Disclaimer: Nope. I still don't own anything except for this plot.

"I… I…" She licked her dry lips, her eyes darting to his face. "I have to tell you something."


~ Chapter 05 – Forever Love ~

"What is it?"

Then everything clicked. The something which had been bothering him. The bipolar way she had acted. The small bump her stomach made, visible through the clothes. The way she was holding herself, arms cradling her midriff. The nausea.

"You…" He stared pointedly at her stomach.

Hermione gulped. "I haven't slept with Ron for a long time," she whispered.

Draco wanted to crumple. "It's mine!" he choked.

"Yes." The words were almost inaudible.

Then, to Hermione's surprise, he gathered her up in his arms and kissed. "Don't ever run away from me again Granger. I'm never going to let you – both of you – go. Ever."

03 Years Later…

A little boy in blue overalls tried to catch the coloured baubles that floated around the Christmas tree, giggling with glee. He grasped only fistfuls of air at first, but then, bubbling with laughter, managed to catch a shiny, floaty little spark in his outstretched palm.

"Look mummy!" he cried, running over to his mother, who sat cross-legged by the fireplace.

Hermione picked him up, and placed him on her lap. "Let's see then," she said, opening his fingers. A delicate globe of light drifted up from his hand and floated right back into the air, only to be caught five seconds later in a two-year-old fist again.

"Pretty!" Scorpius gurgled, peeking at the light through a peephole in his fist.

"Here, sweetheart, see this?" Hermione held out a box of Fairy Lights. "More pretty. You take some and you throw it in the air. Like this." She shook out some marbles and threw it up in the air. The little granules seemed to take flight, expanding out and floating away, lighting up brightly as soon as they were in the air.

Scorpius, forgetting all about the single light in his hand, sprang up enthusiastically. Hermione laughed as she watched her son hop about, this time managing to catch about five at once.

"He'll make a dashing Seeker, won't he?" drawled a voice from the doorway.

She looked up to see Draco, leaning casually against the doorway, laughter written all over his face. She grinned, beckoning. He slouched away from the door, crossing the decorated room, only pausing to add another box to the huge pile already gathered at the base of the Christmas tree.

"Daddy, see what I got you!" Scorpius solemnly dropped a handful of Fairy Lights into Draco's palm.

Draco swung him up into his arms, and equally solemnly inspected the colourful lights. "Very nice, baby. I've got something for you too. Want to see it?"

Scorpius outstretched his hand. "Give!"

"Okay," laughed Draco, pulling out a snitch from his pocket. He put his son down on the ground, then crouched down next to him. "You've got to catch this when it starts flying. Like this." He made a swipe at the fluttering golden ball.

The little boy leapt after the ball and Draco let him, instead sitting down fluidly next to his wife.

"Making Quidditch plans already?" she asked.

"Maybe," he grinned, kissing her cheek. "Happy anniversary love."

"You remembered!"

"Do I ever forget?"

"Well… no. But, thank you." She kissed him.

"Mm. I've got you a gift, but I can't be bothered to go and get it now. You'll like it. It'll bring back memories of a certain... hangover." He smirked.

She smiled, flashing back to three years ago. The coup de grâce for the 'Scandalous Granger/Weasley' love affair, had come in the form of the War Heroine, tying the knot with Draco Malfoy, not even six months after her and Ron's 'fall out'.

With Draco, it hadn't been a 'wedding' wedding. Hermione had made sure of that. It was more of an informal family gathering, topped with a registration and cake.

The matching rings – silver on silver – glinted brightly on each of their fingers, and Hermione couldn't help but smile as Draco absent-mindedly stroked her cheek.

"I have a feeling Scorpius will be an extraordinary Seeker," Draco mused, as he watched his small son.

She rolled her eyes. "Draco, he's two."

"Well, it's never too late to start."

Hermione smacked her forehead. Oh Merlin.

He placed a hand on her bulging belly. "And this one… Mmm, I think, this one will be a great Chaser."

"No, don't you dare! Baby Girl is mine. Perhaps, she'll even be in Ravenclaw."

"Merlin forbid! Malfoy's are only ever in Slytherin."

"Well, then I hope she'll be in Gryffindor."

"I'll take Ravenclaw."


The starlit sky gleamed softly, canopying a private terrace in the Malfoy Manor. A bottle of champagne and two half full glasses lay forgotten as their occupants lay entwined on the white loveseat.

She whispered his name, as he trailed soft kisses down her neck. I love you. I love you. So, so much.

He rested his head against her chest, listening to her pounding heart. She wanted to mould him inside her. "I love you Draco. More than life itself."

He cupped her cheek. "I love you Hermione Granger-Malfoy. Don't ever let go."

Like the empires of the world unite
We are alive
And the stars make love to the universe
You're my wildfire every single night
We are alive…

And *insert drumroll* the end. We're done! Yaaaayyyyyy! :)

Thank you so much to all my wonderful reviewers and fans. I love you guys! And please tell me what you think of this chapter, and the story overall!

Love and review...