Here's the next chapter.

I don't own KnB.


Five times, Kuroko was glad to be a part of Seirin.

First time. Kuroko really doesn't like automatic doors. His lack of presence isn't exactly helpful either.

Kuroko was feeling a little bit annoyed. He'd been waiting outside a pet store of the past twenty minutes. Poor Nigou caught a stomach bug and the dog food the vet recommended, was available only at this store.

He had attempted sneaking when someone else went in. That idea failed. The doors closed too soon. The next idea was to ask someone to walk in with them. No one noticed him.

Kuroko was about to leave when he heard a very familiar voice.

"Kuroko?" Kagami asked.

The red head walked up behind Kuroko. His t-shirt was soaked with sweat and he had a basketball tucked under his arm.

"Hai Kagami-kun."

"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing Kagami-kun."

"Teme! Argh. Never mind. I live two blocks down. I was on my way back after, playing at a street court."

Kuroko nodded. "I'm getting the food the vet recommended for Nigou."

Kagami shuddered at the mention of Nigou. "And why aren't you going in?"

"They have automatic doors."

Kagami paused, processing what Kuroko said.

"Why am I not surprised?" Kagami said, shaking his head. "I'll come in with you."

Kuroko nodded and smiled his thanks, catching Kagami off guard for a second. The two walked into the store without a problem. They weaved through the isles until the found the specified food.

Kagami and Kuroko walked out of the store, with goods in hand.

"Arigato Kagami-kun."

The red-head scratched the back of his head. "Sure. No problem." He replied.

The smaller teen blinked, before smiling behind his goods. (A.N. this is random but, read my one shot featuring Seirin and the GoM. It's called A Team, A Family) "Well then. I will be on my way."

The bluenette turned around and started walking away.

"Oi Kuroko! If you need help with anything, just let me know." Kagami shouted after him.

Kuroko paused, and then replied, "Of course Kagami-kun."

Leaving the 'slightly' embarrassed teen behind, Kuroko continued on his way, feeling glad that he had someone as reliable as Kagami as his friend.

Second time. When Kuroko was on cleaning duty after practice and the Generation of Miracles show up, he was really glad he had someone like Hyuga beside him. After all, babysitting the GoM is not something he wanted to do.

Hyuga walked into the storage room with three basketball's in hand. Practice that day was torture, though no one would admit that in front of the coach.

Hyuga smiled bitterly as he recalled what happened that day. He mentally shuddered as he remembered the coach's devil-like aura when Bakagami decided to complain.

He walked out to see a very, very, very horrifying sight. Kise, Midorima, Aomine, Murasakibara and Akashi were all there. In. The. Gym. Kise was hugging Kuroko, who was looking very perplexed. Aomine was reading one of his messed up magazines, while lazily 'restraining' Kise back from Kuroko. Not like he was doing a very good job at it. Midorima was playing shogi against Akashi, who looked very confident. Why did they even bring a portable shogi board anyway? Scratch that. Did they even exist?! Murasakibara was eating one of his endless snacks, while peering over Akashi's shoulder.

Hyuga felt a headache coming up. After a day of torture, this was the last thing he wanted to happen. This wasn't that much of a new sight, but it still was irritating. He was just slightly thankful Kagami wasn't here. Last time Kagami was here in the same gym as the GoM, mainly Aomine, two of the hoops got destroyed.

He looked over at Kuroko and felt sympathy bubbled up within him. He could barely handle the GoM at school and competitions. Kuroko had to deal with them in regular, everyday life.

"Kuroko, what are they doing here?" He asked.

"Oi. We can visit Tetsu anytime we want." Aomine said looking up from his disgusting magazines.

"Watch your tone brat. Treat your sempai's properly." Hyuga snapped. "And as I was saying, why are they here Kuroko?"

"Gomen sempai. I don't know. I came back from talking to Kagami-Kun and I saw them."

"Kurokocchi, didn't you want to see us?" Kise asked.

Hyuga noticed Kuroko's uncomfortable look and steeped in. "Whether he likes it or not, I don't."

"Is this a problem Junpei-san?" Akashi asked, pausing his game.

Oh god. This was not what Hyuga wanted to deal with. Pushing down his former fear for the captain of the generation of miracles, he retaliated.

"It's exactly a problem. This is Seirin's gym."

He instantly felt Akashi's annoyed aura. It reminded him of the coach's killer aura. The thought of the coach's aura, sent shivers down his spine. Nothing and he means nothing was as scary as the coach when she was pissed.

"If you need to talk to Kuroko, talk to him outside of practice." He continued.

"But, I don't see anyone practicing."

"It's still practice hours. Clean up is included."

"We're Tetsu's team. We can see Tetsu anytime we want." Aomine argued.

A vein in Hyuga's head throbbed as he noticed Kuroko's pained look and Ahomine's disrespectful tone. He now understood why, Kagami had it out for him.

"Former teammates."

"We would simply like to talk for a few minutes." Midorima said.

"Then talk to him later. Seirin does not welcome strangers into its school, without proper protocol."

"I have already talked to the head of the school and received permission." Akashi retaliated.

"Aka-chin thinks of everything." Murasakibara said popping a chip into his mouth.

"That's it. I'm not going to walk around the bush anymore. Get out or I will call the coach, who conveniently, is upstairs."

Hyuga internally smirked. He figured out that it wasn't only Seirin's basketball team who terrified of the coach. She had quite the reputation in the high school basketball circuit.

"Your devil coach?!" Aomine exclaimed. "I…Um…I was supposed to meet Satsuki today. Bye."

"I need to get to my modeling shoot. Bye guys." Kise said following Aomine out.

"Gomen Aka-Chin, I need to catch the train back, bye."

"That simple-minded fool is probably going to let himself lost. I'll go after him.' Midorima declared, going after Murasakibara.

Akashi turned back to Hyuga. "Well then. Excuse me."

Kuroko turned to look at his captain.

"Arigato sempai." He thanked.

"Don't mention it." Hyuga replied. "Though I don't know how you managed to take care of those miracles for so long. Not that they are miracles outside of basketball."

"I don't know how I did it either, sempai."

"Argh. The thought of having to take care of someone that's more troublesome than Bakagami…it scares me."

Kuroko let a smile appear on his face for a brief second, thankful that he had a sempai that was willing to go up against Akashi, and save him the trouble of having to deal with the rainbow haired miracles.

Third time. Sometimes being around huge crowds sucked for Kuroko. So having an eagle-eyed sempai was helpful.

It was after school and Kuroko was heading toward his house. School had just ended and the grounds were flooded with students leaving the school. He was walking amongst a group of students, reading a book when he felt someone bump his shoulder. The student was a bulky guy and thus made Kuroko lose his balance. Kuroko saw the street overtaking his vision and a car driving towards his direction. Panic clouded his thought, dying here was not, what he wanted to do.

A moment before his head and the car connected, a familiar hand grabbed his arm and hoisted him back to the safety of the sidewalk. The group of student had walked onward without realizing the near fatal occurrence.

"Kuroko are you alright?" His saviour asked panicked.

He turned to face the voice and he instantly met the sharp eyes of Izuki.

"Hai sempai. It would not have been that bad."

"Not that bad!?"


"In what way?!"

"I would not have been the first time."


"Nothing sempai."

Izuki shook his head and ran his hand through his hair.

"I saw you reading a book; you looked so immersed I decided not to bug you. But that kami-sama that I was keeping my eye on you."

Kuroko nodded his thanks.

"I never understood why Kagami is so persistent about you being in the center of the group when we go out, but now I do. You nearly made me have a heart attack."

"Gomen sempai."

Izuki shook his head once again.

"Never mind. I'll walk with you for a bit. It'll rest my nerves a bit. I don't like feeling like Hyuga."

Kuroko nodded and resumed walking while chatting with his sempai.

He hid a smile as he walked into his house. Having great sempai's was really helpful sometimes and eagle-eyed one was even better.

Fourth time. The coach was really like a doting mother. She made Kuroko feel like his mother was actually around.

"Kuroko-kun, eat every last grain of rice on that plate." The coach said, smiling widely.

Kuroko sighed excepting his fate.

He stared at the substance, the coach called food on his plate. He picked his chopsticks up to analyze the meal. A foul odour hit his nose and a sickly purple miniature cloud rose up from the rice.

Kuroko snuck a sideways glance at the coach. She was still watching him like a hawk. His eyes darted to where Kagami was, sprawled out on a coffee table while clutching his stomach. Nearby the captain was passed out cold.

Sighing internally, he swallowed the bitter meal.

The following week, the entire team was at Kagami's apartment after a gruelling practice.

Torture and Hell were two of the words that accurately described their experience.

And unfortunately, the torture was not over. The coach had taken up residence in the kitchen to prepare their next meal.

Kagami had already fled into his bedroom and locked the door, and majority of the first years fled after the coach walked into the kitchen. Kuroko himself was about to get up and follow them out but, the coach had walked out and dragged them into the kitchen to help cook.

He silently chopped the carrots while offhandedly listened to the coach's lecture about healthy eating. Being in such an environment made him think that if his mother was around, this is what it would be like. Just less toxic.

Fifth time. Sometimes Kuroko swears that Kagami had mother hen tendencies. It just so happened to be when he was involved.

The two were walking down the hallway when another student bumped into Kuroko. Either the student didn't notice Kuroko or he didn't care but, he continued to walk down the hall.

"Oi teme! Watch where you're going! Some people are trying to get places here!"

The student proceeded to flip Kagami the bird and turned the corner.

"Why that good for nothing piece of shit. I should knock some sense into him!"

"Kagami-kun, we have to meet the coach remember?" Kuroko reminded.

Kagami winced and nodded.

For the rest of the way, he continued to grumble about how impolite people were and how everyone should just be like Canadians. (A.N. I'm Canadian but, I just had to throw this in. No offense to my fellow Canadians.)

"For the love of basketball, the bastard should have at least said sorry to you Kuroko." Kagami proceeded as he walked into the gym. "But he just had to stick his finger up! Why I outta stick that finger up his-"


"Fine. I'll shut up."

It was two days later when Kuroko and Kagami got the chance to hang out alone. The two had grabbed drinks and were walking down the sidewalk.

"I can't believe that coach let us off with just a practice game today! The past two days were torture." Kagami said, letting down a sound of relief.

"But, coach will probably double practice for tomorrow." Kuroko replied.

"Awww. Damn it Kuroko!"

Kagami let out a growl of frustration and utter desolation.

"Let me live my fantasy!"




"Oi Kuroko teme! Where did you go?"

Kagami looked around frustrated, for his shadow. His eyes landed on a basketball court where a thug was lifting Kuroko up by his shirt.


He made his way over to the court.

"What are you doing?!"He demanded.

The teenager turned to face Kagami and it was then, he noticed there was a spray can in his hand. Kagami put the puzzle pieces together in his head and realized why Kuroko got involved.

"Back away before I punch the daylights out of you."

The teenager looked hesitant before letting Kuroko go.

Kagami started him down as he left the court then turned to Kuroko.

"I'm not even going to bother lecturing you anymore."

Kuroko stared at Kagami before walking away.



"Don't ignore me!"

"I'm not ignoring you Kagami-kun."

"Kuroko teme!"



Suggestions accepted.