I do not own How to Train Your Dragon, the movies or the cartoon. This series are just going to be short chapters and they will feature Ruffnut and Tuffnut. Enjoy!

When the Thorston twins turned five they realized that they were expected to have each other's backs no matter what. It was because of that, that they fight as much as they do. Sure they loved each other, sometimes more than they did their parents, but having to be around their twin almost all day everyday they were sure to have a few brawls, and they did.

The most notable example of their affection towards each other happens every morning. While his sister was barely awake, Tuffnut would sit behind her and braid her hair into her style of choice.

AN- If you have any ideas for any of my stories let me know! I would be happy to hear them

I love you all, Sugar

Official length (not including disclaimer and an): 100 words according to MSW