Hey mates! Soooooo just to clear one thing up, I'm from rural Australia where we are more likely to be stopped by cows crossing the road than traffic jams :) I have no idea what it is like in London traffic and to be honest I really hope I never have to! I was caught in a 15 minute traffic jam in once Sydney and OMG I DIED! (In my defence it was 51 degrees celsius) so yeah don't think my stories are realistic. I write these stories purely out of boredom (i don't really do any research) :) so i hoped that cleared that up StolenBook, thank you so much for the review it helped me a lot! (and i very much enjoyed the cookie! ;))


" Lill' minx!" thought Alex, stumbling out of bed and towards Charlies room. Screams were erupting down the hallway like squealing car tires!

"Hey bud, what could possible have you doing your wake up call at this hour?" Asked Alex as he tried to settle the boy down. "Let me guess, you thought you'd be funny and since a said no waking me up before 5 you decide to wake me up at 5:01 you little mastermind! you know, I'm worried now! you have the makings of a very evil person at such a young age. Before I know it, you'll be ripping Pooh Bears head off with your teeth!"

The crying slowly stopped as Alex got Charlies bottle from the fridge and started to heat it up.

"Yeah now you're listening! What, are you worried I've now caught on to your evil plan to exterminate Pooh? Well I'll warn you, Daddy is very good at stopping genius plans before they take effect. You could say I have a knack for it even"

He placed the little bottle in the child's tiny hands and sat on the chair next to the crib.

"So don't think you could pull that kind of thing off in my own house! It's not going to happen! I'll save Pooh Bear and you'll be back to square 1 won't you! Yeah, I've got my eye on you."


"Al there is like no food in this house apart from Charlies milk and….. What even is that?" Asked Tom holding up mushy, yellow gunk.

"Thats Charlies crushed bananas, and we do have food!"

"O forgive me for he is correct, we have milk and yogurt 2 days out of date, stale bread, cheese that seems to be coloured blue and green chicken! So which of these marvelous feasts do you want to dig into first?" Smiled Tom sarcastically at the very grumpy looking Alex.

"Does this mean I have to go shopping?"

"Yes Al, I know, Gasp, Shock horror, but….. I think its time to go shopping."


"O My God Alex would you slow down, this is a car park not a freakin race track!" Cried Tom as they squealed around the corner.

"If I'm ever going to get a park, this is the way I'm gonna have to drive! You don't like my driving then you could have walked!" Stated Alex as they rounded another corner causing Tom to cringe.

"Or you could have let me drive MY OWN CAR!* God that would be a nice change!"

"I'm better at driving, you're too timmered. You see a spot, you take it, don't bloody wait around to make sure its perfectly safe first!"

"How are you still alive!" Exclaimed Tom as they came to a screeching halt in a park.

Without answering Alex just smirked and got out of the car.

"You see that Char, your father is not a role model and I suggest you ask uncle Tom for a helmet for Christmas" Whispered Tom as he unbuckled the little boy.


"AL THE UNITS HERE!" Yelled Tom up the stairs as the 4 muscular men shuffled in.

"I swear mate, you're getting smaller and smaller every time I see you." exclaimed Wolf while ruffling Toms hair. "Hey, I may be small and that may mean I can't punch you in the face but i believe there is something further down that would hurt even more." Retorted Tom, making his way into the kitchen. Wolf scoffed as Eagle, Fox and Snake burst out laughing.

"Hey guys." Came Alex's voice as he jumped down the stairs.

"Hey Cub, Baby Cubby asleep?" Asked Eagle still giggling slightly.

"Yeah just settled him down. You and Fox get beer, Tom and Snake, order dinner, Wolf and I will setup poker."

"YES SIR" Chorused everyone and they moved off to their designated jobs.


"Sure you don't want to come to the pub Cub?"

"Yeah, If my estimates are correct, I'm going to have a screaming baby in no more than 30 minutes so maybe some other time."

"Alrighty, see ya Cub! Look after Baby Cubby!"

As if on cue, right as the door shut, screams erupted through the house.

Tom smirked from his place on the sofa, stuffing down the last scraps of the chinese as Alex made his way up the stairs.


10:00 and Tom was getting ready to head out. He made his way up the stairs to say tata to the little tike and Probably find something to annoy Alex with while he was at it. When he got in the room however, it was to Alex slumped in the armchair next to Charlies cot, fast asleep. Charlie, on the other hand, had a thumb in his mouth and was playing with his little teddy bear. He looked up as Tom approached and gave a little toothless smile.

"Hey bud," whispered Tom, kneeling down next to the crib. "Daddy looks a bit tired don't he. I reckon tonight leave wake up call till 5:30, just to give a little sleep in, k?"

And, for course, at 5:30 the next morning, Alex awoke, like he had every other morning. To a squealing baby.
