Hi there, I made another story for "Not a Waste After all". But this time, it focuses on AoKise Family.

I don't know, if you will like it. But I hope you will. You can also tell me what you think, and I'll be happy to read them.

Hope you enjoy reading this another version! Please enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke and the cover picture, just made a fan fiction and edited the picture for entertainment purpose only. Thank you :D

Not a waste after all: AoKise Version

It was a sunny morning, birds tweeting, people talking and walking, some are on their daily exercise routine. Among the people, who are currently running, was a blond hair woman goes by the name Aomine Ryouta. Her name during Middle school and High school was changed after she got married with a classmate of hers from Middle School.

They didn't start dating until they reached High School, and got pushed when some rude guy started to threaten her. Her husband heard it all, rushed inside and beat the guy with punches and kicks. That is how they started to feel something for each other. Well, on her case. She fell in love at him first, then after some months later. He suddenly asked her out on a date, which she agreed right away.

There are times that they fight, quarrel, and ignore the other, but they still knew they love each other. A big misunderstanding also happened between them, and they split for almost one year. They only made up after her husband brought her ninety-nine flowers, and sung a love song to her with the help of their middle school friends.

Now, here they are married for six years with a blessing of three sons.

Upon reaching her home, she was greeted by her five year old son who was named Aomine Daisuke and her husband Aomine Daiki, who was currently giving his son a horseback ride, making him crawl all around the house.

"Good Morning Mommy" He greeted while giving his father a kick on his shoulder.

"Good Morning Daicchi, what are you doing to your dad?" she greeted back, while picking him up from her husbands' back. Her Husband stood up and gave her a kiss on her checks, greeting her good morning.

"Playing!" the boy cheered. "MAMA, I'm hungry. Papa sucks at making pancakes."

"Papa went to the kitchen?"

"Yup, and he made a mess, and the pancakes he made taste ewwy" the child told on his father while sticking out his tongue at him. It was clear to him that his son hates him, when he is near his mother. He gave an evil smirk to his son and placed both of his arms to his wife hugging her and kissing her checks again and again, making her blush. The son saw this and went near to his father foot and stomped it strongly, the father felt the pain and crouched down.

"Hm? Daikicchi? What's wrong?" His wife asked, oblivious to her husband and sons' glare towards each other. The boy raised his arms to let his mom pick him up and the mother complied. He places his arms around her and smiled. They went towards the kitchen, giving her husband her back view and her sons' face towards him. The boy smirked, he placed one finger below his eyes and pulled it down and stuck his tongue out.

The father raised one of his eyebrows and smiled. He followed his wife to the kitchen and sat one of the chairs next to his son, who was standing on the chair with his hands on the table.

"You sure did a mess in here, Daikicchi"

"We got Hungry, and it's not like I was the only one who made the mess"

"You mean Daicchi too? Did I not tell you not to let the kids inside the kitchen?"

"Well, I think? I'm not sure" he replied back, earning him a smack in the head from his wife. His wife went again inside the kitchen and started making some pancakes, while talking to her husband. The dark blue haired boy got bored sitting and observing his parents and so he decided that he wants to play with his brothers. He went down from his chair and toddled towards the twins' room.

Upon entering, he was greeted by his brother's smiling face with their tiny teeth's showing it to their big brother. He went towards their crib and climbed up to get inside. He sat down, which the twins followed and started playing.

The parents' were busy talking that they failed to notice their first son walking away. When the pancakes were done, the wife turned around with the plate full of pancakes. She set it down at the table and asked. "Where's Daicchi?"

"Dunno" His reply.

"By the way, do you want to go on a Family outing?" She asked her husband hoping he will agree. But her smile fell when her husband waved his hand, giving her a 'No sign' and slumped to the table.

"Why? It would be fun. You know."

"You just want to go on one, because you felt jealous. When Toshi shared his outing with his mom and dad."

"Is it bad to go on a family date?"

"Nah, not really, but it will be a waste of time. Last time we end up going home before we reach the destination and fell asleep." His wife went silent and pouted. She stomped her foot and went towards her twins room, not liking to see his face for a while. Her husband shrugged her actions off and stood up from his chair, took a fork and a plate to use and sat back down to eat some pancakes.

By the time she arrived on her twin's room. Her pissed face was already replaced with a smiling face, she entered the room and was greeted by her three sons inside the crib.

"MAMA" her sons cheered upon seeing her.

"No wonder you weren't in the kitchen Daicchi. You want to play with your brother" she smiled as she picked up her five year old son from the crib.

"Yup, I got bored and I want to play!" He cheered.

"Hmm, did you wake your brothers up?"

"NU-UH, Shin and Sho were already awake when I came in"

"I see, oh yeah. Daicchi, pancakes are already ready. Do you want to eat now?"

"UHN. YEHEY!" the boy cheered as he ran towards the kitchen, leaving her twin brothers and mother alone.

"Good Morning Shincchi, Shocchi. Did you two have a nice dream?" she asked while carrying them both with both of her hands. The twins, namely Shinji Aomine and Shoji Aomine cheered 'yes' and nodded their heads, excited on seeing their mother after playing with their brother. They placed one of their chubby hands around her neck, while being carried by their mom. She went inside the dining room and found two high chairs being set up by her husband. He went towards her and took the other twin to his hands and placed them both together on their high chair.

She looked at the table and found her eldest son face dirty from the syrup. She went towards her eldest and cleaned his face with a towel, leaving her husband alone on feeding the twins.

"DADI, DADI, DADI!" the twins cheered while being feed by their dad.

"What is it?"

"DOWNN" asking their father with a smile while showing him their toothy grin. Being the lazy father as he was, instead of have them finish their breakfast. He unfastened their belt and put them down. The twins toddled towards their mother, which made her surprise. She raised her head and found her husband watching some basket shows from the television, while drinking some orange juice. She looked at the twins' plate and found it unfinished.

"Hey, I thought you were feeding them"

"They said they want down, so I set them down"

"Are you an idiot?" She sighed and took their plate. She went towards the living room, followed by her sons. The eldest already finished his breakfast, sat beside his dad and stole his drink from his hands. The wife sat on the floor while her twins are both on her side. She was about to feed them their breakfast, but flushed red when she felt the twins lifting up her shirt and bra and started drinking milk from her breast.

"Wh-wha-what are you guys doing?" She shouted slowly, face flush red. She covered her face with both of her hands from embarrassment. Her eldest and husband saw what happened and started laughing at what she is in now. She gave a glare towards her husband which made him shut up and averted his attention to the television while trying to hold his laughter.

"Seriously, I feel like I am feeding puppies. You know, you can just ask Mommy if you want to drink milk. Not like this." The twins glance at their mom and continued sucking from her breast. The mother sighed and placed both her hands under their bum. She placed them carefully on her legs and leaned at the couch.

The eldest stop laughing and went closer to his mom. He stared at his twin brothers drinking milk from her chest, which made the father, grinned.

"What is it Daisuke, did you miss drinking Mother's milk?" He teased his first son with a grin on his face. "Ohh, so my five year old son is still a small baby inside. It is okay, after them, Mommy can always give you milk." The boy got mad, he stomped his feet and went towards his dad.

"AM NOT, Daisuke's a big boy. Daisuke is no baby" he shouted back referring to himself by his name.

"Really? Then can you bring your daddy some orange juice then?" The boy went towards the table, climbed up the chair and then to the table. He saw a plastic cup from the table and the pitcher of orange juice. He poured the juice to the cup and climbed down the table. He placed the cup near the table and went down the chair. He took it from the table and went to his dad. He gave it to his father with a smug face.

"See, I am not a baby. I can do simple task." The father took the cup and found that it was only half filled. He chuckled and ruffled his son's hair.

"Good job. I take back what I said" He congratulated his son, which made the boy happy and sat beside him.

The wife sighed from the display and chuckled. "You know. If you want some juice, you can just ask him gently next and not tease him. My Daicchi is a big boy after all" she said towards her husband while her eyes are at her twins, who are finished drinking milk and burped. She took the towel from her shoulder and cleaned her twins face from the mess and her chest. She wore her bra correctly and put her shirt down. He stared at her wife's chest, and stared and stared, until he started thinking about dirty deeds on what he can do to his wife. Ryouta felt chills and raised her head to find her husband staring at her breast, with a dirty look on his face.

"Where are you looking at Daiki? Are you even listening?" She turned around, showing him her back and with her face red.

"No need to be embarrassed, I already saw them a lot of times." He teased. She decided to ignore him for a while and talk to her sons instead.

"By the way Daicchi, Shincchi and Shocchi, do you want to go out and play?"

"You're ignoring me?"

"UH-Uh" the boys cheered excitedly.

"Okay, let's go but let's changed clothes first" She smiled towards them and cheered. She averted her attention to her husband and told him to change his clothes too. The husband was a bit reluctant to go, remembering what happened last time on their family date. During their first family date it was only the three of them, worst things happened after the other and they ended up going home. Daisuke was wailing loudly and they were in a mess, clothes dirty and wet. After they changed to new clothes, they ended up sleeping in the living room. So he concluded to never go to another family date again.

"Hurry up and change. This might be different than last time" his wife cheered positively.

"Fine, don't blame me, if things do not go well. But I'll warn you, this will be a waste"

His wife sighed from her reply but remained smiling.

"No worries, no worries. It will be fine, I tell you" She assured him and went closer, she placed her arms around his neck and gave him a small peck on his lips. She was about to retrieve her arms from her husband, but failed. He held her tightly on her waist and kissed her again. They smile towards each other and let go to change.

After they were done changing, they went outside the house and locked the doors and gates. Both parents have a child on their hands, while the eldest is at the center holding their other free hand.

They went towards the park and started playing. The twins are left with their mom playing with the sand box, while dad played with his eldest on the swing. Pushing the swing high up and this made the boy giggle loudly.

When the swing was within his reach, he picked up his son from his back and placed him in his shoulder. The boy giggled and started tickling his dad on his checks. Daiki went towards the monkey bars and made his son hold on of the bars which made him dangle. The father encourages his son to move to another bar and he did, after he reached the fourth bar, his hands slip.

Seconds later after he fell, a loud scream was heard followed by a loud cry. His father hurried his feet towards the boy and carried him. He placed his right arm to the back of the boys' head to sooth him, and walked towards his wife.

Upon seeing her husband carrying her first son, she went towards them and took the boy from his hands. The boy immediately hug his mother for comfort, she went towards the bench leaving the twins and her husband in the sand box. She sat down with her son sitting on her lap facing her with his arms around her neck. The boys' wailing slowly subdues, and started to sob softly with snot running from his nose. Ryouta took a hand towel from her pocket and wiped her sons' nose.

Daiki, the father, felt bad but was left alone looking after his twins. After minutes of playing with his twins, his first son went inside the sand box and started playing with them. All cheered up, like nothing happened.

"I told him you will treat him desserts, and got all cheered up" she murmured to his ears smiling. The father sighed and nodded his head, in agreement.

After an hour passed playing in the playground, they got hungry they decided to eat lunch first. They went inside a family dinner and ordered some food. Daisuke, their five years old son, who usually starts running around the store and gets hurt, is behaving on his chair while coloring at the coloring paper that was provided by the store.

His father, who was sitting beside him, started teasing him but got ignored. As he got infatuated with coloring the paper with lots of colors, his father sighed and ruffled his hair.

The twins, who are sitting on a high chair, started fighting and end up crying loudly. The parents sighed and carried the twins on their hands. Shoji, who was being carried by his dad, cried more and raised his arms to his mother. The mother complied and exchanges their kids in their arms. But this time, it was Shinji who cried loudly and raised his arms towards her. The mother sighed and took the twins on her arms.

Their ordered foods arrive, and it was a good thing that the twins are already cheered up. They placed them back inside the highchair, and started feeding the babies while eating their lunch.

They finished their meal and paid for the bill, they went outside the family dinner and went straight to the shopping district, to buy new clothes for their sons.

They went inside the children's clothing store and Daisuke immediately look for some new clothes and tried them on, with the help of his father.

He took a liking to two shirts and one short pant and placed them inside the basket cart while giving a smile to his mother. The mother smiled back at him and started looking for clothes for the twins.

After their clothe shopping, they decided to take a rest at a café and ordered some desserts as what they have agreed.

They went inside Ahmi's café and ordered some desserts. It was a mess with three children's. One running around the store, while the other two making a mess in the table. The eldest who kept on running hits his head on one of the table and started crying again, the mother carried his son on her arms and apologize to the store owner for the disturbance.

She went to their table and sat at the couch, trying to soothe her son again but failed. The father took his son in his arms and went outside the store to calm the boy down, leaving his wife and the twins.

She sighed and turned her attention to the twins, upon seeing their dirty faces, she giggled and warmly said to her sons "Look what we have here. I've got two little dirty faces, come on. Let's have mommy wipe those cream off" while cleaning their face with a wet tissue.

The twins giggled from their mothers' voice and started to mutter some words while making some squealing sounds. Minutes later, her husband came back with her son holding his daddy's hand with eyes red and puffy checks. Daisuke sat beside his mom and started eating his cake without a word. She asked her husband what happened, but he remained silent and smirked towards her.

After they finished their cake, they paid for their bill and went outside of the store.

Before they decided to go home, they made a short stop at a basketball court. The father, who missed playing basketball, joined the kids who played street basketball. Daisuke got interested at the game and decided to join, the kids didn't want the child to play. But they got teased by the taller man and end up agreeing saying that, they will beat him with his son as a handicap.

Ryouta, who was at the side line, also missed playing basketball. But she has to take care of her twins and decided to stay and watch her eldest son and husband play instead. It was almost dinner time when the family got tired, and decided to go home.

They arrived to their home and ate their dinner. After they finished dinner the twins were already asleep in their crib, while the eldest snoring softly in the couch tired from playing outside. The father took Daisuke on his arms, changed his clothes and placed him on his bed.

He went to the dining room and found his wife snoring softly at the table. He went towards her and carried her with his arm like a princess. He kissed her checks softly which made her squirmed a bit on his hold, moving her face close to his neck and placed her arms around him. Her husband laugh and kissed her head, slowly he went inside their bed room and closed the door.

He placed her on the bed and lied down beside her. "I guess, it was not that a waste of time after all" he murmured to her ears and kissed her lips.

"Told you" Ryouta who was awake all along, pulled her husband neck and kissed him back on his lips. They stared at each other eyes and started kissing each other again.


How was it? Did you enjoy reading or not? Feel free to tell, I would be happy to know what you think.

Like/review if you want. :D

I made a poll, please vote if you like. It is for a FaryTail fanfiction though.
