Right Place, Right

Chapter 1/Intro

Hi, I'm Ally! Wow that really sounded cheesy. Am I even doing this right? I'm not so sure how to start a journal entry. My parents just got me this a couple a days ago for my 15th birthday and it was just sitting and staring me in the face saying,"Please write in me!" So here I am trying to figure out what to write in this. This is suppose to help get my feelings out because that's what my parents said when they gave this to me. Still here I am trying to figure out what to say and how to say it. My English teacher says that journal entries aren't suppose to require no thought because it's just you, your pencil, and your paper. She also says it just like speaking to someone who isn't listening. So I guess I'm gonna start by introducing myself properly and tell you what's going on in my life right now. The name is Allyson Dawson, a.k.a Ally Dawson. I just turned 15 and right now I live in Miami, Florida. I'm going though some hard times right now. My Mom died on my 15th birthday, which was about two months ago, and I just back from the funeral. So ever since she died my Dad has been in and out the house, I'm mean his constantly on "business trips". To be honest I haven't cried at all because I'm telling myself it didn't happened and she still here. But one day I know I'm going burst and I just hope someone is there to comfort me. So thanks for listening journal. Hope to talk to you soon.


Ally Dawson

I smile as finish reading my first journal entry from six years ago. Yep, I'm 22 and I no longer live in Miami. When graduated at 18 from Marino High I packed up my bags and moved to New York. I went to MUNY and graduated a year early. So here I am sitting on a couch in my condo on a Saturday and reading my past journal entries. I hear a familiar text tone and I reach for my phone to see who texted

From: Trish

To: Ally

Hey Ally! Wanna go check the new café on 4th Street?

From: Ally

To: Trish

Of course!

I grab my purse and put my phone in it. As I'm about to walk out of my condo I grab my journal just in case inspiration hits. Finally exiting my condo I get on the elevator and make my way down to the lobby.

"Hello, ! Would like me to call a taxi?" My doorman politely

"No thanks. It such a lovely day to walk." I answer

The streets of New York are so different than any street in the world. You never know what you're going to see. I suddenly get a melody in my head and I quickly pull out my songbook/journal and begin writing. Suddenly hear barking and I begin falling. I was expecting to make hard contact with the sidewalk but instead I come in contact with a strong pair of arms.

"Whoa there!" I hear manly voice probably belonging to the owner the strong pair of arms

"Thanks for saving me." I thanked

"No problem," he answers "Oh you drop this." He said handing me my

"Thanks again." I say and he nods.

"I figure you want the name of your rescuer, so my name is Austin. What's yours?" He asks

"I'm Ally, and I'm glad my rescuer was a cute guy like you, crap I said that out loud! I'm just going walk away now." I start walking but I was stopped when Austin grabs my wrist.

"No don't leave. And I'm glad a caught a beautiful girl like you." He says. I blush at his.

"Hey where are you headed to?" He asked.

"Stalker much?" He chuckles at this.

"I'm headed to the new café on 4th Street to see my friend." I answer.

"Well let's exchange numbers and we can go out sometime." He says while reaching in his pocket for his phone.

"Ya sure!" I say. We exchange numbers and we separate in different directions. I look behind my shoulder to glance at him once more. He does the same and winks at me with his hazel eyes. Of course I blush. I have a feeling like I'm going to a lot of this Austin man.

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