Katniss and Peeta could barely believe their eyes. Johanna in the elevator stark naked. Haymitch, like a perv, kept his eyes on Johanna. Effie on the other hand tried her best to shield the children's vision.

"Come on Eff, the kids are almost adults," Haymitch said.

"Yeah Effie, the kids are practically all grown up now," Johanna said.

"Why would I let them see such a vulgar sight?" Effie questioned.

"I agree with Effie," Katniss said.

Peeta could only stay silent, but it's clear he was enjoying the moment.

"I think Ms. Effie Trinket is jealous," Johanna said with a smirk.

Effie looked Johanna up and down.

" Quite frankly I don't see anything to be jealous of." Effie said with a smile.

Before Johanna could say anything, the elevator chimed.

"Well here is your stop, ," Effie said practically pushing her out of the door.

"I can't believe you said that Effie," Peeta said.

"Well Effie's right. Effie has Johanna beat in that department," Haymitch said.

"Look whatever you two do when we're not around should stay under wraps," Katniss says shuddering.