This might be the last chappie guys. I'm running low on ideas, and it seems like a decent place to stop anyway. Enjoy!

Zeke tapped his fingers against the table, his head resting in his free hand and looking up towards the ceiling. He wasn't too sure what he was looking at, but he honestly didn't care either. All he knew was that he was waiting for him mother to return, and he was feeling really anxious about it as well.

He wasn't really sure how he was feeling about having a new sibling. A small part of him was excited, while the other part of him was nervous. He adored the thought of being a big brother to someone. After all, it used to be his dream when he was much younger. But now he wasn't nearly as sure... what if it was a girl? He loved his family to death- don't get him wrong. But he'd been around women his whole life, and he'd always wanted a brother. Or at least a dad...

He didn't want his dad back. He didn't even remember what his dad LOOKED like. But anyone who hurt his family was NO father to him. He didn't care what happened to that piece of garbage. All he cared about was protecting the people who actually cared enough to raise him. His mother and his sisters.

Zeke looked up at the ceiling, wondering how his mother was doing at the doctors office. He had heard Jenette treated even creatures, so an alien shouldn't be an exception. Hopefully everything was fine.

The boy STILL couldn't believe his mother was already 2 months pregnant. He hadn't told the others yet, but Novian pregnancy went by quicker, and they didn't show nearly as much. So his mother had 3 months left before the baby got here.

' So does she have EXACTLY 3 months, or less than...? ' He pondered, looking towards the left and rubbing his chin. How long had she been pregnant, exactly? He couldn't seem to figure it out. Would his new sibling be here in 2 months and 2 weeks? Or 2 months and 3 days?... Why was he over thinking this so much?

" Hey Zeke? "

The alien felt his antenna lift a bit at the sound, turning to find Casper's group walking over to him, each sitting at the other side of the table. Each one bore a different expression. Casper was being smiley and scincere, Mantha looked sympathetic, and Ra looked apologetic. Knowing each expression by heart, he knew each one either had something important to say, or they simply had a lecture planned for him.

" Can we talk to you? "

" Sure? "

Zeke said softly, shrugging with his arms up. Casper smiled a bit, and the Novian knew he'd be first to speak.

" How are you feeling about all this? "

The alien sighed, antenna falling to the point they weren't even lifted at all. He should've KNOWN this would be the first thing they'd ask.

" Alright, I guess. I mean, I'm really hoping it's a boy but... "

" Why would you want it to be a boy? "

Mantha hissed slightly, raising an eyebrow.

" What's wrong with it being a girl? "

" Nothing's WRONG with it being a girl, it's just... "

Zeke rested his cheek in his hand again, smiling dreamily, rolling his glossy pupils to look up.

" I've ALWAYS dreamed of what it'd be like to have a brother. Someone who... isn't into dolls or dress up. Mishelle actually managed to get me into a DRESS one time! "

The creatures giggled hysterically at this, surprised to find Zeke not all that bothered by the fact he'd been put in a dress. Maybe it was because he was a lot younger when it happened.

" I love my sisters to death, but I always wanted a guy in my family to hang out with. "

" What about you da- "

Ra began, but was quickly cut off when Mantha curtly punched him in the arm. She quickly turned back to Zeke, to make sure he was ok, however he looked a little irritated.

" Never knew him. "

He muttered coldly.

" Don't want to. Hope he's dead. "

" G-geez! "

Casper yelped, hands out as if to defend himself.

" That's a little harsh, don't you think? "

" Pfft. Not at all. "

Zeke said calmly, leaning back with his feet crossed on the table and his arms beneath at all.

" After he tinkered with Mishelle's L.S.S. and made her cruel, my mom divorced him. I'm GLAD he's gone. Anyone who could do something so cruel isn't worth getting to know. "

" So THATS why Mishelle was such a jerk to you? "

Ra asked, truly curious at this point. Zeke simply raised an eye at the mummy, shrugging a single arm.

" Why do you think I didn't hate her? "

A lone door creak filled the room, causing Zeke to immediately lower his feet to the ground. Paulina was there, looking very seldom. They were almost afraid something terrible had happened. Once she was close enough to the boy, she suddenly smiled widely and took her child's hands.

" It's a healthy... "

Zeke twitched, not enjoying the dramatic pause right now, before his mother tightened the grip she had on his hands.

" Baby boy. "

Suddenly Zeke squeaked, jumping up and down like a little kid in a candy shop.


He yelled happily, rushing over and locking the other three in a hug, hopping up and down with them.


Casper, Mantha and Ra simply laughed and let the alien celebrate, loving every minute he was so cheerful.

End. I hope this was ok for all of you! :D