Hi! This was inspired by the TV show, but will be nothing like it. The only similarity is the plane crash, causing them to get stranded on the island. I have only watched like two episodes of the show, so I can't really copy it, haha. There will definitely be romance and friendships formed, so I can't wait to start writing this story. I've been thinking about making a fic like this for a while, and I'm glad I finally decided to. I hope you'll all enjoy it, and please leave a review!

Lost: Chapter 1

"Ari, it's gonna be fine, I promise you." His hands cupped her cheeks. He gazed into her eyes for a moment before turning back to the book he was reading. "I've been flying all over the world for matches, and nothing's ever happened. You don't have to be scared. I won't let anything happen to you."

His hazel-eyed girlfriend smiled and gave him a kiss on the lips. It was true, she had a fear of flying. The only time she had ever been on a plane was when her parents made her visit Iceland for a year, and she was scared out of her mind. Something just worried her about flying. All the stories she had heard about the bad things that could happen...

"Thank you for reassuring me," she whispered, and squeezed his hand. "You always know how to make things better." She lifted the arm rest between their plane seats so she could lean on his chest. "Jake, I love you so much."

He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and whispered back, "I love you, too."

Everything felt fine. She had Jake to keep her safe and assure her that things would be fine, so her worries went away. She fell asleep on his chest without a worry about flying on her mind. However, her slumber was interrupted by the abrupt shaking of the plane. Her eyes opened quickly, and all the fears came back. She looked at Jake with fear in her eyes.

"Aria," he mumbled, taking her hand, "it's just turbulence. It happens all the time, so it's nothing to be afraid of. You're okay, I promise. We're all gonna be okay."

She nodded her head, believing him when he coaxed her out of her fears. But, the plane's turbulence was worse than she expected it to be. She always thought turbulence just meant a little bit of shaking here and there, not full on forceful shaking! Jake kept trying to calm her down, but she couldn't help but still be scared in her heart.

'Attention passengers: we are experiencing slight turbulence. Please remain calm and make sure your seat belts are fastened at this time.'

"See? They said remain calm," Jake said. "It's just regular turbulence. Happens all the time—I would know it."

Aria nodded her head again, pecking his cheek.

"How would I be flying without you?" she asked, and leaned on his chest again. "I know everything's going to be alright when I'm with you."

He smiled at her, and cradled her in his arms.

That was all she could recall. Well, she remembered the turbulence getting worse, and then Jake telling her to reach for her oxygen mask in a panicked cry. She remembered reaching for it, and then blacking out. Then somehow, she ended up where she was—trees everywhere around her.

"Jake!" she yelled, feeling her stomach knotting. She tried to wake her limbs up, and keep her eyes open. She observed every inch of her body that she could see. There were wounds and scratches everywhere, and she could feel the pain of almost every single one. She had never felt so terrible in her life. Whatever happened on that plane, it was awful. "Jake, please, answer me!"

Instead of Jake, another man kneeled beside her. He gave her a hand, and tried to help her up. She knew he wasn't Jake, but she would take whoever she could get. She needed somebody, anybody, to help her understand what was going on.

"Are you alright?" the man asked, holding her as she tried to regain her balance.

"No!" she screamed. "My body hurts, and I don't know where my boyfriend is. Is he okay? His name is Jake Westmoreland. Do you know him? Do you know where he is? Do you know if he's okay?"

"Whoa!" the guy cried, furrowing his eyebrows. "Sorry, lady, I... I don't know anybody here. The only way you can know if he's okay is if you see him around."

"D-did people die?" Aria stammered, her heart pounding.

He nodded his head and told her, "Unfortunately, I've seen bodies everywhere. If you don't remember, there was a... uh... plane crash."

"No!" Aria screamed. "He promised me that everything would be okay, he promised!"

"Sweetheart, calm down," the guy whispered, wrapping his arms around her. "I know it's scary, believe me, I do. I'm in the same boat as you. I'm just trying to make sure we can get the survivors all the help they need. Come with me, I'll take care of you."

"Jake told me he would take care of me, too," Aria muttered, shaking her head. "Everything is a lie. If he's not alright, I don't know how I'm supposed to live with myself!"

"Look, I know you're worried about your loved ones, but we need to make sure you take care of yourself instead," he told her. "Your safety is important, too."

"I know, but if he's not a survivor... I'll... I can't settle for that," she darkly whispered, her eyes filling up with tears. "How can I know that he's okay?"

"All the survivors are being brought to the beach," he explained. "I wanna take you there. Does anything hurt a lot? If there are any wounds, we'll have to get you to a doctor. Lucky for us, there's a doctor out here with us. He's doing whatever he can."

"You saved me," Aria said, ignoring whatever else he said. "How did you know I was out here?"

"Well, I was searching the area, and I had a gut feeling somebody was here," he told her. "I guess my gut was just right this time, you know? I'm Ezra Fitz."

"Aria Montgomery."


"Oh my god, oh my GOD!" the shaggy haired male moaned as someone was patching up his wound. "What is this? Why? Why? Why?" His moans were continuous, yet unsteady. The man bandaged up his head wound the best he could, and patched up his stomach wound the best he could as well.

"You're all good, mate," the doctor whispered. "You're fine." The chocolate-eyed man turned to his partner and said, "I've done what I can with him, and I think he'll survive, since I stopped the bleeding. Let him rest so he can make a full recovery. It may take a very long while until he's regularly mobile again."

His new accomplice, Jason, nodded his head and said, "Got it, Wren." He carried thes survivor body that Wren had just patched up. "Hey buddy, you in there?"

"P-p-please help me, I-I don't know where I am," he mumbled, unable to open his eyes.

Jason sighed and said, "Believe me, I know the feeling. We're all lost here. It's new to us. Wren said you're gonna be fine."

"I... I don't feel fine."

"I bet you don't," Jason said, laughing quietly. "You got a name, boy?"

"C-Caleb Rivers."

Jason set Caleb's recovering body on a safe place in the sand that was away from the salty waters. A blue-eyed boy came running up when he saw Caleb there, and knelt down to see him. Tears were dripping down the boy's cheeks, and he was quite obviously upset.

"You know him?" Jason asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I do, very well," he answered, wiping away the tears. "He's my best friend, man... We go way back. We've been best friends since the seventh grade. He's always been there for me, and I just wanna be there for him."

"Trust me, you're lucky," Jason told him. "Your best buddy's all good. The doctor patched him up. He just needs time to recover."

"Really?" he asked, his face brightening up. Jason nodded his head. "Thank you for everything, but I want to be alone with him. I want to stay by his side."

"Your wish can come true," Jason said, smiling at him. "Wren needs my help with the treatments, so I've got my hands full. You take good care of your little buddy, okay?"

The guy nodded his head, and Jason walked back to Wren.

"You're gonna be fine," he whispered, patting Caleb's back. "We've made it through so much together, and we're gonna make it through this thing, too. We always make it. I won't let this be the time we lose. Pull through for me, man."

"That dude... he said I'm gonna be fine," Caleb whispered, gripping onto his stomach wound. "I'll be fine, Toby. H-he said so."

"I know, but I meant the bigger picture," he said, sighing. "The fact that we're here on this island thingy. This feels horrible. I've read about planes going missing after crashes, and I can't handle this. I hope we get out of here, you know?"


Toby furrowed his eyebrows and said, "You stay here, Caleb. I'm not going to let people die. I want to be a part of that group that's helping everyone. I want to know that I've made a difference."

"I-I wanna help," Caleb muttered.

"You can't!" Toby cried. "And you shouldn't be talking this much, too. Please, relax. Make your recovery, and then play hero. I'd rather have you alive than as Superman, okay? Hang in there."

He brushed the sand off of his pants, and started running to where the girl was screaming. A few others, who didn't have their hands full, ran along with him to see what was going on. When he saw what it was, his eyes widened. He wanted to help, but how? He knew he wasn't a superhero.

"Somebody, get in there!" a man screamed. "She's stuck!"

A brunette that was covered in scratches had her foot stuck under the ruins of the plane. Nobody else was daring enough to help pull her out, so Toby did it. He ran in there and tried to push the piece off of her foot. What scared him was that if he messed up, the piece would collapse and crush her whole body, obviously killing her. He didn't want to be responsible for the death of the girl. Her family and friends would never forgive him.

But, it was too late to stop. He had already began pushing. Sweat was pouring off of his body, and he used as much strength as he could. Toby looked around the crowd nervously. He desperately hoped that one of them would man up and try to help the girl, too.

Luckily, one brave guy ran up to them. He started to push with Toby. After kicking and shoving the piece as hard as they could, it came off of her foot. Unfortunately, it was covered in blood. She was crying really badly, and Toby felt so sorry just looking at her. He was one of the lucky ones who got away with a couple cuts and bruises on his body. He couldn't even imagine the ones that died and got crushed.

"Thank you," Toby whispered. "You're the only one who bothered to help."

"I didn't think that was a one-man job, so I had to help," the buff guy said with a smile. He had severe cuts on his arms and face, but that didn't seem to stop him. "She needs medical treatment. There's a doctor at the center of the beachy place, so we've gotta get her there."

They smiled at each other and carefully lifted the brunette girl to Wren.

"My sister!" Jason cried, gasping. "Holy shit, Spence! I didn't know if she was okay... I just... I'm so relieved. I know she's hurt, but at least she's alive. What happened to her?"

"A piece of the plane got her foot stuck," Toby explained.

"You saved her?" Jason asked, grinning. "Aw, don't even be modest, dudes. I know you guys did. I owe you both... big time. I was so worried about her."

"Look, as much as I love helping people, I need to find my girlfriend," the other guy said, biting his lip. "She's tiny, and she's got the most beautiful hazel eyes. She's got dark brown hair, and her name's Aria Montgomery. If I don't find her alive, I'm so screwed. I'm freaking out on the inside."


The muscular young man turned around and saw none other than Aria standing there. A surge of relief went through him. He practically jumped into her arms, hugging her so tight. She was sided by a dark haired man.

"You scared the hell out of me, Montgomery," Jake whispered, kissing her lips furiously. "Oh god, you don't know how glad I am to see you."

"You promised me that nothing bad would happen on the plane!" Aria sobbed, her voice cracking as she spoke. "Why are we here?"

"Aria..." Jake mumbled, furrowing his eyebrows. "I didn't know, okay? I couldn't predict the future. I was just trying to assure you. I didn't know."

"I know, I don't even care," Aria said, hugging him again. "I'm just so glad you're okay. You're all that I've been worried about."

"Same goes for me," Jake said, smiling. "Who are you, man?" He looked straight at the other man that was standing near her.

"Oh... uh... I'm Ezra," he introduced himself. "I was looking for survivors, and I found your Aria deep in there. So, I decided to bring her here to the other survivors."

"Thank you for bringing her here," Jake thanked Ezra with a genuine smile. "I'm Jake Westmoreland, by the way."

"Yeah, I know," Ezra said, trying to straighten out his cut up suit. "Aria talked about you a lot when we were walking here. Um, so, let me know if you guys need anything. I'm always willing to help." He smiled at them before walking away.

Jake put his arm around her and said, "It's a good thing that Ezra guy found you."

"I know!" Aria exclaimed. "I hope I can repay him for what he did for me... for us. He helped me find you. Anyways, what's going on here?"

"A girl got trapped under a piece of the plane," Jake explained to her. "The doc is trying to fix her up. I hope she's okay."

"She better be okay!" Jason cried, staring at her while Wren worked. "That's my sister... Spencer. I can't let anything happen to her. She's my little sister!"

"Jason, she is going to be fine," Wren assured him. "The little beauty has a very injured foot, but no arteries were cut, and she will be fine. I've just got to finish bandaging up her wound, and she should be good to go for resting."

Jason grinned and said, "That's a relief."



Toby turned around and furrowed his eyebrows. He wondered aloud, "Jason's little sister? Hi."

She smiled at him and said, "I limped all the way over here to talk to you."

"Why?" he asked. "I mean, it's flattering and all, but you're supposed to take the stress off of your foot to help recover it. That's what Wren told us."

"I know," she said. "I thought I could just sit here and rest instead." She gazed at him for a moment before saying, "I wanted to thank you... for saving my life when nobody else would. I know that Jake came in and helped, but you started it. He wouldn't have even helped if you didn't do it first. You're... brave."

Toby smiled and told her, "It feels good to hear somebody say that."

"Do you think we'll all make it out of here?" Spencer asked, looking at him.

"I don't know, but we can hope," he answered, and reached over to take her hand. "We can always hope."

She was about to tell him how hope breeds eternal misery, but she decided that with their life on an island, they needed all the optimism they could get. So instead, she smiled back and squeezed his hand.


"He's dead, he's dead, he's dead..."

The tanner girl gave her best friend a sorry look, and leaned over to hug her. It was all she could do. Neither of them wanted to believe it. Death was never something they feared. They enjoyed their lives partying and having fun. They never even took a moment to realize how hard it was to lose someone... until they lost somebody.

It was worse for the blonde. She was in love with the person who died. They were both in love with each other. His name was Travis Hobbs, and he was such a sweet guy. They had been together for over a year, and he made her happy. But then, she lost him, and her world started to crumble.

"How could Travis leave me?" she moaned, tears falling out of her eyes.

"Hanna," the tan girl quietly said, "I know it's horrible, it really is. I miss him, too. He was like my best friend, and your boyfriend. He meant everything to us."

"Why did this god damn plane have to crash on this god damn island!" Hanna yelled, kicking the sand. "My life just started to get good, and something has to fuck it up!"

"Hanna, please," she tried.

"You don't understand, Emily!" Hanna screamed, tears falling out of her eyes. "I loved Travis so much. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. How could he just leave me like that without saying goodbye? How could the world take the best thing that ever happened to me away from me?"

It was a gruesome sight for Hanna and Emily. Seeing Travis lifeless, crushed by parts of the plane. Her heart crumbled when she saw Travis like that. She wanted to see him full of life. She wanted to be all over him, hug him, and kiss him. Both of them just wanted him back.

"We have each other," Emily told her, "and we're going to get through this. We both loved Travis. It's the worst thing ever. I'm dying inside, believe me."

"How do I forget about him?" Hanna asked. "The worst part about loving him is that he's not here anymore! I need him in my life!"

"I think we've been through enough today," Emily said, rubbing Hanna's shoulders. "We both need a break. This has been the worst day of my life... by far."

"I couldn't agree more, but there's no way we can just get away from this living hell!" Hanna cried, shaking her head in pain.

"Let's rest, Han," Emily suggester, squeezing her best friend's shoulders. "I think sleeping for a bit can get you into your good dreams and take your mind off of Travis."

"What if I just have nightmares about him?" Hanna asked, her eyes filled with fear. "What if my stupid brain keeps playing the sight of seeing him like that?"

Emily sighed and told her, "Well, we'll have to find out. Come on, lay down."

Hanna have in and rested her head against the sandy ground.

"Travis! You're back."

"Hanna, no. I'm always going to be here for you, trust me. I may not be able to be there physically, but I will always be here. Just think about me when you need me. You know me well enough to know what I would say and do in any situation."

"No, I just want you back in my life. Come back, please!"

"I'm right here, Han. I am in your life."

"We can finally be together again! I thought I actually lost you."

"We can't be together. I'm so sorry."

"If you're here, why can't we be together? I don't understand, Travis!"

"Hanna, the best thing for you is to move on from me. You know I love you more than anything in the world, and that's why I care about your happiness. What's best for both Emily and you yourself is to move on from me. Go on with your life. Be the best person you can be."

"Move on?"

"Move on."

Okay, I know it's a weird first chapter, but please don't stop. I have a plan for the future, and I hope it'll get better than this! Things will be explained. It won't be ANYTHING like Lost, so if you've seen the show, those answers won't be the answers here. Stick around for this story! I hope you leave a review. Xoxo