I finally decided to join the Hummel Quest universe

If you don't understand some things like Scarface/Nightmare, i really sugest to read The Hellhound chapter 8 and 10

The beginning

Scarface, a Leopard 1, found himself in the middle of a town raid by a small tier 5 clan, made of PzIV's, the town was Ensk, he glanced to his right side, down that street one of the PzIV's had spotted him, the PzIV stood in awe, a tier 10 was in front of him, he took aim and fired his poor short barreled 75mm gun, which Scarface easily dodged and fired back, the 105mm shell killed the PzIV instantly.

"One down" he murmured, he spotted another PzIV coming to aid his dead friend, but before he could approach to the corpse a 105mm shell pierced his frontal turret armor, killing him.

"Two down" again, he murmured, he then spotted another two PzIV's "you guys never learn" he murmured, he proceeded to fire his gun, one of the PzIV was struck in the turret ring, piercing it and detonating the ammo rack inside him, sending his turret into the sky, the other PzIV froze in fear.

"Please, don't kill me" were his last word before getting shot by Scarface, he was merciless with anyone who fought against him, then he spotted a Tiger II belonging to the raiders, oh shit, he thought as he dodged the 105 shell shot at him, he fired back at the Tiger II lower plate, setting him on fire, he heard him scream in agony before exploding.

The last PzIV remaining of his clan stood in awe, frozen because of the fear that invaded him, his clan leader, a seemingly invincible Tiger II heavy tank was assassinated along with the rest of his friends, he came back to reality and reversed, he wasn't going to be killed, "I gotta get out of here" he murmured, he tried to leave Ensk, but he suddenly felt pain invade him, he turned his turret to see his tracks were gone, he glanced to his rear only to see a leopard 1 aiming at him.

This is my end, this is it he thought, milliseconds later, he exploded.

"Kill confirmed, six enemy tanks" he murmured.

"Uhh…sir" Scarface heard a childish voice behind him, he turned his turret to see a group of three MS-1's, "thanks for saving our lives" one of the MS-1's spoke, "we wouldn't have lasted a second against those raiders" another MS-1 spoke, "yeah yeah whatever" Scarface said, with that he darted to leave Ensk.

"Niva, who was that tank we just saw?" one of the MS-1's asked, "I don't know Vlad", Niva replied, female voice, "I think I've heard of him" said Milosh, the third MS-1, "it's all legends, but still" he added, looking at the curiosity of his friends, "a black Leopard 1 wandered the BigWorld many years ago, known as The Hellhound, a merciless demon straight out of hell", he added, "it's all legends and fairy tales" he said.

Scarface, wandered aimlessly, he was used to it because it was all he had to do anyways, he occasionally would run into not so friendly clans who thought it was a good idea to dogfight with The Hellhound, night was falling and he had to find some safe place to sleep the night.

Scarface found a place to sleep under a tall and big tree, away from roads and any dangers, he settled down and fell asleep.

On the next morning he woke up, he slept well that night, he grabbed a map from one of his sides an tried to make a plan for his next move.

umm, Himmelsdorf is still under those guys tracks, they haven't been defeated for a long time, so I won't go there, Highway is also defended, I might pay a visit to them, or I could go to Lakeville, maybe there will be fuel there, He was deep in his thoughts, he finally made the choice of Lakeville.

Scarface had traveled some distance already when his instincts kicked in, he glanced to his sides, someone was watching him, he finally caught a tiny barrel coming out of a bush, he smirked and stood there aiming at the bush

"I know you're there" he said, suddenly he was surrounded by an entire clan, about 20 KV-1's appeared out of nowhere, his eyes widened at the sight of so many tanks

"Hold it right there!" one of the KV-1's ordered, Scarface glanced to all sides, he was trapped, "listen, I don't want to kill you all so let me go before I murder every one of your clan mates", suddenly a burst of laugh from the entire clan was heard.

"we have you surrounded, you cannot fight back" one of the KV-1's said still laughing.

"You asked for it" Scarface said, evilly grinning, "Sollicitus Sum Vestram" he said, suddenly his hull and turret turned black, his eyes turned blood red, a black and red aura surrounded him, and his voice changed to a demonic tone, he let out a loud growl.

"holy Stalin Christ" one of the KV-1's said in horror, "KILL HIM!" he ordered, but before everyone can acknowledge the order he was already a burning chunk of metal, Nightmare was awaken, it took only 30 seconds to him to entirely decimate the clan, too easy when everyone freezes in fear when they encounter evil.

I should remain in this form to make any troublemaker run for their lives, he thought while laughing evilly, he continued his journey to Lakeville.

When Nightmare arrived at the outskirts of Lakeville he found that the town was occupied by low tier tanks, oh they will run in fear, he thought

Amara, a Matilda II, stood besides the Lakeville's church in the town center, with her there was her best friend Lara, a Convenanter, and in front of her was Luke, her commander, a Valentine tank, they were chatting about their lives and who knows what.

Nightmare slowly went into the town, he was determined not to use deadly force, but rather, psychological warfare, his appearance was enough to freak out any tier ten.

"Have you guys heard the legend of the Hellhound?" Lara asked, "yeah I have, bunch of fairy tales" Luke replied, "don't be an ass Luke" Lara said, "How is the legend Lara?" Amara asked, Luke just shut up with a smirk on his frontal turret, "The legend tells there was once a black Leopard 1 that wandered BigWorld, he was a merciless de…" before she could end her sentence a fourth deep scary voice came in "demon straight out of hell?" the voice asked, the trio glanced at each other with fear in their turrets.

"a demon, like me?" the black leopard appeared, the trio could only look in fear, Luke smirk vanished into widened eyes when he saw those evil red eyes, the eyes of death.

"Don't worry, I just came to ask politely for some fuel" Nightmare spoke, a few seconds had passed and he hadn't got an answer, "ehh, ma'am?" he asked, "uh…eh…sorry…Lara, give him a few fuel cans" Amara ordered Lara, she made the smartest choice, because they were in front of The Hellhound, who wouldn't hesitate to slaughter them.

"Thanks ma'am" Nightmare said with a smile, "oh, sorry if I scared you" he added, closing his optics and returning to his normal self, Scarface, "now, I won't ask you for gold nor research, I assume you have worked hard to get it" Scarface said to the trio, they just nodded, relief invaded them.

"Are you really The Hellhound?" Luke asked, he still wasn't sure of what he had witnessed, Scarface replied "Yes and no, have a good day sir", he proceeded to leave Lakeville.

Amara, Lara and Luke stood in shock, exchanging glances, "what just happened?" Lara asked, "I guess it wasn't fairy tales at all, Luke" Amara said, Luke didn't say a single word, he was confused by the answer he got, yes and no? was the main thought going through his mind.

On the other side of the lake, in a ridge hugging the mountain side, two T-62A's were watching, "Espada 1 to Espada 2, confirmed visual on The Hellhound" one of the tier ten T-62A's spoke through his radio to his mate, "Roger that Espada 1, resuming surveillance" a female voice radioed back to Espada 1, "Hans, you're alive" Espada 1 murmured, "Saralla will be glad to hear from you" he added.