A/N: So I decided I'm going to write an epilogue since I got the motivation! Enjoy!

It had been three years. Three years since Alainn had fallen and three years since Sakura had been kidnapped. Three years since Sasuke fell in love and three years since the people of Alainn had found a new home within the forest.

Sakura couldn't help but reminisce as she watched her small daughter walk around picking the flowers within the field. Things had become so peaceful and so serene the past three years, allowing not only the family to live together happily, but also their citizens.

Sakura smiled softly as she watched her daughter approach her with hands full of wild flowers. Sakura's face contorted in surprise for her daughter as she handed her the bouquet. "Thank you so much, Philomina. They are so beautiful!" The small girl giggled and made herself comfortable on her mothers lap.

It had been so hard for her and Sasuke to pick a name for their daughter, both arguing over what the name should mean. Naruto was actually the one who came up with the inspiration, stating that this little girl was going to be so loved for her entire life. The parents had looked at each other at the same time. "Beloved. Thats what her name should mean."

Once that came up, they unanimously decided on Philomina, meaning greatly loved. And by god this little girl was loved to pieces. Sakura smiled down at her daughters dark hair and kissed the top of her head. The small girl wasn't even two yet and she had three men constantly doting on her.

Her older brother had made her a miniature bow and arrow for her to start practicing her shooting, much to Sakura's dismay. Her uncle Naruto would always steal her away from her parents to play around in the fields where the wild horses were known to graze.

And her father, well he was another story entirely. Sakura shook her head at the thought and kissed her daughters head once more. "Are you ready to go eat something, my love?" She craned her head so that her lips would be pressed against her daughter smooth, round cheek. "Yes!"

Sakura couldn't help but giggle as her daughter threw her hands in the air in excitement. Philomina didn't know very many words and couldn't talk much, but this child had the biggest personality that Sakura had ever seen. She had ever adult in the vicinity wrapped around her tiny little finger with one look of those large green eyes.

She even had coaxed the guards at the front gates to play hide and seek with her while Sakura had been tending to the horses. As she stood up, she took in a large breath of fresh air. The wind was blowing, causing her long pink hair and white cotton dress to flow behind her.

It wasn't a far walk to the castle, Sasuke never let them stray too far away in order to keep a watchful eye on his two women. But it soon became habit for Sakura since he had been away for the past few weeks, having to tend to a war that was happening in the mortal world.

It was safer, though, for the two to stay within the clearing of the castle. Even though peace had settled over the forest, there were still those wicked people who wanted nothing more than to get rid of the goddess and her daughter. It had been expected though, since in order to have a balance, they still needed people on both sides.

Sakura scooped her daughter into her arms just before she could trip. "Careful there, I don't want you to get hurt." The small girl squealed at the sudden change of altitude and wrapped her arms around her mothers slender neck. She smiled down at Philomina and kissed her forehead.

She looked so much like her father, what with her black hair and the similar face shape. The only thing that could identify the young child were her jade green eyes that matched her mothers to the T. With a shake of her head, Sakura looked up at the towering gates of the castle.

Thankfully, Sasuke had listened to her and removed the heads and spruced the place up to feel more like home rather than a dungeon. The place seemed so much brighter and happier ever since the four had moved into the palace, giving the bleak hallways color and life.

It wasn't like Sasuke minded so much. He had actually been the one to help Sakura remove the paintings of death and removed them with bright, colorful drawings of various scenes. He also helped her pick out the flowers every week and even decided on where they should go once or twice.

"Your father is a strange, strange man," she told her daughter, earning a smile and a giggle. "Papa!" Sakura laughed. "Yes, your papa." It was amazing the type of bond the two shared, one that Sakura had never gotten since she never knew her parents. Well, she never had parents since she just came out of the ocean.

With a shake of her head, she waved to one of the guards who opened the gate for her and walked into the castle grounds. As soon as the gate was closed, she set Philomina down and allowed her to run around freely. It wasn't like the castle was unsafe for her, every one who worked there new they had better keep an eye on the small child, unless they would want to face the wrath of Sasuke.

With a deep sigh, Sakura calmly and gracefully walked into the castle and followed her daughter into the dinning room to eat. She missed her husband dearly and longed for him to be back already. The last note that he had sent her was a week ago and it stated that he wasn't expecting to be home for another couple of weeks at least.

Her sadness lifted, however as her eyes landed on her daughter who was digging into a bowl of grapes, Hinata sitting next to her. "Oh! Hinata, how are you today?"

The dark haired woman smiled at her companion brightly, obviously withholding information from her friend. "What is it," Sakura asked, sitting on the other side of her daughter and popping a grape into her mouth. "I'm pregnant!" At the surprising news, Sakura almost choked on the very grape she had just placed into her mouth.

"Oh my god, thats so wonderful! Have you told Naruto yet?" Her two friends had been together for a long time, but they didn't get married until after her and Sasuke had.

Hinata shook her head but kept a smile on her face. "No, but I plan on telling him tonight." It was so amazing, how happy every one had become in the past three years. It was as if all of the puzzle pieces had finally come together, even the ones they thought had been lost.

After the two had finished eating, Sakura and Philomina stood up and began there walk to the nursery. But just as they were passing by the front foyer, Philomina squealed and ran away from Sakura. "Papa! Papa!"

Sakura's heart lurched into her throat as she turned the corner only to come face to face with her beloved. "Oh! Philominy, how you've grown," he exclaimed, scooping his daughter into his arms.

"Papa look!" She pointed her tiny hand to her mother who still had the flowers in her hand. Sasuke's face brightened. "Did you pick these?" His dark, obsidian eyes locked onto his wife's as their daughter kept talking about their day. "Welcome home, my love," Sakura said, planting a kiss on his lips.

"Eeeewww." The two chuckled at their daughter then began to walk towards the nursery once more. "I thought you wouldn't be back for another few weeks," said Sakura.

Sasuke shrugged, tilting his head from side to side. "I thought so too, but everything worked itself out a few days after I sent that message." She smiled as Sasuke placed his daughter down into her bed for her afternoon nap. "Go to sleep, princess. I'll be here when you wake up." With that, he left a kiss on her tiny forehead and walked out with Sakura.

As soon as they were in the privacy of their own bedroom, he scooped her up into his arms and placed a very passionate kiss on her suppulent lips. "I can't even begin to tell you how much I have missed you," he said in a low, horse voice causing her to giggle. "Should I help you remove your armor?"

He was still wearing his golden chest plate, shin protectors and everything else that came with his armor, including the bulky helmet he held in his hand. "Please do," was all he said before capturing her lips on his once more, dropping his helmet and pushing her towards the bed. It had been so long since the two had touched each other, causing their hands to roam hungrily.

Both of their hands hastily grabbed at his blasted armor, only wanting it to be gone, as they ripped at the leather straps. As soon as he was free, he removed his dark blue tunic, exposing the rock hard muscles of his chest. It never failed to catch Sakura's eye when ever he walked around with out his shirt on, causing warmth to build up between her legs.

Their lips clashed once more in a fight for dominance as he pulled at her white dress with such force it simply ripped down the middle. She didn't care though, only paused when he wanted to take in the sight of her large breasts that were finally free for him to admire. With one more kiss to her lips, he trailed down her throat and to the erect nipples that seemed to stare at him, wanting his attention.

As she arched her back to him, Sasuke hand slowly wandered down her sides, only stopping for a moment to part her legs. She was so wet and ready for him to take her to cloud nine. First he slid two fingers into her core, finding her sensitive spot and playing with it before removing his fingers to play with her clitoris, smirking when he received a moan of pleasure.

Sakura arched her back again impatiently as she begged with her eyes for him to enter her. Her hand grabbed at his raging hard cock, tempting him to do as she pleased. Onyx clashed with jade as the two played around with each other, never breaking contact as he placed his tip at her entrance. With one last kiss, he placed his head next to hers, only to hear her whisper into his ear.

"Don't be gentle," she said in the sexiest tone he had ever heard from her. With a growl, he plunged into her sopping wet pussy, earning a moan that sounded somewhat like a scream from his horny wife.

He pumped in and out of her with so much force in order to make up for the time they had lost while he was away. It didn't take long for the two of them to reach their climaxes, having been starved of sex for almost two months.

When they both came, Sasuke collapsed on top of his goddess, breathing harder than he ever had before. As soon as their breaths had subsided, he pulled her to him and kissed her temple. "I love you," he whispered. "I love you too."

With that, the two fell asleep in each others arms, relishing in the fact that they could once again feel each other.

For thousands of years, the two fell in love with each other over and over again, watching their daughter grow into a beautiful woman and watching their friends start their own family together.