A/N: Sure why not add another long story to the mix? It's not like I have others to do. Oh yeah, just to be warned, this will not follow the story line of the anime Zero No Tsukaima. Also this will take place after the Magic Games arc.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail and/or Familiar of Zero. They belong to their rightful owners.

Familiar Fairy

Chapter One: Summoning Gone Wrong

Louise P.O.V


That is the accursed nickname people have given me since I was a young child. The reason why others call me by that name is because every time I try to cast a spell, an explosion would occur. Sometimes I wonder why this only happens to me. I come from a noble family of wizards so why can't I make a simple spell work? To make matters worse, this is the day we are to summon familiars that will aid us for the rest of our lives. This is my last chance to prove myself that I am not a failure.

Everyone else summoned their familiars. That damn Zerbst woman summoned a fire salamander. Guiche summoned a giant mole, perfect match for him. Montmorency managed to summon a frog. Finally it was my turn to summon a familiar.

"Hey zero Louise is going to try to summon a familiar."

"Might as will give up Louise. Everyone knows you can't perform magic."

I ignored their comments. Please, just please let me perform a spell right just this once. I have to prove that I'm capable of performing a spell. "Please give me something powerful like a griffon or a dragon." I chanted my spell. "My name is Louise Francoise Le Blanc De La Valliere. Appear my slave, who lives somewhere in the universe. Oh sacred, beautiful and strong familiar spirit. I desire and her plead from my heart. Answer my guidance!"

An explosion occurred around me but this one seemed different from the others. At first I thought I finally succeed in summoning a powerful familiar. However that was not the case. I suddenly found myself falling from the sky. "EEEEYAHHHHHHAAAAAA! I was falling fast and continued to gain speed. Is this how I'm going die? By falling to my death? While falling, I saw a vast ocean of trees. My only hope was that the branches could cushion my fall. I braced for impact as I neared closer to the trees.

The landing was not as helpful as I thought it was. I hit the top of the tree but I kept hitting the branches until I finally hit the ground. I groaned in pain as stood up. My vision was woozy and I couldn't see straight. My body ached all over. When my vision returned to normal, I scanned the area. I was in a place I wasn't familiar with. In fact I'm wondering why I was in the sky in the first place. Where's the academy? Where is everyone else? All of these questions were swimming in my head. Then I heard footsteps approaching and they were coming in fast. To my greatest displeasure, it was bandits.

"Hey check it out. Some little girl is here and from the looks of it she seems rich."

"Nice maybe we can hold her for some high ransom."

"All right shut up. Tie the bitch up and take her back to the fort."

Something was wrong here. I couldn't understand a word they said. Doesn't matter, I can handle a few measly bandits. All I have to do is reach for my wand and…wait where's my wand? I searched frantically to where it is. To my dismay I couldn't find it anywhere. Next thing I knew, the bandits knocked me out and I blacked out.


It's just one thing after another. Here I am tied up, without my wand and now I'm being held hostage by the largest group of bandits I've seen. If anyone from the academy heard about this, I would die from embarrassment and I would never hear the end of it from that damn Zerbst woman and everyone else. I can hear their words now. Right now all of them are partying like the drunks they are. The leader himself was drinking himself drunk. Maybe if I'm lucky, they'll all pass out and I'll crawl out of here and find out where I am.

"The hell we have the girl here in the first place. She doesn't even have decent pair of tits on her."

"She may not have any tits but she may be of some worth to some rich family and we can get even more money."

"Hey shut up! Let's just enjoy the party. Yet another successful raid on another village so come on men drink to your heart's content!"

Everyone cheered. I sighed at my situation. If anything, anything at would to happen right now, I would be forever grateful for that miracle. Soon as I thought of that prayer, I heard the door open and one of the bandits came rushing in. Something was wrong with this one. He had a look of fear on his face as if he saw something terrifying.

"Boss, boss, boss, boss!

"Eh what is it and what the hell happened to you?"

"I-It's terrible. They were all wiped out easily. We couldn't do anything against them and they're coming this way!"

"Who is coming? Come on speak up now?"

I couldn't understand what they were talking about but it seemed important. Then I saw the leader give a serious look on his face. What I can understand from what was happing; I'm guessing he's telling his men to go somewhere. Everyone stopped what they were doing and ran out of the room. The leader himself left as well. I was left all alone now. Wait, this is my chance now. I searched for something sharp to cut these accursed bindings. There were knives on the tables so that was my best chance. Then I felt the ground shake violently.

Next thing I heard was the bandits screaming as if they were in pain. From the sound of it, it seemed like something of a small army was fighting them. More quakes appeared and several of the knives fell onto the floor. I crawled to the closest knife. The quakes were getting stronger now. It sounded like the walls were coming down. I grabbed the knife and positioned it to cut the rope bounding my hands. The door opened again only this time the bandit leader entered but it looked like he was terrified. He pulled down a large bar on the door and walked back a couple of steps.

"N-No way. I heard they were strong but they're more than that. They're monsters."

What kind of a person would make this guy scared? That was then I heard the door being pounded. The door was being pounded a couple more times with each strike being more powerful than the last. With one last attack the door was blasted to pieces.

"You run pretty fast for a coward but now there's no way to go now."

To my disbelief, only one person blew that door apart. He had pink hair like mine but darker, wore a black closed vest with golden trims with only one sleeve, knee length pants and he wore sandals. The one thing that stood out with his outfit was that he wore a striped scarf around his neck. This guy is taking on the whole bandit army by himself?

"S-Stay away from me o-or I'll, I'll…" He looked at me and took me as a hostage while holding a sword to me. "I'll kill this bitch."

Bad move. My hands may be bound and my legs as well but that doesn't mean I can still give him a piece of my mind. I raised my legs as high as I could and kicked in the knee as hard as I could. He let go of me and I landed on my side.

"Ahh you little bitch! I'm going to-" He didn't finish his sentence as he turned to that pink haired guy.

"All right then, time to do what I do best."

He slammed his fists together and something appeared. I couldn't make it out but the next second, fire was coming out his hands. I've never seen anything like that before. How is he doing magic without a wand? Better question is how he is doing magic in the first place. He doesn't look like he's from a noble family.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"

He launched himself toward the leader and for a lack of a better word punches him square in the face. The blow was so strong; he sent flying across the room and hit the wall. Apparently the wall wasn't even strong enough to stop him as the wall itself was destroyed and the leader was gone. This was magic I've never seen before. He was clearly a fire wizard but his fire was different than that of Zebst's fire. It was more powerful.

"And that's the end of it." He noticed me. "Hey you alright? That was a gutsy move you made with you being tied up and all."

He put his hand near my bindings and they were burned away. I wanted to thank him for his assistance but as soon as I spoke, no words came out. Can't anything go my way for just once in my life?

"Huh you mute or something?"

I don't get it. My words aren't coming out of my mouth.

"Hmmm oh I know, let me take you to the others. Maybe they can help."

He just started to head to the door. I guess I was supposed to follow him. Well it's better than staying here. We walked out of the room and to my surprise the other bandits were laying on the floor. They didn't seem dead but it's hard to believe that one person did all of this. When we reached the central part of the fort, I saw three other people. Two girls and another guy who for some reason doesn't have a shirt on.

"Hey guys look what I found." He pointed at me like I was some sort of prize.

"Where did you find her Natsu?"

"I found her where that leader guy ran to. He took her as a hostage but she kicked him in the shin even though she was tied up."

While they were talking, I took this chance to observe these new people. The girl with the blonde hair in pigtails wore a white and blue top with a blue jacket. She also wore detached blue sleeves. She also wore a short dark blue skirt with some kind of whip attached to it and some sort of keys on the other side. Of course the feature that stood out the most was her chest. The other girl with the red hair seemed like she was in charge of this group. Her outfit consisted with armor and wore a short blue skirt as well. Then there was the shirtless guy. He looked like someone Zerbst would bed in a matter of minutes. There was also a symbol of some sort on his chest.

"So what do we do with this girl? Does she belong anywhere?" The girl with blonde hair asked.

"Judging from her attire, I'd say she's from a wealthy family." The girl wearing the armor stated some useful for me.

"It looks more like a school uniform to me." Well at least the shirtless guy is closer.

"You're kidding me, what kind of school would have a uniform like this?" A vein popped up in my forehead when that buffoon said that.

This is getting frustrating now. I don't know where I am, I was taken hostage by a band of bandits, my wand is missing, I can't speak and I can't understand what others are talking about. My temper was getting the better of me. This is one the times I wish I can just make something explode already. Old habits die hard I guess as I threw both hands down. It was just a second but I could've sworn I saw a circle appear in front of my hands. Next thing I knew, an explosion appeared.

I coughed. "Oh I never thought I would be so glad to set one of those again." I just realized I talked. I formed words but I wasn't talking in my own language.

"Aw man what happened."

"Did you do this flame head?"

"How can I cause something like this ice for brains?"

"Quiet both of you!"

"Yes sir!"

"Where did an explosion come from anyway?"

I heard voices now. I can understand what they're saying now. The smoke cleared and those people coughed a bit.

"Hey did you do that?" The person who did fire magic asked me.

At least now we can have a conversation. "I did actually. Tell me, who are you and did you four defeat all of these bandits."

"Yeah we did. It was no problem for us though." No problem? They were up against practically a small army and the shirtless guy says no problem?

"Who are you? Tell us your name." Well at least the girl in armor has some sense.

I smiled. "I am the third daughter of the Valliere family: Louise Francoise Le Blanc De La Valliere. I saw the guy with the scarf giving my introduction some thought. I thought he would be impressed with me.

"Cool. Nice to meet you Louie Vanilla." He smiled a stupid goofy grin.

I dropped to the floor and immediately stood back up. "Did you not hear what I said you idiot?!"

"Natsu, didn't you hear her name." For once I agree with a girl with huge chest.

"Yeah but that was so long and the only parts I heard were Louie and Vanilla."

"She said her name is Louise Valliere. You should listen more carefully." Again I agree with armor woman.

"And Louie is a guy's name you fire idiot."

"What did you say ice breath?!" He went up close to the shirtless guy. Seriously though put a shirt on.

"You heard me!" He went up to the other and they both had an angry look on their faces.

"What did I tell you two!?"

I saw both of them give a look a fear and suddenly hanging on to each other forcefully while putting fake smiles. "Oh you know Gray and me, always messing around. Right buddy?"

"Yeah we were just kidding around."

Something tells me it would be wise not to anger this woman. I get the feeling she's worse than my older sister Eleanor. I had many questions for these people but something interrupted us.

"Hey Natsu!"

It was one surprise after another. A flying blue cat with a knapsack came flying out of somewhere.

"Hey Happy! Did you find the treasure these guys were keeping?"

"Aye I did and boy there's a lot of it. Hey who's the new girl? Is she related to you Natsu?"

"No I don't think so." He answered while he crossed his arms.

I wondered about this strange cat. I asked the man called Natsu. "Who's familiar is that? Is he yours?"

"Huh familiar? Happy isn't a familiar, he's my friend right?"

"Aye sir."

I couldn't believe what I just heard. "A familiar as a friend? They are nothing more than servants whose purpose to do our bidding as we please."

Apparently what I said must've angered the fire wizard and the blonde. The look in their eyes was frightening as if they took what I said personally.

"How can you say something like that? Even if Happy was a summoning, there's no way Natsu would treat him like a servant just like I wouldn't treat my spirits like they were servants."

There was something in her eyes when she said that. I don't know what it is but her eyes had something in them.

"That's enough for now. The sooner we find the treasure and return them to the villagers, the sooner we can finish our job so let's go. Happy lead the way." The girl in armor knows how to take control I'll give her that.


All of them followed the flying cat to an entrance. I followed them as well but I kept my distance. I was still wondering how the pink haired guy called Natsu was able to do magic without any kind of wand or staff and how he learned magic even though he was a commoner and what kind of other magic these other people have. We reached another part of the room and they opened the door. The room had treasures of all kinds but there were stands that held some sort of miniature statues of different colors.

"Ah they are. Take one each and we'll be on our way to the village."

"So how much are these things worth again?" Come on, they're tiny statues. How much could they be worth?"

"The village chief said that these statues are worth 500,000 jewel each."

"500,000! For these things?" Jewels? These things are worth 500,000 jewels? Each?

"What about the other treasure? We can't leave it here."

"You're right Gray; we can't leave it here. Natsu!"

"Yes ma'am."

"You're in charge of carrying the rest of treasure."

"I'm what?!"


Well better him than me. We left the fort while carrying these weird statues. However Natsu received the short end of the stick as he struggled to keep up with us while carrying a load of treasure on his back. Somewhere along the way, that other guy put a shirt back on. I'm just wondering how far away the nearest civilization is. What I wouldn't give for a carriage. This walking is a pain. After what seemed to be an eternity, we managed to arrive at a village. Now I have to deal with even more commoners. Speaking of which they emerged from their houses and greeted the others with happy smiles on their faces.

"Hey guys! Got your stuff back plus some extras." I saw Natsu point at the treasure as he set down.

Every one of those kids was surrounding those people. Of course they would be happy to see treasure of that kind. Then I saw who looked like the elder of the village come up to them.

"Hey old guy we took care of those bandits. They won't be bothering you anymore."

"Thank you so much for dealing with them. Our village and the others have been terrorized by those bandits for weeks now. For your payment you can have the treasure for you and your wonderful friends."

So we can keep the treasure? Fine by me. At least we'll have a large amount of money worth in jewels.

"Nah you guys keep this. This belongs to you and we can't take something that already belongs to someone else. Besides you need this more than we do."

My eyes widened in surprise. I couldn't believe what I heard. He just refused a reward from these people. Is he an idiot?

"Your kindness knows no bounds. Thank you again. Can you at least stay for a celebration for your hard work?"

"A party? Now you're talking!"

Everyone cheered at that idea. So they'll refuse a reward but they accept a party from these peasants? It doesn't make any sense. Can that guy think at all? Apparently the others must share the same idea as they agreed to this as well. I can tell this is going to be a long and painful road ahead of me.

A/N: I'm still going to keep the part where Louise is a void mage but that won't happen until later in the story. Also this is my second time(?) writing in first person P.O.V so let me know what I did wrong and I'll do better next time that's if I write in first person P.O.V again.