Disclaimer: I own everything! All of it's mine! ::Hears a beep and checks her watch. Yells out to her friends:: Hey, everyone, time to go ice skating in hell!

Cho Chang returned to her house after her fifth year at Hogwarts. Her parents saw immediately that something had changed her: her eyes, once so bright and sparkling, were dull and full of tears; her shoulders were slumped and she was dragging her feet. They wanted to ask her what happened but had the feeling that she was not ready to tell them yet so they waited.

Cho went up to her room and fell back onto her bed, the tears that she had been holding back now falling freely. She needed to talk to someone about what happened but did not want to have to tell them about it, she needed someone who already shared her feelings, who already knew. She could only think of one person: Harry Potter.

Let's see. what was his relatives' name again? She thought. Hmm. Dursley, I think.

She snuck down the stairs and grabbed the phonebook then went back to her room. She quickly scanned the pages and found the name Dursley, Vernon. She wasn't sure if Vernon was Harry's uncle's name but she assumed it must be because there wasn't another Dursley.

She hesitated slightly then grabbed her phone and punched in the number.


Harry Potter was spreading fertilizer around Aunt Petunia's garden when his uncle called out to him.

"Boy! Get in here!"

Harry ran into the house. "Yes, Uncle Vernon?"

"Someone from your school has called, it seems you left some of your belongings there and you need to make arrangements to go back and fetch your things." Uncle Vernon spat, thrusting the phone into Harry's hands.

Harry was sure he'd brought all his things home- if you could call the Dursley's house "home"- and if he hadn't he wondered why his things wouldn't simply be owled to him. Oh, well, might as well cooperate. "Hello?" said Harry.

"Harry?" said a female voice. It sounded familiar but Harry was sure it wasn't a Professor.

"Yes, this is Harry."

"It's Cho Chang. I'm sorry to bother you but-"

"Not at all. What do you need?" said Harry.

"Well, I wanted to ask you about how Cedric died, was he really murdered by You-Know-Who?"

"Yes, he was. When we touched the Triwizard Cup we found it was a portkey and it took us straight to Voldemort. I'm so sorry, Cho."

Cho sniffed, a few more tears sliding down her face. Harry wiped his face on his sleeve to avoid any of the Dursleys walking in and seeing his tears. He knew it was his fault that Cedric died.

"It wasn't your fault, Harry." Said Cho, correctly interpreting what he was thinking.

"But I- I told him to take the Cup with me, if I hadn't he wouldn't have died. And I didn't even try to stop Voldemort from killing him."

~Don't be so hard on yourself, those tears are for someone else. I hear your voice on the phone, I hear you feel so alone.~

"You wouldn't have been able to stop him. I know you would have never wanted Cedric dead so don't blame yourself." Said Cho.

"You're right, thank you."

"Sure, no problem. I sure do miss him a lot." Cho sniffed again.

"He was a great person." Said Harry, "He shouldn't have died, it wasn't fair, but what has happened has happened and we have to move on."

~Don't cry. you're not alone. Don't cry. tonight, my baby. Don't cry. you'll always be loved. Don't cry. tonight, my baby.~

"Well, Harry, I think I hear my parents coming, I've got to go. Thank you, this talk has really helped me." Said Cho.

"It's helped me too, I didn't realize how much I needed someone to talk to until now." Said Harry.

"Say, how would you like to stay at my house for the rest of the summer?" Cho offered.

"You really mean it?" said Harry.

"Sure. If my parents and you're aunt and uncle don't mind."

"Great. I'll-" Harry's voice was cut off by shouting, the sound of someone being hit and a thud of someone hitting the floor. Cho gasped then heard the click of a phone being slammed down.