The Wizard of

A/N: Review and Enjoy :)

Within the Forest of Forever Fall, the students were given an assignment of searching for items that the teachers have scattered. The purpose of the assignment was to test the skills of the students to find what may have been lost, or have yet to be found, as a true hunter/huntress. Each team was given a list of the items to find, some being named, others in the form a riddle to find it. Team RWBY was given ten items they needed to find for the next two hours and they needed to come up with a plan to find said items faster.

"I've got it." Weiss said. "Let's split it up. Two of us find 5 and the other two find 5."

"That's not a bad idea." Blake said. "We could cover more ground if we split up."

"But what if we get lost?" Ruby said.

"Let's just try to find the items first, then try to find our way back." Yang said.

"Ok then." Weiss said. "I'll go with Ruby, and you and Blake go find the others."

"Why do you get to choose?" Ruby said.

"Did you want to pick? I'll let you decide who to go with."

"... I'll go with Weiss and Yang, you go with Blake."

The others look at Ruby with an annoyed expression.

"Dunce." Weiss said.

While Ruby and Weiss go in one direction, Yang and Blake go in another. The two walked around trying to figure out where to find the first item.

"It says we need to find a broom." Blake said, reading from a list.

"Well, that should be easy." Yang said. "What would be the last place we look?"

"You mean the first place right?"

"First or last. It should be obvious since we are in a forest."

"Yeah, but we need to be careful out here."

Yang smiled. "I love it when you get cautious."

"N-now's not the time for that." Blake said, blushing.

The two wondered around the forest and eventually came across the broom they were looking for.

"There it is." Yang said. "I wonder why would this be out here."

"There's obviously a catch." Blake said. There was an usual sound nearby.

"Did you hear that?" Yang said.

"Yeah. It doesn't sound good."

They look around the area and they see 5 wild Ursa appear.

"So it was a setup." Yang said, readying her gauntlets.

"Figures." Blake said, readying Gambol Shroud.

Two of the Ursa begin to attack both Yang and Blake, but the two dodge them and they each take down one after the other. Yang leaps to kill the third Ursa and begins to fight the fourth one.

"Yang! Don't overdo it!" Blake said, worried Yang might get too reckless.

"Don't worry. Just watch me!" Yang said, and she brutally kills the fourth Ursa. "That's how it's done."

"YANG! LOOK OUT!" Blake yelled.

The fifth Ursa comes up behind Yang and she turns to face it. The Ursa then hits Yang really hard, to where she flew 10 feet and lands on the ground unconscious.

"YANG!" Blake said, and she kills the Ursa.

Blake ran over to Yang to try and help her. She saw that she was not responding and was about to cry.

"Yang! YANG! OPEN YOUR EYES!" Blake cried. She pulled out her scroll to activate the emergency beacon for everyone to find them, and she continued to try to wake Yang up. "Hold on Yang! I'm going to get you out of here! Please open your eyes!"

There was no response, and help was on the way.

Yang had opened her eyes and saw that she was laying in her bed. However, it took her a moment to realize she was also in what appeared to be a storm and heard laughter. She looked around to see where the laughter was coming from. She then saw Roman Torchwick was the one laughing maniacally and looking at Yang. He dissapeared, and Yang felt her bed and head spin, making her scream in terror. She wanted all the madness to stop, and suddenly, it did. Yang opened her eyes and saw she was in what appeared to be Vale. She began to question how she ended up in the streets of Vale, when she was clearly in the Forest of Forever Fall.

'Where am I at?' Yang thought. 'I was just in the forest.' Yang then realized what happened to her and the Ursa before she was knocked unconscious.

"BLAKE!" Yang yelled. "HELLO? ANYONE?!"

Yang jumped out of her bed and saw that she was half-naked, wearing only a bra and panties.

"GYAH!" Yang shrieked. "What the hell? Why am I not dressed?" Yang looked around again. "At least there is no one around."

Yang had looked down and noticed a yellow brick road, in the shape of a swirl.

"When did they get this?" Yang said, as she kept looking down at the road, and turned to her bed to see a set of feet. "Oh My God! My bed landed on someone! I killed somebody!" Yang looked closer at the body. "Wait... Torchwick?" She looked closer and saw it was him. "I landed on Roman Torchwick? Oh well. At least he won't be a problem for anybody anymore." Yang smiled, and she looked at his boots that began to glow. "Wow. I never knew his boots looked so cool."

Yang then heard a certain sound and turned to see a glimpse of light. The light then burst and she saw it was Professor Glenda Goodwitch. (A/N: Irony.)

"MS. GOODWITCH!" Yang said, happy to see a familiar face, other than Torchwick's.

"How do you know who I am? And why aren't you dress appropriately?" Glenda Goodwitch said.

"What?" Yang said, feeling upset and confused that her own teacher does not recognize her. "Wait, do you know what's going on here?"

"Judging by how you look and your bed on top of a man, I'd say you either had a bad one-night-stand, or you fell from the sky."

"One-night-stand?!" Yang said, and looked at Torchwick and back at Goodwitch. "Not with him!"

"Of course not. He is a sorcerer."

"A what?"

"A sorcerer. He has been causing trouble in the east, and it looks like you killed him."

"It was an accident."

"Be that as it may, you have done everyone a favor."

"I guess so."

"Let me help you before you see everyone else." Glenda Goodwitch uses her magic to dress Yang in a cute dress and jacket, and cleaned any dirt or dust off of her.

"Whoa." Yang said, surprised. "I never thought you could do this. Or be this generous."

"Come on out everyone!" Goodwitch said, looking around.

Yang saw that a few people came out of the buildings and alleyways and the only people she recognized were Team JNPR. Except they weren't themselves.

"Guys! It's good to see you." Yang said.

"Uhhhhh, have we met before?" Jaune said.

"What? It's me, Yang!"

"Nice to meet you, Yang." Juane said. "I'm Juane, and I represent the Lolipop Guild."

"The what?" Yang said.

"It's nice to meet you." Yang looked over to see Pyrrha was talking to her and with her was Nora and Velvet, wearing ballerina dresses. "I'm Pyrrha, and we represent the Lullaby League." The three bow to Yang like actual ballerinas.

"You guys are just making stuff up as you go, aren't you?" Yang said. She looked over to her bed and saw Ren was examining it.

"Well, I think I've seen enough. With this certificate of death, I declare the sorcerer is dead." Ren said, and everyone cheered.

"Not the kind of reaction I was expecting or even thinking everyone would have." Yang said.

Just then, a shroud of thick black smoke appeared. Some of the people begin to run and hide again, and then Cinder appears.

"Wait... Isn't that...?" Yang said.

"Cinder. She causes trouble in the west." Goodwitch said.

"Good to see you, Glenda." Cinder said.

"What are you here for now?" Goodwitch said.

"Isn't it obvious? You killed Torchwick."

"No I didn't. She did."

"WHAT?!" Yang said, slightly pissed off that her teacher would actually snitch on her.

"You?" Cinder said. "What the hell did you do?"

"It was an accident!" Yang said.

Cinder walked over to Torchwick's dead body.

"Torchwick, my love." Cinder said. "I will avenge you."

"Her love?" Yang said.

"I'm sorry, but first I'm going to have to use your boots for this one." Cinder said, and she was about to take Torchwick's boots. However, the boots disappear and Torchwick's body shrinks and disappears when there is nothing left. "NO! Where are the boots!"

"Your looking right at it." Goodwitch said, pointing to Yang.

"What me? I don't have-" Yang looked down and saw she was wearing the boots. "Whoa, these really are stylish."

"Give them back to me!" Cinder said.

"You know the rules." Goodwitch said. "The boots were magic so they found a new host. They will stay on her for as long as she lives."

"That sounds- Wait! For as long as I live?!" Yang said.

"Fine!" Cinder said. "But I'm keeping the cane!" Cinder takes Torchwick's cane. "But know this, the boots will be mine. I will get you my pretty!"

"You think I'm pretty?" Yang blushed.

"I- Uhhh..." Cinder blushed. "Never mind! I will find you!" Cinder creates a cloud of smoke, and disappears.

"You had something to do with the boots, did you?" Yang said to Goodwitch.

"That's not important now." Goodwitch said. "What's important now is your safety."

"Safety?" Yang said. "I can take care of myself."

"And just how are you going to do that?"

"Easy. I'll just use my-" Yang looked at her wrists, and realized she did not have her gauntlets, hence being half-naked earlier. "What? Where are my gauntlets?"

"How can you defend yourself if you can't fight?"

"You can fight. Can't you protect me?"

"Sorry but I have bigger things to attend to."

"What?! Just like that your going to leave me?"

"No. If you want to be safe, then you should go and see The Wizard of"

"Ozpin? He's here?"


"Right... So I guess this means I need to go to Beacon?"

"So you do know where to find him."

"Of course I do. You are there 100% of the time."

"Not necessarily, but I am going there later."

"So when is the next transport leaving?"

"Transport? You can't just get there by something you can rely on."

"Of course..." Yang was growing furious. "So how do I get there?"

"Just follow the yellow brick road, and you will get there. The Wizard of will take care of everything else. I must go now, so I will see you later." Goodwitch then disappears.

"I just want to go home!" Yang said.

"Well, maybe The Wizard can get you home." Jaune said.

"Your not helping." Yang said. "So just follow the yellow brick road, huh?"

"Yeah! Follow the yellow brick road!" Nora said.

"Follow the yellow brick road." Velvet said.

"Follow the yellow brick road." Pyrrha said.

"... Follow it." Ren said.

"Ok, I heard you the first time!" Yang said.

"We're just trying to help." Jaune said.

"Ok, I'm sorry. But I guess I'll see you guys later." Yang said, and started walking down the yellow brick road, off to see The Wizard, The Wonderful Wizard of

A/N: I bet by now you might know who the other three are. I don't mean to hate on Torchwick, but I needed something that could actually follow through, since there are Wizard of Oz references throughout the series itself. I will be working on this story and other fanfics, so this may take a while for the next chapters. Anyways, I hope you like it, review and stuff, and check out my other fanfics. See you in the next chapter. Thanks :)