Vague Prompt from punk-rock-science (aka herwhiteknight): High School, Werewolf!Sarah protecting Cosima

Pairing: Punky Monkey

A.N. Hey y'all, hope you enjoy my collection of shorts and drabbles. If you dig my work, come visit and/or follow me on Tumblr at b00ksandcleverness dot tumblr dot com. I'm always up for some more prompts!

"Hey, freak!"

Cosima groaned internally, and kept walking, determined not to pay attention to the call. It happened frequently enough that she knew exactly who was calling her name; Rachel Duncan, her boyfriend Paul Dierdan, and her cheerleader chronies. Rachel had always hated Cosima, though she could never really figure out why. She figured it was because Cosima was top of her class, in every class, and Rachel hated being second. Paul and the rest of the cheerleaders just did whatever Rachel told them, and what she told them was usually to torture the Geek Freak.


Cosima was in her last semester; she'd be graduating a year and a half early, and she couldn't be more thankful. One more month, and she'd be saying farewell motherfuckers to this hell hole. It was going to be a very good Christmas.

School was over for the day, but she'd left a few things in her locker that she'd needed to grab before she walked home. Unfortunately, that meant that most of the students and teachers had vacated the hallways, leaving her vulnerable to the group of people who despised her. She was suddenly jerked back a rough grip on her bicep, making her stumble into the lockers and drop her shoulder bag, which was quickly snatched up by a faceless cheerleader and dumped all over the floor. Cosima was suddenly grateful she'd decided to leave her precious laptop at home today, because it never would have survived crashing to the hard linoleum floor.

She glared at Rachel and Paul, who were smirking at her. "Really dude? Was that totally necessary?"

"You must learn to listen when you're called, Cosima." Cosima rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, okay, sure. No prob. Next time I'll stop and lay prone on the ground so you don't have to push me down before you kick me." She spat with venom. Paul lifted his lip in an ugly snarl and pinned her against the lockers with one large hand against her shoulder.

"Oh, Cosima, you should know I never do the…physical work myself. So uncivilized." Rachel's cold voice made her shiver a little; her anger had gotten the better of her this time. She knew that the more quiet she was, the more likely they were to leave her alone, but now apparently she'd pushed Rachel a bit too far. She didn't actually think they'd hurt her physically (well, not much at least) but they would make her life even worse over the next four weeks.

So she might as well make it count.

"You're such a fucking bitch, Rachel. You need to pick on everyone you think is less that you to make you feel all high and mighty."

"Hey!" Paul shouted, making her flinch. "Don't speak to her like that, freak." He was now poking her firmly in the chest with each word, and it hurt. God she wished Sarah was here. Her girlfriend had graduated last semester, and taken with her Cosima's main form of protection. No one messed with Sarah Manning, no matter how much they hated her. Even Rachel had left her alone for the most part. But now Sarah was gone and Cosima had been left to fend for herself for a few months.

"Bully." She spat in his face, and forced herself not to flinch as he leaned down closer to her face.

"Say it again."

"Coward. Toady. Cretin." Before he could say anything in retaliation, a terrifying snarl sounded through the hallway and seconds later Paul was forcibly thrown sideways, away from Cosima to her great relief. That was, of course, until she saw that it was Sarah who now had Paul pinned to the floor with one black eye and was poised to give him another. He looked like he was about to shit himself.

Cosima lunged forward and wrapped her arms around Sarah's torso, tugging to get her attention. "Baby, stop. You're about to shift, I can feel you shaking." She was whispering frantically, still tugging Sarah away from Paul.

Sarah's entire body was wired tight enough to snap, and subtle tremors were running through her body. Cosima knew if she could see Sarah's eyes they would be glowing gold, the wolf inside her showing through. She was seconds away from shifting into her full werewolf form, which would be highly problematic to say the least. In an attempt to calm her down, Cosima pressed gentle kisses to Sarah's neck before biting gently where her neck met her shoulder. She nearly buckled in relief when Sarah relaxed back into her. Crisis averted momentarily.

"Good girl. That's it baby, just calm down. I'm okay. You saved me." She could feel Sarah slowly calming down and she released her grip around Sarah's torso to grab hold of her hand, and buried her face against her shoulder.

Sarah squeezed her hand and when Cosima looked up, she was both relieved and slightly worried to see Sarah's eyes were still a bright shade of yellow. Sarah gave her a toothy yet feral grin, and turned her attention back to the mob. Cosima let go of Sarah's hand briefly to gather her scattered papers and books, and shouldered her bag once more.

"Rachel, Paul. It's been a while. Seems it didn't take long to forget me." Rachel sneered at her as Paul struggled to his feet, wiping a spot of blood from his lip.

"Sarah. How unfortunate. You know, Paul could press charges."

Sarah scoffed. "Yeah, but we both know he won't, right Duncan?" Cosima was inordinately smug when Rachel remained silent behind her expressionless mask.

"So here's what's gonna happen, yeah? You're all gonna forget this happened. You're never gonna harass my girl again. And I won't have to beat the ever living shite out of each and every one of you, yeah?"

The cheerleaders all nodded frantically in unison, while Rachel waved her hand indifferently and Paul spat on the ground. Sarah took that as agreement. "Right. Well. Pleasure doin' business."

They all turned to go their separate ways, but Sarah stopped and turned back. "Oi, Rachel!" In a flash, she strode over to Rachel and planted her fist into her cheek, causing Rachel's head to snap to the side as she stumbled back."

"Sarah!" Cosima shouted, terrified that Rachel might do something in retaliation, but she simply straightened and met Sarah's eyes blankly.

"A promise is a promise, Duncan." Sarah intoned, and she grabbed Cosima's hand once more as they left the building.

Cosima was laughing as they reached the car, all of her pent up emotions from the last 20 minutes releasing themselves.

"My hero," She gushed playfully at Sarah, bumping her shoulder against the older girls'.

Sarah smirked at her, and leaned against the front door, pulling Cosima into her and wrapping her arms around the geek's waist. "Yeah? Am I? Well, what's my reward then, eh?"

Cosima rolled her eyes and nuzzled Sarah's nose before giving her a gentle kiss, which Sarah quickly took advantage of and deepend.

When they broke apart, Sarah rested her forehead against Cosima's. "What was that, Cos? You promised me everything was alright. I thought the bitch and her sheep had left you alone?"

"Heh, well, I just….I didn't want to worry you, Sar. I mean, I can handle it - I usually just keep my head down and ignore them and it's alright, I mean my books get beat up and stuff but, it's fine dude. Just…I dunno I got so pissed today."

"Cos, you shouldn't have to keep quiet to avoid being bullied! You should be able to say whatever's on your mind, baby. This is ridiculous!"

"Sar, I've only got a month left, and after today I think they'll leave me alone. But you, missy, nearly exposed your entire race to the two people who would love nothing more to exploit that!"

It was Sarah's turn to roll her eyes. "Yeah, because when I sense my girlfriend is in pain and scared out of her mind I have total control over my instincts, Cos. It's not that easy."

Cosima smiled tolerantly and nuzzled her again. "You silly werewolf. I love you."

Sarah's grin reminded her of an excited puppy. "I love you too, Cos."

"By the way, what did you mean 'a promise is a promise', when you punched Rachel?"

Sarah smirked. "I told Duncan if she ever messed with you that I'd mess up her pretty little face. I don't think she believed me. Now maybe she'll think twice before doing it again."

Cosima laughed. She suddenly felt much more optimistic about the next four weeks.