupid! Toby, you know I can't follow you!"

He finally gave up when Hanna sat down next to him.

"What's going on?" Hanna asked.

"My friend's being crazy," he explained, sighing. "He's infatuated with some girl he met, and that girl stood him up for the handsome doctor dude. Now he's all hurt, and he's probably gonna act out on it. But, I don't blame him. He's been through a tough time in his life recently."

"What happened to him?" Hanna curiously asked.

"I don't really know," Caleb answered, shrugging. "It was something about his step sister Jenna. He wouldn't tell me exactly what it was, but it was damn bad. He wanted to leave the country to get away from her. He told me that what happened with her was so horrifying that he could never be in a relationship again, and here he is, trying to be in one. I don't understand."

"You can't blame him for wanting to be with somebody," Hanna said, turning her head towards him. "Sometimes people just want to move on from their past, especially when something bad happens."

"It's too soon, though," Caleb said, shaking his head. "I thought he would at least wait until he got back on his feet at home."

"Oh come on, haven't you wondered about dating again after what happened to Bethany?" Hanna asked.

Caleb frowned at her name and explained, "I loved Bethany... so I don't know. Of course I've thought about moving on, but I don't know how. I don't know what to do, you know? I was thinking of waiting a while before. Don't you feel that way about Travis?"

"Yeah, but I have to face the fact that he's never coming back!" Hanna cried. "I can't keep waiting. I need to move on with my life. You haven't thought about dating anyone?"

"Hanna, there isn't really anybody I'd like to date here," he told her. "I've only talked to you and Toby, so... I want to be honest—I've thought about dating you, but we're both going through losses, and—"

"That's exactly why this works," Hanna whispered, and pressed her lips against his.

He kissed back, enjoying every moment of it... except her breath.

He laughed and pulled back to ask, "Wouldn't it be nice to have toothpaste on this island?"

"Well, since I can taste your breath, obviously," she said, giggling.

"Hanna," he said her name seriously. "All jokes aside, I want to tell you that I sorta like you, and I want this. But do you want it? We're both not over losing our other loved ones, so I... I don't know."

"Of course I'll always love Travis, and you'll always love Bethany, but they're not coming back, Caleb," she said, cupping his cheeks. "And we have to make the most out of that. I think this is the best way to move on."

He smiled at her sincerely before pulling her close so she could lean on his chest.

"Then I'm in, too," Caleb whispered, kissing the top of her head.


"Hey!" Kaylee exclaimed, sitting down next to Mona. "You're my brother's new friend, right?" She nodded, and Kaylee said, "Well, I'm his sister Kaylee."

"Oh... hi," Mona said, biting her lip.

"You don't like Lucas or anything, right?" Kaylee asked.

"What? Why?" Mona asked, furrowing her eyebrows. "I mean, we just met..."

"The thing is—he's totally in love with this girl named Hanna that doesn't even notice him," Kaylee explained. "I just don't think he's ready to get over her."

"Lucas and I are not even real friends, we're just strangers who have talked and ate together," Mona quickly said. "Um, thanks for the talking, but I'm gonna get going."

She walked over to the campsite with the fire, and sat down next to some dude. His name was Nate, AKA Paige's ex-boyfriend. She had just broken up with him that day for no reason, and he was so confused. He wasn't too upset, though. Paige had been a bitch to him recently.

"You okay?" Nate asked, turning to Mona.

"Yeah, I'm just a little lost," Mona quietly said, sighing. "There's this guy I sort of like, but now that I found out he is totally in love with some other girl, I'm just... I don't know."

"That's a bummer," Nate said sympathetically. "My girlfriend broke up with me for no reason, but I guess the best thing we can do is try to move on."

"You're right," Mona said, smiling.


"Hanna, are you sure you want to be in a relationship now?" Caleb asked, looking over at her.

"You're bringing this up again?" Hanna said, groaning.

"I'm serious! It hasn't even been long since you figured out that Travis died, so I don't see how you're so okay with moving on," Caleb told her.

"I love Travis, and I know he wants me to be happy," Hanna explained. "The only thing that's been helping me so far is talking to you. You help me get over him, and dating you can be a distraction from everything."

"I'm just a distraction?" Caleb asked, offended.

"Not like that," Hanna said. "We're both hurting, and we're practically strangers, but I think trying us out can help us move on."

Caleb smiled at her and said, "Let's take this slow, okay? I wanna make sure we're really into this, and that we're not just doing it so we can get over people. I want to make our relationship meaningful."

"It's not all about getting over people, I promise," Hanna told him, smiling back. "It's been so little time since I lost my boyfriend, and I already like you. Imagine how this will evolve over time?"

"But don't you think getting over him so quickly is a bad thing to do?" Caleb asked.

"No, because I'm not forgetting about him. I never will. But romantically, I need happiness, not tragedy. And you're my only happiness," Hanna explained, and rested her head on his chest again.

"It's an honor to be your happiness," Caleb whispered, laughing. "You're my happiness, too."


"I'm so glad I have you here with me," Aria quietly said, resting her head on Jake's shoulder. "I wouldn't be able to survive without you."

"You're a strong girl, Aria," he whispered, turning to her so he could kiss the top of her head.

"I love you," she said, grabbing the collar of his shirt and yanking him towards herself in order to place a long kiss on his lips.

"I love you, too," he said, pulling away. "I'm—"

Startling Jake was a loud scream. Both of their eyes widened. It was definitely a male. Aria and Jake looked at each other with panic in their eyes.

"I have to so something about this," Jake declared, standing up. "I'm not gonna let someone die. I can't live with myself knowing that I could have done something to save this guy. Okay?"

"Jake!" Aria cried. "Are you sure you want to go in? Can't you get somebody like Jason to help you?"

"I don't have time to find him!" Jake freaked out. "Aria, we can't talk about this. Somebody's life is in danger. I love you so much." He pecked her lips before grabbing a knife from the supplies and running into the jungle.

Aria quickly searched for Jason. She didn't want Jake to be alone in the jungle. She was lucky to find Ezra, at least.

"Ezra, somebody's in trouble," Aria told him. "Didn't you hear the scream?"

Ezra's eyes widened. He said, "I was getting supplies I left in the cave, so no, I didn't. Is the person alright?"

"I don't know... Jake went into the jungle or whatever to try and help," Aria explained. "I don't want him in there alone. We need other people to go."

"I'm on it, Aria," Ezra told her. "I'll go in there and do whatever I can. Thank you for telling me." He gave her a short hug before frantically explaining things to Richard and going into the wilder area to help out.


Aria couldn't stop thinking. What if Ezra, Jake, or Mr. Gottesman got hurt? She would feel horrible for dragging Ezra and a friend from her school's father into the mess! Richard was Lucas and Kaylee's father, and she would make the two of them live without a father. She was sort of friends with Kaylee, too. She couldn't help but feel guilty. Plus, Ezra had been so nice to her from the start! She would feel responsible if he got hurt or even died.

Luckily for her, Ezra, Jake, and Richard came out of the jungle holding a body. The male was unconscious and covered in scratch marks. He looked badly wounded.

"Aria, sweetie, please get the doctor!" Richard cried. "We need a doctor over here!"

She rushed to find Wren, and notified him. Many of the other survivors of the crash came around to see what was going on.

"I need everyone to move out of the way please," Wren commanded. "Please, I need some space to work on him. Leave!"

Most people disbanded from the area, but Spencer, arriving late, came over afterwards.

"Hey, Wren... what's going on?" Spencer asked. "Everybody came rushing over to you—are you working on someone?"

"Spencer, it's horrible," Wren muttered. "Someone's been badly inured."

"Someone? Who?" she asked, stepping forward. "Is it ba—Toby?"

"Yes, the boy who saved you the first day we got here," Wren told her.

"Oh my god!" Spencer cried, her eyes widening. "Wren... is he okay?"

Wren gave her a sorry look and said, "I don't know yet. He's unconscious at the moment. I'm trying everything I can."

He pumped at the heart several times, getting harder and harder every time. Suddenly, his eyes opened, and he was gasping for air. As soon as he saw Wren's face, he grew pissed off.

"N-no!" Toby yelled, pushing Wren off of him. "I don't want this bastard helping me! Get off me, you prick!"

Spencer kneeled down beside him and kissed his forehead before saying, "Toby, I know you're mad at Wren, but you need him."

"I don't need him... I don't need that guy," Toby declared.

"He's a doctor," she told him.

"He's a fricking prick!" Toby screamed. "I hate— I... I... ha..."

Spencer's eyes widened. She asked Wren, "What's wrong with him?"

The Brit shrugged sadly and said, "I honestly don't know, Spencer. I think he just went unconscious again, and I'm not sure if he'll wake up."

"Are you serious?" Spencer asked, her eyes growing even bigger.

"Dead serious."