Hello everyone! This is my new story "My Imperfectly Perfect Prince Charming". Updates will be done as regularly as possible. Make sure to check out my tumblr "mslydiastilinski" and my other stories "I'm Done" and "She has got to go".

Prompt: Lydia Martin is looking for her Prince Charming and Stiles Stilinski is far from it. When the two become close after a surprising encounter, Lydia can't deny the pull she has to the charming and handsome lothario. Will Stiles break her heart? Or will she find her new kind of Prince Charming?


For as long as I could remember, I've looking for my prince charming. Growing up, I read all of the fairy tales and remember being mesmerized by the idea that Prince Charming was just waiting to save me.

Yes, some may call me unrealistic or shallow, but I have been around the block more times than I should admit and kissed my fair share of toads. I work my ass off to save people's lives every day and I don't break the law, so I think I deserve a little perfection.

I'm not stupid. I've come to realize that most men are intolerable and sleazy. I understand that they can be untruthful and mean so you have to be picky about your choices. You can't simply put your heart out on the line for just anybody.

I learned that the hard way.

Nevertheless, I'm still hopeful. Prince Charming is out there. I'd seen the stories, watched the movies and I just know deep down that it can't all be complete bullshit. It can't be.

Anyways, like I was saying, I deserve perfection. I am a good person. I work hard and pay my taxes. Life hasn't always been easy for me and the only thing that's kept me going was knowing that Mr. Right was just around the corner.

Now if only I could find that damn corner. I know that sometimes it takes time to find true love; that you can't rush destiny but I have to admit I'm starting to get tired of waiting. I'm twenty-five years old and depressingly single. My only friends are my fish and my lack of interest in the social world is frightening. I live by myself in a fancy ass apartment because I could afford it dammit and am as devoted to my job as you can get.

I'm not choosy. Okay, I am but I don't really care. Prince Charming has to be tall, he has to be handsome in a masculine yet soft way and he needs to be in shape. He should be charming and warm, his personality alluring but not too alluring. He should have a good job with a stable income and benefits. Most of all, he should want to settle down, have a family someday and be faithful to his one and true love. These are not just suggestions, these are my rule breakers.I will settle for no less and in no shape or form commit to someone who does not share my goals and aspirations. I'd seen what settling does, been through it myself and I knew that all it caused was heart-break.

You can't fix someone. You can't hope they'll change or wake up one day wanting the same things you want. People don't work that way. You're either right for them or you're wrong. It's as simple as that.

I guess the point is to stop wasting your time on the duds and focus on finding that one person who couldn't possibly hurt you. No matter what they say or what they do, they physically cannot do anything wrong.

Sure, some may think it's crazy, but it's how I rationalize everything. It's how I got over my heartbreak and my parents unsettling split. It's how I go on every day, a little less lonely and unfulfilled.

It's how I talk myself out of smiling at my amazingly gorgeous but annoying neighbor, Stiles Stilinski every day.

Stiles was every parent's worst nightmare. He was beautiful, his body crafted by the gods and his face distractingly stunning. He was mysterious and alluring, his presence demanding to be known by the world. He was charming and funny but also overly confident. He was a player in every sense of the word and he thrived on the fast lane. On multiple occasions had I not only heard Stiles and his escapades doing the dirty through the unfortunately thin walls, but also seen the aftermath the next morning. Though, I had to admit I was usually impressed. No matter what kind of girl tall, short, blonde or brunette, they always walked away smiling and looking well worked. I almost pitied the poor girls.

One of the most frustrating things about living next to Stiles was his group of friends. He always seemed to be having a party of some sort and it was on very rare occasions that I'd see him without someone from his pose. Most of the time it was the cute boy with darker skin and a slightly crooked jaw but sometimes the overly muscular, hairy guy or the really tall man who wore a lot of scarves would show up as well.

He also had a lot girlfriends by the place. Whether they were his hook ups or not I don't know, but they always seemed happy to see him. Well, except the short brunette. I had seen the girl enough times to think she had lived there and during that time I had never (not even once) seen her smile. I didn't understand the combination of odd balls or the reason why they'd always seemed to be at Stiles house. It was annoying and loud and the thought of calling the cops was a nightly occurrence.

I never did it though. Maybe it was because I was trying to be neighborly or kind to the entire floor. I had made Mrs. Elaine a double batch of chocolate cookies once. Or maybe it was because I was just lonely.

I had lived in New Jersey for nearly three years and had little to no friends to prove it. Sure, there was Meredith from the hospital where I worked, but I didn't think work acquaintances actually counted. We had never hung out outside of the hospital's walls or the staff room.

I missed going out. I was twenty-five years old for god's sake. I should be going out and living it up instead of staying home and watching old movies by myself.

But to be honest, that really wasn't me. I'd never been the girl to go out to the club and let her inhibitions fly. I'd always been secure, organized and set on a plan. I was boring and comfortable, yet envious at the same time. I think that's why I had never called the cops or complained to Stiles. I wanted to live in both those worlds. The social and fun life and the careful and secure one. I felt like if I heard the noise, the laughter and the cheers in the apartment next to mine I would somehow be apart of it in some way.

Plus, I was too much of a scaredy cat to ever introduce myself to that group anyways. They weren't exactly gentle looking.

I remembered the first time I met the infamous Stiles Stilinski and how I knew he was going to be trouble from the start.

-Three Years Prior-

"GO DIE IN A FUCKING HOLE, YOU CHAUVINISTIC PIG!" A pretty brunette girl screamed as she ran out of the neighbor's door and huffed her way to the elevator where I had just gotten off. I eyed her nervously for a second, unsure of what to say and shifted my moving box to my hip. I had literally just moved here a little less than an hour ago and things were already getting crazy. My neighbor, who I still had yet to meet, and his girlfriend weren't exactly late sleepers and had been very vocal about their sexual activities through the thin walls.

"A-are you okay?" I asked uncomfortably after a moment. The girl looked to be about my age and she was clearly upset about something. Her hair was a mess and she had mascara streaks staining her pretty face.

The girl's gaze drifted from the neighbors door and then to me, a look of distaste filling her eyes. "I'm fine." She said shortly, still frowning at me when my notorious neighbor poked his head out from the door.

My first thought when I saw Stiles Stilinski was "shit". Like I said before, Stiles was beautiful and sexy and cute all at the same time. I couldn't look away from all of the muscle and the abs that covered his flawless, pale body. It was impossible not to stare.

"It was lovely meeting you too, dear." He smiled charmingly, his gaze barely registering the girl. He was acting so overly casual, as if this girl wasn't looking like she was about to rip off his pretty little face.

The girl's eyes got wide and her face turned a deep red. "YOU FUCKING C-" and before she could finish her freak out the elevator simultaneously closed, pulling the girl and her bra-less figure down to the bottom floor.

I couldn't help but wince. I knew what it was like being that girl. The girl who had a meltdown in front of complete strangers over a guy. It wasn't a pretty look and the memory made me angry. I hadn't even met Stiles Stilinski yet and I knew, I just knew I'd hate him. No self-respecting guy made a girl cry like that. Not ever.

Stiles turned his gaze from the elevator to me and his eyes drifted over my body. Okay, gross. I knew I was good looking. I worked hard to achieve the Lydia Martin style but I had never been checked out so blatantly before. Especially from a guy who just had a girl (who obviously wasn't his girlfriend by the way) leave his apartment so upset. Stiles looked like he wanted to devour me and I felt a sudden urge to slap him and that sexy smirk right off his face.

"Boy, did she know how to make an exit." He joked. I rolled my eyes.

God, he was such an egotistical jackass. "Maybe she was just angry because she was unsatisfied." I said as she turned away from him. I had no interest in rehashing that little encounter. I maneuvered my box to my hip and awkwardly struggled to find the key in my pocket. Once I did, I tried to balance the moving box with my hand and open the huge door.

Stiles must have seen my struggle because he wordlessly grabbed the key from my hand and unlocked the door, motioning for me to enter. I simply nodded at him, thinking this was the end of our unfortunate conversation but Stiles clearly lived by his own rules. "Damn, this is a nice place. I never met the last owner." He said as he sauntered inside and took a seat on the bar table.

I squinted at him. Even though I agreed with the man, it certainly wasn't his place to come inside. He was just a stranger (alas a good looking stranger) but a stranger. "Um, I don't recall inviting you in." I frowned. "And maybe you never met the former owner because he wasn't impressed by your ridiculous nightly conquests making a scene every morning. I mean, I'm pretty sure the whole floor heard that."

Stiles grinned and then had the audacity to laugh at me. "I don't think so, he died before I moved in. I think he actually kicked the bucket in the bedroom. Congratulations, you own a dead guy's home." He joked.

I swallowed nervously. Dead guy? Okay, I was not normally a softy but are you freaking kidding me? I couldn't possibly sleep tonight knowing some old dude died in my room.

"Are you serious?" I asked nervously. I looked up at him purposely and tried to determine if he was lying to me.

Stiles' brown eyes sparkled at me and I knew instantly he was trying to be funny. "I was just yanking your chain, sweet heart. The guy moved out the week before I moved. I'm Stiles Stilinski by the way." He said, extending his arm out to me.

I looked at his hand disgustingly and shook my head. "I know who you are and I'd appreciate if you left my apartment now."

Stiles raised his eyebrows at me. "You're feisty." He laughed again. "I like you. We'll be good friends."

"I doubt it." I replied, crossing my arms over my chest and watching him glide out of the place like he owned it. Man, was this boy trouble.

"Oh, and it was nice meeting you, Lydia Martin." He said, popping his head out of the hallway quickly.

I could feel my eyes widening in response. "H-how did you-? What did you-?" I stuttered.

"I do my research on all of the residents living here. Especially the hot ones. Have a good day now." He smirked and boy was it a hot smirk.

It was the kind of smirk that I had no doubt made normal women drop their panties in a heap of sexual frustration. But I wasn't normal. I was successful, driven and recently heartbroken after a pulled off engagement. I was immune to the Stilinski charm and mark my words when I said he would never, and I mean never, get me into bed with him.

At least, that's what I told myself when I first met him. On several occasions I questioned my sanity for making that promise, but luckily somehow he always proved me right. It wasn't the last time a girl had a meltdown in the hallway from his doing and it wasn't the last time he tried to pick me up.

He was a whole new ball game that I wasn't interested in playing. He was everything that I had purposely avoided in a man and I'd be damned if he ever got to see me squirm. I was looking for my Prince Charming and Stiles Stilinski was far from it.

What did you guys think? Was it any good? Please forgive my stupid grammar mistakes.

Make sure to review and follow/favorite. I would love to know what you guys think about the prologue