A/N: Rewriting all the lemon because I can!

In a world where alphas and omegas exsist, there are times where you present at the worst possible times and some at the best. Bash had presented as an alpha just last week as he was pummling a nerd; it was obvious. But when Theresa presented at her twirling compitition, it was a shock. She was sweet and kind, but for her to be an alpha; it confused everyone until they saw her with Debbie Kang, an omega. It was all settled, and all was calm.

Randy Cunningham hadn't presented yet, although everyone expected him to present as an alpha. He was tall, and while he was lanky, he could still pass off as an alpha. Nomi, Randy's Ninja teacher who turned human again just last week, refused to tell Randy of weather he was an alpha or an omega.

"It's best if you just not know, alright?" Nomi had snapped when Randy asked him when he was having tea at the dining room table (for the third time that week).

"Alright, alright, sheesh..." Randy rolled his eyes, grabbing his backpack as he headed for the door. "I'll call you if I need anything. Use the computer for music, because someone broke my stereo..."

"It startled me!" cried the red-headed person. Said person then chucked a spoon at Randy's head, but sadly was prevented by the closed door.

Now Randy was walking in the hall when a sudden wave of absolute need pass through him. Howard stopped just to turn and see if his friend was alright, but by noticing the look on Randy's face, he guessed not.

"Dude, are you presenting?" he whispered the last word as he looked around.

Randy could only nod, another wave passing over him tenfold. He tried to remember what the textbook said about first time heats, crunching over in the middle of the hallway, drawing the attention of a few students.

"T-they last...a week with an alpha..." he whispered to himself, almost crying and screaming as he felt the need to just be filled overcame him. "two weeks without..."

Randy couldn't imagine two weeks of this absolute misery."We need to get you home, buddy. I'll explain to the teachers, just come on. I'll call that good for nothing book." Howard's voice penetrated the thick cloud of pain though Randy's mind, who yelped as another shot passed through his body.

Howard walked down the hall, already on the phone and quickly relaying what was happening. If deemed important enough, Nomi might get there in two mineuts, if not... Randy couldn't protest as he whimpered and clutched his sides, sliding down the wall and hugging his knees to his chest. When Bash passed by, however, he was hit with the strong smell of grapes and honey. Randy whined, and Bash looked to him. Randy saw that Bash could smell him just by the way his face contorted, from surprise to lust to trying to rein himself in. Of course, he failed.

Bash slowly crawled over to where Randy was, sniffing him, growling, and Randy couldn't help it but lean into him as he felt Bash's cool hand push down the feverish heat that seemed to be everywhere. Randy's hand came up to grip Bash's wrist, whining slightly as he tried to say with his body what he wanted from Bash. It disgusted him how he was already weakened to this state, but the need to be filled hurt so bad that it was like trying to stem a gushing waterfall with just a pebble, and here was something that could stop it altogether, even if just for a few hours.

"Please...please.." he whimpered, clutching Bash's shirt as he felt a growl come from the older man.

Before Bash could do anything, a foot kicked him right in the head, sending him sprawling to the hallway floor. Nomi stood up, and was instantly aware of Randy's state. He could smell the grapes and honey pouring from the smaller boy, saw how dialated Randy's eyes were. Wienerman had gone to tell the teachers of what was happening and how Randy wouldn't be there for the next two weeks.

Nomi held himself back as he picked up the sobbing teen, who clutched Nomi's shirt.

"I-It hurts so bad, Nomi," the teen cried, and Nomi felt tears dampen his shirt. "Make it stop... please, make it stop...!"

Nomi knew how to stop it, just for a little while, but he couldn't do that here. He knew what Randy wanted, and he would give it to him. After all, Randy was his. It had taken him his all just to not kill the barbarian that had dared touch his property. Randy was his, and only his. He knew that he was going to squish Randy's hope slightly as he feined ignorance to the situation for now, but it had to be done.

Randy could smell cherry blossoms and apples, and never before had Randy noticed it before. As Nomi set him down in the car on his side, he felt as if he was going to pass out or be sick. He clung to the seats like they were lifelines, and wanted to sob as he saw that he was at home. 'So he's an Alpha' Randy thought, and was siezed by panic when he realized the direness of the situation.

Nomi's arms slipped around his waist, holding most of Randy's weight as he walked to the front door, where from there he kicked open the door. He turned and closed the door quickly. Randy was already trying to walk ahead, away from Nomi, before Nomi took Randy's waist again and began to walk up the stairs with his prize almost in his clutches.

"N-No, N-Nomi, I can make it to m-my room from h-here," Randy pushed the long-haired male, clutching the staircase railing for support as he heaved himself up one step and then another.

Nomi twitched, a small growl rising in the back of his throat. He had to let this play out like this, or Randy might not fall so easily into his clutches.

Randy just barely managed to penetrate through his mind that if Nomi had a much better influence than even Bash, then if Nomi even got close, they would both be in trouble due to the fact that for now, Randy was physically stronger than Nomi now, which is what the textbooks claimed, in order to handle even the roughest of handlings. And if Nomi gave Randy his knot... No! Nomi would never do that!

Randy felt almost dejected as he managed to make it to to the top of the stairs. Nomi was close behind, and yet stayed behind. Just for a bit.

The purple haired teen sighed in relief as he made it to his room, making sure to get in quickly and try to lock Nomi out. He didn't know that Nomi could pick a lock, nor the fact that Nomi was not going to let anyone interrupt. Every single one of Randy's past lives had been Nomi's mate, and he refused to have anyone else. Not only were they all sweet, they were caring. They had loved everything in sight if it was good, and discouraged it if it was bad. And so, Nomi was going to mate with Randy, no matter what.

Randy whimpered in his bed, turning onto his back as his hand snaked down to his length, tossing his pants away in order to reach it quicker and have more room. He gripped it, crying as he did so, and began to pump himself. He couldn't help but moan, whimpering as he circled the head, trying his best to make this heat go away. He used his other hand to push three fingers into his leaking hole, feeling desperate as he didn't find the relief he was looking for.

He shoved two more fingers in, and whined as he felt his whole hand slide in with no problem. And yet, there was still no relief for him. He sobbed, curling in as he took his hand out, cumming as he did so. It was going to be a long two weeks.

Front door locked, yes. Back door? Yes. All windows locked and closed, with curtains? Yes. There was no way for anyone to get in, which is what Nomi liked. As he slowly made his way up the steps, he heard Randy cries and moans.

'He's touching himself in order to try and ease the pain, the emptieness' Nomi's mind supplied him with. As he smiled wickedly as he thought also, 'He won't be feeling that for long.'

He picked the lock quickly, hearing Randy sob as he couldn't fill himself enough by his own hand.

The door swung open, and Randy was panicing. He couldn't fill himself, make this pain stop himself, and if Nomi came in here, it was all over! Randy hid himself under his blankets in a small hope that Nomi would give up and leave, remaining still and unmoving despite the cold he felt easing into his stomach.

That, sadly, was not the case. Creaking revealed Nomi climbing up onto Randy's bed, and in Randy's still sane mind, that was the worst possible thing to do. The teen crawled to the corner of his bed, farthest from Nomi as possible.

"Please, just go away..." Randy whimpered, tightning the blanket furthur.

Nomi silently sat, waiting for his chance. He saw Randy shiver, and his arm dashed out in order to try and snatch a blanket from nearby. However, Nomi grabbed Randy's wrist quickly, tugging Randy to his chest and forcing the teen to sit in his lap, his arms wrapped tightly around Randy so that Randy could only sqirm and keen.

Nomi pulled Randy close, sniffing the teens purple locks, fingers twitching at the overcoming smell of the grapes and honey. He held Randy tightly, even as Randy kneed him harshly, biting him in the crook of his neck as a choice of payback. Randy whined and tried to escape, but Nomi refused to let him go; he took a small opening and kissed Randy harshly, pushing his tongue into the open and warm cavern that was Randy's mouth.

Randy now fought tooth and nail trying to be freed, feeling his sanity falling away. But then he felt something, something hard. He blushed darkly as he realized that it was Nomi's member, and he was gone.

When Randy shuddered heavily, he knew that he won the battle. He pulled his lips over to Randy's neck, and the small male shivered with need, even as Nomi began to kiss and bite Randy's neck. Randy's arms moved to Nomi's neck, his hands reaching for Nomi's hair and pulling, making himself fall and Nomi on top of him. Randy's legs were spread on either side of Nomi, with Nomi in between.

The red head removed Randy's red shirt, favoring the buttermilk skin beneath, and kissed Randy with as much force that he could muster. Randy's lips were smooth, a little chapped, and he tasted amazing as Nomi slipped his tongue into Randy's mouth again.

This was Nomi's favorite place, because now he could see Randy's red face, how his brow was covered with sweat. See the pale torso of Randy, feel the liquid seeping from Randy's hole, and dear god, he could not hold back no more. He leaned forward and bit Randy's collarbone harshly, grinding against the smaller boy, who blushed and cried out in pleasure.

"N-Nomi," cried the small omega, feeling the small bits of pleasure tenfold as his skin was soft, sensitive. "please, please..."

"Please what," Nomi said, growling slightly, taking Randy's hand and biting the delicate flesh. He grinded again against the smaller male, who keened and reacted.

"P-please...give me your knot...please.." Randy whispered, looking up at Nomi with embarrassed eyes. "I-I need it...please..."

Nomi shuddered as Randy clutched onto his shoulders, hiding his face from Nomi. Making quick work of the remaining clothes between the two, Nomi thrusted inside Randy, who cried out as he felt Nomi's member tear through skin and muscel. Nomi's hands moved to Randy's hips, keeping his momentum, and pressing Randy to him as if he might melt away once more as he had done so many times.

Randy was crying with relief as Nomi's member filled him, the emptiness leaving as if it wasn't there in the first place. He clutched Nomi to him with a fear that if he let go, the emptiness would return. His hands were dug into Nomi's hair, and he could hear Nomi murmuring. Gently pulling the long red hair as Nomi gave a thrust too harsh (he was already going very fast and hard), he heard a throaty growl.

"My mate, my beautiful, intelligent mate," Nomi whispered, biting the curve of Randy's neck. "Can't wait until you're fertil, you'll be so big and round with my children,"

This is what Randy's body wanted, he knew this. Just by the way that Randy clenched slightly, the way that Randy's breathing sped up and the way he rocked against Nomi. And knowing the pattern of Randy's reincarnations, he would be fertil on his next heat, next month.

"Your hair is so soft, so beautiful," Nomi thrusted harshly once more, and Randy yelped. "Your eyes are so deep and beautiful."

"I love you." Nomi said suddenly, kissing Randy as he gave a sharp thrust.

Randy gasped, allowing Nomi to have an entrance. As Nomi pulled away, Randy hummed,"I love you too."

it would be several hours before Randy was knotted; this left Nomi and Randy content, because Randy's heat was off for the next thirteen hours, and because Nomi had claimed his property. It seemed that ever since Randy's heat finally went away, Nomi was awefully protective. He would growl at any alpha that got too close or looked too long at Randy.

Once, while Randy and Nomi were hand in hand walking to get some ice cream, a drunk, old alpha wrapped his arms around Randy, who froze. Nomi sensed this, and growled so fiercly, that the old alpha got the message, walking away like a dog with his tail in between his legs. From there, they got their ice cream and returned home, where Randy was fiercly cuddled.

Being used to this, he watched a movie as Nomi practially glomped him.

No one messed with Nomi's things.

A/N: I did this because I did. I apologize if it sounds like others that have been read before; I deeply do not have any work in this field.