Bruuuuuuhs, you guys honestly don't know my struggle of trying to find time to actually work on this story especially since I had so much ideas for the story. Now that I sort of have the time to work on this story, I think it's best to start things back to where it all began since I did a horrible job on featuring OCs, aaaaaand to bring it back a bit, I'll be opening a couple more spots like for Allens, Lakedon, Midston, Paloma, and Sonage, and things are going to change a bit from the original storyline but things would more or less stay the same, also since I'm kinda starting things over again, would the submitters of the OCs I had received, please send me a PM if they'd be alright with me reusing them for the renewed and improved story! So I hope you guys would reconsider resubmitting your OCs! With Love, Arcy