A/N- Hello beautiful people so this is my NEWEST story:) I also want to give half credit to my friend Joyel (joyjoy242) because she is also collaborating on this piece of work. So basically this is like a duo story in which were both working together to make it the BEST STORY EVER, so this is only the prologue so that means if we get a good amount of reviews on this chapter, we'll continue to write some more so make sure to review! So this is going to be a bit short but it will give you a taste on what's to come...

Disclaimer: Joyel and I will probably never own Austin and Ally, so we only own the plot:)


Kissed by the Baddest Bidder

Ally's POV

"Ally have you started on room 231 on the second floor? You know how Mr. Kunchi gets ticked off if his rooms aren't clean." I sighed and wiped a bead of sweat off my forehead. I've been working so hard today...

"Yeah I know. I mean all this for some silly party?" I said to my best friend Lacey.

She started to fold a towel, adding it to the stack. "It's not just some party it's the biggest party of the year and it's being held here at the Grand Central Hotel!" She boasted excitedly. Today we were having to work extra hard in the hotel. Lots of famous and important people from around the world are coming here for a party hosted by the famous Asher Smaw.

So in order for him to boost my paycheck I have to work double time, tonight as waitress and a maid.

Yay... note the sarcasm.

"I really don't want to go." I said throwing some cases into the washing machine. Lacey rolled her eyes at me, "Come on Ally you're going to meet so many famous people there maybe you'' get the break you've always wanted!" She cheered. "Lace, I'm never going to become famous. Look at me! I'm a maid for crying out loud."

She patted my back, "All good things come to those who wait." And with that she picked up the stack of towels and exited the wash room. I sighed and sat down in a chair, head cupped between the palms of my hands. Why did I even decided to work here, it's not that I hate my job but it just feels like I'm going to be stuck here forever and forever is a really long time.

But since I'm working for minimum wage, and I can barely afford my apartment as it is, I'm forcing myself to work here no matter what. As Lacey said 'all good things come to those who wait'. I got up and pulled my hair back into a ponytail as I dusted off my maid's outfit, which wasn't entirely too comfortable.

I walked out of the room and went down the hall, suddenly Cassidy my boss and her posse of friends Kayla and Kylie appeared, "Ally, be a dear and clean all the rooms on the first floor. Make sure every bed is made, every dust and piece of dirt is picked up and removed, oh and scrub down the toilets real well. I heard some kid had an accident last night in one of the bathrooms." She said feigning sympathy.

I chuckled in annoyance, "B-But Cassidy, I have a shift tonight at the party, plus I've cleaned almost every room on the second floor with Lacey today! I don't think I'll have time to go change into my waitress outfit and do the shift tonight."

She bit her lip in hesitation, "Awe poor Ally Dawson, well you're going to have to do the first floor tonight either way. So looks like I'm going to have to take your shift at the party! That way you can get all your work done."

My jaw dropped.

She was totally playing me into her game.

"But Mr. Kunchi assigned me that task." I spoke through gritted teeth. "And I'm your boss since Mr. Kunchi is busy. Look Ally it is my job to keep all the maids in balance and if you don't do your job like the rest of us, I can get Mr. Kunchi to fire you anytime I want." She said flashing me a devious smile.

Kayla nodded, "She's right Dawson we all know you need this job."

Kylie flipped her hair and patted my head like I was some puppy, "But don't worry. We'll let you clean the bathrooms all day tomorrow sound good?" She said and laughed. Cassidy pursed her lips, "Come on girls I need to get ready for the party tonight."

And with that they all sashayed away.

I groaned and leaned against the wall.

Could this day get any worse?

A/N- So what do you think huh? Good? Bad? Make sure to leave a review and tell us what you think!:)

-Tay and Joy:)