To celebrate this day I've decided to make this last chapter of this famous story and also something else to look forward to in the future. So enjoy!

Anger, hatred, frustration, pain, that is all Reiner could think about as he walked in the forest. Surrounding him are at least twenty titans of different sizes all resting.

Reiner stopped and starred at the giants, noun of them noticed him

"WHERE THE HELL WERE ALL OF YOU?!" he shouted but noun of them answered him if they could.

"Welcome back."

Reiner turned around fast to see the Beast Titan standing tall and gazing down at him.

"Finally you show up!" shouted Reiner.

"No need to raise your voice," spoke the Beast in a soft tone. "Where is Yamir?"

"She betrayed us!" Reiner shouted. "But that does not matter did you know what happened today!?"

"Yes I saw what had become of Berlot," said the Beast Titan. "What a magnificent form he was given I would very much liked to study it."

"To hell with that he was killed again by that monster!" Reiner shouted as tears started to fall from his face but he wiped them off quickly.

All the Titans where now watching the conversation and it seems all of them twitched as Reiner said monster, as if they all know what he was talking about.

The Beast Titan rubbed his chin in thought. "Hmm yes the Great Predator as the humans call it, it has become quite the problem for us all, perhaps if I found Berlot first I could have found a way to stop this creature once and for all."

Reiner stared at the Beast Titan then he took his left hand into his pocket.

"Hey!" he shouted gaining the Beast Titan's attention as Reiner pulled out a clothed object.

"I think this will help," Reiner said as he removed the cloth to show a piece of white flesh with black crystals on it. "It was all that was left of him and it's not even healing anymore."

The Beast Titan slowly lowered it's right hand and picked up the flesh carefully with two fingers and raised it up to it's face gazing at the flesh.

"Hmm it may take time but I believe I have an idea," said the Beast Titan smiling.

Reiner to smiled finally they have a chance to get rid of the Great Predator once and for all.

The end?

Author's notes pt 2. Well folks that is the secret ending but what there is something more.

Enjoy this little trailer for the next installment on the Godzilla/Attack on Titan story that will be worked on when we get around to it.

One year has past

(The sun shines on the town of Tanakibo.)

(Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Levi, Jean, Connie ride with their horses to the city.)

Mankind has grown bolder

MIKI SAWGUSA: Already we begin to make more houses and construct towers

LORA: Well minus the walls

(Moll and Lora laugh)

Threats are still out there

(A 7 meter Titan runs out of the forest and charges the town)

(Eren get's ready to bite his finger when Sasha grabbed his hand)

SASAH: Give him a moment

But no longer as a major threat

(As the Titan got closer the ground beneath it's feet shook and soon felled as a full grown Anguirus rose up and roared in the Titan's face)

SASAH: That's my boy

Mankind has become stronger

(A group of ten people dressed in the same cloths as the survey corps but with grey/green colors)

Old faces return

(Eren and Levi turned around from the group in shock as Erwin Smith walked towards them)

LEVI: so your back

(Erwin stares at the group while wearing the same uniform and having one arm missing)



(The group raise their blades towards a symbol of Godzilla)

An old enemy returns with a new threat

(Reiner spies the town in the forest with three unknown figures behind him)

REINER: Your ready?

(The middle figure gave a wicked smile)

UNKOWN: Let's get this party started.

(Then the three figures raised their hands to their mouths and bit down causing green lightning to strike down on them)

New creatures

(The people at Wall Sina felt a large gust of wind they look up to see Rodan fly down and pick up a two horse carriage with his talons)

A NOBLE MAN: These beast are becoming a problem more so then any Titan!

(Baragon erupts from the ground and started attacking the people)

(Cut to black)

Once this world change

(Everything stopped as the sky lighted up)

Now it will change again

(A black hole appeared in the sky then a flaming object came flying out far out of sight from the walls)

(Then a much large object descended from the sky)

HISTORIA: What is happing to our world?

(The object was a large saucer)

(In a bright light two orange dressed men appeared in front of Historia and the council)

ORANGE SUITED MAN 1: Do not be alarmed we wish to bring peace

(The large flying saucer fired a red beam at an army of oncoming Titans and wiped them all out)

EREN: Thanks but we already have something to get rid of the Titans

(Godzilla Roars in the rain as he is surrounded by Titans and then he fires is atomic breath)

ORANGE SUITED MAN 2: And what will happen when your Great Predator becomes your enemy?

(Godzilla lifts Eren in his Rouge Titan form and is about to bite his head off)


(Anguirus and Godzilla start charging at each other with Rodan descending towards them)

New Dangers

(The Armored Titan charged at the Survey corps only to be stopped by a giant sythe like claw)

(A mass of grey ooze was moving towards Tanakibo then two orange eyes opened up from the mass)

(Armin, Moblit, and Dieter stood in front of two human figures)

DIETER: Who are you?!

(The one in front licked his lips and lifted his hand to his face while the other one had a gloomed look on him)

UNKOWN FIGURE: It's dinner time

New faces

(Eren, Mikassa, Jean, Connie, and Hange looked up to see the Gotengo flying over head)

(Levi got up on the machine only to have a sword near his neck, he turned to see Douglas Gordon by him)

GORDON: Get the hell off my ship kid

(Jean fought against Ozaki while Mikassa fight against Kazama)

(Eren was about to fight when a hand grabbed him, he turned to stab the figure but it still stood)

EREN: What are you?

(The figure is Jet Jaguar then he ripped the sword out of it's chest)

MIKI: Your not here to hurt us are you?

(Jet Jaguar bows to Miki then gave he a thumbs up)

(Ozaki, Gordon, Miyuki, and Dr. Shiragami stood in front of the Survey Corps)

MIYUKI: Listen what every the promise

(The two orange suited men stared at a creature with one red eye, sythe's for hands, and a saw on it's belly)

MIYUKI: You must not trust them.

JEAN: So why should we trust you?

(Godzilla roars as lightning strikes his Dorsal plates)

Mankind faces a new challenge to life

ORANGE SUITED MAN 1: This is the day we plan for.

ORANGE SUTIED MAN 2: First we must rid ourselves of some troubled pests

GORDON: Look kid if that lizard is anything like the one we used to have then it wont help anyone

EREN:I know he will help

(Godzilla marches across the land)


(Godzilla stops in front of the walls and looks up at the UFO)

(Eren looks at a bed where Miki lays unconscious with a bandage on her head)

EREN: Cause….I have hope

(Godzilla charges up his atomic breath and fires at the walls)

Z-King and Lord Primeval presents

GODZILLA X TITAN 3: All out strike!

(Mikasa walked inside a huge metal entrance inside she sees a huge metal cylinder holding inside a multitude of electricity. Then suddenly Mikasa stood still in her spot at the cylinder as three shadows covered her. These three shadows had the form of a dragon)

Coming in 2015

Author's note pt 3. Well that's my first Fanfic trailer so go easy on me if it was bad okay and hope all of you have a merry Christmas, a happy holiday and a Happy New Year!

PS. Here is a list of the monster we used in Godzilla X Titan 2.

1. Godzilla (Godzilla X Megaguirus)

2. Anguirus (Showa version mainly the one from Destroy all monsters)

3. Shockirus (The Return of Godzilla aka Godzilla 1985)

4. Kamacuras (Godzilla Final Wars)

5. Kumonga (Son of Godzilla)

6. Gorosaurus (Showa)

7. Varan (Showa)

8. Krystalak (Godzilla Neo Matt Frank design check his stuff it's good!)

9. Axor (Godzilla Hannah-Barbera version)

10. Manda (Godzilla Final Wars)

11. Rhinosaurus (Godzilla the series)

12. Quetzalcoatl (Godzilla the series)

13. Giant Rat (Godzilla the series)

14. Terror birds (Primeval)

15. Gorgonopsid (Primeval)

16. Bagorah (Godzilla Dark Horse comic)