A/N: At last, the ending! This chapter was a rollercoaster of emotions. I really, really, really wanted a happy Jeyna moment but this is the wish that didn't come true. Ugh, I suck terrible at argument scenes, especially emotional argument scenes. Thank you for following me on this summer journey. Thank you for your reviews, favorites and follows! I think I need a happy one-shot after this one.

Prompt (from ages ago but fits this fic): Could you write a one-shot about Jason going back to Camp Jupiter and surprising Reyna? Strictly friendly, if you will. (Ha, ha, not strictly friendly. I'm a jeyna shipper.)


The streets of New Rome were buzz with excitement as Jason walked through. The last day of the Festival of Fortuna was dizzy with life. Children were running through the streets with little trinkets and bags of candy in their hands. Parents followed idly as they waved to familiar faces. Shop owners were practically giving their wares away as a sign of good faith. The evening air smelt wonderful, a mixture of sweet from the candy and salt from the popcorn, tickling Jason's nose. Lights illuminated the cobblestone roads reminding Jason of Christmas. Christmas in July, Jason thought as he reached up to unbuttoned the top few of his dress shirt.

His clothes made Jason stand out in the crowd. He wore a flattering gray suit with a light blue shirt and no tie. His golden hair swept back and out of his sharp blue eyes. The citizens of New Rome wore something closely resembling a traditional Roman outfit for the festival. Little girls ran around in white toga-like dresses with flowers weaved in their braided hair. Men wore togas of plain colors with colored sashes. The women wore bright eye-catching colors with jewelry lining their arms or neck. A few younger children eyed Jason with curious glances but were mostly too young to recognize the ex-praetor. Jason noticed the lingering looks of the adults who knew him, feeling their judgmental gaze. Why is this Roman-turned-Greek hero wandering our streets? Their eyes seem to say. Jason wondered the same himself as he ran his fingers through his hair and looked up at the cloudless sky as his feet took him to his destination. His thoughts wandered to his curious dream a few nights ago.

Jason knew this wasn't his usual dream. An unsettling mist seemed to hang in the air as he walked up the marble steps. He was at the Jupiter Temple. Between the tall pillars, he could see the lights of New Rome, still active despite the late hour. The large statue of Jupiter stared down with his solemn expression. Jason approached his father's statue cautiously, noticing the visitor. A woman stood at the base, looking up at his father with a stern expression. She wore a light blue dress and purple shawl wrapped around her shoulders. For a moment, Jason thought it was Reyna because of her dark locks but a lotus flower sat beautifully in her bun. Instinctively, Jason bowed to his patron.

"Juno," Jason greeted respectfully as he heard the goddess turn towards him. He could feel her dark eyes as she regarded him silently before her hand gently tapped his shoulder. Jason slowly looked up, avoiding her gaze. "May I ask why the sudden visit?"

Instead of answering, Juno perched herself on the edge of Jupiter's alter. Jason wasn't sure if she was allowed to sit there but she is Jupiter's wife. The goddess looked unhurried as she crossed her legs and smoothed the folds of her shawl. "Congratulations for defeating Gaea." Jason's eyebrow knitted in confusion.

"You're a few months too late, Juno. Do I get some kind of special reward?" Jason kidded as he wandered over, looking up at his father's huge statue. He hasn't been in Camp Jupiter for a while, physically or mentally. The temple appeared well kept even without his son around. Jason often wondered if his father was disappointed in him for staying at Camp Half-Blood.

"In a way." Juno replied cryptically. "It wasn't the right time to give these back." Confused, Jason turned with a question on his lips before a sudden sharp pain hit him right behind his eyes.

"Arg!" The young demigod cried as he kneeled down, clenching his head. Memories flooded his mind. There were meetings at the barracks of the Fifth with Felix talking to him, calm and caring like an older brother. Meals in the mess hall with Dakota, his lips stained red. War games with Bobby and Gwen as they protected their post. Late nights at the Principia with piles of paperwork. A single face seemed to be in all those memories. Reyna Jason thought as memories of her filled his head, a soft warm feeling swelling in his heart. Reyna smiled up at him with dirt clinging to her face. Reyna, unafraid, as she spoke to the Senate about the impending army approaching them. Reyna sleeping beside him with her hand clenching his t-shirt. Reyna, waking up and smiling at him, only him.

Jason inhaled sharply from the sudden rush of memories. He was bent over, hands on his knees, gasping for breath. He remembered everything, not like before where his memories were just enough to get him through things. He remembered every little detailed about his life in New Rome but especially his relationship with the female praetor.

"WHY?" Jason lashed out, digging his fingers into his head as he looked up at the goddess. Feelings that were buried for so long hitting him like a ton of bricks, smashing into his chest. "Why now?" His voice was raw as he spoke. "Why did you make me remember them now? Why not sooner? Why not during the quest? Reyna… I… she… we could…" He thought about the indifferent way he treated his best friend especially when they landed in New Rome. Recalling the look on Reyna's face when he casually asked her if he could show Piper around, dread and guilt pooled in his stomach, making him sick. Reyna was always the master of concealing her emotions.

"Why?" He repeated stepping back as his back hit a pillar, needing the support.

"I needed Leo and Piper, especially the daughter of love, to care about you. You couldn't be hung up about some maybe girl from your foggy memories during your quest." Jason shook his head, disagreeing with her. Reyna wasn't a maybe girl. She… she… Right now Jason didn't know where he stood with her. "Now that things are safe, you can have your relationship drama, like a good son of Jupiter." Jason clenched his jaw and dug his nails into his palm, swearing there was a hint of smugness in her voice. "Happy birthday, Jason Grace."

"Happy birthday, Jason." The son of Jupiter snapped out of his daydream, realizing where his feet took him. The Senate was decorated with dangling lights and tables of refreshments on the sides. The middle was cleared for a dance floor while people mingled on the sides. Annabeth held a glass of something up to Jason with a teasing smile. "It's soda if you're worried."

"That will be the day when Annabeth Chase purposely tries to get me drunk." Jason whispered back as he accepted the drink and took a tiny sip. The bubbly drink tickled Jason's throat. "You look good, like a real New Rome citizen." Annabeth blushed and smacked Jason's shoulder. Her toga was pale blue with tiny golden accents. Her blonde hair was softly curled and pinned up. She still wore her camp necklace proudly.

"This is a Greek toga, idiot." She corrected, slipping her hand at the crook of his arm and pulled him deeper into the party. Jason laughed and casually massaged his shoulder. The party was relaxed and adult-like with older senators milling around with the young centurions. Jason recognized a few senior Centurions like Dakota minus his usual red stained lips and Octavian with his politician smile. Other centurions were new to him, young, doe-eyed faces as they spoke to the seniors. "Why are you here? I thought you and Piper were going to visit next month." Jason tried not to flinch at the mention of Piper's name. He wasn't betraying her visiting his old home, right?

"You can't keep a Roman away from the Festival of Fortuna, especially if the last day lands on his birthday." Jason answered, sipping his drink. He waved to Frank who was across the room, speaking to a pair of senior senators. The son of Mars looked pretty comfortable with the praetor purple cape wrapped around his broad shoulders. "Did you know, Annabeth? The last day of the festival is believed to be the luckiest."

"Need a bit of luck tonight, Grace?" Annabeth teased back as she led him deeper into the party. His eyes scanned the crowd, knowing she has to be here somewhere. It was mandatory for praetors and centurions to attend the senate Fortuna festival party. "Looking for Reyna? She's giving Percy a little dance lesson." Jason chuckled at the thought but actually looked down at where the dancers were. His mouth dropped just a bit.

In the mist of the pale colors, Jason should have seen her signature dark purple cape right away. Reyna was trying to teach Percy a traditional Roman dance. Keyword: trying. The son of Poseidon was tripping like a fish out of water, holding on to Reyna for dear life. For a moment, Jason thought his cousin was faking it. There's no way someone could be that bad at dancing. Reyna, though, wasn't bothered, laughing as she turned in time with the soft music. An uncharacteristic smile bloomed on her face as she dodged Percy's flailing arm and grabbed it. Percy whispered something in her ear and she laughed, still dancing.

Jason's eyes softened at the joyful expression on her face. It felt like ages since he seen her so relaxed, so happy. At least someone can make her smile, even if it's not me. Jason thought, feeling an ache in his heart he wouldn't have noticed before. "You know, Jason, Reyna rarely smiles." Jason turned slightly to catch Annabeth's profile while still watching the dancing couple. Annabeth had a content smile on her lips as she studied the two. "Percy is one of the few people who can get her to smile like that."

"I'm a little jealous of him." Jason admitted quietly. "Reyna has a great smile."

"Maybe she'll grace you with one." Annabeth said, nudging him forward towards the dance floor. "Make her happy." Jason stared at the Greek girl's gray eyes as she took his glass. Her eyes seemed to ask him to 'try'. If Annabeth thinks I can, Jason thought as he nodded his head and took the first steps towards the dancing couples. He could feel everyone's eyes watching him as he approached the couple. The couple tried to execute a tight spin but Percy accidentally let go of Reyna's arm. She would have fallen if Jason didn't catch her.

"May I cut in?" He whispered into her ear, inhaling her vanilla perfume. Jason could feel Reyna's shoulder tense at the sound of his voice. Her bare shoulders were soft underneath his fingers like from his memories. Reyna quickly regained her footing and turned to face him. Underneath her stoic expression, there was a tiny sliver of fear which she hid well. Percy greeted Jason cheerfully, pulling his cousin into a manly hug.

"Thank god. Tag, you're it." Percy said, grabbing Reyna's hand and placed it in Jason's. The Greek boy winked playfully at Jason before running off, leaving the awkward pair. Jason stepped closer to avoid another dancing couple and cautiously slipped his left hand around her waist. He knew Reyna wouldn't cause a scene in the middle of a party. She was too mature for that but he would allow her to step away if she wanted to. The praetor's fingers squeezed his before stepping back, resuming their dance. He studied her tight expression as they fell into step with the other dancing couples. Reyna was staring intensely at a spot over his shoulder, avoiding his gaze.

"You know I'm here to save your toes more than Percy." Jason took a chance as he leaned in and whispered into her ear. Their cheeks brushed and he could feel her warm breath against his Adam's apple. At that moment, Jason's foot slipped, missing a beat. His toes lightly tapped the tip of her Roman sandals. Reyna arched her eyebrow. "Oops, sorry…"

"My hero…" Reyna replied sarcastically, lifting her onyx eyes to meet his. "If I remember correctly, you weren't much of a dancer. You may be worse than Jackson." A tiny smile played against her lips.

"That can't be possible. He's a Greek." Jason whispered back with a little smirk. The two paused for a moment before chuckling. Reyna's smile grew into a genuine one. For a moment, things felt right between them.

"Nice to have you back, buddy. Don't be a stranger now, ok?" Jason laughed at Dakota's words, returning his friend's stern handshake. Over Dakota's shoulder, he could see Reyna bidding goodbye to Annabeth with a loose hug. The blonde Greek was whispering something into the praetor's ear. Whatever Annabeth was saying, Reyna pursed her lips together and didn't say anything. "Hey Reyna, do you need an escort back?"

"No, Jason can do it." Annabeth answered for her, giving the girl a pointed look. Jason and just about everyone within earshot waited for the furious independent Roman girl to protest but Reyna just swept her purple cape up and head to the door, biding one last senior senator good night.

"Don't screw this up." Percy whispered into Jason's ear as they traded hugs. It felt like an encouragement and a threat at the same time. Jason nodded his head, unable to say anything back to his cousin. Annabeth's gray eyes locked with Jason, trying to convey some hidden message. Jason didn't have time to decipher it as he jogged over to catch up with Reyna. A silence fell around the two, neither awkward nor comfortable.

Jason allowed his thoughts to wander as he watched Reyna's cape sway back and forth with her steps. Things after their tense dance were fine when he followed Reyna to greet his old friends. It was a little odd at first. They didn't know how to act around him but it got easier. It was so easy to fall back into the rhythm with all his memories. It was like getting back on a bike after a few years. A little wobbly at first but easy with time. Little jokes and old retelling of silly stories help eased the tension. Everyone treated him like Jason again because in a way, their version of Jason had returned. Right now, Jason felt like he was in a dream, a wonderful dream, and he's just waiting to wake up.

As they left the border of New Rome, the wind finally kicked up and Reyna shivered. Her off-white toga with gold trimmings was thin, hugging her curves but offered little protection. She wore a gold necklace as well, probably cold against her collarbone. The moonlight danced over her tan skin and Jason could see the tiny goose bumps appearing. Without thinking, Jason shrugged off his jacket and moved to drape it over her bare shoulders. When the fabric brushed her shoulder, the girl jumped, spinning around like she was preparing for an enemy attack. Her onyx eyes narrowed to tiny slits. Gone was the laughing relaxed girl from the dance floor. In her pace was an icy young woman with her shields up.

"Reyna, don't do this." Jason pleaded, shaking his head. The night was quiet around them, waiting for something.

"Don't do what?: She asked, her voice sharp as knives, reminding him when she first arrived at camp four, no, five years ago.

"Treat me like I'm a stranger." Reyna crossed her arms and let a little scoff leave her lips.

"Feels like crap, doesn't it?" For a moment, Jason didn't understand her reference until he remembered his last visit to New Rome. The seventeen year old bit his lips, tasting blood in his mouth.

"I… Reyna I had no – "

"Memories." She finished for him, her words still with an angry bite. "How convenient. And tonight?"

"She gave them back." Jason whispered at first, looking at the dirt before raising his eyes to meet her gaze. "Juno gave them all back. I have all these memories, memories of us, and I'm confused, Reyna. What were we?" Reyna's jaw clenched and she rushed forward, shoving her hands against his chest and pushing his jacket out of his hands. Jason caught her hands and held her at arm's length.

"What were we?" Reyna repeated, her words full of venom, anger and frustration. "We were strangers. There was no reason I should have met you years ago. We were rivals because some Jupiter punk couldn't handle not being the best. We became friends because of your stubbornness and tenacity. We were best friends who shared a dream, to make New Rome into something amazing." Her arms were shaking as she spoke. Her words were slowly losing steam. Reyna's nails bit into Jason's bare forearms. Jason forced himself to look at her heartbreaking eyes. "We were partners, Jason, and I trusted you. I fell for you… and then you left."

"Reyna…" Jason whispered, gently tugging her towards him but Reyna snapped out of her memories and slammed her hands against his chest, pushing herself out of his hold.

"No. No 'Reyna...' and everything will be fixed." The fire and anger returned to her onyx eyes as she glared at him from a distance. She crossed her arms, squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. "You want to know what else happened? You came back, no apology, no explanation, no words beside 'can I show my girlfriend around?'. What do you expect, Jason? What do you expect from me? Do you think this will fall right into place? Like we can pick up and continue being whatever we were? You're more of a fool than I thought. You want to know what we are now? We're nothing."

The emptiness in her voice was raw like she was dismissing Jason, already giving up on him. Because she was. Jason's blue eyes narrowed in frustration and flashed in anger. A bile taste settled in his mouth. It felt like he was losing something, not an arm or a leg. No, something more important than that. It felt like Jason was losing a lung. If he lost Reyna, it would be like losing a vital organ. He couldn't let that happen.

"No, no, no." Jason repeated, storming up to her and grabbing her arm. Reyna tried to pull back but he wouldn't let her, not until she heard his side. "Don't give me that bull shit, Reyna. We are not nothing!" He held her harsh glare because behind the fury and pain there was a tiny sliver of hope.

Memories flashed in his mind of their quest, the turning point in their relationship. Reyna's voice from the memory whispered in his ear. She said you were going to leave me. "What about Charleston?" Jason whispered, studying as Reyna's eyes widen and she stopped struggling. "What about that promise we made? 'We will not run. Not from our problem. Not from fate. We stand and we fight.'"

"'Together'". Reyna and Jason recited at the same time. Jason could feel her breath against his cheek. They were that close.

"Are you running, Reyna?" He asked, squeezing her hand.

"No. Yes. Maybe." Reyna sounded lost as she tried to sort through her thoughts. Jason could see the gears working in her head. "That promise doesn't apply anymore, Jason. You can't be by my side." Jason watched as Reyna gently extracted her hand from his grasp. Her fingers squeezed his. "Piper." Like a bucket of cold water, the mention of his girlfriend sobered the Roman demigod. His fingers grew limp. A sad smile graced Reyna's lips as she shook her head. "You're not New Rome's anymore. You're not mine."

"Reyna…" Jason whispered as she stepped away, feeling a part of him break. "I wished I can turn back time." She looked like she was trying to hold back her own tears as she spoke.

"Even the gods can't do that, Jason."