Natsu always loved Erza and always had those feelings inside his heart. Those feelings that never goes and never lessens. But, he never told her, he always watched her from far away. Crying, smiling and laughing. He had always his eyes on her not removing them. He always cared for her and always did things that benefits her without her knowing and she never realized who did that.

Natsu watched Erza's tears for Jellal and wasn't able to comfort her. His heart only ached him nothing more nothing now and he still watches her with his eyes.

"Good morning" the blonde haired greeted the people that were in the guild with a bright smile on her lips. Lucy was wearing a white and red shirt with black skirt and black boots. Lucy reached over the bar to pat the salamander's shoulder who was resting his head on the table.

"Natsu" she called

"Hmm" he answered and he seemed to everyone that he was half sleep. In the early morning Gray challenged him to fight but he wasn't in the mood to challenge anyone or fight with anyone. Since he came he didn't move his head from the table.

"I need to pay my rent, we have to go on a job" suddenly the pink haired stood without any warning making Lucy surprised and take a step to the back.

"Ok, let's take a job" he stated heading to the board. The blonde Lucy heartfilia looked at him confused and nervously.

She twisted her body to look at Mira "What's wrong with him?" She asked the barmaid who was behind her doing things to the bar and people who ordered drinks.

"He looks a little depressed, isn't he?" Asked the barmaid looking at her. Lucy looked at her then returned to lie her eyes down on the salamander. The truth Natsu, Natsu wasn't in a bad mood or depressed. He simply saw Erza's tears in the previous day that made him feel that he is dump and unable to do a thing to comfort her but, he was sure that what ever he did for Erza, she won't realize him. He will be the one to comfort others and hurt himself. Well, Natsu didn't really care about himself, he only cared for her. He hated seeing her tears. He hated hearing her sobs. He blamed himself all his life that he wasn't able to comfort her.

Suddenly, the door opened revealing the redhead who was wearing armor and standing putting her hand on her waist. Erza headed towards the bar greeting these people who sent her greets. Natsu's eyes traveled through the guild following the red head as she sat down ordering a piece of cake. Natsu looked at her with a meaningful eyes. He bit his lower lip and returned to face the board. After Natsu had picked a job to go he went to the women who were sitting at the bar. He handed the job to the barmaid to take the confirm.

Erza swallowed quickly "You are going to go on a job?" Asked the Titania.

"Yes, I need to pay my rent" Lucy explained to her.

"Okay, then let's go together" said Erza "Gray" she called as she started to walk towards the black haired. Natsu was just looking down not moving his eyes from the sight. Lucy worriedly looked at him. She touched his shoulder softly.

"Is there anything wrong?"she asked in a worried. Natsu looked at her confused at her question. He didn't expect people to realize his awkwardness. Natsu gave her a weak smile as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"No, everything is fine" he tried to calm her. The pink haired stood up "I need to go prepare my things" Natsu then left the area searching for the blue cat to get ready for the journey. Lucy looked at his back worriedly. She knew that smile was an act and knew that Natsu was a perfect actor. Walking in Magnolia streets as Natsu wasn't paying so much attention to what the blue cat was saying behind his back. They walked until they reached their home. As the house's door opened and they entered, Natsu sat down on his hammock burying his face in his hands moving his hand along his face to rub the pink hair of his as he started to swing the hammock.

He bent down resting his elbows on his knees looking to the other direction away from the blue cat. Happy something was up with the salamander so he decided to ask him. "Is there something wrong?" The blue cat asked in a wonder. "Thinking" Natsu didn't tire himself looking at the exceed. In the other hand he kept his head the direction it was. "Is that so?" Happy flew again. "Let's hurry up on preparing"

In the train station.

Natsu was sitting down on his bag resting his elbows in his knees beside him the blue cat eating a piece of fish. The black haired standing beside him looking to the right and the left. The blonde was also standing as she sighed "Erza is Erza she won't change!".

"Damn that Titania" stated the black haired angrily crossing hands over his chest. The blue haired little girl tried to change the atmosphere.

"Calm down, minna" Wendy said focing a smile on her lips.

"Oh, man" the white cat stated putting her hands in waist. Natsu as well, didn't pay attention to what they said. He just sank deep in his thoughts world. Thinking of how to deal with such a feeling. Thinking of how to get rid of them. Thinking of how should he treat her. And thinking of what's going to happened to him. Natsu's head snapped towards the right side of him. Looking at the tall woman with long scarlet hair after smelling her smell coming.

"You are finally here" Gray stated heading towards as his sweat dropped when he saw those many bags and luggage that she was holding with a rope.

"I guess... they are more than before" he said taking a step to the back. The scarlet haired glanced at the dragon slayer who was staring at her with no reaction on his face. Her sweat dropped feeling uneasy having him staring at her like that.

"N-Natsu is there something wrong?" She asked in wonder. Her gaze made contact with his then Natsu felt defeated looking at those pretty eyes. He stood up looking at the other direction

"No, if you are ready let's book tickets" he then put the heavy bag of his over his shoulder. The group left to pick their tickets and entered the train that leads them to their mission. Inside the tain as usual the dragon slayer was feeling uneasy as he tried as he could to held back vomiting. The rest of the group was sleeping except for Erza, she was reading a book. Natsu was sweating and he was breathing harder because of the motion sickness was getting worse by the time he ages. But, Natsu as you know the stubborn dragon slayer that refuses to show his weakness so, he preferred to hide it inside of him. The scarlet haired glanced to see what was the dragon slayer doing she found that the sweats was all over his face an he was closing his eyes. She looked at his chest to find that it was raising and backing so quickly. Erza reached to touch his shoulder

"Are you alright?" She asked worriedly. Eyes falling in his sweaty face. The salamander snapped his eyes open, he placed his eyes on the the Titania.

"Y-Yeah, I-I'm fine" he stated twisting his head towards the window.

"fine?" Erza forced his head towards her "No, you are not" she frowned at him "Look at your face" she shook him. Natsu then closed his eyes bitting his lips holding back the moans of pain because the redhead shook him.

"Please, stop shaking me, I'm already on my limit" he begged her not to shake him. Because shaking and moving his body would make it worse.

Erza frowned again because of her violence leaving his shoulder so she decided to treat him nicely since he was sick. "Why don't you try to sleep?" She told softly as she placed her hand on the hair of his. Natsu looked at her from the corner of his eyes. "No?" She asked. Erza sighed trying to figure a way to ease on the dragon slayer then an idea popped on her head.

"Wait for a minute, I'm getting you something" she said leaving him suffering as he followed her by his eyes. After around 10 minutes Erza returned with some strange cup holding a strange liquid. Natsu looked at her with more accuracy until she reached him. "Come on" she sat down looking at him. "Drink it" she ordered him. Natsu moved his hand to take the cup as he looked in her eyes.

He closed the distance between his lips and the cup "Its smell nice" he stated drinking. Erza smiled a soft smile as she saw him drinking it "It's mixer of herbs" she said looking down at the chair "I remember my mother used to make it to me whenever I feel stomach pain when I was young" she looked up at him again "Isn't it good?" Natsu looked down at the cup

"Yeah it's"

The scarlet haired smiled "I'm so happy you liked it, you are the first one I ever tell about this secret drink" she then stood up "I'm going to bring another one so I could drink" she was about to leave and quickly Natsu grabbed her hand. Erza looked at him in a shock "W-What"

Natsu lowered his head as he escaped her eyes "Whenever you feel down just come and tell me" Erza couldn't understand what did he mean. Did something happen or did he see her crying or what. Well, Natsu said that knowing that she won't be able to understand what he really meant and decided to ignore her if she is going to ask what does he mean. She then thanked him and left that made him thank god that she didn't ask.

When they finally reached. Everyone stretched their arms as they got out of the train. "It was a good nap!" Lucy moaned. Natsu looked at them in envying look

"I won't ride a train again" he stated.

Happy came down on Natsu's shoulder. "You always say so, Natsu" he mocked as he bit down his fish. They then walked along the streets as they reached the place that sent the request.

"Excuse me, we came from fairy tail"

"That is the gang's residence" the black haired gestured towards a big building on the top of a hill. "Let's go". The salamander burst the door's open making a big shock for the people inside the place with his strong fire. He rubbed his fist as he glared at the criminal who were looking back at him with sweat dropped down from fear.

"W-who are you?!" asked a person as he stood straightly in front of Natsu.

"Fairy.. tail"

They started the fight and it was a little hard and they got many injuries. "Ah" the salamander screemed as a mage his back with some kind of magic.

"Natsu!" yelled the blonde looking at the dragon slayer while holding her whip. She hit the guy that was in front of her and hurried towards the salamander who was lying down on the ground. "Are you alright?" she asked. Natsu tried to stand up as he held on Lucy's shoulder. Erza felt the salamander was on the ground wincing in pain, she looked at him and her worry raised.

"Natsu?" she said looking at his direction not feeling the man that was about to attack her, she returned her head to the same position she was in before and her eyes widened and she wasn't able to make it in the time.

"Erza!" Natsu called screaming on top of his lungs. Silence spread in the whole area and then they looked at her direction to find a blue haired male standing in front of the redhead and giving her his back while his hand was raying with magic.

"J-Jellal" the redhead called in relief as she smiled. He twisted his body and looked at her.

"You alright..?" asked the blue haired as he sat down on his knees.

"Yeah, thanks"



To be continued