It had taken nearly a year to fix everything wrong with Gotham's prison system, but here they were: The opening day of the new and improved Arkham Asylum. Jinx had completely overhauled the entire staff, and was in the process of bringing criminal charges against those responsible for torturing the inmates.

She had also set up dozens of new rehabilitation programs, and protocol allowing the youngest inmates of Arkham to be transferred quickly and safely to Jump City, and for villains like Mad Mod and Brother Blood to be sent to Arkham instead of being kept with the children.

Batman and Jinx had agreed it was safest if Jump City held onto the Joker. He was getting desperate to get out, and would almost surely try to use the move back to Gotham to escape.

Jump City prison was continuing to operate with a perfect no-escape record, and a recent survey of the inmates showed that most of them didn't even want to escape anymore. The exact words used were "It isn't worth trying to get out anymore. The food here's better than at Hive Academy anyway," but Jinx was counting it as a win, at least for her nutrition programs. She could only hope for the same success in Gotham, a city where she couldn't come back and deal with it every single time there was a minor problem.

Off the books, Jinx had gotten to shake hands with Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. She had nearly passed out with the effort of looking like she wasn't excited to meet her former idols of villainy. Jinx even offered them a job after they had each served their multiple life sentences. (Luckily, Arkham Asylum had many opportunities for inmates to use their individual skills for the betterment of everyone. Jinx couldn't stand lost potential.)

Jinx reflected on the past year as the opening ceremony speeches dragged on. That isn't to say that having both Batman and Bruce Wayne as speakers wasn't completely amusing, but Jinx couldn't focus on anything but Cyborg's metal hand in hers, Robin trying to look stoic but supportive and ending up somewhere near 'proud parent', Beast Boy slowly getting less and less excited until he fell asleep in his chair, Starfire nearly bursting out of hers in a sustained state of excitement that had lasted three days before the ceremony, and Raven giving Jinx a small smile and a nod when she looked over.

Somehow, one little act against villainy had led her to this: Sweet kisses with Cyborg whenever she wanted them, trading sarcastic quips with Raven as fast as a game of professional ping-pong, talking fashion and boys with Starfire until they collapsed into a giggling mess on each other's beds, playing pranks both with and on Beast Boy indiscriminately, and Robin ruffling her hair when she did anything particularly un-villainous (Jinx ducked away and complained, of course, but every time it happened the warm glow in her chest convinced her that she'd made the right choice).

There was nowhere she'd rather be, Jinx decided, than right here, surrounded by the people she loved. Well, okay, maybe not here, Jinx amended, glaring up at the perpetually gray and overcast Gotham sky. But the sentiment is there. Once upon a time, Jinx would have berated herself mercilessly for even applying words like "sentiment" to her own life. Once upon a time, Jinx thought that caring about anything but herself was a disadvantage.

But once upon a time, Jinx took a hit for a little girl in the middle of a battlefield while she was fighting against the very people around her now.

Once upon a time, Jinx had a team. Now she had a family.

And now Jinx knew that a family was all she'd ever wanted.

Because of Jinx's work, there wasn't much for a team of superheroes to do in Jump City anymore. Robin was thinking of making the Teen Titans global, starting with Tokyo. Jinx thought it was a great idea, even if she knew that he only planned on Tokyo first because he wanted to reenact his and Starfire's first real kiss.

The Titans split off into teams of two to canvas the rest of the globe. Beast Boy and Raven took off to a part of Africa where Beast Boy could speak the language, which left Jinx and Cyborg going to France. It had been a very long time since Jinx was in a French class at Hive Academy, but she was looking forward to the challenge, even if most of what she could say boiled down to "surrender", "give me the money", and the names of food. Her only comfort was that Cyborg was even worse at it than she was. While they were practicing, he spent ten minutes trying to find "Hi, how are you?" word-by-word in the French-to-English dictionary. Jinx made an extremely valiant effort of not laughing at him, but eventually the giggles won out. (She just taught him how to say "Je parle très mal français" and "répétez, s'il vous plait" and called it good.)

Jinx never officially joined the Teen Titans as more than an auxiliary member. She was terrified of the possibility that she might have to fight one of her friends, and she was far too busy anyway. On her trip to France, she got no less than three offers from people who wanted her to fix their prisons, and when she and Cyborg got back to Titans Tower, there were dozens of messages asking for the same thing. After she had sat down on the floor in shock for a while, she went on with answering all of them. She set a modest stipend for herself, and soon she had made more money honestly than she ever had stealing. She used that money to become the biggest funder of the new global Titans headquarters, because she "had to beat out Bruce Wayne Cyborg you don't understand it's a matter of pride".