Chapter One: You Were Right About Me
Lovino Vargas hated awkward situations, much like the one he was in now. Granted, he hated a great number of things, though perhaps hate was the wrong word, but he did hold a great disliking to them. Still, none of that was important. What was important was the situation he had somehow thrusted himself into.
Antonio didn't say anything, simply watched as Lovino avoided his gaze and fidgeted uncomfortably.
It bothered Lovino that Antonio didn't seem as bothered with the situation as he was, he just seemed more lost than anything. How did he ever convince himself that this was ever a good idea? Locking himself in a deserted room after school just so he could talk with his fellow class mate. What's worse, he somehow put Antonio between himself and the door. There was no escaping now.
"Lovi…" Antonio said gently as the younger boy pushed up from the desk and stood tapping his foot.
"Don't call me that!" Lovino snapped. He took a breath and grumbled "I told you to stop calling me that," with the same harshness.
Antonio lifted his hands in surrender, but kept his mouth shut.
Lovino sighed and ran a hand through his hair and looked at Antonio. "Look, I… I just wanted to say that… that you were right, about me."
Antonio looked at him in shock, but let him continue. This was Lovino's chance to talk, to say what he needed to say and really, this was the most Lovino had ever said too him.
"All those things you said the other day—"
"Lovino, I was angry, none of that was—"
"No, sometimes, anger brings out the truth and the other day, all that you said, about me, it was all true."
Antonio clearly did not agree, there was an obvious hint of regret in his features, but he chose not to argue any further, it was clear that Lovino had words planned and wouldn't be swayed.
"It's all true. I'm selfish, rash, inconsiderate, and really kind of an ass. I don't know what got in your head to make you fall for me in anyway, and I'm not going to say that I'm no good for you, but there was one other thing you said."
He paused a moment as Antonio gave him a confused look. If he was being honest, the scene was starting to blur together.
"Unless you open up to yourself, you're never going to allow yourself to be loved." Lovino repeated.
Antonio froze. He remembered it clearly now. It wasn't said out of anger, the anger had long gone by that point, leaving the words floating in air of disappointment.
There was silence for a long moment, before Lovino spoke again.
"It's true and that's why this can never work. You see it, but you just don't believe it, you don't want to believe it. This is how I am, I'm not going to change. Even if I do, it wouldn't be much for the better. I can't be loved, not by you, not by anybody."
Antonio frowned and finally he pushed up from the desk he was leaning against and pulled the younger boy into his arms. "Lovino, that is the biggest lie I've ever heard. You may not return the feelings or accept mine, but I will always care for you, no matter what. Hate me all you want, but that won't change anything."
Lovino allowed himself to be held, if only for a moment before pushing away. Antonio let his arms fall, wishing they could have stayed around Lovino a little longer.
Lovino made towards the door, but paused with his hand on the handle. He turned and looked back at Antonio. "I know."
The Spaniard could have sworn he heard sadness and regret in the tone, but before he could question it, Lovino disappeared from sight, leaving Antonio to wonder if he would ever see the true Lovino ever again.
Hello everyone and thank you for reading! Sorry this is so short, but I don't really expect any of these to be too long. ^^ Anyways, they won't all be this depressing, and they won't be in any sort of order, just random scenes. I hope you enjoy all the same. Thank you!