I'm no longer apologizing for starting more stories when I should be working on the ones I already have. It just sort of happens.
Disclaimer: I own nothing you recognize from something else. This applies to all following chapters.
Warnings: This is a triple crossover between Harry Potter, Eureka, and Iron Man. Right now, Iron Man's not too evident but in future chapters, it will take a more active role. If you don't like triple crossovers, then just don't read this one. Also, Harry's timeline has been moved to work with Eureka's and this story is currently set before the start of the show. Iron Man's timeline might be changed slightly as well.
CHAPTER 1—He Isn't Wanted
Petunia Dursley grimaced as she cleaned, making sure to perfectly disinfect every spot of her kitchen from where Dudley had thrown his tantrum and made such a mess. Mashed up food had been sprayed everywhere, along with some nasty glass shards and she'd been working for hours now. Her hard work was paying off though, and every visible surface was sparkling once more. She just had to make sure it was all perfectly germ-free for her Duddikins.
She stopped suddenly as a sharp crack echoed down the street and she became nervous as all of the outside lights began to go out. Carefully, she turned the dim-so-as-not-to-wake-Dudley kitchen lights all the way off. And she waited. And waited.
When she heard the sound of a great motorcycle and then a large thump though, she snuck to the hall closet and pulled out the bat she'd bought for herself in college for protection. It was a heavy wood and felt comfortable in the grip of her thin hands.
As she edged through the hall toward the door, she could tell that there were an assortment of people on her front step and she wondered if it might be better to call the police but she daren't make a sound.
When she heard an enormous wail though and heard the word 'Harry,' something snapped inside of her. She slammed open the door and started swinging, hitting an older woman in the stomach and smashing firmly into an old man's kneecaps. The man fell the the ground, crying out in pain.
Despite her fear and shock, Petunia made short work of informing the group that she was not looking to adopt. With one last hushed yell of "If you're so worried about the freak's safety, then why don't you just put him out of the country?" she slammed the door in their faces. She carefully put the bat away then and set about finishing up with the last of the disinfectant spray before heading to bed, eeling much safer.
Dumbledore didn't know what to do now. Petunia had been his one hope and he couldn't for the life of him understand her reaction. His newly regrown knees still ached from the memory of the damage she had inflicted upon them. He was only glad that Poppy had agreed to look after young Harry over the last few days.
Albus Dumbledore had looked into appropriate wizarding families, muggle foster care, and everything else he could think of, but nothing would work for this young chosen one. Nothing would provide him with the protection he needed. So, left with no other options, Dumbledore looked into Lily Evans' geneology as far back as he could, looking for cousins or aunts or anyone who could potentially take in a young child. There was no one. Lily's family had been small and what little there had been had been killed by death eaters in the war.
After all this failure, it was understandable how he might look upon a little sliver of mild success as if it were a brilliant ray of sunshine. He couldn't believe his eyes as he looked upon what he'd just discovered. Lily Evans was related by blood (albeit quite distantly) to two men in the United States. Both of them were busy and might not have time for a child, but they were also both filthy rich, which meant they could hire nannies. It wasn't ideal, but protection was more important than comfort at the moment.
It was with a great deal of pleasure and excitement that Dumbledore quickly created an international portkey, made a note of its approval, and activated it, dropping himself into a spacious living room overlooking a large city.
And after a confrontation with a disembodied voice, weapons blasts coming from nowhere, and several well-muscled people, it was with great displeasure and a severe lack of excitement that he was removed from the building before ever getting a chance to speak to its owner.
Needless to say, Dumbledore was much more careful when planning his visit to the other man. He found out both where the man lived and where he worked and chose to meet him at home. It was on Sunday evening that Albus portkeyed to a nearby location before walking to the door of the man's apartment and knocking politely. It took Dumbledore ten minuted to determine that nobody was home. It was time for a different approach. The next morning, he went into the man's office building and spoke to a young woman sitting behind a desk. It took quite a while to convince the young lady, even with a mild confundus charm, but he managed to get a meeting scheduled for the next afternoon. Smiling, he returned to his castle and prepared the adoption papers that would be necessary for moving Harry overseas.
When Dumbledore arrived back at the building, which was at least ten stories high, he mde his way to the desk once more and after waiting a full twenty minutes, was escorted to an office on the very top floor. He was instructed to have a seat and as soon as the young woman left he transformed the offered chair into something much more comfortable.
The man he'd come to speak with entered in a manner that was decidedly less than friendly. Never looking up from the file he held open in one hand and the flat metal and glass object in the other, the dark-haired and bearded man fired off "Who are you, what do you want, speak quickly, my time is valuble."
Slightly taken aback, but determined nonetheless, Dumbledore cleared his throat then answered, watching the man lean up against the desk that bore a sign with his name: Nathan Stark. "I am Albus Dumbledore and I'm hear to talk to you about a boy called Harry Potter—a distant relative of yours."
The man looked up, his expression just short of hostile.
"The boy's parents were the unfortunate victims of a terrorist attack and his life is still at risk. It is felt that it would be safest to remove him from the country and place him with family."
The man's expression became more hostile by the second.
"I'm going to tell you some things that are very hard to believe, but I need you to believe them because Harry's life depends on it." Mr. Stark raised an eyebrow and Dumbledore told him the story of how Voldemort had risen to power and how Harry had defeated him and why it was so important he be raised away from that with family. Mr. Stark circled around the desk and began typing after only three sentences and when Dumbledore completed the tale, he smiled.
"Very nice, Mr. Dumbledore. Lovely tale, very entertaining. However, it was a waste of my time. Please leave."
Dumbledore stood and transfigured the chair back to its original form before looking the man straight in the eyes, which now held a curious and rather unbelieving tint. "I need you to take this seriously, Mr. Stark. I understand that this all is a lot to take in, but for Harry's sake, you must listen to me."
It took some convincing and several demonstrations as well as the introduction to a member of the American version of the ministry, but finally, Nathan Stark signed the papers.
It was on December the ninth, 1995 that Professor Albus Dumbledore delivered a nearly one and a half year old Harry Potter to the American muggle. The man took the child into his arms reluctantly and with a slight frown. "When will he start showing signs of magic?"
"We've been over this, Mr. Stark. He already has magic and will have accidental outbursts anytime he feels extreme emotions, but the bursts should definitely begin to show before his eighth birthday unless he is especially controlled."
Nathan frowned again and looked down at the black-haired, green-eyed child before looking back up at the Professor. "Is that all?"
The old man smiled then pulled a portkey out of his pocket and activated it.
Nathan Stark never claimed to be a good father-figure. He did his best to spend time with Harry around his hectic work schedule and hired people to do the rest, but despite the lack of frequent interaction, the child had started calling Nathan 'Daddy' by Christmas. When he didn't seem to be developing fast enough, Nathan hired a tutor for him to make sure Harry learned how to speak properly and then read and write. By the time he was old enough for pre-school, Harry Stark could have easily entered second grade. By the time he was seven, he was studying advanced middle school subjects.
Nathan still spent more time at work than he should and not nearly enough time with Harry, but he did his best to make time when he could and Harry knew that his dad was proud of him. They often spent time together in a lab, building things or expirimenting. Every time he got Harry to do magic so he could study it, Nathan smirked, pleased to no end that he had resources his cousin didn't.
When Nathan met Allison Blake, though, everything changed.
Nathan's time away from work was cut in half and obviously the seven-year old was resentful. It all changed again, though, at his first serious burst of accidental magic.
Nathan opened the door to his apartment and stepped through it backwards, kissing Allison as he did so. Harry made a face at the scene and Nathan noticed, but just sent him a 'behave' look. "Where's Kevin?" Allison asked.
Harry made a face that was probably supposed to convey how very much he didn't care and Nathan warned him with a much firmer look. "In the other room, I guess. He didn't want to do anything with me." Allison went off to find her son and Nathan kneeled down on the floor in front of his.
"Harry, I know you don't like the situation right now, but it will get better. How about we set up specific times for just you and me?"
"I don't want specific times, Dad. I want everything back like it was." Harry folded his arms and pouted.
"That's not how it works, Harry. I love you very much, but there are other people that need my attention. And you need to work a little harder at getting along with Kevin. I know he's different but that's all the more reason for you to be understanding. I need you to be a big brother to him."
Harry's eyes went wide with shock and Allison reentered the living room with Kevin and sat down on the couch with him. "Harry, Kevin," she said. "We have something we'd like to tell you. We're getting married. We're going to be a family."
Nathan smiled and Kevin didn't seem to react at all, but Harry seethed. It felt like a big something was welling up inside of him and waiting to explode outwards. He tried to take some calming breaths, but when Allison touched his arm and asked him a question, Harry lost control of the something inside of him and it got away. In a second, every piece of glass in the apartment had shattered, every object had fallen from its shelf, and every electronic had shorted out. And Allison had turned green. Quite green. With blue hair.
Kevin looked completely frozen with fear and Harry panicked. Looking at the damage all around him, he ran to his room, scared half to death and his anger at his dad completely forgotten. Had he done that?
Nathan shot Allison a look that said he'd be back and followed Harry quickly, knocking before entering the room and coming over to sit on the bed. Harry fliched away when Nathan tried to put an arm around him and blinked tears out of his eyes.
"Harry," Nathan said calmly. "It's alright. You got a bit emotional and you lost control. It's okay." He reached for his son again, pulling the child into a hug. "I know it's a lot of changes, but we're going to get through this." Harry broke down and sobbed in his dad's arms.
"I'm sorry I broke everything."
"No, Harry, it's fine. This means we get to study some more magic. That technology short was interesting. It seems to happen every time. Maybe we can put together something that won't do that. What do you think?"
It was only a couple more years before things with Allison fell apart and she left, taking Kevin with her. Harry didn't mind too much. He'd nearly grown fond of Kevin, but he never said anything, so it wasn't a huge loss. He didn't like seeing his dad sad like this though. Allison had said she'd left because Nathan spent too much time working and not enough time at home focused on family. He couldn't seperate the two. This was due partially from him constantly working with Harry in the lab to figure out the magic-proof technology thing. They'd gotten several working prototypes, but Allison didn't know about magic and so she didn't understand what was so important about it and she walked away.
The separation helped Harry and Nathan to grow closer than ever though, and soon they had a whole arsenal of everyday technological devices that not only didn't short out when exposed to magic, but were actually partially powered by the jumps in the mysterious energy that always seemed to hang around Harry.
And on the thirtieth of July, 2005, when Harry received a parchment letter inviting him to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he and Nathan sat down to have a long talk—a talk that changed everything in a whole different way than Allison had.
Please let me know what you liked and didn't like. Chapter two will be up soon, but reviews are super motivational. :)
Thanks for reading!