Author's note: Hey! So this is my little one-shot collection about season four. I will be writing one-shots whenever I feel inspired. Mostly I will be writing one-shots about spoilers I find and how I think they will turn out next season. So if you don't like spoilers... Probably shouldn't read this. I mostly will write CaptainSwan but I am a Snowing, Rumbelle and OutlawQueen fan. Here is the first one-shot about Hook's wardrobe change...

Spoilers: Hook's new wardrobe change.

Summary: Killian decides to get a wardrobe change, Emma's reaction is priceless.

Yeah Once Upon a Time isn't mine.

New Attire

It had only been one week since their trip to the past. But only less than ten hours since that crisis, another showed up. There was this mysterious winter going on during summer. So she was in the nice warm Granny's having a hot chocolate and relaxing for the first time in a week.

Henry was with Regina, and well everyone seemed to be somewhere doing something. Gold and Belle announced they were married about half a week ago. Which came as a shock since we never heard they were engaged.

Baby Neal was doing well even though it is freezing outside. Well her mother was born during the harshest winter, she herself was born while a curse was coming, so Neal could survive this. First a Wicked Witch then a winter? This was only the firsts of what was ahead for him.

Speaking of her mother, she had gone off somewhere to feed Neal which left her alone talking with Ruby who was wiping the counter. Besides them there were not too many other people in Granny's and it was lunch rush hour. Must've had something to do with the cold.

"So what's he like?" Ruby snapped Emma out of her thoughts and she looked up to her.

"Sorry what?" What was she talking about?

"How's the pirate going? Is he a great kisser?" Was she really talking to Red Riding Hood/Wolf about her kissing Captain Hook? How had her life come to this? Ruby looked so excited.

"Uh why do you want to know that?" She asked curiously. Was this what friends talked about when they talked about boys? She never really had friends before she came to Storybrooke. Then there was Mary-Margret, who turned out to be her mum.

"Because that's what friends talk about Emma. Or we could talk about..."

"No!" She blurted out. "We haven't done anything like that!" Knowing where she was leading to. They had not done anything!

"If you say so." Ruby said before she served a customer who was waiting. She looked to her left to see her mum coming toward her with Neal and the baby bag.

"Hey Emma do you mind holding Neal for a second. I really need a brake." She sat on the stool next to her as Emma took Neal. She hadn't really carried a baby before. Only in her fake memories.

Which again painfully reminded her that she didn't keep Henry. He was peacefully sleeping and didn't stir when he was passed on. Ruby slipped a hot chocolate to her mum. Which she gratefully accepted.

"Neal already giving you guys a hard time?" She asked half amused that two people who had fought witches, sleighed dragons and even shared the same heart had a hard time taking care of a baby.

"Sometimes I'm glad we skipped the waking up in up the middle of the night with you." She replied before she took a sip of her hot chocolate with cinnamon. She realised her father wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Where's dad?" She could see her mother's expression soften when she said the word 'dad'.

"Oh he's out with Killian." She shot her a puzzled look. Her father, with Killian? Sure they had become great, mates. But she knew her father wasn't all too pleased when he found out what they did in the past with past Hook. Or what happened in front of Granny's after the baby's name was revealed.

"Is there a murder going on at the moment?" She asked in a half serious tone. Her mother put her mug down and gestured for Neal to come back to her.

"Oh no they're just... Bonding you know. Doing things men do..." Lying. It was way too easy to spot a lie from her mother. She can't keep a secret at all. That's what started Regina's hatred towards her.

"What are they really doing?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow and took a sip of hot chocolate. The bell to Granny's front door rang as she put her hot chocolate down. She wasn't facing the door but heard Ruby whisper 'whoa'. Her mother was smiling amused at whatever she was seeing. She decided to turn around on her stool to see what the fuss was about and...


It was Killian and David. David had walked around to her mother and Neal behind her but Killian was still near the doorway coming closer to her. But he wasn't wearing his normal pirate leathers. Which was all she had seen him in besides when they went to the past at the ball. But even then it was still familiar.

He was wearing modern clothes. He was wearing black shoes and black loose pants. He also had a black long sleeve shirt on and a black leather zip up jacket. He was still sticking to black by the looks of it. He had his fake hand on and a brown satchel around his shoulder. She hadn't realised she had been staring at him for way too long with her mouth half open.

"See something you like love?" He said once he was closer to her. She closed her mouth.

"Yes- No... I mean... Wow." She stumbled loss for words. He looked so, different. Not a bad different a good different. He looked really nice in modern day clothes. She had wondered what he would look like. He chuckled and sat next to her on the stool to her right.

"How do you like my new attire? Your father thought I would freeze in my usual clothes, and he said I should get a wardrobe change." He smiled amused at the way she was reacting.

"It's... Different. I just have never seen you wear anything but your pirate leathers. But you look really good- nice. I mean you look really nice." She caught herself but it just made him more amused. He only changed clothes, why was she acting like she couldn't control herself? All she wanted to do was kiss him.

"Well I'm glad you like it since I have decided that if I want to fit into this town, I should wear the clothes of this realm. Also I thought you might like the change of clothes." He winked and took a sip of her hot chocolate. She turned around other mother.

"You knew about this?" She asked her mother who now had her father by her side.

"Yes, but Killian and David said not to tell you because they wanted it to be a surprise." Neal was now awake and he grabbed one of her fingers.

"You better not be a bad liar like our mum or we won't ever get away with things." She said to Neal.

"Hey!" Both her mother and father said as she laughed and turned back to her pirate. He handed her drink to her and she took a sip. Something was different. She looked at the mug and tried to figure out what tasted different.

"You put rum in my drink?" It was more of a statement rather than a question. Instead of answering her just kissed her. At first it was a shock to her but she soon melted into the kiss before pulling away. "What was that for?" She still a little dazed by the kiss. She snapped out of it quickly.

"I could see you wanted to kiss me love. So I took the liberty of kissing you before you had the chance." That logic didn't make too much sense but she kissed him and that's all that mattered to her now. They talked about lots of things and even though there was trouble ahead, she just enjoyed the moment she had with her family now.