"Well, Trunks, I guess it's time I told you about the birds and the bees," Vegeta said, motioning for his son to sit next to him. Trunks sat on the couch next to his father. Although he was confused, he listened intently.

"So, the birds are the women and the bees are the men," Vegeta explained.

"And the bees will- OH, I CAN'T DO THIS WOMAN!" he shouted to Bulma.

"Goku already told Gohan, I guess he beat you at THAT, too," Bulma teased him, trying to get Vegeta to do it for her.

"Goddamn you, Bulma," Vegeta sighed, putting a hand on his temple.

"What do the bees do?" Trunks asked.

"Well, the bees have penises and the birds have vaginas," Vegeta explained, obviously about to burst a blood vessel. He was literally at wit's end.

"What's a vagina?" Trunks asked curiously.

"Something you'll never see if you don't grow a brain," Vegeta muttered to himself.

"A vagina is a girl's... special part," he said while he awkwardly twiddling his thumbs.

"Don't girls and boys have the same things?" Trunks asked.

"No! They don't! Don't you know anything?" Vegeta screamed, unsure of how the new Saiyan Prince could be such a dumbass.

"I know that I was an accident," Trunks said sadly.

"Only because I tell you that on a daily basis!" he yelled as he slammed his fists down on a table, breaking it.

"Dad... what if there are two bees?" Trunks asked.

"Wh-what?" Vegeta asked, confused.

"What if there are two bees?" Trunks repeated.

"Then I'm disowning you," Vegeta mumbled, purposefully loud enough for Trunks to hear.

"VEGETA!" Bulma shouted.

Trunks stood up and walked out the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Vegeta asked.

"To be disowned," Trunks replied, slamming the door smugly.

Vegeta sat there motionless. His eyes were wide and his mouth was agape.

"Is my son gay?" Vegeta asked himself. Tears were welling up in the Saiyan's eyes.

"So what if he is?" Bulma asked.

"SO WHAT IF HE IS?! I NEVER WANTED TO RAISE A FAGGOT!" Vegeta screamed, throwing his glass of water across the room in a fit of rage. Bulma walked over to Vegeta and patted him on the shoulder.

"Bulma, I didn't mean that. I'm really proud that he could say that to me. I just... had a moment. The way he said it so suddenly was... very brave," Vegeta said.

Trunks was flying to Goku's house. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. So what if he was gay, it didn't matter. Did it? He hoped not. He may have been a little kid, but that doesn't mean he can't realize his sexuality. He was confused, he didn't know why his father couldn't support him for once. Trunks landed at the door and knocked. Chi-Chi answered the door.

"Oh, hello Trunks! How are you," she asked politely.

"Not too good. My dad is angry at me again," Trunks sobbed.

"Oh, it'll be okay. He's gonna get over it," Chi-Chi said, hoping to comfort him.

Trunks stood there quietly for a moment, thinking of how to ask his question.

"Can I see Goten, please?" Trunks asked, his face slowly turning red.

"Of course! He's in Gohan's room," Chi-Chi told him, pointing to a door somewhere down the hall.

Trunks walked to the door of Gohan's room and entered.

"Oh, hey Trunks!" Gohan greeted him. Goten ran over to the door.

"Trunks!" Goten exclaimed.

"Hey, Goten," Trunks greeted him. Trunks noticed a large number of tissues under Gohan's bed.

"You sick, Gohan?" Trunks asked as he walked around the room aimlessly.

"No, why do you ask?" Gohan replied with a puzzled look.

"You've used an awful lot of tissues. I thought you might have a runny nose," Trunks said. Gohan looked under his bed and blushed.

"Don't worry about it," he told them.

"Let's go to my room and let Gohan study," Goten suggested.

"Thanks, guys," Gohan said with a coy smile.

As the two left, he put away the textbook and took a pornographic magazine out from under his pillow.

Once they were in Goten's room, Trunks could talk with him in private.

"Goten, I need to tell you something," Trunks said, looking down at his feet to hide the fact that he was blushing.

"Oh? Like what?" Goten asked.

Trunks was giggling on the inside. "Goten is so cute when he's naïve like that. He actually looks confused," Trunks thought to himself. He decided to do this quickly and painlessly. Trunks pulled Goten close and embraced him in a passionate kiss.

"Whoa, Trunks! What the heck?" Goten said, pushing his friend away in shock.

"Dammit, why did I push him away? Trunks finally kissed me and I got nervous! What the Hell did I just do?" Goten thought to himself.

"Well Goten, now's as good a time as any," Trunks said, summoning every bit of bravery he had to confess his feelings. "I love you,"

Goten stared at him, not blinking once.

"You... you what?" Goten asked as he tried to hide the look of shock on his face.

"Oh, I knew you wouldn't feel the same way," Trunks sighed.

Goten placed a hand on Trunks' shoulder.

"Trunks..." Goten said.

"What?" Trunks sobbed, trying to stop crying.

Goten wiped the tears from Trunks' face.

"When did I ever say I didn't feel the same way? I was just shocked, that's all," he explained.

"Really? You really like me?" Trunks asked.

"Of course I do, Trunks," Goten said as he pulled Trunks in for another kiss. This time, Goten opened his mouth, inviting Trunks to use his tongue. The two boys hugged each other tightly, still kissing. Once they parted, Goten invited Trunks to lie down in bed with him. Although he was unsure of what Goten planned, Trunks followed him into bed. Once they were lying down, Goten put his arms around Trunks and held him close, engulfing him in a warm hug. Trunks blushed and put his arms around Goten, returning the hug.